Seme trapped in a Uke's body...

By Seme_bunny

130K 5.7K 667

▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ MC is a normal gay college student with a love for romance games. His favorite one bein... More

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1.2K 68 4
By Seme_bunny

Satomi Arai, the king of the school.

His beautiful long black hair was tied back. His dazzling blue eyes peered over the group of girls and some boys surrounding his lean figure. The uniform was the same as everyone else's, but somehow looked ten times more pleasing wrapped around his supple skin. His warm smile used to greet everyone gently blinded his fans. So bright and sparkly. Fitting of a king.

According to the characters background info in the game profile, Arai was the son of a famous actor abroad and a former politician once widely popular within the nation a few years back.

He was also the most popular of all the love interests and the second hardest good ending to achieve. The good ending for Arai showed him and the player spending their time together on a secluded island he was gifted by his parents. The player was actually taken there with her consent, but that was where she lived out the rest of her days without ever stepping off. Seemingly happy.

The bad ending was similar, only the player was taken to the island against her will and was driven mad due to the lonelyness and seclusion. Away from the people she cared about and civilization as a whole. The island was really a cage keeping her from the rest of the world and anyone that could take her away from Arai.

Their excuse as to why he wasn't part of the game earlier was because Arai had caught an illness of some sorts and was taken abroad by his parents for a specific doctor to look after him. At least, that was the excuse his parents gave to the dean of the school. In truth, Arai was missing.

He took one of his family's private jets and flew somewhere abroad so that he could party without being under the supervision of the "assistants" his parents hired for him. Eventually, his parents tracked him down and he was forced to momentarily stop his antics and return to school. His private jet privalges were revoked and he was ban from leaving the country.

Yes. This is who Satomi Arai is. A party animal with a flirtacious personality and a high libido. Taking anyone who is willing into his arms with those who might have been originally uninterested succumbing to his sultry words within seconds. Although he appeared to be a noble and pure king in front of his subjects, Arai was vicious and tainted the innocent hearts.

Just keep smiling and maybe they'll leave me alone.


Why are there so many of them? It's so annoying.

'Wait a minute—'

This uniform is so ichy. Why am I forced to be in it for over eight hours?

'Who are you!?'

You are me.

'That's not what I asked!'

Well, you're in my body—Oh~? Who's that? He's cute~

'Wait! Your body!? What do you mean?'

Hush now. Someone has caught my interest.

At that moment, the school bell sounded and the mysterious guy was gone before he could even attempt to make his way over.

"Dammit." He cursed under his breath.

"What was that, Arai?" asked one of the peasants nearby.

"Oh nothing~" His cerulean eyes scanned over the faces of the group surrounding him before glancing at the spot where the mysterious belle was. "We should really all head to class. It would be ashame if you all weren't there when your teachers arrived. My heart aches at just the thought of all of you getting in trouble because of me." His eyebrows furrowed together as his lips quivered slightly.

Many felt their heart stop at the pout they just witnessed from this mighty being. But the thought of him being sad over them brought them back and gave them the strength to get to class. "Don't worry over us, Arai!" One of them even shouted as they ran to class.

'Fake bitch...Why aren't you hurrying to get to class with the all nonsense you just spouted to those poor students?'

Why should I be? They can't do anything to me anyways.

Arai was in no hurry to attend his classes. It didn't really matter to him. As he walked across the school courtyard, the figures of three other guys entered his line of vision.

The shortest one among the three he didn't know at all. He had no memory of ever seeing someone with such bright violet hair. His demeanor seemed timid, but not really. Did that make sense?

The one with the brown hair he had the faintest feeling of familiarity. Like he's seen him somewhere, but couldn't exactly pinpoint where. Have I slep with him?

The last one he obviously knew. That was Tanaka Rin. The only other person in the school that could rival him if he tried. But Rin was never interested in that stuff. Arai was forced to engage with him on multiple occassions as his parents often invited the Tanakas to their many glamorous parties. Why is he suddenly hanging around other people? That is so unlike him.

At that moment, their eyes met. A chilling dull gray peered into sparkling blue hues. As if he was sending him a warning. A shiver ran down the spine of his back. Why was Rin glaring at him? Arai didn't remember doing anything to offend the Tanaka offspring.

'What did you do to offend him?' The voice spoke again.

Who even are you? And why are you in my body.

'I don't know....the only thing I remember was having this tremendous feeling of grief and anger. As if I had lost something.'

So not even you know how you got here. Useless.

'I just revealed a part of myself to you and that's how you respond?!'

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