✯ 𝐌𝐲 𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫 ✯ |...


686 214 0

Oscar Isaac, a well-known American actor, was falsely accused and framed for committing a scandalous act. How... More

𝟐 ~ 𝗖𝗲𝗹𝗲𝗯𝗿𝗶𝘁𝘆 & 𝗦𝗲𝗰𝗿𝗲𝘁 𝗔𝗴𝗲𝗻𝘁
𝟑 ~ 𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗔𝗿𝗲 𝗪𝗲? 𝗙𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱𝘀?
𝟒 ~ 𝗖𝗮𝗺𝗲𝗿𝗮 𝗥𝗼𝗹𝗹 #𝟭
𝟓 ~ 𝗖𝗮𝗺𝗲𝗿𝗮 𝗥𝗼𝗹𝗹 #𝟮
𝟔 ~ 𝗦𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗮𝗹

𝟏 ~ 𝗥𝗲𝗱 𝗖𝗮𝗿𝗽𝗲𝘁

142 52 0

🔎 Y/N'S POV 🔍


Okay, calm down. You had been trained extensively as a spy agent, and you knew better than to be meek and timid in high-pressure situations. You were supposed to put on your brave face rather than feel shy and awkward.

I've been working as a secret agent for over six years and were amongst the top-ranked officials in the field. I had maintained a tomboy-like appearance, allowing myself to move freely and unimpeded for self-defense purposes. I had a strong aversion towards being feminine or girly in any way, and my wardrobe was brimming with luxurious and elegant apparel, mostly in leather. I had inherited an extravagant fortune from my deceased parents, though that aspect was a closely guarded secret to the majority.

They had perished during a mission, and I had made my peace with the tragic realities of them being gone. I had gone through thorough training under the tutelage of the senior agents in the MI6 (the UK's Secret Intelligence Service) after that. And now, having returned to Los Angeles, I was attempting to build a separate, autonomous lifestyle for myself.

One day, as I heard through the social media news, my hugely admired idol and favorite actor, Oscar Isaac, was going to attend the red carpet of one of his newly released movies that was happening in the vicinity of my current location. Thus, with a palpable excitement, I decided to plan my opportunity to meet this star face-to-face for the initial, once-in-a-lifetime occasion.

Finally met him in person for the very first time.

The red carpet premiere was a hub of activity, with multiple famous actors and film industry personalities in attendance. Their stunning attire and jewelry were all on display, as they posed for the endless stream of photographers. The red carpet itself extended for quite a distance, as it was swarmed by droves of eager fans. All around were the flashing lights of the photographers, the deafening cheers of the crowd, and the thumping backdrop of loud, upbeat music. It was a grand, opulent affair, befitting the star-studded atmosphere.

The atmosphere was vibrant and buzzing, as countless fans and admirers of Oscar Isaac milled about, eagerly anticipating the appearance of this celebrity figure on the red carpet.

I hated public and noisy people, yet this was my only chance to meet my idol.

Being a bit tardy, I unfortunately found myself too far away from the red carpet event, unable to spot Oscar Isaac among the other celebrities. The front row of the carpet was brimming with hordes of fans, all of whom had a clear view of the star. I was eager to push past all those present to get to the front myself, no matter how much I got yelled at. And if need be, I would always have my trusty firearm by my side to exhibit my power and authority.

Perhaps those who should be wary of my position as an MI6 agent will remember to treat me with the appropriate respect.

I scanned the place for any potential vacant space in the crowds that I might be able to pass through to get as close to the red carpet premiere section. That was when I happened to notice an opening. I spotted a small pocket of space and swiftly tried to squeeze through the tight crowds, only to end up being barred by the timely intrusion of a girl who had stepped into the precise place where I had been planning to go. At that moment, a chilling coldness overtook my demeanor, as I glared at her using a deep, husky tone, I sternly uttered to the girl.

"Pardon me. This is where I meant to stand." I declared ominously.

The girl was taken aback by the severity of my expression, and she was well aware of the potential danger should she defy me. I couldn't help but smirk slightly as she vacated the space, allowing me to assume my proposed position.

My eyes were once more focused on the area from which I had intended to watch the grand occasion when I caught sight of Oscar Isaac from a distance. He was the man himself, ready to captivate his loyal fans and admirers with the latest premiere of his newest movie.

There he was, in all his glory, and I was about to have a once-in-a-lifetime chance to meet this renowned actor in person, and I relished the prospect. I almost wanted to let out a cry of joy, as I beheld the man in all of his glorious, real-life presence in front of me.

Wow. He's so charming in real life.

My attention was riveted on Oscar Isaac and his other fellow celebrities, as I watched them from a distance. I was utterly awestruck and taken aback by the fact that I would finally meet my top idol in the flesh. And then, before I had even fully absorbed the reality of the situation, Oscar's head unexpectedly whirled in my direction and our eyes met. Both of us stood there motionless, staring at each other for what seemed like an eternity, with a soft, slow-motion soundtrack playing out in the background.

My heart skipped a beat as my mind was filled with the emptiness of silence, with both of us locked in eye-to-eye contact, almost as if time itself had slowed down. This moment was magical, and it shall always be ingrained within my memories.

The blissful illusion of the moment was suddenly shattered back to reality, as Oscar diverted his attention away from me, returning his gaze to the other fans. I, too, was determined to seize my chance and strike up a friendship with my idol. Knowing that my chance was still not lost, I eagerly waited for the onset of the autograph session. In the meantime, I joined the throng of spectators who were queuing outside the screening theater to watch the premiere of Oscar's latest cinematic masterpiece. I silently prayed to myself that by some stroke of luck, I would be selected to receive his autograph as an appreciative fan.

This would undoubtedly be my luckiest opportunity yet to watch him in action on the silver screen, and I wasn't about to miss it.

As the premiere had already wrapped up, the long-awaited autograph session had finally arrived, and I was feeling somewhat anxious and nervous, despite my usual composed demeanor. This was because I was about to face Oscar Isaac, a celeb whom I had only seen on screen or through the media, and I had seldom faced any celeb in person before. However, I tried to shake off my jitters, as this was my golden opportunity to meet him in person.

This is my chance, it's now or never.

The queue to get an autograph from Oscar Isaac was nothing short of colossal, lasting for what felt like fucking forever. Nevertheless, despite my feelings of exhaustion, fatigue, and weariness, my desire to meet him never changed, as it was my only opportunity. I was determined to seize it, no matter how long it took. I had to meet him, to make all my long hours of waiting worthwhile in the end. I was too close to quit now. My resolve remained strong and unchanging.

I had remained fixated on the wristwatch on my wrist, eagerly awaiting the moment when I could step up to Oscar Isaac. But all of a sudden, a masculine voice captured my attention.

"You seem exhausted, young lady," the man noted.

I sighed in frustration, shaking my head in refusal, still staring at my timepiece and not wanting to relent. But I was far from giving up, as I was not going to let this opportunity slip through my fingers.

"I know. But I shall not give up until I meet..."

But this time, I was caught off-guard as I looked up and saw the object of my pursuit standing in front of me, face to face. I got cut off mid-sentence by a sudden, unexpected sight. The man standing ahead of me, seemingly in front of the pack, was the very man himself.

Oscar Isaac.

He was looking rather handsome and chivalrous in clean-shaven, wearing his dashing dark blue suit and a lighter shade of blue undershirt, accompanied by a necktie, which only enhanced his overall appearance. His charming demeanor and gentlemen-like conduct were certainly attracting admiring glances from the ladies present at the event, and I could tell why.

He made a good first impression.

There was an extended pause between us, as our eyes locked in a stare. Time seemed to slow down, and the moment felt surreal. My heart was beating rapidly, and I found myself unable to speak. Oscar broke the silence, uttering a single word to me. My eyes widened in surprise, and my mouth opened slightly as my jaw dropped when I saw his gorgeous, handsome and manly visage break out into a warm, charismatic smile.

It was the first time I had met him in the flesh, and my reaction was one of shock and awe.

Oh God, I can't believe this is happening.

He just came and talked to me.

"Oh, I... umm... I... uhh, yes, I'm rather exhausted. But rest assured, I wasn't about to back down and give up. I was absolutely determined to meet you," I stuttered, maintaining my politeness as I smiled softly at him.

He chuckled in response, replying with a playful tone that matched his friendly demeanor.

"So you were simply standing here for me, huh?" Oscar inquired with a grin.

I know, however, Oscar is a real person, who is presently married and has two children in real life. So, for me, meeting Oscar in-person is not about having any romantic pursuits with him. Rather, it's about trying to form a friendly dynamic with him. That being said, I still feel quite a bit of attraction towards Oscar, and I would be absolutely flattered if we could become friends and possibly spend more time together.

"Yes, I am here to see you," I said, speaking in a more formal, proper manner this time around.

Oscar's body language was slightly cocky, as he slid his hands into his pockets and continued to maintain eye contact with me.

"Yes, you are present with me at this point in time," he said in a soft, friendly manner, as I restrained my excitement and refrained from behaving in an overly effusive or "fangirly" style in front of him.

This was my opportunity, and I didn't want to blow it.

"Well, I'm here now, so what do you want from me?" He inquired in a polite manner.

I was trying to conceal the excitement coursing through my veins. I smiled, doing my best to hide my feelings, as I am not the type to gush over celebrities in public. Nonetheless, I couldn't help but indulge in this moment.

"I just want to... s-say... 'Hi' in person," I stuttered, maintaining my composure as best as I could.

Taking a deep breath, I plucked out a picture that depicted his own. I appeared to be a bit shy as I requested something fairly significant of him.

Damnit, Y/N. A stoic and deadly secret agent never gets to be shy and awkward. Urgh, fuck it.

"Could you perhaps sign this photo for me? Please?" I asked sheepishly and a tad timidly. I desired the autograph as a reminder of the momentous occasion and for my memories to cherish.

I was desperate to obtain his autograph and to not waste this singular opportunity. Oscar pulled out a black marker from his pocket and gestured for me to hand over the picture. Upon receiving it, he promptly started to sign his autograph on it. However, it took significantly more than the few seconds I had expected. I noticed him turning the picture over, my curiosity piqued. He was likely writing something on the back of the photo.

What message could he be leaving for me? This is a rare thing for any celebrity to leave a message to their fans, but this is maybe something special.

Oscar returned the autographed picture to me in a rather quick fashion. I was very eager to examine the autograph closely, to see how it turned out. I maintained my friendly and polite demeanor throughout, but deep within me, my heart was racing at quite a rapid pace, and my mind was filled with joy to finally meet this remarkable individual. I was a true fan after all, but I didn't let his fame and celebrity status overpower the sensible and composed side of myself.

Nevertheless, deep down, I was beyond excited that I had managed to achieve my goal and I was fangirling privately.

"Please don't look at the back of the photo right now," Oscar advised me with a grin, preventing me from immediately turning the picture over. I nodded in acknowledgment, keeping the picture safely tucked away in my pocket.

"Ah. So you did indeed write something," I chuckled, to which he confirmed that he did so. He even encouraged me to save the message for when I reached my place of residence.

"Precisely so, you can see the message in private," he stated with a friendly smile, in return, I expressed my gratitude towards him.

"Thank you so much, Oscar," I said, utilizing my usual politeness and cheerfulness.

Oscar nodded back at me with a smile, and he began to take a small step back, to make his way towards the crowd of other fans, who were eagerly awaiting their chances to meet him. Our eyes were locked for quite a while, and it was finally snapped out of the trance when he broke away and began to walk away from me. I wished that we could chat for longer to develop a friendship, but I understood the need for him to converse and interact with the masses of fans lining up behind.

Oh shit.

"Wait, Oscar!! We haven't taken..."

...a photo.

My sense of regret grew immensely, as the realization hit me that I had completely neglected to ask for a photo of us together. I had been so engaged in my conversation with the renowned actor that the thought hadn't even crossed my mind. Now, it was already too late, as he was nowhere to be seen, and had undoubtedly moved on to meet up with his other fans. I was completely distraught and deeply frustrated with myself, acknowledging that I had lost my chance to record this momentous occasion.

I fucked up.

I made my way back home after the red carpet event, cleaned myself up, had dinner and finally settled down for the night. After settling into a comfortable position, I grabbed my phone and looked at the footage of the red carpet-event, looking for myself in the crowds.

There, in front of the screen, I spotted myself standing alongside Oscar Isaac, with our friendly demeanors and kind demeanors on display for all to see. It was surreal, watching myself near a beloved celebrity, and it felt as though we were good friends. It was almost as if the screen had transported me back to the present moment, and this would always be a moment that I shall hold dear to my heart.

It felt as though I had watched a snippet of my life on the television, like a true encounter between two close friends, although the reality was a far different story.

Once I caught a glimpse of Oscar's signing of the autograph that he had written for me, in the heat of the moment, I snapped back into reality and quickly approached my nightstand to grab the photo where Oscar signed the autograph. This was a pivotal moment, as I had been curious about what he had written on the back of the photo earlier. I had been itching to find out what it could be, and now was the golden opportunity.

This made the moment all the more significant and worthwhile, and I will forever look back on this moment with fond memories. I began to examine it carefully, determined not to miss any message written by the man himself.

I turned the signed picture around to reveal what Oscar had written on the back, and it was something I least expected. His private phone number had been inked on the back of the photo, which I considered to be a remarkable act. Famous individuals of his status generally do not hand out their numbers to their fans in such a manner, so I was utterly startled by his unexpected decision. I never expected a well-known and highly regarded public figure like Oscar Isaac to share his private number to a stranger.

Why did this happen to me? Was I being handpicked for a purpose?

Perhaps this was my only chance to have a meaningful conversation with the man in question, and I couldn't let it slip away from me.

Could this possibly signify that he desired to maintain contact with me?

I noticed that there was another message below his phone number, so I paused to read it attentively. I felt taken aback and overwhelmed by what it said.

Wait a minute, how come?

It was utterly unbelievable that he could have written this message just for me. I reread the message a couple of times, to ensure that I was reading it properly. I was left speechless, and utterly thrilled.

I couldn't believe what I was reading.

I read the phrase aloud, using my own voice.


"I know who you are... Y/N."

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