Our Wild Family

By LittleLadyBaker

22 0 0

Ten years after their daughter, Melody, went missing Luz stumbled into their lives through the portal door. N... More

Our Melody
The Human
The Lost Melody
The Covention

First Day of School

2 0 0
By LittleLadyBaker

First Day of School

Luz wrinkled her nose as she looked at the dead creature.

"Um...What is that?"

"It's a trash slug!" Eda grinned, marching up to it, "They crawl along the beaches eating trash from all over, including the human realm, until Blam! It gets hit by a wave and croaks from all the salt and boiling water!"

Evan silently handed her a bandana, tying one over his own face. Luz took it and watched as Eda began hacking into the trash slug.

"Somehow, I imagined being a witch's apprentice to involve more...magic..." She grumbled.

"Aunt Eda has a much more "Hands on" approach to learning," Evan shrugged, scrambling up the side of the slug.

"That's right!" Eda tossed a handful of human items into a pile. Trash slugs aren't just full of junk we can sell. It's also full of potions ingredients. Like this!"

She grabbed Luz's hand and plunged it into a particularly slimy part of the slug. Luz gagged even as she pulled something out.

"Oh, hey." She grimaced, "A greasy slime ball."

"I'll be honest. I don't know any potions that use that." Eda put her hands on her hips before standing upright. "But a good witch is always resourceful. So use your slime ball wisely."

Luz blinked down at the slime ball and tucked it into her pocket. "I...don't really know what to harvest from a trash slug. Can I just go back to the house and read about it for today?"

"What's the matter, Luz?" King teased, "Don't you want to pick apart a garbage carcass at the dump?"

Eda frowned and looked between her apprentice and son, "Yeah, sure. And take this rugrat with you. I only bring him on trash slug day because I don't want to leave him alone with Hooty."

Luz nodded and scooped King off his beach blanket. She held him against her chest as she wandered into the forest. Her frown deepened as she walked.

"Are you ok, Luz?" King tilted his head.

"Yeah." Luz shrugged, "I'm just thinking."

"You look like your head is going to explode."

Before Luz could reply another voice drifted over the bushes. She stopped and turned.

"Maybe one more try?"

"It's hopeless, Amity. I'll never get this right."

"Willow." Luz stepped over and pushed her way through the bushes.

Willow was sitting with another witchlet. Both were dressed in the same magenta uniform and the new girl had bright green hair. They sat on the ground by two massive cauldrons.

"Even with you and Mr. Darius helping me, I've never really made an abomination work," Willow bemoaned, "I hate it! I hate making abominations! I hate getting bad grades!"

"Willow!" Amity gasped as green magic spread over the clearing.

Luz yelped as the bushes crushed in around her and King. Thorny vines wrapped around her ankles and dragged them out of their hiding place.

"Luz? King?" The green glow faded from Willow's eyes, "Oh my Titan! I'm so sorry!"

"I-It's ok," She rubbed her ankles, "I don't think it broke skin. But, what's going on?"

"My abomination," Willow hung her head.

She led Luz and King over to her pot and lift the lid. Luz tilted her head at the goop.

"But it looks exactly like it did on Monday."

Both Willow and Amity winced.

"It's not supposed to look like that," Amity winced.

"Oh, right," Willow brightened slightly, "Luz, this is my best friend Amity. She's and abomination prodigy."

"I'm not that good, Willow." Amity lift the lit off her pot. The abomination blinked up at them. With the twirl of her finger it rose up and slumped over the side of the pot. It waved and Luz waved back.

"See the difference?" Willow asked.

"Yeah," Luz admitted.

"Yours is just mush!" King shouted.

Luz slammed one hand over his mouth for a moment before setting him on the ground. She ran one hand over Amity's abomination before sticking her other hand into Willow's.

"Our recipes are exactly the same," Amity told her, "We mixed them together with our mentors so they should work."

Unlike Amity's, Willow's abomination left a sticky, mitten-like coating on her hand. Luz grinned. She had an idea.

"Willow," Amity shuffled and looked at the ground, "Have you considered–"

Luz dunked her head into the pot.

"Luz!" The other two girls yanked her back.

"What are you doing?"
"I think I know how I can help," She grinned around the slime. "I can be your abomination! I can at least help you get a passing grade."

Willow and Amity exchanged a look.

"I don't know, Luz. What if we get caught?" Willow whispered.

"Then I'll take the blame," Luz insisted, "Besides, after the class you can show me around the school! I've never been to a magic school before!"

"Of course not," Amity tilted her head, "You're human. Are there even magic schools in the human realm?"

"Depends on who you ask," Luz shrugged, "So, are we doing this or not?"

Willow shuffled for another moment and grinned, "Ok. Let's do it!"

"But what about me?" King whined, "I don't want to get in that pot! Abomination takes forever to wash out of my fur."

"You can come with me," Amity offered him her hand, "I'll swing by the lost and found to grab Luz some clothes for after. Then we'll take you both down to Principal Bump."

"Thanks, Amity!" Luz tumbled into the pot, "You're great!"


Luz suppressed a giggle as Willow wheeled the pot to the front of the classroom for her demonstration. The lid was lifted off the pot and Willow formed a spell circle, Luz stood and flopped, unceremoniously onto the ground. She groaned. Willow giggled and formed another spell circle. Luz stood.

"A definite improvement, Ms. Park," The teacher tapped his chin as he inspected Luz, "But can you make it a little larger?"

Willow swallowed and Luz was sure they had been found out. Then Willow drew another spell circle and she wobbled dangerously as she felt herself rise up. She rose only a couple inches before Willow's spell failed and she tumbled back to the floor. She groaned.

The teacher hummed and nodded, "Very well. I guess, considering your improvement, that deserves a pass."

Willow grinned, "Thank you, Sir!"

Luz bit back a yelp of surprise as Willow picked her up in her arms and dropped her back into the pot. She stayed quiet as possible for the rest of class but, by the time she felt the pot start moving again, she was starting to get antsy. She couldn't help the sigh she let out as she slid around in the slime. Willow lift the lid off again.

"The coast is clear. You can come out now."

Luz flung herself out of the pot and slipped on the ground.

"Ugh! Everything is sticky."

"I told you it wasn't a good idea," Amity smiled and handed her a bag with Hexside's logo on it, "Here. It doesn't match but it should fit."

"Thanks, Amity."

"The showers are that way," Willow pointed to a row of doors, "Be careful of the ghosts."

Luz nodded and followed her directions. She made sure to wash all the goop out of her hair before putting on her mix-and-match uniform. Then, she transferred everything from her pockets and put her dirtied clothes in the bag. Only then did she return to her friends, making sure her phone was ok.

"Well, how do I look?"

"Ridiculous," Amity handed her King.

Willow rolled her eyes and grabbed Luz's other hand, "Come on! Principal Bump's office is this way."

They ran through the halls. Luz never thought she'd be running to the principal's office. Amity knocked on the door and led everyone in.

"Principal Bump? We had something we wanted to ask you."

"Of course, Ms. Blight," The old witch looked up from his paper, "What can I-oh!"

He sat up so quickly, Luz was worried he might fall out of his chair.

"I'm sorry," She said, "We didn't mean to scare you."

Principal Bump shook his head, "No, no. It's just that I wasn't expecting so many of you. *Ahem* And might I inquire what happened to your uniform?"

Luz looked down at her clothes and blushed, "Something...happened with Willow's abomination."
"You could say it came apart after class," King grinned with his eyes.

"I got what I could from the lost and found," Amity explained.

Principal Bump relaxed a little, "Of course. In that case, what can I do for you?"

"Luz is staying in Bonesborough for the summer and we were wondering if she and King could shadow us for today?"

He nodded slowly and smiled at Amity's request, "I believe that could be arraigned."

All four children smiled at that. Principal Bump pulled a form and two badges out of a drawer.

"Let's just get this filled out and you'll be on your way."

"Thank you, Principal Bump!" Luz stepped up and took the paper and pen.

She quickly filled out the form with her name, King's name, where they lived, and their guardians' names so they could be contacted in an emergency. Then she signed it and King slammed his paw on the paper. Principal Bump took the paper and handed them each a visitors badge. Then he herded them all out the door.

"I hope you enjoy Hexside, Ms. Noceda," He pat her on the head, "Stay out of trouble."

"We will!"

Willow grabbed Luz's hand, "Come on! Let's go find Gus!"

Principal Bump shook his head as they ran off.

"If you're anything like your guardians, I don't know what scares me more," he sat back at his desk, "Who I think you are. Or that I hope I'm right."


Luz had never been so happy to be at school. She and King attended a general education class with Willow and Amity before going to an illusion class with Gus. At lunch, they were joined by Amity's other friend Skara, who promised to take them to a bard class later.

"But we live with two bards," King pointed out, "Why would you want to go to a bard class when Zaza can teach you all of that at home?"

"Because I've never been to a bard class before." Luz insisted.

"You can stick with us during that if you want, King," Amity offered, "I think Willow and I have another abomination class during Skara's next bard class."

But first, they were off on a tour of the school. Amity and Willow were excused from the next two classes to do so. They visited the green houses, much to Willow's excitement. Though they had to cut the visit short after one of the plants tried to eat King. They visited the sports field, where Amity bemoaned that only highschoolers were allowed to join the sports teams. They went to the library where Luz and Amity bonded over their favorite book series. Willow just rolled her eyes and showed King some of the books on demons. Then, Skara and Gus rejoined them for free period and they all went back to the sports field and sat behind the bleachers.

"So, what do you think of Hexside?" Gus sat forward to look up at Luz.

"It's amazing!" Luz cheared, "I've never enjoyed school so much!"

"That's because Hexside is the best," Skara proclaimed, "And Principal Bump is great about trying to help everyone succeed in their track."

Luz hesitated. She glanced at Willow but didn't say anything.

"Then why is Willow still so bad at Abominations?"

She winced and slammed a hand over King's mouth.

"It's ok, Luz." Willow hung her head, "I know I'm bad at it. Everyone does. But Principal Bump still tries to help me with it. He's the one that suggested I mentor with Evan's dad."

"But you should see her do plant magic," Amity insisted.

"Yeah!" Gus waved his hand and an illusion of plants growing flourished beside him. "Before she was put in Abominations, Willow was probably the best plant witch ever! She's probably the reason Evan found the plant gliff."

"Really," Luz rounded on her friend, "Now I've gotta see it!"

"I can't, Luz." Willow hung her head, "I'm not supposed to do plant magic now that I'm in the abomination track."

"Please?" Luz begged, "Just a little spell? I'll...trade you everything I have in my pockets!"

She dug into her pockets and pulled out a paperclip, two gliffs, a stick of gum, and her slime ball. Willow suddenly lit up.

"Luz! Do you know what this is?" She snatched up the slime ball.


"She and Eda found it in a trash slug this morning," King explained.

"It's a Goldberry seed!" Willow crowed, "They're super rare and are super hard to maintain! I've only ever seen one at the botanical gardens!"

"Do you think you can make it grow?" Skara scooted forward.

Willow bit her lip and looked around.

"It'll be fine, Willow," Amity assured her, "No one should be able to see us back here. And, if my hypothesis is correct, you should have no problem growing that."
Willow gave her a hard look before she burst into a wild grin and stepped back.

"Fine! I'll do it!"

She set the seed in her lap and waved all the others back a step. Then, she closed her eyes and put her hands over the seed. Her hair, eyes, and hands began to glow bright green. Sure enough, the seed began to grow. Thick vines stretched out over her lap and into the grass. From those vines began to grow a tree. It was slower than the plant magic she had accidentally caused that morning, it was certainly faster than one might expect from a witch her age. Before long, the small tree began to blossom with golden flowers that nearly looked like water lilies. The children watching gasped and Luz tightened her hold on King.

"Ms. Park."

All six children screamed and turned as Principal Bump made his way across the grass. Willow stopped her spell and a look of horror washed over her. Before he could say anything, Luz thrust King into Skara's hands and threw herself in front of Willow.

"It was my idea, Principal Bump!" She insisted, "I pressured Willow into showing me the plant magic she could do!"

"Ms. Noceda," He simply held up one hand to stop her.

Luz quieted and hung her head but didn't move.

He clasped his hands behind his back. "Ms. Park is not in trouble."

Both girls looked up.

"She's not?"

"I'm not?"

"She's not," Principal Bump confirmed, "I saw the tree growing from my office and, once I realized what it was and where it was coming from, I called her fathers."

"But you said she's not in trouble." Gus stepped forward.

"She isn't," Principal Bump put a hand on Gus's head, "If you would let me finish I would explain that I talked to Mr. and Mr. Park and we all agreed, it would be in Willow's best interest to transfer her to the plant track."

Everyone was silent for a moment. Then Willow pushed past Luz and Gus to look up at Principal Bump.

"R-Really? I can transfer to the Plant Track?"

Principal Bump smiled down at her, "Yes, Ms. Park. In fact, your fathers and I were thinking you may be a specialty witch."

"A specialty witch?" Luz lift an eyebrow.

"Yeah," Gus looked up at her, "Like me. And Amber. A specialty witch is a witch that can only really do one kind of magic. Like, I'm only really good at illusions and Amber can really only do bard magic."

"And Willow is really good at plant magic," Amity put a hand on her best friend's shoulder.

Principal Bump smiled, "And what about you, Ms. Noceda. Would you like to join us here at Hexside?"
Luz lit up before deflating, "I would love to, Principal Bump. But...I'm only here for the summer. And I don't really need more school transcripts."

Principal Bump's smile wavered for only a second before he nodded, "Alright. But, if you ever change your mind, there is a place for you here at Hexside." He then turned to King, "And I'll make the same offer to you, King. Hexside will be happy to accept you as well once you are old enough."

"III...don't think so..." King latched onto Luz's leg, "I don't think I even have magic."

Principal Bump nodded again and waved Willow along, "In that case, come along, Ms. Park. Let's get you squared away in your new track."

"Yes, Sir." Willow chirped, "See you guys later!"
"Come and visit us after school!" Luz shouted after her, "Come on, King. Let's head home. I bet Eda's wondering where we are."

"But what about Bard class?" Skara put a hand on her shoulder.

Luz smiled, "I'll come with you the next time I visit! And why don't you all come with Willow? Maybe we can get you a bard lesson with the best bard on the boiling isles."

Skara lit up and hugged her, "Deal! See you later, Luz."

Gus hugged her around the ribs, "See you later, Luz! I'm definitely coming to visit with Willow and Evan."

"Count me in, too," Amity put her hand on Luz's shoulder, "As long as I'm with Skara and/or Evan, it should be fine."

"Ok." Luz tilted her head and picked up King, "Let's go, Buddy."

King waved over her shoulder and rest his head on her shoulder for the walk home. Luz stumbled to a stop as the Owl House came into view.

"Wow! What happened here?"

Everything, including Evan himself, was covered in thick green slime.

"Your cousin here lost a bet," Eda nearly put a hand on his shoulder but clearly thought better of it as she crossed her arms.

"Trash slugs are gross no matter what age," Evan whimpered.

"And, um, how was school?" Eda looked away slightly.

Luz lit up, "It was great! We got to see all kinds of things from the abomination track and the illusion track and some of the plant track and Skara even promised to show me some of the bard track next time I visit!"


Luz carefully stepped through the slim and handed King to his mother, "Yeah! I may only be here for the summer but I want to learn everything I can while I'm here. And even if I can't attend the school I had a lot of fun visiting."

Eda lit up and pulled her close to mess up her hair, "That's my girl!"

"What on Titan happened here?!" Raine gasped as they and Amber came up the hill.

Evan groaned. Eda let go of Luz with one hand and created a spell circle. Evan shrieked as a wave of water poured down on him.

"Oh, don't be a baby. It's warm water. If I let you go home like that your father will kill me."

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