The New Alpha King (Kaiju Gir...

Door Cosmic_Fear_Aether

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(Disclaimers: I do not owned these images, the Images of different arts came from artists.... This is just a... Meer

Kiryu's Birth and M.U.T.O's Invasion
Alpha King vs Queen of Monsters

First Arrival....

1K 23 5
Door Cosmic_Fear_Aether

Long Ago... Right after the victory of The Apha Titan, Godzilla againts the Tyrant Invader, King Ghidorah.

The Other Titans in the area bow down to respect Godzilla as their Alpha King.

Before Godzilla left the City... the Apha notcied a small egg on the ground before heading to the shore and swam away with the egg. When he swam deeper into the ocean protecting the egg. The Apha quickly sense something is wrong with the current until a portal opens up and sent both him and the Mothra egg.

To another world...

3 Days later.

On infant Island, here we see an Group of Kaiju  friends sparing with each other.

(Bottom left)


Queen Ceasar
(Bottom right)


Godzilla: "Three on one? Bring it on!"

There was another Kaiju that has the appearance of Godzilla. watching her mother fight.

Gojira Jr.

The Small Kaiju watches the fight until she noticed something else on the shore.

Gozilla Jr: "Huh, What is that?"

As the little Kaiju gets closer, she noticed that it was another Kaiju that is slightly Shorter than Jr. She slowly approached her but the other Kaiju hid behind some rocks.

Mothra 2019

Zilla Jr. :"H-hello there?"

The Larva slowly peaks out of the bush with its blue glowing eyes can be seen visible. Jr. Decides to approached the larva closer making no harm to the kaiju.

Zilla Jr.: "Its alright, im friendly!"

Godzilla Jr. Lends her hand to the Little Larva that seemed a little nervous but slowly gets close to Jr. In a careful manner.

Zilla Jr.: "Yay! That's right!"

Larva2019: "..?!"

Zilla Jr: "Your not afraid anymore."

Larva2019: *Squeak!* (0_0)...

Zilla Jr.: "You can't talk? Then...Let's be friends!"

Larva2019: *Squeak!* (^ ^)!

Zilla Jr.: "I'll take that as a Yes!"

Just as Jr. Introduces her new friend to her mother, the there was a shadow from the sky.

Zilla Jr: "Huh? The sky went dark?"

The Kaiju that are sparring were halted by the sudden arrival of what it looks to be an Alien ship.

Gojira: "Any idea what that is?"

Anguirus: "No idea, but it doesn't look friendly."

Gojira: "Whatever is in there better come out quick. This is my home, So you answer to me. I'm Godzilla, Queen of Monster Island."

The Hatch from the ship slowly opens up revealing two female Kaijus.

Queen Ghidorah


Ghidorah: "It's funny that you say that, because the only queen around here is me."

Ghidorah slowly lands down in front of the Kaijus.

Ghidorah: "Aww, the 'Queen' has a child. Hello princess."

Godzilla Jr. Quickly hides behind her mother, meanwhile The Larva follows behind her. None of the Kaiju even noticed the small Larva following Jr.

Gojira: "You want to talk? Talk to me. Now who are you? I'd like to know who's ass I'm about to kick!"

Ghidorah: "Oh! Where are my manners? I am Queen Ghidorah, empress and Destroyer of many worlds and today your planet will join my empire! Now if your a good little lizard girl and surrender now, ill let you live and burn your planet into a barren rock.

Gojira: "Cocky aren't you?"

Ghidorah: "Its funny that you think that. I'm not the one with 'God' in her name now, am I?"

Gojira: "Its what the people of this world call me. They may not like me and im not a fan of them, but we coexist in peace. This is my planet, so leave before I make you."

Ghidorah: "How cute, I've heard that so many times, its now become a joke. You will either bow down to me or Die. Your little princess included."

While those female Queens are having an Argument... here we see the Larva hiding behind Zilla Jr.

Larva2019: "...Reinforcements..."

Zilla Jr.: "You can ta-?!"

Larva2019: "I.... for help..."

Zilla Jr.: "Yeah! Call Miss Mothra!"

Larva2019: "*Tilted her head in confusion* 0_o?

Zilla Jr.: "Huh? You don't know who Miss mothra is??"

Larva2019: "... Well..."

The Two Young Kaiju's conversation were cut off by Gojira Attacking Queen Ghidorah with her atomic breath.

Gojira: "Heh, so much for queen empress."

Ghidorah: "Well thats rude."

The Battle had already begun, that's when Queen Ghidorah shoots out hee gravity beam at her which sends gojira flying to a nearby mountain.

Anguirus: "Oh fuck her!"

Anguirus was about to attacks Ghidorah, but then she was b*tchslaped her and send her flying.

Ghidorah: "Well since these pets can't behave, I'll give them a distraction.

The Ghidorah looks at Gigan and gives her a task.

Ghidorah: "Okay girls, you've got a whole new planet to explore and destroy, so go have fun!"

Gigan: "At once my queen, we've been itching to play."

Gigan began to join in the fight as well as sending reinforcements to fight Gojira's ally.

Rodan: "They're getting away!

Gojira: You guys head off and stop those whatever-they-are! Show them that this is out world, I'll deal with this dragon bitch!

Gojira was about to attack Ghidorah again with a punch but it was easily halted by Ghidorah.

Ghidorah: "You'll have to try harder than that sweetie."

Ghidorah hits a hard punch on Gojira's gut before slamming her to the ground. Gojira was about charge up her Atomic breath but she was interrupted by Ghidorah's kick then steps on her Gojira was pinned down.

Ghidorah: "I must say, for the so-called 'Queen of the monsters' I am disappointed. Your more of a feral animal needing trying than a beast with power."

Gojira: "Fuck you..."

Ghidorah: "Oh no my dear. After this is done, ill be Fucking you-!"

Ghidorah was interrupted by a small atomic breath hitting her face.

Zilla Jr.: "Leave my mom alone!"

Ghidorah: "Well little one, you wish to fight me like your mother, do you? Well as you can see, it hasn't gone well for her."

Zilla Jr.: "I am as strong as mom!"

Ghidorah: *Pat's Jr.'s head* "You should run little one before you-"


Gojira Jr. Tries to save her mother by Biting Ghidorah's hand but the Gold titan simply smacks her all the way next to the Jr.'s mother.

Gojira: "HOW DARE YOU!"

This made Gojira angered in raged, her eyes and dorsal plates began to glow bright blue as she begins to power up and brings out her strongest atomic breath that deals damage to Ghidorah.

Ghidorah: Where did this come from? I only hit her. I usually just kill or enslave the children.


Gojira sends a powerful punch that send Ghidorah crash through three mountain, before Ghidorah strikes back by using Gravity Beams.

Somewhere Deep in the Pacific Ocean.

Somewhere in the Deep Ocean, the explosion from a far, thats when the Male Apha king of the Monsters  wakes up from the tremers and resurface to the ocean with only the head peaking out.

Godzilla: *growls* "...Mothra."

Another Male Kaiju roar from the sky flapping its wings.

???: "Yo G-man!"

Godzilla: *Sigh* "Yes, what is it, you fire Chicken?"

Rodan 2019

Rodan2019: "Oh come on man! I said I was sorry about back then."

Godzilla: "Yeah, sure. Whatever..."

Rodan2019: "anyway, Theres a huge explosion on infant Island, wanna go check it out?"

Godzilla: "I was about to head there. Scout on them, see if the Larva is okay. I'll catch up if I can."

Rodan2019: "You got it Big G! Rodan out!"

Godzilla: "And don't rattle yourself out!"

Rodan2019: "I wont!....kinda..."

Godzilla: *Sigh* "..."

Godzilla swam and followed rodan, by swimming at top speed.

Back to Infant Island

Just as the two Queens are both injured, Gojira trips down to the ground while Queen Ghidorah flies off to her ship.

Gojira: "Hey, get back here, we have a fight to finish!"

orders her minions to retreat and Gigan has a task of getting Gijira's dna. Anguirus tries to distract her away from Gojira.

Zilla Jr: "...M-mom...?

Gojira Jr. Wakes up only to see the Larva Mothra heal her wounds.

Larva2019: *Squeak of relief then shows a wink* (0v<)!!

Zilla Jr: "Larva....? Thanks!"

Anguirus checks on Jr's condition. And thats when MothraLarva Runs away to hiding again without being noticed.

Anguirus: " You okay there, kiddo?

Zilla Jr: "Yeah, thanks Angi! That's a big meanie that needs a good punch."

Anguirus: "Now, your mother is gonna hate me about this but go summon her!"

Zilla Jr: *nods* "Okay!"

Gigan: "Ugh, you are starting to annoy me!"

Anguirus: "Good, because a sore face is what your getting next!"

While Anguirus is stalling Gigan for Gojira Jr. Went into hiding in a cave where a few humans there. MothraLarva Follows Jr. inside of the cave where a few humans survivors are.

One of the humans pointed at a hole that was marked on the wall, Jr charged up her atomic breath before shooting at the small hole that activates a signal on the mountain.

Gigan was confused until a Silouette of a Moth appears from the sky slowly landing near Gigan.

???: "Leave this place at once!"


Gigan: "Of course, another one! Why can't anything go my way? Just save me the speech and die!"

Gigan charges right at the Moth Kaiju, but the moth dodges then tackles gigan to the ground with such force that it makes a giant crater.

Gigan jumps up in the air before about to strike back at the moth Kaiju. But Mothra's blue eyes glow and attacks gigan with lightning sending her back to Ghidorah's ship.

Mothra: "And stay out!"

Mothra cheered in victory while Anguirus is carrying Gojira up.

Anguirus: "...This is only the start, isn't it?

Mothra: " We all have to get ready. I know who queen Ghidorah is, her kind have been to earth before. Shes a planet killer. And were next in line."

Meanwhile Outside of the Infant Island,

Here we see the two Male Kaiju's Godzilla and Rodan spying on the battle.

Rodan2019: "What the absolute f*ck did we just watch....?"

Godzilla: "Basically another version of me fighting off another Ghidorah, amazing battle."

Rodan2019: "Like- HOLY FUCK! THEIR SEXY HOT! Especially my female self!"

Godzilla: *Sigh* "What am I gonna do with you... you horny Chicken?"

Rodan2019: "Anyway, it seems like your Mothra likes it here, shes not injured in any way."

Godzilla: "How can you be so sure about, fire chicken?'

Rodan2019: "Think about it, the second  female Godzilla or... she looks like a Kid makes friends with her."

Godzilla: "At least they get along well..."

Rodan2019: "So what are we gonna do now Big G? Wanna go and pay them a visist?"

Godzilla: "Give them space to recover for now..."

Rodan: "If you say so.... Hey! Wanna rob a Nuclear power plant?"

Godzilla: "I would love that but You know there's another different Mothra watching right?"

Rodan2019: "Ah shit, forgot about her..."

Godzilla: "I'm just gonna Sleep on the deep sea for now."

Rodan2019: "Well then, ill go find a suitable volcano for myself as my own home!"

Godzilla: "Take care fire bird!"

Rodan2019: "Oh! How about ill cook some delicious dish, just for the two of us, or maybe I can make m6 own Kaiju restaurant!"

Godzilla: "Well, count me in, Chef Rodan."

Godzilla Swims away while Rodan flies away towards the sky.

The Next Morning.

On infant Island, here we see Gojira Jr. Looking for Larva.

Zilla Jr.: "Larva!..... Larva!"

Meanwhile the other female Kaiju's watching her, especially her mom.

Gojira: "Mothra, did you raised another Mothra?

Mothra: "No... I only used my eggs to my own self-rebirth."

Anguirus: "Thats strange... actually, remember when you hatched the egg, two of those larva tackled Gojira back then?"

Rodan: "It could be the other one?"

Mothra: "No, because the other Larva was my sister, Battra."

Queen Ceasar: "Oh... then who is Jr. Refering to...?"

The Kaiju heard a rustle in one of the Bushes or trees nearby before revealing the Larva yawning.

Larva2019: *Squak Yawn*

Zilla Jr. :"Larva!"

Larva2019: *Squeak!* (^^)!!

Zilla Jr. : "Good Morning too, Larva!"

Zilla Quickly takes her to the other female Kaiju to their surprise especially Mothra.

Zilla Jr.: "Mom, everyone, meet Larva!"

Mothra: "Huh?! But... how is there another Larva???"

Larva2019: *Confused Squeak!* (O_o)?

Rodan: "Can she talk, or she squeaks?"

Mothra: "Its probably young for her to speak."

Zilla Jr.: "She does speak... but barely..."

Anguirus: "So Mothra... could this be your daughter or something?"

Gojira: "Heh, So your egg somehow hatched."

Mothra: "No, its impossible.... huh?"

Mothra felt a hug on her legs and it was the Larva and picks her up.

Mothra: "Meh! But either way, this little Larva is sooo cute!

Larva2019: *Happy Squeak!!* (^o^)!!

Rodan: "She looks happy."

Gojira: "But why does she look different from the other Larva?"

Mothra: "Regardless, I'll raise this as my little Moth well!"

Rodan: "Aww... so cute!"

The Little Larva was being let go by Mothra and decides to play with Gojira Jr. While the other female Kaiju watches them play.

To Be Continued...

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