The Dauntless Twins

By BethHarrod

13K 291 228

What happens when two twins switch from Erudite to Dauntless? Will they be able to stay united? Or will the c... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 1

2.9K 33 2
By BethHarrod

I am going through and updating this story. I will write updated at the top of each chapter when I am done with it. I am changing a few things so if some things don't line up that is just because I haven't made it to that chapter yet, bare with me. ☺️


Maylyn's POV-

Two words, Aptitude Test. It is a simulation that tells you what faction will best suit you. I do not want to take it because I know it will give me some fruity-peachy, goody- two-shoes faction. Such as Amity, the land of the fruity, friendly farm people or Abnegation, the home of the boring. The thing that angers me the most is knowing Brooklyn will test into the faction that I want to call home. Dauntless. Brooklyn is a fearless, no bullshit, make-it-happen kind of girl. She does not care what you think of her or her attitude and Brooklyn has absolutely no problem telling you how it is. Through her actions and words my parents have no problem deeming her the "screw-up" child. She cannot and will not be controlled no matter how much they scream at her.

The most important thing that you are told about the Aptitude Test is not to tell anyone your results. They are absolutely kidding themselves if they think my sister and I will not tell each other. I can't help the nervousness that sets in as I wait to take my test. It is eating me up inside knowing my fate and how disappointed my twin will be when I have to rely the news that I am not Dauntless material. My leg starts to bounce as my brain keeps recycling bad thoughts.

"Maylyn, you may come in now." I shake the horrible speculations out of my head and try to clear my mindset as I jump up from the seat.

We were already told that the person conducting the test would be from Candor. They are driven to be honest and unbiased so these tests will always be done accurately. I like that it isn't another Erudite member, they are always quick to tell their people that they need to stay in the faction so I have no doubt that they would give false results.

"What is your name?" The lady looks taken aback by my question. Almost as if, no one ever asks.

"Clair, nice to meet you." I shake her hand and look at her appearance. Clair has her black hair tied back in a bun and she is wearing a formal white blouse with a black pencil skirt. Very proper, that's how I would describe her.

I follow Clair to a random room. There is a big machine with a chair connected to it. My eyes wander all over the room as I start feeling uneasy seeing all of the wires. I can't help but shake my head at my actions knowing Brooklyn would never be this nervous or unconfident in herself.

"Sit down." Clair directs me. She starts to hook me up to the weird contraption, then hooks herself up to it also. She gives me a vial of clear liquid. "Drink it."

I swish the liquid around in the container. I know many people have had to take this same concoction before me but I still feel anxious about what it will do to me. After all, I could have an allergic reaction to it. I could possibly die from it. Do they really know it is safe? Have they done proper testing on it? I force my thoughts to stop and quickly down the cold liquid.

The boring, drab room fades away and I find myself in a completely different space. Looking from left to right and all I see is darkness. There are no walls, there is no ceiling, nothing of but black fills the void. However, there is an old, wooden table directly in front of me with knives and cheese on it. To say I am confused would be an understatement.

"Choose," I feel my soul leave my body at the sound of this booming voice scaring me. Once my heart rate comes back down to normal I look at my options again. For some unknown reason, I instantly want to reach for the knife. What if the simulation turns into survival mode? A knife would be a great thing to have if so. But what if the simulation turns into someone needing help and food is what they need? I hate simulations. It could literally be anything. For some reason my mind is telling to choose the cheese. Honestly, I love cheese and that is all the motivation I need. I pick up the cheese and the table quickly begins to fade away.

Before having time to properly process the changes, a dog is charging at me. I can't be afraid of something that looks so precious. This dog has the fluffiest white fur. These are the types of dogs you just want to lay down with and pet all day long.

As the dog gets closer I see it snarling at me and can hear it growling.

Okay, maybe not so friendly but it is freaking cute.

Get it together, Maylyn.

I decide to kneel on the ground and reach my hand out for the dog to smell me. Most dogs are only intimidated by humans when they are aggressive with approaching them. By getting on their height level and letting them come to you, they are typically more at ease.

The fluffy dog is a couple of inches away from me when it jumps into my arms, knocking me over backwards and stealing the cheese out of my hand. I let out a sigh of relief knowing this cute dog is not going to attack me.

In a blink of the eye, the simulation fades and I am back into the room I started in.

"Erudite." Clair curtly states.

I am completely caught off guard. Erudite? That wasn't even one of the factions I thought I would get placed into.

The only words I can make out are, "Excuse me?"

"You got Erudite." She clarifies and without meaning to, I shoot her an angry look.

"How so?" I say through gritted teeth.

"You used knowledge about how animals would react. You left nothing up to chance. You may leave now."

How did I not see that coming?

I quickly leave the room and head outside the building to meet up with Brooklyn. Without speaking to each other we instantly start walking home, knowing we cannot discuss the results of the test until we are in a private space. When we reach our home we both sprint upstairs and go in our shared bedroom, shutting the door behind us.

"What did you get?" Brooklyn and I say in unison.

"On three!" Brooklyn says excitedly.


"Dauntless!" Brooklyn screams.

"Erudite." I say much quieter and with sadness instead of the happiness she shared her news in.

Brooklyn looks at me with a worried expression. "Hey, it's okay, the test is stupid anyways. We know where we want to go and that test can't decide it for us. I don't even know why they make us take it if we just get to choose where we want to go afterwards."

I just nod and head to bed. It is nice that she is trying to comfort me but I knew this would happen. In appearances we are identical but in personalities we are nothing alike. She is destined for Dauntless. Everything about her screams Dauntless. Nothing about me does. I am just as drab and fearful and boring as everyone else in this damn faction. The only thing I have going for me is my intelligence. Maybe I shouldn't go to Dauntless. Intelligence would certainly help me there but it will not help me fit in. I should stay in Erudite and let Brooklyn rule over in Dauntless.


It is the day of the Choosing Ceremony and I am struggling at making my choice.

As little kids, Brooklyn and I knew we wanted to switch factions. Erudite has always been too uptight for us. Everyone is a know-it-all among more intelligent know-it-alls who are constantly trying to prove they know the most. It is a very frustrating society to live in and I don't have it in me to constantly try to outsmart everyone. Which brings me to our leader, Jeanine Matthews. She is an insane, power hungry woman who uses her knowledge maliciously. I do not trust her and having a leader like that will only led to bad things. For that reason alone, I do not want to stay.

I could be like our oldest brother, Cameron, and choose Amity like he did. Although, I don't see myself being happy there. I don't care for hugs instead of hand shakes. I don't see the point in always wanting to keep the peace. I strongly believe sometimes you have to rile people up to make good changes happen. I am not complaisant and I am very assertive when I want to be. No, I cannot be apart Amity.

Well, there is Abnegation. Land of the gray wearing, selfless stiffs. They dress very conservatively and I don't think I would want to do that my whole life. I would like to think I am selfless but when it comes down to a life or death situation, I am just not sure. I know if it was between saving me or my twin sister, without a doubt, I would save her but I don't about other people. Me even questioning this is enough to know I do not belong in Abnegation.

What else? Candor. God no.

That leaves Dauntless. Maybe I do have to choose it. Why can't I be firm in my choice? I want to be as confident as Brooklyn right now.

My nerves are definitely resting in my stomach. They are flipping, twisting, and turning in every direction right now. I want to vomit sitting at this ceremony waiting to be called upon. I know both of my parents are watching me. I am their only hope at having a kid that chooses them. They know Brooklyn will not stay and they are okay with that.

I turn my head and start counting down the number of people left until it is my turn. My eyes widen as I realize there are only three people until I have to make this decision.

I wish I didn't have to go before Brooklyn but since they go alphabetically backwards, I am up first. Part of me thinks if Brooklyn goes before me the pain my parents will feel from her leaving will lessen the pain they will have about me leaving but I know that is not true.

"Opal Jones." This girl is wearing a long, flowy red dress signifying she is in Amity. She confidently chooses to stay in Amity.

The next person goes and chooses to stay in their own faction as well. Then the boy right next to me is called. He smirks as he takes the knife from Marcus Eaton, the host of this years ceremony. The boy cuts his palm and chooses Dauntless.

"Maylyn Ford." My heart drops to my stomach and at first I don't move. It isn't until Brooklyn nudges me that I stand up and walk up to the five metals bowls in the center of the stage.

One bowl containing glass for Candor. The next bowl holding burning coals for Dauntless. The one after having soil for Amity. The following has water that is now red from some of the previous soon-to-be initiates choosing Erudite. The last bowl holds grey stones for Abnegation.

I feel intimidated right now by having to make this life altering decision. Having everyone's eyes on me doesn't help.

Marcus holds out the knife for me to take. I stare at him for only a second before taking the knife.

'The quicker you do this, the quicker it will over here over.' I think to myself as I slash my palm.

I place my hand over coals letting the blood drip onto them. Soon after, I hear whispers and gasps in the audience. I cannot make out what they are saying as my name begins to be chanted by the Dauntless members as were the other names from previous people who also choose this faction.

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