Hidden Luna

By mommabear1518

43 14 0

After losing what was left of her family Lucinda aka Luce decided to move away to a little town to start her... More

Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:

Chapter 5:

2 1 0
By mommabear1518

It took about 2 hours for the locks to be changed on both the front and back door, and for her to make Damon and Sarah leave who were persistent about staying until it got dark. Once everyone was gone, Luce stripped and got into the hot shower. Her body and muscles ached from what she could only assume was the stress of today. Letting the hot water run over her, she stood there thinking about the events of today and how protective Damon was of her already. While part of her loved it, there was another part that screamed for her to show him she didn't need to be protected and that she could handle her own. She wasn't sure what had gotten into her lately. The anger that came over her today was so sudden. She had never felt that type of rage before. She wanted to lay into him and show him how tough she really was. That wasn't like her though, not at all. She never chose violence and always stayed levelheaded. Maybe it was just everything hitting at once, it just overwhelmed me and I reacted, she thought to herself as she slipped on her black, thigh length lace nightgown and headed into the kitchen. Grabbing a bottle of water, she looked out the kitchen window, and scanned the area to see if the blue eyes from last night were back. After standing there for 15 minutes looking, she decided that there wasn't anything out there and it was best to call it a night. She made sure all the doors were locked before climbing into bed and falling fast asleep.

When her alarm went off, she awoke once again to a cold house. Turning off her alarm, she looked around and noticed her bedroom window was open.

Did I leave that open last night? She thought to herself as she walked over and closed it. Her body and muscles ached, she felt as though she hadn't slept at all. Sighing she rubbed her sore muscles and headed out of her room.

After walking into the living room and making sure the front door wasn't open once again, she headed into the bathroom to get ready for the day. She looked at her phone and noticed 8 missed calls from Damon, 5 missed calls from Sarah and about 20 texts messages. Rolling her eyes, she sent them both a good morning text and went back to getting ready. She decided on black leggings, and her burgundy hoodie, after getting dressed she threw on her black boots, pulled her hair up in a ponytail and headed out the door for work.

Damon waited for her to pull out of the driveway, and once she was completely out of view he headed towards her house. The scent was back but it was still weak. He checked the back yard and found tracks, they headed into the tree line and disappeared before reappearing at the tree line from the side of the house. He followed them over to Luce's bedroom window where they disappeared. She had tracks coming to and from her window, meaning whoever it was had left, but the question remained, what do they want? Who are they and why now? He shook his head and headed back into the forest where he shifted into his wolf and ran back to the pack house, to see if there were any updates on the borders.

The bookstore only had a few people in today, leaving her a lot of time to catch up on her reading and reply to the thousands of texts she kept getting from Damon and Sarah. She was so annoyed by them checking in every 5 minutes that she put her phone on silent and stuck it in her purse. There was no need to be blowing her up all day, she would text if anything was wrong.

She got about an hour of silence before the bell to the front door rang, signaling a costumer had come in. But it wasn't costumer, it was Sarah, and she was stomping straight towards her.

"Do you have any idea how worried I was when you stopped answering me? I expected to come here and find you missing or something but no, you're sitting there with your nose in a book." Sarah yelled as she threw her hands in the air.

Luce let out a long sign, marking the page she was on she closed her book and looked up towards Sarah.

"I turned my phone on silent. Because you and him have been blowing my phone up constantly all day! Every 5 damn minutes you both would text and ask the same damn thing over and over again. I am FINE. If I wasn't I would text you or call you or send the bat signal." Luce said rolling her eyes. She was exhausted and over today. All she wanted to do was go home, take a hot shower and soak her sore muscles then go to sleep. She wasn't in the mood to be hounded,

"Fine. I get it, we check in too much. I'm sorry, but at least we care. By the way, are you feeling, okay? You look like crap." Sarah said looking her over. She looked like she hadn't slept in days, there was bags under eyes and she looked on the verge of falling asleep any second.

"I'm fine, I'm just tired. I thought I was sleeping well but I guess not. I don't see how; I go to sleep early every night and don't wake up until my alarm goes off. I feel so blah, and I'm sore all over. Maybe I'm sleeping wrong." She said with a shrug before grabbing her stuff and walking around the counter towards Sarah.

They both headed out the front door, Sarah standing behind Luce while she locked up for the night. Something was off about her; something different that she couldn't put her finger on. They talked about how their day went as they headed towards Luce's house. How busy Sarah had been with helping Damon, and how slow Luce's day was with no one really coming in. Once they got to her house, she unlocked the door and they both walked inside.

"How's Damon? Other than him blowing me up to ask if I'm okay, I haven't really spoke to him. You think I was too rude the other day?" she asked Sarah as she pulled the wine and wine glasses out for them.

"He is a big boy; he will be fine. His pride is just hurt. I'm proud of you though you know, no one stands up to him or talks back to him. It was very shocking and kind of funny seeing the look on his face when you did. I get that he can be an ass sometimes, but he really does care for you. Just wanted to keep you safe. You both are stubborn as hell." She said with a laugh as she grabbed her glass and took a sip.

"I know, I'm just not used to it. You know how I am and here lately it's been getting worse. Like my temper has been ridiculous, and my patience is nonexistent. I don't know what's going on with me." She said as she twirled the wine around in her glass, thinking about the way she had shouted at Damon.

"I'm not sure, but maybe you should let the wall down just a little. Let Damon in, just a little. I know it's not something you're used to doing and the thought of being vulnerable with a man may make you sick, but he really is a great guy. Jackass but great guy."

Sarah was right and she couldn't help but laugh at that. She didn't know him well enough to know if he was a jackass, but she did know he cared for her. She could see it in his eyes and feel it when he touched her. And as much as she tried to fight it, she had this overwhelming urge to be near him. Every time she would think about him, this voice in her head would say 'mine' but was he hers? She sighed and tried to stop thinking about him, but she couldn't, no matter how hard she tried.

"Thinking about him, aren't you?" Sarah said with a knowing grin.

All she could do was smile and blush in return. They was supposed to go out and again tomorrow but after everything that's happened she wasn't so sure if he even wanted to see her again. She spent the rest of the evening laughing and joking with Sarah, until it was time for her to head home. After walking her to the door and saying their goodbyes, luce went over to the table and grabbed her phone. She wasn't sure how this dating thing worked, but she wasn't going to wait around all night wondering if she had a date with him tomorrow or not. So she went to their messages and sent him a text. 

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