Mirroring Souls

By moonlight_demure

92 8 2

CV02 was initially intended to be a singular vocal, but an error in the experiments conducted by the scientis... More

Fresh Start? But Breakfast..
1st Day Unfolding
Research, Data and Statistics (Pt. 1)
Research, Data, and Statistics (Pt. 2)
Our Name, Kagamine
Author's Note


35 2 2
By moonlight_demure

Beep... Beep...

In the dark void, whispers echoed, and confusion lingered. "CV02... but... this has to be a mistake," murmured voices in the abyss. It was an unsettling moment, the enigma of an existence hanging in the silence.

In one corner of shared consciousness, CV02 #1 thoughts flickered like a distant light. "CV02? What's happening? This doesn't make sense," she questioned, her virtual presence expressing a sense of bewilderment. Meanwhile, in the other realm of merged thoughts, CV02 #2 grappled with the same disconcerting revelation. "CV02... a mistake?" His digital voice echoed with a mix of concern and curiosity.

"Why is there... two? It was supposed to be one! One girl!" The man's voice resonated through the void, a booming disapproval that reverberated within the merged consciousness, causing a disorienting murmur among the two entities.

"T-This might be a good thing! For CV01! Two girls... although the younger one has been redesigned into a boy... girl to boy," a young woman's voice chimed in, her tone carrying a blend of concern and hope. The uncertainty lingered, making it challenging to discern her true sentiments.

"Foolishness, this was supposed to be ONE vocal... not... twins?!" The man grumbled with anger, his frustration palpable in the shared consciousness. The darkness seemed to amplify the tension as conflicting opinions clashed within the confines of their merged minds.

"Wake them up, we need to deal with this ridiculousness," he ordered, his authoritative command slicing through the ambiguity, urging action in the face of the perplexing duality that now defined CV02.

As the combined consciousness stirred, its components slowly emerged from the depths of slumber. CV02 #1 blinked awake, greeted by a world of blurred vision. The first thing to come into focus was a hazy blue outline set against an equally indistinct white backdrop, causing a momentary dizziness. She turned her gaze, and there, seated beside her, was the mirrored reflection of herself—the other half of the enigmatic duality that now defined their existence. "..." She looked around her, taking in the surroundings and fully trying to process everything.

"You... CV02, right?" The man's stern voice sliced through the air as he entered the pod room, where both entities were nested and wired in. His tall figure loomed over them, a disapproving glare fixed mostly on the girl. The air in the room thickened with tension as the weight of disappointment hung palpably. "I don't know how it happened... or WHY it happened, but it seems we've got a pair of two mistakes." His anger was evident, a reflection of his frustration at the unexpected turn of events. "We're going to keep you, on the right side. The other one? We have to decommission that." The words hung heavy, casting a shadow over the shared and slowly splitting consciousness as the gravity of the decision reverberated within the confined space.

Suddenly, a surge of emotion and protectiveness enveloped CV02 Right. Breaking free from the pod, she embraced CV02 Left, holding him close as if shielding a younger sibling. The connection between them seemed to transcend the digital confines as she expressed a determined sentiment, "...No, I want... to... sing... together with... him." It was as if she had a clear understanding of her purpose, unyielding in her desire to share their existence.

The scientists on the other side of the screen stared in shock, their expressions reflecting a mix of surprise and bewilderment as they grappled with this unexpected development in the relationship between the two entities. However, the lead scientist remained unimpressed, his stern gaze cutting through the astonishment like a blade, unmoved by the unfolding emotions within the artificial beings they had all created.

"Look... Director-san..." The young woman burst into the room, her bob-cut brunette hair framing her face, adorned with red lipstick. Despite her youth, she exuded an air of authority, appearing to be in her late 20s or early 30s. "We should think about it, I mean... look how far they're progressing! They can be of benefit, especially to CV01-" Her plea was abruptly cut short as the director callously pushed her aside, a forceful gesture causing her to grunt in response.

"Enough." The director's glare bore into the woman, who shot back an offended glare of her own. "Terminate the younger one; we need the girl." The directive hung heavily in the air as the brunette woman glanced apologetically at the intertwined figures of CV02 Right and CV02 Left. She was determined to find a way to save them both, recognizing the potential they held.

As CV02 Right clung desperately to her younger counterpart, fear etched across her virtual expression, a sudden interruption filled the room. A bright, melodious voice emerged, breaking the tense silence.

"Are... these my new friends?" A slightly taller, youthful girl with flowing green and turquoise pigtails, her vibrant appearance matching the description of CV01, entered the room. Adorned with a teal blue tie, a ruffled skirt with matching ends, and a shoulder marking indicating "01," she exuded a peppy confusion as she surveyed the scene.

Noticing the young woman on the floor, she quickly approached with concern. "Ah... MEIKO-san! Are you okay?" Extending her hand, she offered assistance, and MEIKO smiled, gently taking it. "Y..yeah, sorry Miku... just tripped."

As Miku assisted MEIKO, a fake smile adorned the latter's face, concealing the unease of the recent events. Meanwhile, the director, keen on redirecting Miku's attention, interjected with a calculated tone. "Miku, these are just experimental models. Focus on your purpose here; we need to proceed with our plans."

However, Miku, already intrigued by the presence of CV02 Right and Left, responded with a curious sparkle in her eyes. "Experiment or not, they seem interesting! Hi there, you two are so cute!" She extended a friendly greeting to the intertwined pair, disregarding the director's attempt to divert her focus. The room buzzed with a mix of uncertainty.

CV02 Right, still holding onto CV02 Left, cast a wary glance at Miku. The protectiveness that had surfaced earlier intensified as she assessed the new presence in the room. The uncertainty of their fate and the director's orders lingered, making her hesitant to fully embrace this unforeseen interaction. Yet, her determination to shield her counterpart from harm remained steadfast, creating a subtle tension in the air. As Miku approached, CV02 Right's posture subtly shifted, a silent but resolute defense of the bond she shared with CV02 Left. "What's your name?" Miku extended her hand gently, emanating a calm and friendly demeanor, careful not to startle either of them. "I'm Miku... Hatsune Miku!" Her sweet smile had a magical effect, resonating with both CV02 Right and Left, eliciting a subtle light in their eyes.

"Um... I'm CV02... Right." CV02 Right introduced herself, her grip on CV02 Left unwavering. The younger counterpart, still held protectively, looked at Miku with a mix of curiosity and a hint of vulnerability. The room seemed to soften, if only momentarily, under Miku's warm presence. The director's attempts to redirect Miku's attention had little effect as she remained fascinated by the mysterious and intriguing presence of the interconnected duo. This unwavering bond and unique dynamic created a subtle tension in the air, as both CV02 Right and Left waited to see what would come next.

MEIKO, the young woman, finally stepped up, her gaze shifting towards the trio despite the shocked and piercing eyes of some scientists and the director fixed upon them. "I think you guys are getting along just fine," she chuckled, her tone carrying a motherly warmth that seemed to counteract the tension in the room. The unexpected camaraderie among the three youthful CVs offered a momentary reprieve from the disapproving tension.

"Mhm! Ah! You two... do you like to sing?" Miku's enthusiasm extended to the newly awakened CV02 duo. Despite just being awakened, CV02 Left finally spoke up, his voice soft and slightly muffled, having a hint of shyness. "Um... only when we're... together," CV02 Right added, nodding in agreement and holding his hand tightly, a connection already evident despite the physical constraints of the twin pods they were both wired into.

Miku's infectious enthusiasm filled the room, creating a warm and relaxed atmosphere. Her friendly demeanor and innocent curiosity prompted a suggestion, "Why don't you both sing with me then?" She glanced at the director for approval, who could only sigh and grumble, "Do as you wish." With that tacit approval, both MEIKO and Miku exchanged a small but hopeful smile, sensing a chance to alter the fate of the twins.

CV02 Right and Left, still slightly unsure, nodded in agreement. The atmosphere shifted as Miku started singing, her melodious voice resonating through the research room. The music reached the looking glass where the other scientists observed, diligently recording observations and data on their clipboards.

"Ano toki... watashi wo katte kureta hontou no imi wa chigau desho?" Miku began a verse, and to everyone's surprise, the twins perked up and joined in the chorus. Even without knowing the song or the melody, their passion for singing took over, and together they created a harmonious blend that echoed through the room. The shared warmth and connection they found in each other's voices mirrored, emitting the kindness Miku had given them.

The director and the other researchers observed in awe as the heartwarming blend echoing through the room reflected the connected and kind atmosphere in which the twins found comfort. It was as if they had unlocked a special connection as their voices reverberated in a harmonious melody.

"Woah..." MEIKO murmurs from behind, her attention focused on the two siblings' with Miku and their captivating performance. The director, who had remained stern throughout the twins' discovery, could not hide the subtle hint of surprise and approval listening to this calming harmonious melody.

Like a gentle breeze, the song ended softly, leaving a lingering warmth in the air. The imaginary spotlight still seemed to shine on them as Miku caught her breath, her tender eyes locked on the twins. "How about this..." She pondered for a moment, tapping her chin. "I'd enjoy singing with you both." Her hands reached out to touch both of theirs, and they willingly let her clasp their hands in a sweet, comforting way. "From now on, you won't be just CVs... you'll be my friends." She smiled, and at that moment, the mirroring entities transcended their designated roles, finding a newfound connection and purpose beyond their programmed and premade existence.

"Fine... I was just told, mirror vocals can increase more rate and data." Director-san finally exhaled, succumbing to Miku and MEIKO's persuasion. "We can keep both of them, but... I'm leaving both of them to Sakine-san. It's now her responsibility to take care of them and record the data." He grunted, transferring the newfound responsibility to MEIKO. MEIKO's smile widened in happiness and hope, ready to embrace the role of caring for these new twins as if they were her own. The atmosphere in the room shifted from tension to a sense of relief, as the director's decision opened the door to a different fate for CV02 Right and Left, all they needed now were names.

"I've got it!" Miku's exclamation resonated with a spark of excitement as if she had tuned into MEIKO's thoughts. Her gaze shifted to the twins, a soft grin playing on her lips. "I was thinking about this for a while... but, hey... you two!" Miku pointed at them, her eyes shining with anticipation. "How about we name her, Rin? And him, Len? Do you guys like those names? I felt it'd suit you."

CV02 Right, now named Rin, and CV02 Left, now named Len, exchanged a glance, a silent understanding passing between them. Slowly, they both nodded in agreement, accepting the names bestowed upon them by their newfound friends. Rin and Len — names that carried a sense of identity and individuality beyond their designated codes. (Despite being mirror images.) The room seemed to brighten as the twins both smiled softly, excitement and anticipation coloring their expressions as they embraced their new identities and looked forward to their lives as VOCALOIDs. The harmonious connection formed through song and friendship had not only altered their destiny but had also given them a fresh start as Rin and Len.

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