Reflections in Ice (Fairy Tai...

By Silver-Tigress

6.1K 91 7

17 year old Reina Evans Walker returns from a year long mission to find that Fairy Tail has a new member name... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 33

65 1 0
By Silver-Tigress

Third Person's P. O. V:

As they run through the empty halos of the Wolfsbane guild hall to the torture room, Eric explains his story to the Fairy Tail wizards.

"So, let me get this straight, you've been secretly working with the Magic Council this whole time by disguising yourself as a member of Wolfsbane to gather intel on them?" Gray mutters, running beside Erza just behind the bluenette.

"That's correct," He says. "I also took it as an opportunity to get close enough to Takeshi in order to get revenge on my parents. I never meant to hurt my sister once I got past the anger of our parents' deaths."

Gajeel scoffs, "Well, bit late for that now, isn't it?"

Eric doesn't respond.

Lucy says, "So I guess this means you're on our side."


Erza questions, "I still don't understand why Takeshi ordered for Reina to be captured in the first place."

Eric explains, "He desires the Lost Magic of Arc of Reflection. He knows that only Reina possesses it so he sent me, Atsushi and Jun out to find her."

Lucy says wearily, "Yeah, but if anyone tries to force the magic upon themselves shatters in a psychological way. Their mind is unable to comprehend the vastness, and so, they break." Natsu gasps worriedly as he whips his head to her.

"That's just sick," Says Gajeel.

"Even so, Takeshi still wants it," Says Eric. "But I'm not about to let him hurt my sister..." He trails off as he hears footsteps approach from around the corner. "Duck!" He ducks behind another corner and the Fairy Tail wizards follow. A couple of Wolfsbane members saunter past without noticing them. Eric looks back and jerks his head for the others to follow.

After going down more corridors and around more corners, then up a flight of stairs, Eric finally stops outside a door. It was quiet on the inside.

Gritting his teeth, Eric slams his foot against the door, kicking it open. Lucy gapes as the doorknob collided with the wall on the inside.

"Wh-Whoa..." Breathes Happy.

A blond haired, blue eyed man whirls around from in front of a chair that has an unconscious Reina shackled to it.

"Eric? What are you doing he—" Xavier begins before Eric wraps shadow around his fist.

"Shadow Magic: Shadow Strike!" The blue eyed boy swings his fist forward and it collided with the older man's jaw, instantly knocking him out cold on the floor.

Lucy and Happy say in unison, "He's scary! And he's out cold!"

"Reina!" Gray exclaims breathlessly as he runs up to the unconscious girl. He glares at the sight of most of her shirt missing and the shackles on her wrists and legs. As well as the blood on her. "We need the key..." He trails off and blinks his eyes when a shadow holds the key out to him. Gray glances to Eric who's not looking at him. Gray takes the key and quickly unlocks the shackles.

Reina slumps forward and Gray immediately takes off his jacket.

Lucy questions as Juvia's face heats up, "Gray, why are you stripping right now?!"

"She needs it more than I do," He responds, draping his jacket over his girlfriend's shoulders.

Erza murmurs, "For once, Gray's stripping habit comes in handy."

"You got that right," Says Natsu.

"G-Gray-kun...?" Reina murmurs, her eyes fluttering open. He smiles softly at her as he helps her to her feet.

"I'm here, Rei-chan. We all are," He assures her. The Arc of Reflection Magic user manages to lift her head to see Erza, Lucy, Juvia, Gajeel, Natsu, Happy and...

Reina's eyes widen when she sees her younger brother standing a little bit away from her comrades.

"Itotou, you're here?" Reina says in mild surprise.

Eric glances at her as Natsu says, "He helped us get to you. And he's gonna come back with us once we get out of here!" Natsu grins at Eric. "Right?"

He doesn't say anything, just continues gazing at his sister.

"Reina, I didn't mean all that stuff I said earlier," He begins. "I was angry at you, at first, but I was given a job by the Magic Council to infiltrate Wolfsbane and gather information on them. I didn't want you to get hurt like this... I-I'm sorry..."

Everyone stares in surprise as tears drip down his cheeks. Reins pushes away from Gray, slipping into his jacket, and goes up to her brother.

She wraps her arms around him and pulls Eric into an embrace, letting his head rest against her large chest. "I forgive you. I'm just so glad I hadn't fully lost you. I knew my baby brother was still in there. I've never once given up hope or stopped searching for you in the last seven years. I've missed you so much, itotou."

Lucy wipes a stray tear as Eric continues to cry into Reina's chest and Erza, Natsu, Gray and Juvia watch on with soft smiles.

Lucy was happy the brother and sister are reunited.

"I hate to break up the reunion," Gajeep interrupts, gaining their attention, "but we should probably get out of here while we still can."

"Right," Agrees Erza, nodding. "Let's go."

Reina grabs her brother's hand and they race out of the torture room, towards the exit of the guild hall.


After going down the stairs and around a corner and down a corridor, the Fairy Tail wizards and Eric are stopped by a small group of Wolfsbane wizards. They stare in surprise at the bloodied Reina with her comrades and brother.

"Eric-san, why is Reina out of the torture chamber? Wasn't Xavier seeing to her?" One of them asks.

"Yes, but there's been a change in plans," He responds, back to his stoic self. "Get out of our way before we have to use force." The dark wizards exchange uncertain glances with one another.

"I'm afraid we cannot allow that, especially if you plan on betraying Takeshi-sama," Says the man who spoke before and readies his Black Arts.

"Tch. How annoying," Says Eric before he focuses his Shadow Magic. "Shadow Magic: Shadow Snare." Shadows wrap around the dark wizards and they try to attack but they're held in place. "And, now... Shadow Magic: Black Sarcophagus."

The wizards are enveloped by shadow and they get sucked down while screaming. Once they'd disappeared, Eric looks back at his allies.

They stare at him in shock with Lucy gaping.

"I see you've gotten stronger with your Shadow Magic, itotou," Comments Reina. "Impressive."

Eric just says, turning back around, "Let's go."

They continue on their way to the exit.

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