Twice (Teudoongi) Oneshots an...


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Twice Oneshots and Short Stories: Can be as a group or as ships May entertain Requests as long as I'm not bus... More

Freedom (Royal Ships/ OT9)
Singers' First - 2yeon (+18)
Anything, Anywhere - DahMo (+18)
Rumor Has It - MiMo (+18)
Home Alone - SaTzu (+18)
Hospital Romance - DahMo ft. SaTzu
TT (Top Tonight) - MiChaeng (+18)
Motherly Advise- NaTzu
Closure - JeongMi
Tension - JeongMo (+18)
I Am Here- MiTzu (P.1)
RTB Series: 7 Rings - MinaYeon (+18)
She Couldn't.. - Tzuyu ft. Her Unnies
RTB Series: Jealousy - JeongHyo/ UJB (+18)
Sexy, Rich, Crazy Asian GFs - OT9/Royal Ships
Puppy Trouble - OT9
RTB Series: Only Mine - SaTzu (+18)
Reassurance - SaTzu (+18)
I Want You Back - 2Yeon (P.1)
I Want You Back - 2yeon (P.2)
I Want You Back - 2yeon (P.3)
I Am Here- MiTzu (P.2)
Nonchalant Hirai & OA Park- MoHyo
Hole in One - SaTzu
RTB Series: Feel Loved- MoDubChaeng (+18)
L-O-V-E (P.1)
L-O-V-E (P.2)
I'll Be There For You - Foreign Line (SaMoMiTzu)
Sana on Top- SaTzu (+18)

Plan: Ray - MiHyun ft. SMC&Jeong

396 5 3

Jeongyeon: "YOU GUYS STOLE A DOG?!"

She screamed at her 3 younger friends who were standing infront of her with nervous smiles especially a certain pale girl in the middle holding a small cream colored daschund in her arms.

Chaeyoung: "To be fair, it's not just a dog!"

Jeongyeon: "What do you mean?" Raising a questionable eyebrow.

Tzuyu: "It's Mina's dog." She answered nonchalantly while putting her hands on her pockets.

Jeongyeon: "Y-you dumbheads stole Dahyun's crush's dog?" Holding the side of her forehead in confusion whilst silently judging them all through her eyes.

Dahyun: "WE DID NOT STEAL HIM! Ray came to me and I just took him in my arms." She tried explaining her actions.

Jeongyeon: "But you didn't try to find Mina around the park hoping she is out looking for her dog?"

Dahyun: "I DID!"

Jeongyeon: "But..?" Awaiting her friend's explanation.

Dahyun: "We were looking around the park for a few minutes to look for Mina.. and we DID see her.."

Jeongyeon: "BUT..?!" raising her voice trying to get the answer to her question in a hurried manner knowing it's gonna sound dumb.

Dahyun: "Well.. You see.. Uhmm.."

Chaeyoung: "When we saw Mina's back a few meters away, Tofu here got all sweaty, hyperventilated and basically ran away to the other direction towards Tzu's car while STILL holding Ray."

Jeongyeon was left speechless at what her friend did and had her mouth wide open as she was starring at Dahyun who was trying to send an innocent smile her way.

Jeongyeon: "You didn't try to stop her?" Looking at Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung: "I was sporting the same expression as you right now, I didn't have the chance to say anything and just followed her." She tried defending herself.

Jeongyeon: "I would expect that from you but I had higher hopes from you Tzu to atleast talk some sense into your unnies!"

Tzuyu: "To be fair, I wasn't there during that whole ordeal." still sounding chill.

Jeongyeon: "Huh? Where were you?"

Chaeyoung: "Too busy running away from the SaMo twins." She smirked while teasingly elbowing their youngest friend who just rolled her eyes on them.

Tzuyu: "They saw me going out of the restroom, I HAD to run away."

Jeongyeon: "Wowww.. Our Tzu2x always gets the pretty girls." Pinching the taller girls' cheeks but was quickly swatted away by Tzuyu's big hands.

Tzuyu: "Anywaaaayyy.. Once I lost Momo and Sana, I told DubChaeng to meet me at my car. That's when I saw Dubu holding a pupper and told me to drive immediately. I didn't realize it was Ray until we left the park." Furrowing her eyebrows at her two shorter friends.

Jeongyeon: "I can't believe you stole your crush's dog."

Dahyun: "I didn't steal it! I told you. I WILL return him to Mina." Caressing the dashchund's soft fur as it was peacefully sleeping on Dahyun's arms.

Jeongyeon: "When? Until you have the guts to finally ask her out?"

Dahyun: "Yeah."

Chaeyoung: "Mina will NEVER see Ray again then."

Duhyun then elbowed Chaeyoung's ribs causing the older girl to retaliate causing the dog to wake up from its slumber.

Jeongyeon: "Will you both stop?!" She took Ray from the pale girl's arms and carried it like a new born baby. "Now, here is what we are going to do. "Chae, text Jihyo and ask for Mina's address then Dahyun, take Ray to Mina's right after because she must be worried sick." She can see Dahyun's eyes widened immediately and she opened her mouth trying to find an excuse of not to do it but Jeongyeon beat her to it. "No buts!" she insisted. "And Tzu." getting the maknae's attention who was busying herself, playing with Ray's paws. "Go to your room and decide who you're going to choose to date, Sana or Momo because those girls aren't going to stop until you figure out which twin weighs more in that cold heart of yours." patting the taller girl's chest before pushing them one by one to follow her instructions watching each girl leaving in different directions of their shared home.

Jeongyeon noticed Chaeyoung giggling which caught her attention.

Jeongyeon: "What's so funny?"

Chaeyoung: "It's too funny to think that we have one friend who has a problem getting a date while we have another one having problems CHOOSING whom to date."

Tzuyu: "Shut it shortie! Or I'm telling Somi that you painted a semi-naked girl in your art class last week instead of a boy like you told her."

Chaeyoung: "Relax TzuPapi. Can't take a joke." He chuckled and ran away barely missing Tzuyu's hand that was about to slap her.

Jeongyeon: "Nabong, I hope you come home soon because I swear, these kids are gonna make me grow old real fast." she told herself as she stared at the picture frame by the fireplace of her and Nayeon kissing while they're having their anniversary dinner overlooking Seoul before she glanced over the peaceful dog who was starring at her and licked her face cutely causing Jeongyeon to chuckle at its sweetness.

Dahyun was a nervous wreck sitting in between Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon while Tzuyu was driving her SUV because the group doesn't trust the pale girl to NOT open the door and suddenly jump off the car like she did before. To be fair, she was drunk but still, they can sense the nervousness of their friend the whole ride towards the Myoui residences.

As soon as the car stopped. Tzuyu unbuckled the puppy that was chilling on the passenger's seat and handed him to Dahyun who was paler than usual if that was possible.

Dahyun: "I can't do this."

Jeongyeon: "You have no choice. We are here now. Plus you have her dog so you HAVE to see her anyway."

Dahyun: "You hand it to her. You are already out of the car anyway." Pertaining to Chaeyoung who got out of the car to make way for her friend.

Chaeyoung: "Do we need to push you off the car because Tzuyu will be more than happy to." Making Dahyun hop off almost immediately seeing Tzuyu making a move to jump to the backseat.

As Dahyun was slowly walking towards the front door, she can feel her heart beat as fast as a marching band but she felt slight comfort with Ray cuddled up to her but she can feel 3 pairs of eyes boring towards her back, ready to pounce at her if she tries to chicken out.

Once she rang the doorbell, it didn't take more than 15 seconds for the door to open and Dahyun's stopped breathing for a few moments once she saw the girl of her dreams standing in front of her with a soft smile plastered on her face then turned into a huge smile showing her teeth upon seeing the dog on Dahyun's arms.

Mina: "RAY! There you are!" Even through all that excitement, she still had a soft and melodic voice that Dahyun felt she could melt then and there. "Thank you Dahyun. I'm so glad you were the one who found him."

Dahyun: "u-uhhh.. y-yeah.. I-I-I was leaving the park when I saw this little guy wondering on his own and I recognize h-he was yours. I-i was looking for you b-but I didn't see you so I thought I would just bring him to your house."

Mina: "Awww.. that's so sweet. Thank you. How can I repay you?" She smiled sweetly after hugging and kissing Ray's head and cuddling it in her arms after Dahyun hand it back to her.

Dahyun: "N-no worries. I am just happy to help."

They then stood awkwardly silent for a few seconds with Dahyun feeing herself sweating like an idiot infront of the Japanese girl.

Back at the car:

Chaeyoung: "She's blowing it."

Jeongyeon: "She is not."

Tzuyu: "Either she's blowing it or they simultaneously had a stroke." seeing both girls haven't moved in a while.

Jeongyeon: "Have faith in our friend atleast." scolding her younger friends.

Chaeyoung: "I do."

Jeongyeon: "That's the spirit."

Chaeyoung: "I have faith that our friend is going to screw up this opportunity." earning a smack on the head by Jeongyeon.

Tzuyu: "This is getting boring." She then pressed the horn of the steering wheel causing not only Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung to jump off their seats but the noise also startled both Mina and Dahyun as well.

Mina peered through Dahyun's shoulder and saw the SUV down the street where her other classmates were looking at them with slightly awkward smiles but they waved at the dog owner who eventually waved back at them while Dahyun was looking back at them with dagger stares.

Mina: "Tzu drove you here?"

Dahyun: "Yep. She did. Uhmmm.. I guess.. I h-have to go now." she rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly but MIna can see in her eyes that Dahyun has some uncertainty in her eyes as  she saw Dahyun slowly stepping backwards.

Mina: "Dahyun wait! L-let me pay you back for returning Ray." 

Dahyun: "Y-you don't have to." she blushed.

Mina: "But I want to." she called her brother who was at the living room and told him she will be out for a few hours with friends before she grabbed Dahyun's hand and dragging her to Tzuyu's car making Dahyun not only blush more but speechless as well. "Tzu, hi! Are you guys going to the mall?" she asked in a sweet tone since her and the tall girl have been seatmates this school year for 3 subjects so they considered each other as "friends". 

Jeongyeon: "YES WE ARE!" grabbing the youngest girl's mouth before she gets to answer and pushed Chaeyoung off the backseat to transfer towards the passenger seat so Dahyun and Mina can sit together with Jeongyeon as they head to the mall with the short-haired girl entertaining Mina with her conversations and Chaeyoung casually jumping in from time to time whilst Tzuyu just concentrated on the road with Dahyun felt like her voice was disappearing during the whole car ride once Mina sat beside her.

After 15 minutes, they arrived at the mall with Mina thanking the 3 girls then held unto Dahyun's hand once again before leaving the rest of their classmates to stroll around the mall by themselves but not without the final "goodluck" texts from Dahyun's friends all reading "Don't fck it up."

Jeongyeon, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu went to the opposite direction from where MiHyun went to as to not disturb the two until Tzuyu saw Sana and Momo strolling as well just a few inches away from her causing her to panic once again.

Tzuyu: "M-meet you guys later. Text me when you need a ride home." she didn't get to explain further and just ran away causing confusion between her two older friends until Jeongyeon tapped Chaeyoung's arm and pointed at the pretty Japanese twins who were already sprinting towards Tzuyu's direction.

Jeongyeon: "Tzuyu and her "pogi" (good-looking) problems." she chuckled and shook her head at the same time.

Chaeyoung: "Should we help her?"

Jeongyeon: "We could. But, this might be a learning lesson for her. I did told her to decide on who to date among them. This might help her decide faster. Now come on, help me find a gift for your Nayeon-unnie. She texted that she will be back here this weekend. And buy one for Somi as well."

Chaeyoung: "Why should I buy her a gift as well?" furrowing her eyebrows.

Jeongyeon: "Because knowing you and your dumbass. You will do something stupid and end up getting her mad within a week like you always do so buy her a "I'm sorry" gift in advance." she then dragged the shorter girl around the mall without much complaints; because the baby tiger knows it's a lost cause to resist her Unnie anyway.

Mina and Dahyun spent most of their time playing in the arcade causing Dahyun to eventually relax and actually enjoy her time with Mina who indeed showed her competitive and fun side that she ended up winning a large eagle plushy to give to Dahyun in the end. They then had a nice dinner in a kind of fancy restaurant where Mina insisted in paying as the "thank you" for finding her pet. They each had pasta, salad and chicken while they talked for hours; getting to know each other until they took a cab back to Mina's place since Dahyun's friends left hours ago.

Mina: "My brother is working the night shift and my parents are visiting my relatives in Japan. Would you like some coffee before leaving? I wouldn't want you to end up sleeping in the cab on your way home, it's dangerous." noticing that Dahyun was feeling a tad sleepy in their car ride home.

Dahyun: "Uhhh, sure. A small cup of coffee might help." not wanting to end her fun day together with her crush just yet.

As Mina was brewing the coffee in the kitchen, Dahyun placed the eagle plushie on the couch then stood near the dinning table nearby when Ray came by and started cuddling its head towards the pale girl.

Dahyun: "Hey buddy. Nice to see you again." she bent down and pet its stomach.

Mina: "He must really like you."

Dahyun: "I guess so." she chuckled.

Mina: "Because he didn't even bark to get my attention when he saw me a few feet away in the park earlier before you left with him in your arms."

It made Dahyun froze in her spot, realizing that Mina actually saw her ran away with Ray in tow making her look bad.

Dahyun: "I-I can explain." she slowly stood up and was even more shocked when she saw the Japanese now standing in front of her with an unreadable expression on her face but she still looked damn pretty.

Mina: "Sure, explain why you took my dog and returned it back to my house instead of returning him to me at the park instead? Could've saved you the trip." now raising a questionable eyebrow.

Dahyun: "I-I-I.." she started to panic but was calmed down by Mina's gentle hand on her shoulder and was asked to breathed in and out first in which the pale girl did before talking again. "I- I r-really was planning to return Ray back to you because I recognized him in your photos in facebook, b-but when I saw you just a few meters away; I-I g-got nervous and panicked so I ran towards Tzuyu's car and asked her to leave the park n-not realizing how bad it looked that I kind of t-took your dog with me. B-but I really was planning to return him to you. I-I just needed time to think."

Mina: "Think about what?" coming a little more closer to Dahyun with her hand still on her shoulder.

Dahyun: "H-how to ask you out." she had her head down and whispered like it was a secret only two of them should hear despite being the only ones in the room besides Ray who was now napping under the dinning table.

Mina then slowly transfered her hand that was previously on Dahyun's shoulder and used it to raise her chin up to look her in the eyes. They starred at each other for a few seconds until Mina attached their lips together for a soft yet meaningful kiss, causing Dahyun's eyes to grow wide as saucers but eventually reciprocated the kiss that lasted for a good few minutes until they pulled back simultaneously to breathe in some air.

Mina: "So you used Ray to get to me?" causing them both to chuckle while Dahyun closed her eyes and nodded her head in shame. "What a coincidence, I also used Ray to get to you." making Dahyun opened her eyes in confusion. "Why do think I didn't chase you or called your attention when I saw you running away with Ray in your arms?"

Both girls began to laughed at their realization before eventually ended up confessing their crush towards one another with Dahyun spending the night at Mina's place for a little more of "getting to know each other". ;)

---------------------------------------------------The End------------------------------------------------

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