Back to the Past: The Rise of...

By Khushi_KK_20

2M 49.8K 1.2K

(Book 1) Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN THIS STORY All credit goes to the author and the translator FOR OFFLINE PU... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Author's Note
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 84-85
Chapter 86-91
Chapter 92-93
Chapter 94-99
Chapter 100-103
Chapter 104-105
Chapter 106-111
Chapter 112-116
Chapter 117-121
Chapter 122-126
Chapter 127-131
Chapter 132-133
Chapter 134-135
Chapter 136-137
Chapter 138-139
Chapter 140-141
Chapter 142-143
New book
Chapter 144-145
Chapter 146-147
Chapter 148: Redeeming Herself
Chapter 149: They Won't Help
Chapter 150: Investigation
Chapter 151: Did You Not Miss Me?
Chapter 152: Let's Pick Out a Wedding Dress
Chapter 153: She's A Temptress
Chapter 154: We're Not Free Today
Chapter 155: I Didn't Say That
Chapter 156: The Story of a Cuckold
Chapter 157: Acquaintance
Chapter 158: Clown
Chapter 159: Memories
Chapter 160: Wedding Photograph
Chapter 161-169
Chapter 170: Checking Out the Old Man
Chapter 171: Judging A Person By His Appearance
Chapter 172: Pretty Brave
Chapter 173: Too Charming
Chapter 174: Causing Trouble
Chapter 175: Fighting
Chapter 176: Compensation
Chapter 177: Sister-in-law Joining Hands
Chapter 178: A Real Man
Chapter 179: Discussion
Chapter 180: Sleeping Together
Chapter 181: Morning Kiss
Chapter 182: It Should Have Been Gu Zi
Chapter 183: Amazing Culinary Skills
Chapter 184: Guarding His Taro Cakes
Chapter 185: Beautiful Mother
Chapter 186: Gourmet Stall
Chapter 187: Quarrel
Chapter 188: More Like A Stepmom, I'd Say
Chapter 189: The Right to Refuse
Chapter 190: Apologize
Chapter 191: Deaf and Blind
Chapter 192: Mommy Will Reward You
Chapter 193: The Pencil Box of Love
Chapter 194: I Want to Pinky Promise Too
Chapter 195: Real Growth
Chapter 196: Sister-in-law Misses Brother Shen
Chapter 197: I Missed You
Chapter 198: Getting Sweeter
Chapter 199: A Decent Job
Chapter 200: Threatened
Chapter 201: Controlling Emotions
Chapter 202: Mom Is Delicious
Chapter 203: Su Shen's Purchasing Power
Chapter 204: Fairy-like Mother
Chapter 205: What Would I Do?
Chapter 206: A Good Host
Chapter 207: Betrothal Ceremony
Chapter 208: Taking Advantage
Chapter 209: Embarrassing Little Aunt
Chapter 210: Selfish
Chapter 211: Determination
Chapter 212: Flower Girl
Chapter 213: Seductress
Chapter 214: Waste of Resources
Chapter 215: Su Shen Is So Popular
Chapter 216: A Way Out
Chapter 217: Much Better Than You
Chapter 218: Temporary Separation
Chapter 219: Workaholic Mode
Chapter 220: Seduction
Chapter 221: Reeds
Chapter 222: Good Days
Chapter 223: Dazzling
Chapter 224: The Most Beautiful Medal
Chapter 225: High Profile
Chapter 226: Wedding
Chapter 227: Debt of Nurturing
Chapter 228: Big Shot
Chapter 229: Thank You, Uncle Gu
Chapter 230: Grand Lineup
Chapter 231: Big Shots
Chapter 232: Tea
Chapter 233: Suspect
Chapter 234: Venting
Chapter 235: Surnamed Lin, Not Gu
Chapter 236: Surprise
Chapter 237: Nap
Chapter 238: You Were So Loud
Chapter 239: First Night
Chapter 240: Traces of Red
Chapter 241: Empty Wine Bottles on the Ground
Chapter 242: Comfort His Little Wife
Chapter 243: A Little Gentler
Chapter 244: Very Similar to Gu Zi
Chapter 245: Misunderstanding
Chapter 246: Embarrassment
Chapter 247: Take It Slowly
Chapter 248: Staying At Home
Chapter 249: Not an Ordinary Mother
Chapter 250: Be More Generous
Chapter 251: Always Looking for a Bargain
Chapter 252: The Story of Aunt Yang's Family
Chapter 253: Outsiders Can't Understand
Author's Note

Chapter 78-83

14.7K 325 20
By Khushi_KK_20

78. Chu Xi Is Caught

"Is there anyone home? Open the door!" a voice came from outside the door.

Chu Xi's mother-in-law glared at her, and Chu Xi quickly stopped her work and rushed to open the door.

Su Shen must have come to her for help. She was about to make a comeback!

However, when she opened the door, she was taken aback, and her immediate instinct was to run away. However, her in-laws stopped her.

Her father-in-law unkindly said, "Why are you running away? Did you steal someone's man?"

Her mother-in-law sarcastically scolded her, "You can't do anything right. You even got fired as a nanny. Worthless worm."

Chu Xi tried to explain, covering her head, "I didn't, I didn't!"

Two police officers in uniform entered and asked, "Who is Chu Xi?"

Chu Xi's in-laws, upon realizing it was the police, were shocked and pointed at her, scolding, "You fool, why did you call the police?"

"You're Chu Xi," said a policeman."Please come with us to the Public Security


Chu Xi cried out in panic, "No, no, I'm not her. I'm not going!"

However, the police wouldn't let her make a scene. Two policemen carried her into the police car.

The other villages who were around the area came to watch the commotion and saw this scene.

"Chu Xi's hands and feet have always been dirty. This time, she must be in big trouble!"

"I heard that she was fired by Su Shen because she took something she shouldn't have."

"You guys don't know yet, right? I saw the Su family rushing off to the city at noon. The second son of the Su family seems to have been poisoned!"

In the long hospital corridor, a tall figure stood by the window. As the figure approached, the faint smell of tobacco wafted through the air. It was somewhat pleasant.

Su Shen sensed someone approaching him and turned around to see Gu Zi. She was putting out a cigarette in the cigarette butt box. Su Shen said, "Sorry you have to go through this."

Gu Zi gazed at him, her gaze steady. There was a trace of sadness in his otherwise cold profile. She said, "I'm not concerned about all this. What matters is that Su Li is safe."

Su Shen looked at her gratefully. If she hadn't noticed the abnormality in Su Li in time, all three children might have been in the hospital right now.

"Chu Xi has been arrested. We just need to await the results of further investigation," Su Shen informed her.

Gu Zi was a little surprised. Didn't he only visit the Public Security Bureau today? Had they gathered enough evidence so quickly?

"How can you be sure that you can prosecute Chu Xi with just a bowl of poisoned rice?" she inquired.

Gu Zi was starting to think that she had underestimated Su Shen's capabilities. He had asked the old Chinese doctor to accompany him to the police station, and Chu Xi was arrested even without conclusive evidence.

This must be because he had connections in the Public Security Bureau, right?

"I have my ways, but further investigation is needed to convict her. It's just a matter of time," Su Shen replied.

Gu Zi nodded, increasingly impressed. He seemed to be very confident.

"Let's get some rest- I've asked the nurse to arrange for two extra beds. so we'll manage for the night," Su Shen said.

After Su Shen finished speaking, the two of them returned to the ward together.

Meanwhile, Su Li had already fallen asleep after eating, and Su Bing was keeping a close watch over him.

Gu Zi offered, "I'll stay up tonight. If Su Li shows any symptoms, I'll call the nurse on duty immediately."

Su Bing shook her head, determined to stay awake and watch over his brother. Both Su Shen and Gu Zi understood the depth of his concern and didn't insist on anything further.

They all understood that it was a big deal for Su Bing that his younger brother was hospitalized again because of poisoning.

In the middle of the night, Su Bing finally succumbed to fatigue and fell asleep by the bedside.

Gu Zi smiled. Su Bing was still a child after all. She went to wake Su Shen up so he could carry the boy to bed.

After ensuring Su Bing was comfortable, Su Shen said to Gu Zi, "Go and get some rest. I'll stay awake and keep an eye on them for the rest of the night."

Gu Zi, who was very tired, readily accepted his offer and lay down on the bed Su Shen had been using earlier. His lingering, pleasant scent on the pillow and blanket made her feel cozy, and she quickly drifted off to sleep.

The next day, the doctor came over to check on Su Li. He told Gu Zi, "Thanks to the timely treatment, he can be discharged today. However, he has to take his medicine for the next month. And he should avoid consuming any prohibited foods."

Gu Zi nodded and requested a written prescription.

Her meticulous and earnest approach was evident, and it moved Su Li, who was on the verge of tears.

He had never experienced such genuine care before, but he didn't want to cry, especially in front of others, so he held back his tears.

As the doctor left, Su Shen entered the room.

He was carrying breakfast in one hand and Su Le in the other.

The nurses in the room couldn't help but admire the couple. "The husband is handsome and the wife is beautiful. They are such a perfect-looking family.."


79. Getting Kicked Out

Su Shen placed Su Le on the ground, and she quickly crawled onto Gu Zi's lap. Gu Zi picked her up, and Su Le eagerly pointed at the breakfast Su Shen had prepared, then at her brother Su Li, who was still lying in bed looking unwell. It was as if she was saying, "Mom, let brother have some breakfast."

Her adorable and obedient behavior touched the hearts of Su Shen and Gu Zi.

After they finished breakfast, Su Shen went to handle the discharge paperwork.

Once they left the hospital, the family took a leisurely stroll through the city streets, observing the bustling crowds. Green, grass-green liberation clothing was all the rage, worn by adults and children alike.

Su Li's eyes were filled with envy as they followed the people wearing green liberation clothes, and he gazed at them longingly.

Su Bing noticed Su Li's yearning look. He realized that his younger brother wanted a set of liberation clothing too. However, he was hesitant to ask his father for it because he didn't want to burden him.

He thought that his father already did so much for them, and asking for more might seem immature and selfish. He remembered what Grandma Chu used to say about being sensible and not troubling their father with unnecessary requests.

Su Bing suggested to Su Li that they stop looking, signaling that he shouldn't covet the clothing.

"Mr. Su, how about taking Su Bing, Su Li, and Lele for a little outing?" Gu Zi proposed to Su Shen.

Su Shen held Su Le and agreed, "Sure, we don't have to rush back today."

He did not say anything after he finished speaking. The corners of Gu Zi's mouth curled up slightly. It seemed that he still had to rely on her to decide where to go.

She thought for a moment and said, "There's a Children's Palace not far ahead.

Let's go there first!"

"Alright." With that, they set off in the direction of the Children's Palace.

Gu Zi felt elated, thinking that Su Shen appeared aloof and distant but was actually easy to get along with.

Su Li's eyes sparkled with joy upon hearing they were going to the Children's Palace. Many of his classmates had visited, and he heard about the exciting amusement facilities there.

The prospect of riding moon-flying rockets, exploring fun-house mirrors, or driving bumper cars had him thrilled. He was too excited to think about the liberation clothing for the moment.

As they entered the Children's Palace, they noticed that many city parents were there with their children, enjoying various attractions.

Some parents knew each other and would even exchange a few words with each other.

They wore glasses, leather shoes, elegant hairstyles, and fashionable outfits.

Suddenly, two boys wearing patched clothes walked in. One look and it was obvious that the boys had been malnourished and were not in good condition, particularly the younger one who appeared very pale.

People couldn't help but stare at them, and some even looked with disdain or disgust, as if silently saying, "What are these ragged kids doing here?"

Gu Zi, focused on providing her family with a fun experience, didn't notice these reactions. Su Shen was walking ahead and didn't pay attention either.

Su Li's heart was only focused on playing, so he didn't notice the stares. Only Su Bing's face darkened as he observed the reactions of those around them.

A disturbing thought crossed his mind: had Gu Zi deliberately brought them here to be ridiculed?

Having endured so much hardship, Su Bing had difficulty trusting others. He wasn't sure if Gu Zi would always be good to them, and he feared she was on the verge of revealing her true nature.

In the midst of these unsettling thoughts, a staff member wearing a red armband confronted the two brothers.

The guard had been alerted by a concerned citizen who reported that two young beggars had entered the premises.

"You two beggars, get out of here! What are you doing in a place like this?" The guard barked in a loud, authoritative voice, drawing the attention of onlookers.

Su Li was stunned and hid behind Su Bing, trembling with fear. Why was this city person trying to chase them away? Was it because of their shabby clothes?

Su Bing, on the other hand, felt hatred welling up as he looked at the guard, tears filling his eyes. He was humiliated and infuriated, but he also felt his fears confirmed: his stepmother had plotted for this to happen, so that they would be ridiculed publicly.

He felt that his stepmother would definitely start to treat them badly.

However, in the next moment, a graceful figure stepped forward, shielding Su Bing from the judgmental stares.

At that moment, Su Bing's heart skipped a beat. It seemed like this stepmother would actually protect them..


80. Please Apologize

The sunlight bathed Gu Zi' s black hair, adding a golden glow that made her look incredibly radiant in the eyes of the two brothers.

"Is that how you address people?" Gu Zi retorted, her voice clear and firm. "Just because they have a few patches on their clothes, you call them beggars? I think it's time for you to register at the psychiatric department and not lose your sanity at such a young age!"

Her words were cold, her eyes sharp, and her demeanor exuded an air of nobility and majesty.

The guard found himself momentarily speechless, standing rooted to the spot. He had heard about two young beggars sneaking in, and he had rushed over to shoo them away.

The woman before him looked sophisticated, had a good figure, and boasted flawless skin. It was evident that she was from the city.

Even if he had to enforce the rules, there was no need to antagonize a customer on account of two beggars.

"Miss," he said in a respectful tone, "Not everyone can enter the Children's Palace, especially not children like these in such a state. It could affect the experience of our other guests."

"Apologize to my children!" a man with a child in his arms interjected coldly.

"Please apologize to my children."

The man's gaze was piercing, and the aura of authority he exuded seemed to crush the guard.

The two children actually had parents! And their father radiated such a commanding presence.

On one hand, it would be embarrassing if he apologized in front of everyone. But if he didn't apologize, he was a little afraid of what this man might do to him.

While the guard hesitated, unsure of how to respond, Su Bing and Su Li's expressions began to return to normal. They were now experiencing what it felt like to be protected by their parents, especially their father, whose image had just been elevated in their eyes.

"Why should I apologize? It's clearly your fault, as parents. The Children's Palace has a rule that only those who are clean and tidy can enter." The guard said dryly.

Gu Zi could tell that he was looking for an excuse not to apologize, so she asked him back, "That's right. The rules stipulate that clothing must be clean and tidy. How can you claim their clothes are not tidy just because they have patches? They look like children from a poor family, and that's not the same as being untidy."

The spectators finally understood that the two children were the couple's children.

It was true that their clothes had patches, but just as their mother had said, their clothes were very neat and tidy.

Gu Zi continued, "You speak Mandarin very well, but you don't even understand the meaning of the word 'tidy'." You've unfairly driven my children away without reason, causing them unnecessary psychological distress. Why don't you apologize?"

The guard had no reasonable response left to offer.

At that point, the director of the Children's Palace hurried over, recognizing the need to address the situation as a crowd had gathered.

Sensing the arrival of the director, the guard felt more confident as if he now had a strong ally. This was his cousin-in-law.

He quickly aired his grievances, "Director Wang, these two people are causing trouble here. They don't play any games. They intentionally made everyone think their children are beggars. They even forced me to apologize to their children '

The two of them were dressed very well, but the child was dressed in such rags. He must have come to extort them on purpose.

Many in the crowd began to side with the guard, thinking that it made sense. Why would people only care about dressing themselves well and let children wear tattered clothes?

A woman wearing a pearl necklace, holding her own child, chimed in, "These two individuals seem to dote on the children, but they don't seem close to them. Moreover, they appear undernourished. Who knows if they're abusing the children behind the scenes? I suggest you investigate the two for human trafficking."

Her remarks gained support from others, and more people started to share similar suspicions.

"Yeah, I agree," one person added. "When you look at the children and those two adults, they don't seem like a real family."

Seeing the growing support from the onlookers, the guard couldn't hide his satisfaction and put his hands on his hips , his smug expression unmistakable.

He believed he was on the verge of making a significant contribution by exposing what he perceived as potential human traffickers.

Su Shen couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt as he observed the situation.

Gu Zi, too, noticed this and understood that he was blaming himself for not detecting Chu Xi's actions earlier, allowing the children to suffer so much.

The two brothers, on their part, also felt guilty. In reality, they hadn't thought to wear their new clothes at home. Instead, they had worn their old clothes, intending to save the new ones for school to prevent them from wearing out too quickly.

They hadn't expected that yesterday's events would unfold, prompting them to rush to the city in a hurry. If they had been wearing their new clothes, today's incident might not have happened..


81. A Proper Sugar Daddy

"Dad, we don't want to play here anymore. And we don't need an apology from him," Su Bing said to Su Shen after thinking it through.

Su Li also chimed in, "Yes, Daddy. Let's go. Let's go!"

Su Shen observed his two sons who appeared thin with yellow hair, despite Gu Zi's careful care. They struggled to adapt to their new life in such a short period.

When confronted with malice and suspicion from the outside world, their instinctive response was to escape. They seemed to believe that if they hid, people around them wouldn't be able to direct their malice toward them.

This coping mechanism was the same as when they endured Chu Xi's harsh treatment in the past. They didn't dare to criticize Chu Xi to their father, nor did they dare to seek his protection.

Their hearts were sensitive and filled with doubts and fear of the world. This sensitivity had made them careful, cautious, and forbearing. It had also erased their ability to ask for help from their loved ones.

Su Shen frowned, and his cold gaze fell on the guard, sending a shiver down the guard's spine. The guard quickly hid behind Director Wang, who intended to smooth things over.

Unexpectedly, as Director Wang turned around and saw Su Shen, his calm demeanor crumbled, and his pupils constricted. "Mr. Su, why are you here?" he asked in a hoarse voice.

Su Shen confirmed Director Wang's identity and responded calmly, "We're here to take the children out for a walk."

Director Wang's gaze shifted to the children, and he seemed to grasp the situation. Sweat appeared on his forehead, and he exclaimed, "So it's them..."

The guard was baffled, urgently trying to communicate with his cousin-in-law, but he received no response. He realized that they were in serious trouble.

As Director Wang smiled upon recognizing the woman beside Su Shen, Gu Zi inquired, "I'm Mr. Su's fiancée. Do you know each other?"

Director Wang nodded vigorously. "Our Children's Palace's Scientific Breeding Center collaborates with Mr. Su. When the children from the Children's Palace participate in biological science activities, they go to Mr. Su's breeding center."

Gu Zi, slightly astonished, glanced at Su Shen, finding it hard to believe that Su Shen's pig farm was chosen for such a significant cooperation.

She was confused. Was Su Shen's pig farm so powerful?

Director Wang spoke loudly enough for everyone to hear. It left the crowd shocked, with jaws nearly dropping.

Usually, when parents brought their children here, they would try their best to get their children a spot to participate in the Scientific Breeding Center.

This was because the Scientific Breeding Center here was cooperating with a large breeding farm, enabling children to engage in scientific practical activities on-site.

If the children performed well in the activities, they could also receive a considerable cash reward from the farm owner.

In the eyes of these parents, the owner of the breeding farm was a proper sugar daddy.

Seeing that the guard had chased the owner's two sons out and even incited parents to suspect them of human trafficking was utterly shocking to everyone.

Panic ensued, and all eyes turned to the woman with the pearl necklace, who appeared visibly nervous.

Some parents, who knew her, couldn't help but laugh.

"You're a teacher, yet you don't know right from wrong. How could you form baseless accusations about others so easily?"

"Hurry up and give up your child's spot in the Scientific Breeding Center. Otherwise, if people find out that you got your spot through the back door, they'll laugh their teeth out."

"She's a funny one. She said that the owner of the farm is a human trafficker."

Dejected, the woman left with her child in tow amidst the sarcastic comments of the crowd.

Meanwhile, the guard could only stand there dumbfounded, his legs trembling.

The realization that he had offended a major sponsor began to dawn on the guard as he worked at the Children's Palace and was aware of their collaboration with the large-scale breeding farm.

This collaboration was the result of discussions between the city leaders and the farm owner. The Children's Palace was privileged to be in such a partnership.

He was done for. He had offended a VIP!

"If that's the attitude of the Children's Palace, I don't think we should talk about the cooperation for the second half of the year, Director Wang!" Su Shen's voice grew colder and more resolute.

When Director Wang heard this, he looked distressed. If they abandoned this cooperation, he'd likely face repercussions from higher-ups, which was something he wanted to avoid at all costs.

He had worked hard to attain his position as department director, and returning to his previous role would be a significant setback.

In an effort to salvage the situation, he angrily dragged the guard over. "Apologize to Mr. Su's family immediately!"

The young guard had lost his previous arrogance and complied by offering a humble apology while bowing for looking down on others.

Su Shen, however, didn't respond. He continued to gaze coldly at Director Wang..


82. Satisfied

Director Wang understood Su Shen's look and quickly said, "Mr. Su, we'll replace him immediately. Don't worry."

When the guard saw this, he regretted it so much that he wanted to die. But in the end, it was all his fault for provoking someone he shouldn't have!

The people around him looked at the guard mockingly. Some people even said, "He deserves it!"

Su Bing and Su Li couldn't hide their smiles; it was the first time they had felt the security of being protected by their parents. The joy on their faces was heartwarming.

After Chief Wang dismissed the guard, he respectfully said to Gu Zi, "What would the children like to play with? I'll go get the tickets immediately."

Gu Zi looked at Su Bing and Su Li. 'What do you guys want to play?"

Su Bing gently elbowed Su Li, encouraging him to share some of the games he was interested in.

"My brother and I have plans to enjoy bumper cars, funny mirrors, and moon rockets," Su Li announced with enthusiasm.

"Sounds great! Let's have a blast with bumper cars, amusing mirrors, and moon-bound rockets. How about we throw in a merry-go-round for even more fun?" suggested Gu Zi.

Su Li's face lit up upon hearing the mention of a new addition, and he nodded eagerly.

Gu Zi, with the air of a charismatic leader, snapped her fingers and led the children to partake in these delightful activities.

Though Su Shen didn't actively participate, he stood by, observing the joyous moments.

It was only in Gu Zi's presence that Su Shen truly comprehended the innocence and beauty of a child's smile.

His attention was primarily fixated on her, and her every expression, be it a furrowed brow or an infectious grin, started to leave an indelible mark on his heart.

Her laughter, especially radiant, seemed to brighten the surroundings.

Whenever her gaze met his, her eyes resembled beams of light piercing into his soul, revealing the hidden depths within.

Su Shen was certain that he would forever remember her in this manner.

After leaving the Children's Palace, Gu Zi led them to the Liberation Store.

The Liberation Store, a four-story white building, might seem unremarkable to a 21st-century eye.

However, in this era, it was exceptionally popular. It was a high-end shopping mall in the city, offering goods that were not readily available in other shops.

Gu Zi couldn't help but marvel at the 1980s. It was in 1978 that the call for reform and opening up had begun to resound. This very movement had given rise to the prosperity of this era.

Though it wasn't fully open yet, Gu Zi was already looking forward to the day it would be. "On which floor can we find the liberated clothing?" she inquired with the shop assistant.

The salesperson told them it was on the second floor, where they currently stood.

Su Li's ears perked up when he heard the term "liberators." He glanced at his brother, asking, "Is she going to buy us liberated clothing?"

Su Bing remained silent but admired their stepmother's keen observation. They hadn't explicitly mentioned their desire for liberated clothing, yet she had discerned it.

Gu Zi approached the counter selling liberated clothing and asked, "Please bring three sets of liberated clothinz for these children."

The salesperson escorted the two children to the changing rooms to try on the clothes.

Su Li, donned in a fresh set of grass-green attire, clapped his hands in excitement. He no longer needed to envy others; he had his very own set of liberated clothing.

Su Bing gazed at himself in the mirror, wearing a satisfied smile, albeit not as openly exuberant as Su Li.

Su Shen noticed it all and thanked Gu Zi, saying, "You're truly remarkable. You have a knack for making them happy. Thank you for being here."

Gu Zi's cheeks flushed under his gaze. "It's because you're a remarkable person," she replied. "I'm more than willing to be here."

Unbeknownst to Gu Zi, across the counter, someone was watching her intently.

Gong Zhan himself was unaware that he had been staring at Gu Zi, captivated by her presence.

The woman who had always been by his side was now directing her affection toward another man.

They seemed to be engrossed in conversation, their height difference making them an ideal match.

Yet, he felt a twinge of unease and promptly averted his gaze. Why did he have the impulse to step in between them?

Perhaps he should have not have agreed on this shopping trip with Gong Xin; it was quite tedious.

Gong Xin, bustling with bags of purchased items, prodded him, "Brother, can you hurry up? I still need to visit the snack section."

"Alright," Gong Zhan acquiesced, trailing behind her. He glanced back, but the two had already disappeared.

A sudden emptiness filled his heart, and it felt like something had vanished from within him..


83. Fragrant and Tender

After leaving the counter, Gu Zi and the others ascended to the third floor.

The first two counters on this floor were brimming with all sorts of books, and there were even more books lining the shelves behind them.

Gu Zi selected two books for herself, both related to exams.

Su Bing opted for "Romance of the Three Kingdoms," and Gu Zi couldn't help but secretly exclaim, "As expected of a future big shot!"

Su Li, on the other hand, picked "Journey to the West," and Gu Zi felt it suited his future path.

Su Shen simply paid for the items. He had never been this content with his money.

Later, they went shopping for toys, fruits, and vegetables. With Su Shen accompanying them, Gu Zi had no worries about carrying their purchases.

She had been concerned about Su Shen's injuries not having healed much, but he had reassured her, and she was truly relieved.

Furthermore, to make future shopping in the city easier, Gu Zi had asked Su Shen to buy a small bamboo cart.

Once they had paid, they placed Lele in the cart along with other heavy items that were cumbersome to carry. Su Shen pushed the cart.

They returned home just as the sun was setting.

Gu Zi ensured that Su Shen got some rest, and she took charge of the kitchen. Su Li was still engrossed with his new toy, a cold iron gun that he couldn't bear to put down.

Su Bing, however, delved into the book he had just acquired.

Gu Zi unpacked the vegetables she had purchased, opened the refrigerator, and found some fresh pork ribs. She immediately conceived a menu for the evening in her mind.

The main dish would be stewed pork ribs with kidney beans and potatoes, accompanied by steamed vermicelli. She planned to use the rib soup to enhance the flavor of the vermicelli, so she ensured there was plenty of soup reserved for the pork ribs.

Once her plan was in place, she set to work. She diced the potatoes, sliced the kidney beans, and prepared onions, ginger, and garlic for later use.

She blanched the pork ribs, heated some oil in a pot, and sautéed the onions, ginger, and garlic until they released their fragrance. Then, she added the drained pork ribs and stir-fried them.

When the ribs took on a golden hue, she added soy sauce to give them color and poured in water to submerge the ribs. Then, she covered the pot, waiting for the delicious flavors to meld together.

The pork ribs needed about 20 minutes to cook before adding the potato cubes and kidney beans, giving Gu Zi ample time to change Su Shen's bandages.

She went upstairs, retrieved the first aid kit, and sat beside Su Shen.

Despite Su Shen's reassurances that the wound wasn't deep and wasn't a major concern, Gu Zi felt it was best to take it seriously, especially since he had lost so much blood.

Su Shen thanked her and asked her to apply the medicine.

Her hands were small and delicate, with smooth, gentle skin.

When she was bandaging him, her fingers occasionally brushed against his arm, creating a soft and comforting sensation.

After quickly changing Su Shen's bandages, she glanced at the TV, which read 6:30 in the evening.

She had noticed the time on the TV when she had come out of the kitchen earlier, which was 6:20 pm. There were about 15 minutes left before she needed to return to the kitchen to finish preparing the side dishes.

Gu Zi watched a cartoon on TV and yawned a few times, eventually dozing off without realizing it.

Just as Su Shen was about to get up, he felt a weight on his leg. The woman had drifted off and was resting on his lap. He couldn't help but hold his breath.

He secretly let out a sigh of relief. A smile appeared in his eyes as he watched her sleep.

Her eyelashes were thick and long, covering her eyes at this moment, making her look quiet and gentle.

Her neck was slender and white, as beautiful as a swan's neck.

Her side profile was gentle and beautiful. Just the way she slept made her look like a piece of art.

Gu Zi woke up in a daze and murmured, "My ribs..." Then she realized something was amiss. She had not only fallen asleep but also found herself lying on Su Shen's lap.

She raised her head, a bit embarrassed, and said, "I'm sorry, I don't know why I fell asleep."

Su Shen, understanding, replied, "You've been running around a lot since yesterday. It's normal to feel a bit tired."

Gu Zi quickly made her way to the kitchen.

Meanwhile, at Chu Xi's house, chaos reigned as Chu Xi had been taken away. The family was in turmoil, with everyone blaming each other.

"If you hadn't treated my mother so harshly, she wouldn't have done what she did," Chu Tian accused.

Chu Xi's in-laws glared at their granddaughter, furious. They scolded her, "You, little pig! You're just like your mother. You're useless.. How dare you criticize us?"


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