Project 120888: Azur Lane Shi...

By Annotation3567a

7.3K 179 124

(Note: This will be another one of those "Shipboy" stories combined with "Fictional Ships" type things) For t... More

Bio and A/N
Chapter 0 and Chapter 1: Prolouge
Chapter 2 and 3: The Royal Navy
Chapter 4: Bonding Time(Hood X MC)
Chapter 5: Happy time
Chapter 7: Competition for Love
Chapter 8: An Inspection Before the Storm
Chapter 9: A Royal Welcome
Chapter 10: The Proposal and Battle. (Fixed)
Special 2k Chapter: The Royal Maid Day
Chapter 11: The Great Duel (H̶u̶m̶i̶l̶i̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶)
Chapter 12: Aftermath and The Royal Sisters PT1
Chapter 13: Aftermath and the Royal Sisters PT2
Chapter 14: Repairs and Extras
Change Log #1
Chapter 15: Eagles and Royals PT1
Chapter 16: Royal's and Eagle's PT2
Chapter 17: Memories of the Past
Chapter 18: Talk first, Battle later

Chapter 6: More Meetings and Stuff

528 13 12
By Annotation3567a

Place:Docks of Leith, Edinburgh

The sun was now fully or nearly up as the rays of it hit the grounds of the British isles.

On the Docks. We can see two figures. Hood and Warszawa. Walking together along the vast Docks of Leith.

To the other People on the Docks. They look like a pair of couples. And Hood wish that was the case.

She knew she liked Warsaw romantically and would do anything to be his first love.

And this is just one of her many things she has in plan to be Warszawa's first love.

She just needs to be patient.

She really needs to be to be patient as he's meeting QE soon. And knowing QE. She's probably gonna talk to him for hours on end. Mostly probably about how's he is a shipboy, how Poland managed to build him in the first place.

And thirdly. Can he join the Royal Navy

But no matter. She can wait.

(BTW. You see the Harem tag?

Yeah about that.

Here's my Planned Harem List
- Hood
- Warspite
- Rodney
- Prince of Wales
- King George V
- Belfast
- Sheffield
- Edinburgh
I know it's small. But I don't want it to be too big. It will be harder to manage.

Warspite's POV

After excusing myself from guard duties of Her Majesty. I decided to meet this Polish Squadron myself. Although the Queen was abit hesitant herself to relieve me from duties. She eventually agreed and I set off for Leith. I arrive there. And to my suprise. It's real. And it's huge too...

(Imagine the background is the Docks of Leith)

It's huge. Powerful. Yes. I thought it would be a small battleship. Maybe along the size of me. But this ship...
It's the size of Hood. Maybe longer. How did the Poles build this?. I must find answer from the Kansen owner of this ship.

After walking around the Docks for minutes looking like a child looming for her parents (-_-). I came across a male. At first i thought it was a dockworker.

But when I close the distance. He had this... Aura that made me think twice about whether or not he's a dockworker. Or a Kansen. But that's the thing. Kansens are only females. Right?

But. Gosh. He looks...

Tall. Awfully hot. And I was praying that He was the one I was looking for

Narrator's POV

Warspite decided to question him. Approaching him with no fear like the proud battleship she is. Although. She began to have second thoughts. Primarily if he is actually the one he's looking for. Or an ordinary dock worker. But either way. This is probably the most handsome man she has ever seen. Like literally. Has she seen the "God of Handsomeness?". No matter

Warspite: Hello there.

He then turned to me. And. Gosh.

He's so handsome...

The moment our eyes lock with each other. I blush slightly. And he noticed it. But payed no mind to it

???: Hm?. May I help you miss...?

Warspite: W-warspite. Of the Royal Navy

???: Ah. Lady Warspite. Greetings to you too.

He then bowed at me. As if I was a queen. My blush only seem to grow ever more slightly.

Warspite: Hm... Are you perhaps a Kansen?

???: Yes Lady Warspite.

Warspite: *Waves her hand dismissively* No need to call me "Lady" Warspite. Just Warspite is enough.

???: Oh?. Okay then. If you say so

Warspite: Whats your name perhaps?

Warszawa: Oh. Where are my manners. My names Warszawa. Pleasure to be your acquaintance.

Warspite: Mhm. We're you the first Polish Battleship?

Warszawa: *Nods*

Warspite: Mhm. Okay. Are you perhaps busy by any chance?

Warszawa: No anytime soon. Why?

Warspite: Great!

Warszawa didn't even get to say anything before getting his hand taken by Warspite and leading him somewhere.

36 Mins Later

Warspite and Warszawa were now in a teashop. Drinking tea and discussing the Queen said to Warspite when she was about to go on her little side quest if she met the PL Battleship. Which she did and know she was discussing it with him. After that. Warspite decided to change the subject

Warspite: How were you built Warsaw?

Warszawa: I was built in a secret drydock. And the materials they used to make me was mostly imported from Sweden. Around 80% of it. 10% were from Norway and the other 10% were locally made.

Warspite: Interesting. So when were you built?

Warszawa: My keel was laid down in 1935. Then I was launched in 1937. And then commissioned in 1938. Although I underwent a Refit which lasted until 1939.

Warspite: Ohhh. So your basically brand new.

Warszawa: Mhm.

Warspite: Don't worry. *Stands up then walks toward him and then sits next to him*

Warszawa: ?!

Warspite: *Puts a finger on his mouth*. Shhh. It's okay. Don't worry. ;)

Warszawa: *Hugs her* Dziękuję
(Translation: Thank you)

Warspite: *Stays quiet and hugs back because she didn't understand what he said but assumed it was "thank you"*

Warszawa then let go of the hug. Which upset Warspite because she liked the hug. But no matter

Warszawa: Can we go now? I think I have enough tea for today

Warspite: Fine *Pouts*

Warszawa: *Smirks then Pats her head. As she blushes then looks at him while her ears twitch erratically*

Warspite: ?!?!?!

Warspite: Stop... *Blushes afterwards*
Warszawa: *Winks then let's go afterwards*
Warspite: *Pouts again afterwards then goes to him and holds his hand. Not saying anything and not looking at him*
Warszawa: *Smiles then continues to walk. With Warspite following quietly and holding his hand*

After a while. They came across Belfast and Edinburgh going towards them

Warszawa: Oh hello their Miss Edinburgh and Miss Belfast

Belfast: Greetings Master Warsaw
Edinburgh: O-oh!. Um. Hello Master Warsaw..

Warszawa: Hey Girls. Why are you calling me Master all of the sudden?

Belfast: We decided to become your personal maids Master Warsaw. *Winks*

Edinburgh didn't say anything but the moment our eyes meet. She would immediately look away but not before I see a blush on her face

Belfast: Oh?. Does my sister already have a crush for our Master?

Edinburgh: SISTER!. *She then shook her head in denial*

Belfast: Don't mind her Master Warsaw. Oh and Sheffield also agreed to be your maid.

Warszawa: No one forced you right?

Belfast: Oh no!. No one forced us. It was our own desicion. Don't worry about us Master

Warszawa: Hmnmn. Okay then...

He would later squint at them. Suspicious. While Belfast smile with a sweat drop and Edinburgh covered her face with a blush

Warszawa: Okay then. Where is..?

Warspite then moved beside him. Still holding his hand tightly

Warszawa: There you are

Edinburgh and Belfast: Lady Warspite!. *Bows gracefully to Warspite then goes back to their original position and looks at her*. What brings you here?. You rarely leave the castle unless Her Majesty goes out...

Warspite: Ahem. Hehe. I excused myself from guard duties of Her Majesty to discuss business with this man. Hehe~. And maybe a future date soon~

Belfast and Edinburgh were suprised. But they weren't gonna back down either. Nope. They won't back down

???: Two can play it that game

Everyone then looked at the source to find none other then Hood. Walking towards them with a playful smile and Sheffield following behind a bag full of items in hand. Seems like she's been shopping for something.

Warszawa: There will be a competition soon?

Hood: Of course~. *Quietly Darling~*
Warspite: Certainly
Belfast: Absolutely
Edinburgh: 100%
Sheffield: Yes Master. Their will be one sooner or later.

They said in Unison: And I will win!
They said in Unison: No. I will!
They said in Unison: Why you!

An argument then broke out between all of the girls as I stood there. Amused

Finn. Hehehe.
Words: 1300

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