
By AnthonyRobinson468

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In a world covered by endless sky... people are forced to eke out a living on floating continents and islands... More

SkyWorld Prologue
Chapter I: Be Careful What You Wish For...
Chapter III: The Memory Span of a Goldfish
Chapter IV: Piratical Proceedings
Chapter V: A Meeting of the Minds
Chapter VI: Excursion
Chapter VII: Greeting the Country
Chapter VIII: Crossing the Line
Chapter IX: Hairy Fur Ball
Chapter X: Peas in a Pod
Chapter XI: Old Enemies
Chapter XII: All Out Brawl
Chapter XIII: Guilt

Chapter II: Blood in the Water

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By AnthonyRobinson468

Chapter II: Blood in the Water

Pirate base in the Archipelago

Time: 1130 (11:30 A.M.)

Nikolai, dejected and frustrated, watched as the last crate was loaded onto their one cargo plane.

"That's everything, boss," said one of the pirates as he placed the last crate into the cargo hold.

Nikolai pressed a button inside the cargo hold to lift up the ramp and close the doors.

"Those damn Colonial Navy fighters," Nikolai cursed. He walked towards the tent where the remaining five pilots had all gathered. Nikolai scoffed. The fact that these pirates didn't take off in their planes to fight when the Colonials showed up means I'm only left with cowards now. He mumbled a curse in his native language that no one could hear before stepping in the tent.

Once inside he could see Lena standing in the center of the tent overlooking a table with a large map of the islands. She glanced up noticing him walking in. "We need to leave within the next few hours. Now that the Colonial Navy knows this island, they're bound to launch a second airstrike to finish us off for good."

Nikolai nodded in agreement. He scrutinized the map and saw Lena had already used a pencil to circle three possible options. Nikolai didn't like any of them.

"We could land at Tortuga, where the other pirate leaders are scheduled to meet in two weeks," Lena suggested, pointing to the island. "None of the seven powers know where it is and we have enough loot to trade for new fighters and recruit more pilots. Our Condors are outdated anyway."

Nikolai shook his head. "If we arrive there in the condition we are now it would be an embarrassment." I know better than anyone to never look weak in front of other pirates. He pointed to the second option. "What about Broke Harbor Island?"

Lena nodded her head. "Well, we can definitely find new planes and pilots there. There's a fledging black market for arms and war materials at Broke Harbor."

"I'd rather show up to the meeting in Tortuga with some semblance of strength," he tersely replied. His cold grey gaze lifted up to meet those of the pilots. He could see the desperation in many of their eyes. His eyes drifted back down to the map looking at the third option.

"What's the third option?" he asked Lena, glancing at the last island she had circled.

"That's the Island of Biawi Ursidae. It's also where the last remnants of..." She paused before speaking, "... our former comrades from the civil war are gathered. It's likely we'll be able to recruit more Varyagian pilots and possibly resupply, though the quality will be substandard."

"More White Varyagians, eh?" He rubbed his chin in thought. An ounce of loyalty is worth a pound of performance in this business. "What else can we get from there? Any good planes or weapons?"

She shook her head. "I don't know, but the most likely thing they'll have are just more Condors."

Nikolai considered the options carefully and quickly arrived at a course of action. "We'll go to all three."

Everyone looked at him somewhat stunned. Lena slowly began to nod her head.

He first pointed to the Island of Biawi Ursidae. "We'll go here first to recruit more pilots and buy fuel." He then pointed to Broke Harbor Island. "Then we'll go here to buy better planes. Hopefully, they have something better than Condors." Lastly, he pointed to Tortuga. "We'll need to do all of this within the span of a week and a half so we can arrive in time for the meeting on Tortuga." One by one Nikolai looked everyone in the eyes. "Does everyone understand the plan?"

They nodded their heads in response. Some of their hope seemed to be restored in their eyes now that they had a plan and could see Nikolai seemingly bounce back from such a setback.

"Everyone, to your planes!" Nikolai commanded.

"Ooorah!" shouted the pirates back. They all rushed out the doors and ran out of the tent to their Condors.

Lena rolled up the map and proceeded to stuff it in a long metal container. Nikolai couldn't help a strong sense of lust pulsing in his mind as he watched her. Standing at 5'7" Lena was a small woman with a very nice figure that even her trench coat couldn't hide. Her face was also particularly nice on the eyes. He just knew that right now he had bigger things to focus on. He also had a sneaking suspicion that Lena might actually be smarter than anyone gave her credit for, including himself.

UCS Endeavour

Time: 1945 (7:45 P.M.)

Date: January 26th, 1937 A.K.

Roland Blackburn sat in his room flipping a page over in a harmonica instruction manual. His quarters had only the bare essentials, which included a simple bed with blue sheets, a small bathroom with a shower, and a desk for work. A small library rested to the right and a calendar with pinup models for each month of the year was the only decoration he had on the wall.

Roland played a few notes on his harmonica. He personally preferred to play only blues. Practicing the harmonica was one of his favorite hobbies and he'd already become a proficient blues player.

A knock on his door caused him to pause. "Come in."

Chris opened the door and tossed him a chocolate bar. "Stole these from the mess. Figured you'd want one."

Roland caught the bar with one hand. "You figured right," he replied and started peeling off the wrapping.

Chris leaned against the wall. "I have to ask, why didn't you tell anyone about your father passing away?"

Roland took a single bite of his chocolate bar and glanced down at his harmonica book. "It's complicated. I could tell hunting pirates is dangerous and I wasn't going to leave the squadron out here to do it alone." He smirked. "I guess there was also a bit of glory seeking involved. Of course I want to gain a kill count too and that's not something that just waits around for you."

Chris nodded his head in understanding. "Fair enough. If you don't mind me asking, how'd he go?"

Roland grimly gazed back at him. "He fought in the last war as part of the elite Hellfighters squadron. Early in the war, the Eisenblut Empire was using Mustard gas flak shells. He inhaled a whiff of mustard gas about the size of my fist and it paralyzed him from the chest down for life."

"Damn," Chris said in reply.

"Before he left he said to the family he believed the war was going to kill him. It may have taken seventeen years after it was over, but in the end he was right. That war did kill him." Roland could feel he had set a dark mood in the conversation so he decided to change the subject to something lighter. "What do you think of Hawkins?"

Chris shook his head once. "Well, she's smoking hot and sounds like she could get us both killed if we're not careful. Also, she's a little suspicious with the whole..." Chris mockingly reached inside his flight jacket as if he was revealing non-existent cleavage.

Roland released a laugh. "Caught that too, huh?"

"How could I not? Those milkers could fill my whole hands." Chris squeezed imaginary breasts in the air in front of him.

Roland closed his book. "Well, let's just hope she's not going to get us both killed on this mission."

"Speaking of which, how do we pass ourselves off as wannabe air pirates?"

Roland put his harmonica on the desk and glanced down in deep thought. "I have no idea. Hawkins said it's up to us. And we have about a week to figure out how to join one of these gangs before the meeting on Tortuga. So, let's go over what we know. They still don't know where Tortuga is but they at least know where Broke Harbor Island is so that's where we're going. We'll have to hope there's a pirate gang there that's in need of pilots."

Chris nodded in reply. "I'm just hoping we can join one of the good gangs. If we join a weak or a crappy gang it'll make this a lot harder."

Captain Leatherman and Hawkins watched from a high walkway as Roland and Chris, both now wearing civilian clothes with flight jackets from non-existent squadrons, walked to a twin-engine cargo plane on a conveyor belt. The cargo plane had both its wings folded as it was suspended from a hook attached to a metal trapeze that hung over the launch bay.

"Well, Miss Hawkins, you've taken two of my best men," Leatherman said. "I don't know what you said to them, but I just have one question for you." He gave her a hard look letting her know his strong concern for their safety. "What are the odds of them coming back alive?"

Hawkins took a long drag from her cigarette. She took her time releasing the smoke from her lungs. "In all honesty, Captain, I don't know." Her gaze drifted over to look Leatherman in the eyes with ominous warning. "What I do know is that our economy is barely good enough to compete with the other powers. We're still in a severe state of depression. And this armed mob of pirates couldn't have come at a worse time. If the United Colonies were to suffer defeat at the hands of such unworthy enemies the other powers would smell blood in the water."

At that, Leatherman averted his eyes away from her back to the cargo, as if having to yield to a superior argument. "As a veteran of the Great Sky War, I know more than anyone what blood in the water does to a country."

A voice over the intercom within the hangar announced, "Clear the flight deck. All emergency crews stand by for DC-9 Skyrail launch."

The launch bay doors below UCS Endeavour opened downward allowing a rush of cold air into the hangar. The pilot for the DC-9 Skyrail cargo plane flipped a switch and the wings began to unfold. Another flip of a switch and the engines began to start up, filling the air with the roar of howling diesel powered pistons. Once he gave a thumbs up and a salute to a crewman with his hand on the launch button, the crewman hit the button.

The trapeze released the twin engine cargo plane and it fell into the sky. The plane rapidly gained lift and went on its way. The launch bay doors closed shortly after.

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