At The Beginning With You

By Havingfunwithfanfic

105K 4K 384

The gods see the world being destroyed during the Long Night and decide to fix things. Daemon and Rhaenyra ha... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapter 37

1.7K 84 4
By Havingfunwithfanfic

A little time jump in one world and a larger time jump in another world. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

On another world. 4 months later.

The wheelhouse was not helping her nausea in the least, she could not stand being trapped inside that thing. She had never liked it, just like she could not stand the smell in Kings Landing, she had forgotten how badly the city smelled. She did not want to be here, but her father had insisted that she and Daemon travel to Kings Landing to see him. He had sent her several ravens and while Rhaenyra had ignored most of them, the last one could not be ignored. The last raven had been an order, which had annoyed her and Daemon, but they decided to do as he asked and not create a bigger issue than what it was.

Syrax and Caraxes had been kept in the dragon pit. She was so tired and wanted to do nothing else but sleep. She did not want to have to spend time with her stepmother, attempting to pretend that she did not hear the insults.

"We do not have to see Viserys." Daemon kissed the side of her head. "We can turn this thing back around and go back home."

"I just want to see my father, see what he wants, and then we can return home." She turned to face her husband and gave him a small smile. "If we are lucky we can get this done quickly and will not have to see his face again for a few more years."

"Who would have ever thought that we would not want to be in Kings Landing?" Daemon let out a laugh. "I spent so many years fighting to be near my brother and now I cannot stand to be anywhere near him."

"Well, you are finally realizing all the things he has done to you throughout the years." Being sent so many years back and into another world had cleared several things up for both of them. "Now, you know that my father is not worth you being sad about."

"Yes, I do not want to be anywhere near him." Daemon ran a hand over her belly. "And I do not want him anywhere near our child."

"I do not want him to be near our child either." Rhaenyra cupped his face and kissed his lips. "Our child will have us and he will not need anyone else."

Daemon had been extremely happy since finding out that she was with child and so was Rhaenyra. She could not wait for her child to be born, she had missed having a child around. She missed little Rhaenyra, even if it had been herself. She wondered what her child would look like. She was hoping it was a boy, who looked just like his father. She would like to have a girl one day also, but for now, she wanted a boy. She was hoping this would not take too long.  

                                                          Rhaenyra Targaryen (18 years old.)

                                                            Daemon Targaryen (34 years old.)


6 years later.

"Now, all we have to do is wait for them to get close." Rhaenyra nodded at her brothers. "Remember we cannot be seen, or mama and papa will be very upset."

Both boys nodded and turned back towards the garden wall. They had been waiting for over thirty minutes, but Rhaenyra was sure that the nursemaids should be here soon. The two women were restless and would not leave them alone. The women were always admonishing them if they ran too fast or if they were too loud. The septas, especially the one in charge of her did not like her riding leathers or that she spent so much time with Syrax. But apparently, the septa did not like a lot of things that Rhaenyra did, and she could not stand the woman either. She also did not like the women who took care of her brothers, they did not like when they spent too much time with her.

They waited for a few more minutes before the three women walked into the gardens. Rhaenyra had spent several days bringing dragon dung into the castle and hiding it in the farthest parts of the gardens, so people would not smell it. They had moved it to the bushes closest to the garden entrance and they hid behind it, laying in wait. The septas looked around, frowning when they did not see them.

Rhaenyra only waited a few seconds before giving her brothers the signal. She was thankful she had remembered to have them all wear gloves. Aelyx was the first one to throw and hit his septa on the side of her face. The woman screamed as Maekar and Rhaenyra threw dragon dung, hitting the two other women. They laughed as they continued throwing dragon dung at the three annoying women. The women's screams grew louder until two kingsguards ran into the gardens.

"Shh," Rhaenyra signaled for her brothers to follow her and made sure to stay behind the bushes. All three giggled as they made it through the secret entrance. Rhaenyra removed her brother's gloves before removing hers and gave her brothers a bright smile. "We did it."

"You did what exactly?" All three children's eyes widened and they turned to see their father standing there. He raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms over his chest. "I am waiting for an answer."

"Good day, papa." Aelyx gave their father an innocent look. "We were playing."

"You were?" Rhaenyra could tell that their father did not believe a word. "And what were you playing exactly?"

"We were just running around the gardens." Rhaenyra smiled and attempted not to look guilty. "We were running in the gardens and then we heard screaming."

"Yes, I heard." Their father tilted his head to the side. "One of the kingsguards told me that three of the septas were attacked with dragon dung. Now, you three will not happen to know anything about that, would you?"

"Of course not," Rhaenyra answered quickly before they were tricked into confessing to what they had done. "We would never do something like that."

"Aelyx, Maekar, return to your chambers, your mother is waiting for you." Both boys nodded and walked away before her father turned back to her. "Now, you and I are going to speak little lady."


Her father placed his hand on her back and led her towards one of the tables and waited until she sat down, before sitting next to her.

"Now, would you like to tell me why you and your brothers threw dragon dung at your septas?"

"The septa does not like me, and my brother's septas do not like when I spend too much time with Aelyx and Maekar." Rhaenyra rolled her eyes. "My septa says I do not behave like a lady and she keeps calling Syrax a beast."

"I am sorry." Baelon ran a hand over her head. "You could have told me your septa was not treating you well."

"I did not want to bother you, papa." Her father had more important things to deal with. "I know you and mama are busy."

"But we are never too busy for you." He kissed the top of her head. "I always have time for you and your problems. Do not worry, I will send your septa away and get someone else you like better."

Rhaenyra squealed and wrapped her arms around her father's waist. She was happy that he believed her and that he was willing to do something about it. Baelon hugged her back and kissed the top of her head again.

"I am surprised you did not involve your brother and sister," Baelon said with a laugh.

"Aemon is only three, he would not be able to keep quiet for too long." Rhaenyra pulled back and shook her head. "And Alyssane is just a babe, she is not even able to walk yet."

Her father opened his mouth but before he could say anything there was a loud sound and Rhaenyra let out a gasp. She would recognize that sound anywhere, her uncle was back.

                                                             Rhaenyra Targaryen (10 years old.)

                                                                   Aelyx Targaryen (6 years old.)

                                                                        Maekar Targaryen (6 years old.)

                                                         Baelon Targaryen (50 years old.)

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