Amnesia (Lumine Bi Harem)

By StarCookiesCake

5K 116 10

(Modern AU/Yandere AU) Lumine was hated by all. She doesn't know the reason why or how everyone around her te... More

Waking up in an unknown place
Teyvat, visions and discharge
A tour of our house and Teyvat Academy
Memories of the past?
Dreams and shopping
Dreams, again, bullies and snitches
Confusion, questions and Kitsune Café
A mess and an unknown number
Christmas Presents
New Years (Not a chapter)

Dreams, yet again, secrets and cats

337 10 3
By StarCookiesCake

Lumine's Point Of View

Lumine ~

It's that voice again.

Lumine ~

I was in another place, a very creepy place. It looked like a domain tho. There was a person, she was blurred out. She held a weapon and charged at me. I had no control over my body and charged at her.

In the end I was striked by lightning, her lightning. And then I woke up.


This time instead of waking up early, I woke up at six.

I stretched my body and felt like my back was burning. Holy shit, my back is hurting me. I ran to the bathroom and took my shirt off.

Holy shit.

I stared with wide eyes at the mirror, my back was facing the reflection.

My back was bleeding.

Not like the one that was from two days or so ago, but it was like I was struck with lightning.

Guess I should go see a doctor.

I took a shower, a painful shower because my back was hurting like shit.

When I was done, I put on my new clothes. I styled my hair and pinned it with the same hairpin from yesterday. I grab my shoulder bag and went downstairs where I was greeted by one of Aether's friends, Heizou.

"Uhm, what're you doing here?" I ask.

Heizou hum and looked up from his phone, he gave me a small smile, one that isn't fake nor genuine. "Oh, Aether invited me over yesterday since we had a project together. But I gotta ask, do you always wake up gasping for air, or did you have a nightmare?"

How the hell does he know?

"Were you spying on me?" I ask, narrowing my eyes at me suspiciously.

"Oh, no, no, I over heard you gasping for air because I woke up earlier than you. I must admit tho, I'm curious about what happened, so care to tell me?" Heizou said.

This dude is outta his mind.

"You're insane."

"I know."

New POV unlock

Heizou's Point Of View

Lumine has changed.

Four months ago, before she went into a coma, she was someone who doesn't like small talks, someone who hates crowds, someone who doesn't like talking and someone who likes to mind her own business.

But after she went into a coma, she became more lively, more talkative.

Her eyes were like gold, not a devoid of life kind of gold, but a shining so bright it might shine like the stars in the night sky.

Her eyes used to be dull, kind of like Childe's eyes, but now? It's full of life and light.

I didn't know why, but when I first met her, I was drawn to her.

She had so many secrets that I wanted to uncover.

After all I am studying to be a detective so what kind of detective would I be if I don't uncover her secrets.

Even now, even if she had changed, I will uncover all of her secrets.

"So, what's your secret, dear sister friend of mine." I said with a smirk.

Lumine looked at me as if I'm crazy, which is not true, for the most part.


"Secretive, I like it."

This girl. She really has changed. Before she was always frowning and ignoring, not saying 'no', just straight up ignored, but now? She even called me insane.

I noticed Aether walking down the stairs. He was already dressed up for the academy. I waved at him and he smiled at me.

"You didn't tell me you invited him over." Lumine said.

"You were in your room, and I don't think I need your approval to invite someone, especially if his my friend."

And they started to argue. It's amusing to watch two siblings arguing, it makes you feel like you're watching a drama movie.

In the end Aether won because I backed him up.

After that whole ordeal, I left. I still have some things to do at Teyvat Academy since I'm a resident there.


Lumine's Point Of View

"Bye Lumine, see you at lunch."

"Bye, don't make me wait for your ass next time."

"I won't."

I open the door to my class. No one was inside, guess I was early. Class starts at 8:30, but right now it's 8:20, so I had time to spare. I took my seat and put on my earphones.

I fell down, down, down
Into this dark and lonely hole
There was no one there to care about me anymore

I hummed softly.

And I needed a way to climb and grab a hold of the edge
You were sitting there, holding a rope

I never got to the next verse, because the classroom was now piling up with students and the teacher was arriving, so I took my earphones off.

Class was the same as yesterday, weapon forgery. I looked out of the window, since I sat next to the window, and saw students with visions training at the field. It must be nice to train with visions and have to listen to your teacher bantering about weapon forgery that we'll never be using.

The bell chimed, signaling the end of the class. I packed my things and was ready to head out, I headed out of the classroom and searched for Aether.

He was nowhere to be seen, great. His making me wait for his ass, again.

While I was walking around, I saw a cat, the same cat from yesterday. I went to it and it seemed to like me. I pet it gently, giving it a scratch.

I saw that the cat has a collar, a red collar. It has a name engraved on it, 'Tomo'. So that's its name huh? I picked up the cat, it doesn't seem bothered and snuggles its head against my chest.

"Tomo!" A voice called out.

Someone's looking for this cat? I followed the voice and saw a white haired boy with a red strike from the side and red scarlet eyes. He was calmly looking for the cat in my arms. I approached the boy, with the cat still in my arms.

I softly tap his back and he turns around. "Is this the Tomo you're looking for?" I showed him the cat.

He nodded his head with a smile, a genuine smile. "Yes, this is the cat I was looking for."

I gave the cat to him and he cradles the small ball of fluff in his arms. It snuggles its head closer to his chest, letting out a meow.

"I'm Kazuha, by the way." He said, looking at the cat.

"I'm Lumine. Have I met you before?" I ask, tilting my head.

His face was pinkish and he parted his lips, "N-no, I just attended Teyvat Academy five months ago. Why do you ask?"

"Oh, it's nothing, It's just, I have horrible memories and thought maybe you might know me." I said.

We chatted for a bit until the bell chimed loudly, signaling the second class. We bid goodbye and went our separate ways.


After classes I told Aether that I wanted to go home by myself, he doesn't trust and after so much begging, he finally compiled.

I was walking down the streets, looking for the Kitsune Café. I promised Daniella that I'll arrive at Kitsune Café at one but it was now two.

I finally arrived at Kitsune Café. I opened the door and the bell that was attached to the door chimed, signalling that someone was coming. The café looked vibrant, it was also pink and white.

There were a lot of customers, some were cosplayers, some were high school and college students and some were people from different companies.

I took a seat and waited for a waiter.

"Ah, you've arrived." A voice call out.

I looked up and saw a platinum blonde girl with sunglasses that was concealing her eyes. She wore a maid outfit.

"You must be Daniella right?"

"That I am. I'm actually surprised that you finally broke free." She said.

Broke free?

"Did I go to prison or something?" I panicked.

"Uhm, no, y'know what? Ignore I said any of that."

"Why did you ask me to meet you here?" I ask.

"Oh, because I wanted you to take your job back. Only if you're interested in working at the café again."

Working back at the café?

Oh that's right, I used to work at the café. Well that's what she said.

"I'll think about it."

She smiled at me, "Great, if you want to work here again, your shifts start and three till six, since you're still a student, you'll be working from Friday till Sunday. How 'bout it? I'll let you think."

And with that she left.

Working at a café?

I wonder what Aether does for a living?

I never asked him that before.

I'm an adult now, I can't ask my parents or Aether for money. I need to take care of myself for now.

I mean how bad is working at a café?


I lied, it was bad.

After contemplating whether I should work at the café or not, I decided to accept.

Turns out Kitsune Café was run by Yae Miko, a student from Teyvat Academy, and not Daniella. Daniella is just the person who owns the café, not the company. Yae Miko also has other companies, The Yae Publishing House.

Kitsune Café has a strict rule about clothing too, we had to wear a maid outfit and a Kitsune mask, along with a wig, to conceal our identity, because some people who work at the café, ehem me ehem, don't want their family members to know their occupations.

So Daniella made a custom made maid outfit with a Kitsune mask and wigs. She really cares about her co-workers huh?

"Oh right, remember your shifts start at three till six on Friday and till Sunday, see you then!" Daniella explained.

I nodded my head.

"Oh and also, your clothes are in your locker and you might have to bring your Kitsune mask with you, just in case a robbery happens, the maid outfit can easily be replaced, but the mask, not so much. So make sure you keep that Kitsune mask safely."

"I will, see you on Friday." I waved bye at her.

"Make sure you don't forget."

I left the café and walked back home. Since my house and Kitsune Café are just a few kilometers away.

I arrived at my home and Aether's car was parked on the driveway. I open the door and close it.

"Hey sis," Aether greeted me from the couch.

"Hey- what are you eating?" I ask, looking at the bowl of whatever the hell it is.

"I actually don't know, but it's kinda good not gotta lie, except for the fact that it's unpleasant to look at." Aether said.

"I can see that."

"Where were you? When I got home, you weren't here. I mean Teyvat Academy isn't a long way, walking or driving."

Oh no, Aether's getting curious about where I was. Make up a lie or something, I can't let him know I'm working at a maid café.

"I was at Kitsune Café, because I was hungry. Here's a cake for you." I settled a small box on the coffee table.

"Oh right, Kitsune Café is your favorite café, since Daniella works there." Aether said.

Wait, Aether knows Daniella?

"You know Daniella?"

"Yeah, she's our childhood friend who's two years older than us, she graduated from Teyvat Academy last year."

"You graduate when you turn 20?"

"Uh, no, you actually graduate when you're 21, whether you want to drop out early or not, Daniella skipped a grade, so that's why she graduated when she turned 21."

"Oh, that makes sense."

I sat next to Aether on the couch and we talked with each other. I finally saw what kind of food Aether was eating, and he was right, it doesn't look pleasant to look at.


Writer's block is a bitch and I hate it.

My English sucks.

Fun Facts!

- Daniella knows about the curse, but keeps it a secret from Lumine because she wants Lumine to find the truth by herself.

- Lumine is a cutie so whenever she tilts her head to the side like a curious cat she looks like a bunny, so that's why Kazuha blushes upon seeing her tilting her head.

- Kazuha is a new kid who attended Teyvat Academy five months ago, two months after Lumine dropped out from Teyvat Academy.

- Heizou likes to uncover secrets, especially Lumine's because she was a secret that was about to burst open.

See you in the next chapter.

I did not proof read this, so I apologize for any mistakes.

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