What About Us?

By ciaraerin1

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Descendants X School for Good and Evil this is descendants 1 R.I.P Cameron Boyce, we love you, you lit up a r... More

Intro and explanation
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
not a chapter
Chapter Thirteen
also not a chapter
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Ten

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By ciaraerin1

(Sorry, not doing first person POV anymore, I only recently realised how much I hate writing it)

Agatha stalked into her Good Deeds class that she had with Sophie, and people stared at her. She ignored them and sat in the back.

"Hello, class! Today, we have two new students. Please welcome, Agatha and Sophie, from the... Isle of the Lost." The teacher was Dovey's assistant, who was there until Dovey arrived. Agatha scowled. Two classes with her? For goodness sake, this woman was everywhere.

Tedros walked in, and she avoided eye contact, even when Sophie invited him to sit with them. She glared at her friend, then blanched. The only free seat was the one next to her, since Sophie had slightly worse eyesight, therefore had sat in front instead of next to her.

"Hey." Tedros said as he sat down.

"What? Here to laugh at me?" Agatha scorned, not looking at him.

"What? No." Tedros replied, appalled she'd even think that.

"Then what?"

"I mean, your friend asked me to sit here, so I did?"


"I'm serious."


"Aggie!" Sophie turned around, "Stop! Why are you being so rude?" She hissed.

"It's in my nature." Agatha snapped. Sophie's eyes widened, her emerald gaze cutting into Agatha's large brown eyes.

"Aggie, please. Stop." Sophie put her head down slightly, no longer making eye contact.

"I could tell, you know," Tedros smirked. Agatha glared at him so harshly it was a miracle he didn't set fire there and then.

"Don't. You. Dare."

"Yeah, don't. She'll probably stick a knife in your throat in your sleep." Sophie chirped.

"Morbid..." Tedros mumbled.

"Well, hello, students!" Clarissa Dovey's cheerful voice rang out through the room, and Agatha winced, causing Tedros to frown.

"What's wrong wi' Dovey?" He asked her, leaning over slightly.

"...not used to people as... cheerful... as her." Agatha mumbled back, surprised she was even answering him.



Agatha glared at the back of his head for no specific reason, until Sophie slapped her hand.

"Aggie!" She hissed through gritted teeth.


"Stop! He hasn't blabbed about what he saw, so if you keep glaring at him, that courtesy'll be over!"

Tedros leaned over again, and Agatha immediately recoiled, not wanting to be near him whatsoever.

"Actually, an eighth of the school was in that corridor already, so they know the basics." Agatha put her head in her arms on the desk, "And anyway, what benefit would I get off telling people anything, apart from they think I'm petty and find joy in humiliating people, which is a trait no one wants to see in a future king."

"So you haven't snitched for your own benefit?" Agatha snapped.

"I wouldn't call it snitching, and no, not only for my benefit, it would be embarrassing enough for you if I told people." He replied calmly.

Agatha thought he was incredibly selfish, and scowled. He frowned at her.

"I thought you didn't want me to tell anyone?"

"Of course I don't, you dimwit."

"Then what's the face for?"

"You being a selfish bastard and not blabbing because it'll make you look bad."

"I could tell people, you know. Right now."

"You wouldn't dare."

"Watch me."

"Why you little-"

"Agatha!" Sophie jumped in.

He didn't stand up, thank God. But he did turn back to her when Sophie wasn't looking.

"How'd ya deal with her then?" He gestured to Sophie. "If, you know, you don't like cheerful people."

"I club her over the head with a frying pan. It does the job. And I said I'm not used to cheerful people, not that I don't like them."

Tedros blinked at her. "Rapunzel 2.0. And, do you like cheerful people?"

"I don't like people full stop."

"Oh yeah, you can't tell." He rolled his eyes, and Agatha sneered at him.

He turned away, mumbling loud enough to hear, "Witch."

"New concept for you, is it?"

"Sophie and Agatha, please come to the front." Dovey beckoned, and Sophie practically jumped out of her seat, and by the time Agatha actually stood up, Sophie was dragging her to the front of the classroom. Agatha slouched and frowned, while Sophie beamed.

"These are the new students! From the Isle! I trust you'll all give them a warm welcome!" Dovey smiled, grabbing Agatha's shoulders and making her stand straighter. Agatha scowled. "Please introduce yourselves!"

Agatha bleached white, and Sophie looked at her in surprise. "Didn't know you could go any paler." She remarked, and Agatha glared at her harshly.

"Hi, I'm Sophie, and I'm so happy to be here! Thank you! I hope we can be friends and look forward to befriending you all!" Sophie beamed, curtsied, and pushed Agatha forward, much to her dismay.

"Agatha. I don't care what you heard last night, or who heard it. Anyone says anything and bullshit'll happen." Agatha threatened, ignoring people's gasps when she swore so outrightly.

"Well, I'm unaware of events that occurred last night, but I can tell you're... passionate about it." Dovey said, presenting a nervous smile, "And, um, I just thought I'd let you know that cursing of any kind is not allowed. Do it again, and you'll be back here after school hours for a detention. It'll be for an hour an-"

"I know how a detention works, thanks." Agatha remarked sarcastically.

"Well, that's good. I think."

"No. Not really, to be honest."

Agatha didn't wait for anything else, walked down the aisle to her seat, and slumped back in it. Tedros gave her an odd look, then turned back to Sophie.

"Apparently you lot are getting sorted tomorrow."

Agatha perked up. "What?"

Tedros turned to her, annoyed she'd interrupted his conversation. "Yeah. Didn't Dovey tell you?"


"Huh. Well, it's in the Clearing, tomorrow, 11.00am. Whole school's invited."

"Correct, Tedros, the sorting has been moved forward and is tomorrow. But please refrain from talking in my class." Dovey suddenly appeared behind him. Tedros yelped, and Agatha snickered. He glared at her and turned back to his professor.

"Right, sorry, Professor."

Dovey turned away and walked back to the front of the class, meanwhile, Sophie subtly threw Tedros notes, and he answered them.


THE NOTES (italic - Sophie)

'Hi handsome'


'How are you?'

'Fine. You?'

'I'm ok. I meant what I wrote when I said you were handsome.'

'I have a girlfriend.'

'Oh, trust me. I'm well aware.'

'Then why are you still writing me notes?'

'Because I know she's not the one for you...'

'And you are?'

'Of course, darling.'

'Don't call me that.'

'Oh, so sorry, Teddy.'

'Say you are... the one. How would you prove it?'

'I have my ways...'

'What, are you Good?'

'Of course. It's Agatha, her sister and their friends that aren't.'

'Aren't they yours too?'

'Oh, God no. I'm born to be royalty, and they were born for murder and Evil. I can't be FRIENDS with them!!'

'Agatha's right there, looking at us suspiciously, I could show her that you're talking shit about her and her friends right now.'

'You wouldn't dare.'

'What would you do if I did?'

'They can't live without me, they'd ignore me for a week or so, then come groveling back and kiss my feet. But it would be too late. They'll be sorted into Evil and me into Good. A princess can't be friends with a witch.'

'We'll see... also KISS YOUR FEET???'

'Well not literally! It's a joke!'


Satisfied, Sophie threw a wink in his direction, and Agatha raised her brows, but she was ignored. Agatha hated her home, but she missed it. It was her roots, and as far as she was concerned, she could actually do what she wanted to do. Most of the time, at least. She may hate her home, but she loved the Isle, she belonged there.

She wanted to see Callis, Reaper, any of her friends: Uma, Harry, Gil, Dizzy, and even buck-toothed Radley.

Agatha watched the notes go past, occasionally glaring at the paper when she caught a word, like 'girlfriend' or 'Agatha'. Sophie would eventually get desperate, try her best to get whatever guy she was stuck on, and then get her heart shattered. But she'd be fine, she always found someone else and then the last guy was forgotten about.

It was inevitable, by now. Sophie still denied that she wasn't straight, though.

The next morning, Agatha woke to Dovey's cheerful voice ringing through her ears, and Kiko throwing a bunch of shit around the room.

"The sorting! The sorting! The-"

"Kiko, please." Agatha groaned and shoved her head under the duvet.

"Sorry! But you're getting sorted today!" The smaller girl squealed, and Agatha huffed.

The next thing she knew, she was being smothered by a pillow.

"What the fuck?" She cried, pushing it off. "Crap!" Agatha found Mal beaming at her, pillow in her hands. "Ughhhh, what do you want??"

"Get up you little bitch."




"Ah, screw it." She shrugged, grabbing Agatha's ankles and yanking her violently out of the bed. Agatha shrieked, gripping her bedsheets and dragging them down with her.

"You bitch! What was that for?" She cried, trying to push Mal's hands off of her. "Stop! Stop, Mal you're tickling me get off!"

"Get up!" Mal yelled at her.

"I am! I'm up!" Agatha barked, tears streaming down her face from laughing too hard. Mal's fingers relented and left her arms. "I... hate... you..." Agatha puffed, wheezing.

"Aw, love you too, get over it. Now, Sophie picked an outfit for you, but I burnt it and pretended the Coven did. She's off yelling at them, don't worry, I warned them in advance, so they know to take

the blame. Anyway, I stole something from Evie that was for you but wasn't finished and... fixed it up a bit. It's black, blue, and purple, with a few gold splashes here and there. It's not showy and weird, but apparently, this is a really big event, so it's not like a top. It is quite a short dress bu-"

"Nope. I'm not wearin' a fuckin' dress." Agatha held her hands up and spun on her heel towards the wardrobe.

"Would you rather I put back the flowy, over-the-top, colourful skirts? No? Didn't think so." Mal said sarcastically, holding up a black garment bag.

Agatha grabbed it, and Mal left to get into her own.


It was 10:54 am, and students were waiting apprehensively for the victims of the sorting to arrive.

Meanwhile, Agatha was being fussed over by an over-hyper Sophie, who was aggressively lathering her with makeup. Said makeup, being lipgloss, and a bit of concealer. But that's still a lot, to Agatha.

"Sophie, enough." She pushed Sophie's hands off her face, and Sophie shrugged.

"Fine. It's blended well enough anyway." She put all her stuff away, and pulled a grumbling Agatha out of the vanity seat, grinning at her.

"What you so smiley 'bout?" Agatha frowned at her.

"I'll be in Good soon!" Agatha rolled her eyes and continued walking, now dragging Sophie towards the front of the school, where they were welcomed, and where they'd be sorted.

Halfway down the hall, Tedros sidled up to Sophie, but Agatha kept her grip on her wrist.

"Hey." Sophie mooned, fluttering her lashes at him.

"What do you want?" Agatha snapped before she let him reply.

"Hi...? I was sent to make sure you got there in time, and to check if you actually knew where to go." He responded, his brows slowly knitting together.

"Well, we do. And we've still got," She checked her phone. 10:57, "three minutes before we have to be there. Clear off."

"See, I'm not gonna do that." Tedros clicked his tongue, ignoring Agatha's thoroughly long list of insults that were exiting her mouth at rapid speeds.

Sophie beamed at him, her green eyes sparkling. "Sorry about her."

"I can hear you." Agatha said, pulling Sophie along faster.

"Let go of me!" Sophie tried to push Agatha's hand off, but her grip was relentless.


"Agatha pllllllleeeeeaaaassseeeeeeeee..."

"No. You'll get lost, and I'll have to come find yo-"

"Actually the whole reason I'm here is so you... don't get lost..." Tedros jumped in.

"Good for you. I'm only wondering, when did I ask for your input?"

"That's a pretty old thing now, you know."

"Oh, of course, silly me. It seems you forgot I lived on an island with a barrier around it. Not much to go around, trend-wise."

"We!" Sophie said.

"You were too busy following us around like a dog and gushing about boys with Evie. I doubt you even realised we were trapped half the time." Agatha sneered at her, then let go. Sophie gasped at the jab, then scampered after her like a dog, proving Agatha's point perfectly.

"Aggie, wait!" Sophie towed Tedros with them, and they materialized in front of everyone, through the wide, stupidly polished fancy doors.

"Holy crap..." Sophie marveled at the showy ceremony, all for her. Well, not only her, but it would be eventually, when she was a fairytale princess. Agatha all but scowled, glowering at everyone and everything in her eyeline.

The entrance had been split into two sides. One Good. One Evil. Bushes had been decorated with ribbons depicting the nature of each side, Good covered in pinks, blues, and yellows, Evil with black, red, harsh purples, and greens. Students on Good's side bad-naturedly waved banners, no one there really wanted the VK's on their side, let alone in their school. Except Kiko, who was jumping around with a sign that said 'AGATHA FOR GOOD!!' Evil, however, was much more enthusiastic, cheering and screaming, aggressively waving their arms and presenting banners which read things like: 'VK'S IN EVIL' or 'YOU BELONG WITH US', even: 'SCREW THAT BLONDE BITCH LEAVE HER IN GOOD', which Agatha gathered was about Sophie. She stared at Evil's aesthetic and the corners of her mouth raised in a small grin, knowing it fit hers perfectly, while Sophie beamed at Good's side, fantasising about her future as a princess, then Queen of a fairytale kingdom.

Oh, her fantasies. How the tables would turn for the better. Maybe for her, maybe for her friends.

The only question is... would they go along with it?

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