Strict Father[SS]✔

By Your_Little_Cupcake

61.5K 3.1K 512

This is a story of twins and their strict and possessive father🤍 More

Character Sketch🥀
Last Chapter🥀
Author's Note🥀


3K 168 28
By Your_Little_Cupcake

Manik filled all the papers and looked at Arman who was sitting on the wheelchair,he smiled and held his chair.

Manik-So ready for home?


He said and smiled,Mayan held Nandini's hand tightly while looking at Manik.

Mayan-Where were you living?

Nandini-I had my Apartment.


Manik-No,she will live with us,I mean Arman needs extra care and she will help him.In simple terms I hire her as a Nurse for Arman.

Arman-But I don’t need anyone as long as you both stay beside me.

He said and rolled his eyes,Manik patted his head.

Manik-I know but,This is my Order,So no more discussion,Miss Nandini.


She smiles widely,Mayan give best smile to Manik who wink at him,Arman clenches his fists angrily.

After a long drive they came to the house,Manik set room for Arman and made him lay on the bed carefully,Ayan sat beside him.

Manik-Come,I show you your room

He and Nandini walk out from the room,Mayan holding Arman’s hand who smiles.

Arman-Don’t you think,Dad is hiding something?

Mayan(gulp)-No,No what are you saying it’s not like that what you are thinking.

Arman-And how do you know what I am thinking?

Mayan-Twin effect

Arman rolls his eyes and tries to move his leg but he groans in pain.

Manik-This is your room,and don’t worry about Arman. I will talk to him when he recovers,hmm.

Nandini-Thank you.

Manik-No need for Thanks,And how can you think I can let you leave me again.

Nandini(eye roll)-Excuse me,Don’t over think,I am here only as a nurse.

Manik-Yeah,I can see that,anyway you don’t know how stubborn they are so best of luck in advance.

He said and walked out,Nandini smiled and took clothes and left for the shower.

After some time,Nandini enters the twins room and places soup on the side table.

Nandini-Arman,it’s your dressing time,come sit.

Arman-I don’t need your help,so leave.

Nandini-You can’t stop me from doing my work,so be a good boy and let me do my work hmm.

She said and opened the first aid box and sat on the bed,Mayan held Arman hand tightly with doe eyes,Nandini went to cut bandage from his head but he pushed her hand away which caused the box to fall from her hand.


Manik-Arman,What is this behaviour?

They flinched when they heard Manik’s angry voice,Arman looked away angrily,Manik came near him and sat beside him and held his chin.

Manik(serious)-Look up

Arman did not look up,Manik made him look up.

Manik-When I talk to you don’t look away,I am clear,Now apologise right now.

Arman-Why?Why do I apologise?

Nandini-Manik it’s ok.

Manik-It’s not ok,and you apologise because I am saying.

Arman-I am not going to apologise to her..

Manik closed his eyes and tried to calm his anger,he put hands on his shoulders and squeezed a little bit.

Manik(softly)-Champ,She is elder from you and also she is just doing her work,if you do this all then how you recover hmm

Arman-Then,Hire someone else

Manik-Enough,I can’t tolerate this type of behaviour.If you didn’t apologise to her then I am not going to talk with you.

Arman(look down)-Fine,I am sorry

Manik smiled and looked at Nandini who sat beside him and started to check Arman’s wound who rolled his eyes at her but yelped and moved when he got a shot of pain,Nandini started to apply antiseptic slowly,Manik held his hands tightly.

Manik-It’s almost done hmm.


He hissed and shut his eyes close,Nandini bandaged the wound again and ruffled his hairs,Manik hugged him and rubbed his back.


Arman-No,I don’t want this,it’s so tasteless.

He whined,Manik chuckled and twisted his ear harshly.

Arman-Ahhh Dad…

Manik-Open your mouth.

Arman opened his mouth and Nandini started to feed him,his ear still in Manik’s hold,Mayan giggled and Arman glared at him,After that He kiss on his head and covered him with a blanket.

Nandini-I will come back after sometime hmm,then I will give you medicine.

She said and walked out the room and entered the kitchen and started to make something for Manik and Mayan.



Mayan-Can we play video games.

Manik-Yes,You and me

Arman(whine)-What about me?

Manik-You are not well and also it’s not good to put pressure on eyes and brain,so just take rest.

Arman made faces,Mayan and Manik giggled and pulled his cheeks.


Manik saw Nandini working in the kitchen and went near her.

Manik-What are you doing here?

Nandini-Can’t you see?

Manik(pout)-Why are you so rude?

Nandini(chuckled)-I am not rude,just worried and scared what Arman will think after the truth..

Manik-Calm down,you don’t need to be worried,I know him,he has a short temper but his heart is very big.

He said and took the pan and started to help Nandini who smiled with a fast heartbeat.Mayan who stared at them with happy eyes.

Mayan-She is best for Dad,But Arman,aishh this boy is such a bad boy,I hope he will accept her too.

He sighs sadly and lays on the couch..

Arman lost in his thoughts,he stood from the bed and groaned in pain,Nandini entered the room and held him from the arm.

Nandini-Oh God,What are you doing?Come sit.

Arman-You can fool them but not me.


Arman-Aww look you are so innocent,well I know you're real attention,you want to take my Mama’s place right but I can’t let you win this all,just wait how I make Dad throw you out.

Nandini-First of all, who says I want your Mama’s place?I want to make my own place.

Arman-So I am right,You want to snatch our Dad.

Nandini(sigh)-It’s not like that,Arman,come sit.

Arman-Then what are you doing here?I saw how you took advantage of Mayan’s innocence.

Nandini-Arman,Are you going to sit or I will call your dad?

Arman-Now what?Don’t you have any explanation now?Listen Miss Nandini whatever you are,pack your bags and leave before I make your life hell.

Nandini-Fine,I will go but give me some time.Let me win your heart till then your recovery and after that if you still don’t want me here,Then I promise I will leave from there and never show you my face but till then cooperate with me.

Arman-Then pack your bags in advance,Because I am not going to accept you.

Only 2 to 3 boring chapters left then we will be back to our main story"Strict Father"😏

I hope you all like this🦋

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Goodbye and Take care🦋

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