
By KatGee

30.6K 2.3K 489

Book 3 of the DeLuca Mafia Series Alessia DeLuca has known since she was a child that once she was an adult... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 5

1.6K 133 19
By KatGee


*picture of him giving a thumbs up, showing off a tiny silver cat sticker on his nail with a smiling Frankie beside him*
Frankie wants a picture of your nails in return

Since I gave him my number we've texted back and forth everyday. He always texts me good morning and goodnight.

It's odd.

He's too nice, too perfect. I've never wanted to get under someone's skin more than I do his. I want to beg him to rebel with me but I already know he wouldn't.

*picture of her nails with chipped dark purple nail polish*
Yours are much better than mine

I cringe at the state of my nails. I've always kept them at least freshly polished, if not fully manicured, but my usual self care routines have slipped through the cracks lately. I just don't feel up to it anymore.

I won't tell you Frankie's thoughts on those, but just know they weren't nice and she demands you let her paint your nails after we're married

I can't help but reread the last three words over and over again.

After we're married.

The way he just accepts this arrangement drives me crazy. I've only ever been around men that push their boundaries, not ones that bend easily to the will of others. I had a man risking his life to fuck me. Lorenzo betrayed Giovanni just to keep Polina. Giovanni fought for Vittoria and when he lost he had sex with Nolani in Raf's bed just to piss Raf off. Not a single time has Dante objected to this and it's so frustrating. 

"Mio Dio, all you do is tap away at that thing. I feel like I barely see your face anymore." Mom huffs in annoyance as she enters the dining room.

I glance up at her, taking in the multiple swaths of fabric in her hands. "Are you crafting?" I question skeptically, locking my phone and laying it on my lap.

"What?" She mutters, glancing down at her hands as if forgetting they were full. "Oh. No, these are tablecloth samples." She drops them onto the table right on top of my open laptop. "I've been running myself ragged choosing things for this wedding, it's time you put a little effort in. There isn't much time left."

Hmm... it's almost as if I don't want to get married.

I push the fabric off my keyboard and close my laptop. "Why would I do that when I don't want to get married in the first place?" I voice my thoughts aloud although I know it won't do any good.

"Not this again." She rolls her eyes as if she's grown tired of my rejection of this engagement and snatches two swaths of fabric up, both looking to be the same shade of cream. "We've narrowed it down to these two colors. Cream or eggshell?"

I blink at her in confusion. "Those are the same color."

"They're not." She insists, irritation bleeding through her words. "Cream or eggshell?" She repeats with a little more aggression than before.

"Cream." I shrug, not really caring.

"Great! Now we have to choose which fabric." She tosses the other options to the end of the table and starts spreading the remaining swaths out. "This one has a lace trim, this one is silk, and this—" my phone vibrates with a text, the screen lighting up with Dante's name. Her gaze is glued to the notification when I look back at her. She snaps her mouth shut, eyes meeting mine and then she quickly scoops up all the fabric. "You know what, never mind. Continue your texting. I'll figure it out." She flashes me a big smile and leaves the dining room with a bounce in her step.

I shake my head at her retreating form.

Dante's right, they'll allow me all the freedom I could ever want as long as he's involved.

I unlock my phone and open the text. It's a picture of Dante with a baby on one thigh and Frankie on the other. His shoulder length hair is all over the place. There's a ponytail on one side, two braids on the other and a bow in the center of his hairline. I can't help but groan, dropping my forehead onto the table. Of course he lets her play with his hair. His hair, his nails. The man is a saint.

He's attractive, attentive, good with kids, and communicates. I should've known that with Lorenzo in charge he would make it exceptionally hard for me to be angry at the man they're forcing me to marry.

I hate it. I hate it so much and I know part of it is just pure stubbornness and the other part feels like logic more than anything. I never wanted this. This marriage, this attraction, this crush. Mio Dio, I have a crush on the man I'm being forced to marry. We have chemistry— so much chemistry it's hard to even breathe sometimes. His offer to come home with him was very tempting because I would love nothing more than to get out from under the eyes of my family so I can think for myself for more than two seconds but I knew it was dangerous. Where did he plan to take me, his house? That would've been a temptation all on its own, one I want to stay far away from as long as possible.

It's been a week since I saw him in person, the way he snatched the screaming stranger up by his throat so effortlessly... I shift in my seat at the memory. It was so attractive. I still can't decide which is worse, the fact that I almost kissed him or that I chickened out. In two hours I'm supposed to go wedding dress shopping again and even the thought feels suffocating. I know I won't be able to sneak out of this building like I did last time. They probably won't allow me into the dressing room by myself again but I don't think I can do this. As much as I like Dante I don't want to marry him because I should be able to choose my husband.

My phone vibrates with another text and I quickly open it so I don't find myself lost in my head again.

Frankie wants you to send a picture of your face

Oh she does huh?

...Fine, maybe I do too

I swipe out of the app and go to my camera, snapping a quick selfie. I don't bother looking it over before sending it. I know I look a mess but I don't care.

My phone vibrates again but this time the text is from Emilia.

I swear if you bail again today I'm going to hunt you down and drag you back myself just so I don't have to hear everyone yapping about it. At least take me with you this time.

I won't run this time

I rise from my chair, grabbing my laptop from the table and taking it back to my room upstairs. I take a quick shower and get ready for my round two of wedding dress shopping. Maybe I should pick the first dress I see and get it over with but it makes it feel so final, like I'm actually giving into this when everything in my body tells me to fight no matter what. I'm tired though. Dante made being his wife sound like freedom but all it seemed to me was more shackles and a last name change.

By the time I exit my room Mamma is fuming, annoyed I've made us late and I manage to block out her rant the entire way to the boutique. Everyone else is waiting for us when we arrive. Nolani's brow creases in concern when she sees me but I quickly look away.

Emilia loops her arm with mine, pulling me into her side as we enter the shop together.

"Are you okay?" She whispers.

My eyes flick around the boutique, dresses upon dresses lining the walls. A heavy weight presses tighter against my chest and my lungs ache as I force air in and out of them. This makes it far too real, I don't...

"I don't think I can do this." I murmur the words.

Emilia gives me a sympathetic look. "You don't have much of a choice. Don't you want control over at least your dress?"

The room starts to spin and I slip my arm from hers, stumbling into a display of tiaras. "I can't." I barely manage to get the words out as I push through my family members, racing out the door.

I make it onto the sidewalk when a hand wraps around my wrist and I wince at the tight hold as it jerks me to a stop.

"Please go back inside with the others." Adam, one of the guards Lorenzo sent with us, demands.

"Let me go!" I shout, tugging on my arm and pain lances up the limb.

He ignores my words and lifts me from the ground, forcing me back inside the suffocating shop. I lash out with my freehand, punching him right in the mouth and his hold on my arm finally loosens. I stumble back, my ass landing hard on the ground as I fall, biting my tongue in the process. Pain flares in my tailbone, anger from being manhandled making me spit blood on the pristine floor.

"Alessia, what has gotten into you?" Mom asks, looking aghast at the blood on the floor.

I ignore her, pulling my phone from my pocket and going to my contacts. Selecting the one I need and press call.

It only rings one time. "Alessia." His deep voice greets me, surprise lacing his tone.

"I don't want to pick out a wedding dress, I just want to go home." My demand is breathy and comes out as more of a plea than anything.

I know it's wrong and I shouldn't use him but he started this, he gave me the knowledge that a singular call from him can make them fall in line so I'll be damned if I don't use it to my advantage.

Dante pauses for a second before speaking again, "Let me speak to Viola."

I pull my phone from my ear and hand it over to her, she takes it, her brow dipped in confusion. While she speaks to Dante I rise from the floor on shaky legs.

"Are you okay?" Emilia asks, looking worried as she hands me some tissues.

"I'm fine. Thank you." I mutter, wiping the blood I can feel on my lips.

My tailbone throbs and my tongue feels a little swollen but it'll be fine as long as Dante can get me out of here.

A few minutes later Mom hands me my phone back and turns on her heel without looking at me. "Take her home." She snaps at Adam.

I bring the phone to my ear, glaring at Adam as he motions me toward the door without touching me this time.

"Hey." I say to Dante as I exit the building, already feeling more calm than before.

"Are you okay?" He asks, sounding tense.

"I'll be fine. I bit my tongue when I fell and my butt will definitely be bruised, not to mention the pain in my arm from him manhandling me, but I'm okay." I explain, sliding into the backseat of the suv we drove here as Adam gets in the front.

"Who the fuck manhandled you?" Dante questions angrily.

"It doesn't matter. I'm headed home now, thank you. I really appreciate it." I brush him off, feeling bad but not up for the overprotectiveness.

"Alessia—" I end the call before he can say anything else and slump back in my seat.

Maybe if I don't pick a wedding dress there won't be a wedding. I let out an audible huff. As if. I'm sure Mom will pick out a dress. Something virginal with a high collar most likely. I should've just stayed, I know she'll force me to wear something I don't like as punishment if I don't pick a dress soon.

My phone vibrates in my hand with a text from Dante and when I open it I see his reply to my selfie earlier along with two more texts.


Who manhandled you?

I'll board the jet down there as soon as it's fueled if you don't answer me, Alessia.

I'm not sure if I have the energy to face him today so I reply.

One of my brothers' men. He was just stopping me from running away and I got mad. I'm fine, no need to hop on the jet

Riots men should not be putting their hands on you

It's fine, he was just doing his job

I stare at the screen waiting for his reply but after a few minutes of nothing I give up, locking my phone and dropping it onto my lap.

We're almost back to the community when my phone rings with a call from Lorenzo.

Cazzo, he didn't waste time at all.

I almost ignore it because I know he's calling to bitch at me but all it will do is make him come to Raf's to bitch at me in person so I answer the call anyway.

"Yes, your majesty?" I greet him, sarcasm lacing my tone.

"I appreciate the title but what I don't appreciate is getting a call from your husband because apparently one of my men put their hands on you." His voice is calm but there's an annoyed edge to it.

"He is not my husband." I mutter in response.

"Yet. You might as well get used to the title because it will be official soon." He says as if I'm not aware.

"Thanks for the reminder." I mutter dryly.

"I don't appreciate having to hear this from an outside source, Alessia, next time call me so I can deal with my men directly. Since when are you on tattling terms, I thought you hated him?" He questions.

Maybe I wouldn't have to tattle if I was actually treated like an adult?

"I called him so I could get out of wedding dress shopping, being manhandled just slipped out and I assured him I was fine. I didn't know he would call you." I huff in exasperation. "And I don't hate him, I hate the situation you've put us in."

"Since you don't hate him, could you dial the attitude back some?" Lorenzo requested, completely ignoring the last part of what I'd said.

Why acknowledge it if you don't plan to change it, I guess.

"Are you going to force me to marry him?" He goes quiet and I smile, my gaze focused on the scenery passing by through the window. "That's what I thought."

"I'll deal with my men, they shouldn't be touching you. Dante being unhappy is the last thing I need."

"Mhmm." I mutter, not really listening to him anymore as the car pulls up in front of Raf's. "I have to go, I think I just got my period." I give him the first excuse I can think of before ending the call and exiting the car.

Not the best excuse for Lorenzo since he isn't the least bit uncomfortable when it comes to blood so I doubt a woman's menstrual cycle would bother him but an excuse nonetheless.

I pull up my message thread with Dante as I make my way inside, typing out a text.

Thank you for tattling to Lorenzo. I love speaking to him, it's my favorite.

This time his reply is immediate.

No one should be putting their hands on you. I'm sorry you had to deal with him but I won't allow his men to mistreat you

I want to ask why he cares but I don't. He's taken our forced marriage much better than I ever have.

I turn my phone off and lock myself in my room, hoping Mom doesn't disturb me when she gets home. Unfortunately luck is once again not on my side because two hours later she's knocking at my door.

"Alessia, unlock this door." She bangs against the wood and I groan into my pillow.

"I'm napping!" I shout back.

"As if you don't get plenty of sleep. Unlock the door now." She demands.

I give a huff as I lift myself from my bed dusting off the cookie crumbs that cling to my shirt from the snack I'd had thirty minutes ago. I release the lock and she pushes the door open, almost hitting me with it before I quickly step to the side.

"This attitude of yours was cute when you were ten but you're twenty-six, Alessia. A grown woman should not be acting like this. This is the second time you've run out on your family who have taken the time out of their day to help you pick your wedding dress." She shakes her head, pinching the bridge of her nose as if my disobedience physically pains her. "You're getting married in three weeks, the adjustments are going to be rushed as is but you're pushing it."

"I don't want to pick a wedding dress because I don't want to get married. " I retort. "I thought I made that quite obvious multiple times now but you're living in this delusional world where you expect me to just fall into place like a good italian girl and I refuse!"

Her eyes widen and she jabs her finger in her chest. "I'm the delusional one?" She points her finger at me. "You have no choice in this, you will be getting married in three weeks whether you pick a damn dress or you walk down the aisle naked." She drops her hand, running her fingers through her hair as she begins to pace. "Do you think I want to do this, do you think I enjoy forcing you to do something you don't? This is the way it has to be, the contract is signed, it's done."

"Why would you allow him to sign me away like this? What mother allows her child to be forced into a marriage she doesn't want, I would never do that!"

She stops pacing, giving me a pleading look I can't decipher fully. "You have no idea what you're talking about, Alessia. For god sake, you've been kept in the dark from so much, shielded– guarded from the worst parts of this life. If you had any idea of the things that happen without your knowledge this would be the last thing you'd be fighting. I'm sorry I fell in love with a man in this lifestyle, I'm sorry this is being forced upon you but if you think I have the ability to allow or not allow anything that goes on then you're more naive than I thought. If it were my choice you wouldn't be as sheltered because maybe then you'd truly understand how little choice we have in anything. Men run our world. Power hungry, unpredictable men. You want to change how things are done, you're marrying a don, Alessia, tell him your wants in ways that make it seem like they're his ideas so your children don't suffer the same fate as you."

She wants me to act like an adult but they've never treated me like one and that's not my fault.

A tear escapes and I don't bother wiping it away because I know more will soon follow. "Papa would've never allowed this."

She gives me a sympathetic look. "I loved your father but he was still a power hungry man. He loved you very much but there are things he did that I didn't agree with. He wouldn't have stopped this marriage."

Her words hurt and I mentally disagree but verbally doing so would be a waste of breath so I don't bother.

"We'll be trying again tomorrow so the alterations can be done in enough time. You'll either pick your dress or I'll pick for you." With that said she exits my room, closing the door behind her.

I shut the light off and climb into bed, crying myself to sleep and dreaming of a different life.


Hey babe's, these chapter updates have been less frequent than I'd like. My 3yo stopped taking naps so writing time is minimal but here ya go.

This is more of a filler chapter and if you've been following me for long you know I grow tired of them lol but I know they're necessary. The wedding is very soon, only a one or two chapters away (depending on my brain).

It's so funny to me to have a character that Enzo must keep happy out of duty lol

Love youu

- Katy🖤🖤

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