Strike It Right (Louis Tomlin...

By CarolmSimon

86.2K 1.5K 127

Did you ever fall for someone you know you shouldn't, Tried hard to fight your feelings but you just couldn't... More

Strike It Right
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
*Finale* Chapter 33
The Sequel : My Lucky Strike
The Soundtrack

Chapter 21

1.9K 38 0
By CarolmSimon

>>>>Louis< <<<
I’m sitting at the breakfast table and waiting for Navishaa to come down with Xavier. I need to explain her that I didn’t want to do anything to her… I keep looking at the door but nothing.
“Louis!” suddenly I hear a shout and jump. I look at Gerard who was calling me.
“Y-Yeah?” I say a bit unbalanced and try to look at him totally normal.
"She won’t come.” He says and I frown and quickly look at my breakfast.
“I’m not waiting for her.” I say and shake my head. Why she won’t come?
“Of course you aren’t.” says Zayn and I glared at him.
“Anyway…” I say and look at them curiously “…why she won’t come?”
Gerard laughs and looks at me.
“Because she and Xavier went to a shop to buy something what I don’t remember.” He says and I just sigh but then quickly look at everybody to see if they heard that but it seems that not. I and sigh again… this time soundless.
I open today’s newspaper and look what it’s written about sport and like always Navishaa is the main star in here. This time a lovely photo of her is in the corner of the page. She’s smiling so naturally doesn’t look so attractive like it’s in the reality. It looks pure but not with fire. I look at the article.

Navishaa Marie kidnaps people hearts
Once again the article about  Navishaa just this time from other point of view. Let’s look how people reacts to Navishaa right now.
First of all, everybody knows that nobody liked her. She was one of the most hated people in England or even whole world among England’s national football team’s fans. But now everything has changed. Navishaa shows impressive results in the League. Now she’s in quarter finals and people believe that she can go even further. During the England’s matches thousands of people are standing in the main square with flags of their country, posters which say: ‘Navishaa, we believe in you’ or ‘Navishaa, you took control over all manhood in the world’.

Moreover, we counted more than 100 official fan clubs of the love between Navishaa and Louis. Nobody knows is it true but these clubs’ members want to believe it is. Because of this interesting love story League's ratings had hopped more than 15 percent because more women started to watch it. It’s like a soap opera to them just this time, it’s real. I believe that this situation is a bit unpleasant to Louis's girlfriend Jessica who is not seen in the streets of England. Won’t it be like that she came back home… Well, maybe not, who knows. Anyway let’s get back to the main star of this year’s League.
To conclude we can say that everybody felt in love with this stubborn still young woman with pure eyes and smile and everybody is supports her. Good luck in the next match!

I smile. This article should really stroke her heart and I hope she will read it. I look at her photo again and keep looking at it.

>>>>Zayn< <<<
I enter the room and find Louis sitting in the armchair and holding a newspaper in his hands.
“What are you reading?” I ask curiously while I’m taking my shoes off. But he’s not answering. I frown and look at him.
“Louis?” I call him but still nothing.
I silently come a bit closer to him and look at the spot where he’s looking at it is Navishaa’s photo. Now I understand. I just sigh soundless and put my hand on his shoulder and he jumps from his place.
“Man… you scared me so much…” he says and grabs on his heart.
I just looked at him desperately and he looks at me questioningly.
“What?” he asks but I don’t respond and just show him with my eyes at the newspaper.
“Oh…” he says sadly and sinks on his bed “I don’t know what to do Zayn.” He says and grabs on his head and looks at me asking for help “She’s like a drug to me. It’s like when you taste it you want it more and more and you can’t do anything about it.”
“And what about Jessica?” he asks and I sigh and shrug my shoulders.
" I don’t know. She’s like a… like a muffin. You taste it but when you’re full of it you don’t want it anymore.” I say and look at him.
“But remember that muffins are more healthy than drugs.” He says to me and I nod. I know that… I know that by heart but I still can’t do anything about it.
I looked at her photo in the newspaper and sigh.
“Tell me that she’s not beautiful…” I say to Zayn and sigh.
“She is beautiful. I can’t argue with that.” He says and sighs also “Just don’t tell to anyone that you compared two women with drugs and muffins.” He tries to joke but I just poorly smile.

>>>>Navishaa< <<<
I came back with Xavier from the city. It’s really beautiful in here.
I’m going in the corridor and searching for my room’s key in my bag. Suddenly I bump into someone and quickly raise my look to apologize but I see Louis in front of me and my eyes explode. I quickly move my look down and rush forward.
“Navishaa!” I hear him shouting but I fasten my pace and quickly get into my room and close the door. I lock it and sigh in a relief.

>>>>Louis< <<<
I look at her door and sigh nervously. Well, at least Jessica will happy because probably from now on I and Navishaa will talk only about football…
I feel a wave of anger rushing trough my body and I made a fist and hit to the wall. I would scream if I were alone in this hotel…

>>>>Navishaa< <<<
I’m sitting at the computer and look at Paraguay’s last matches. I need to think what kind of tactic use against them.
Somebody knocks on my door and I frown. I get up from the chair and go to the door. I already want to unlock it but then I realize that I don’t know who is there.
“Who is it?” I ask carefully.
“Room service.” Answers woman’s voice and I sigh in a relief.
I open the door and a woman with a bunch of dark red roses is standing in front of me and I frown in confusion.
“This is for you.” She says politely and gives it to me. I still keep looking confused at it.
“Um…” I try to say something but nothing comes out of my mouth.
I find a card and quickly look at it.
I hope you will be able to forgive me for everything.

I smile but then suddenly frown nervously. Oh my God… he will never give up, won’t he?
“Excuse me, miss.” I say to her and she looks at me curiously.
“Could you bring these roses to the room which is third in this side?” I say and give her back the roses.
“Sure.” She says a bit confused and I smile to her.
“And tell him that I he I don’t need his stupid roses.” I say nervously and the woman nods.
I close the door and lock it again.

>>>>Louis< <<<
I go out of the bathroom and close the door. Zayn is lying in his bed and doing something with his laptop. Suddenly someone knocks on our door. I got to it and opened. A woman in uniform is standing with a bunch of dark red roses. I look at her confused.

She gives me those roses.
“Your coach said that she doesn’t need your stupid roses.” She says and smiles politely and I keep looking at her more confused than before.
The woman goes away and I close the door.
“I didn’t send her roses.” I say confused to Zayn.
“Be happy. You didn’t spend your money for nothing then.” He says but I don’t mind him. I keep looking at the roses. I find a card and in there someone is begging for forgiveness… Who could send roses to her?
“Who is sending roses to her?” I asked and look at Zayn. He puts away his laptop and looks at me.

“Louis…” he says and I look at him “…if you want to be happy with Jessica you should forget Navishaa.”
I sigh and think what to do…
“You’re right.” He says and I throw roses to the bin.

>>>>Navishaa< <<<
I am standing in the stadium and the team is lining up in front of me.
“First of all, I want to know do you feel tired.” I say to them and wait for an answer “Do you think you can make a hard training or no? If no I totally understand because you need to rest normally before the quarter final’s match and we will do today a light training. Do you agree?” I ask and most of them nod.
“Okay then…” I say and look at all of them but when I come to Louis I turned my look away.
“We will divide into three circles. The first circle…”
Here comes another training with Mr. Garcia.
“Okay… divide into your pairs again.” He says and I roll my eyes. I won’t work with Louis. Don’t you even think about that.
“Miss?” turns to me the coach and I just shake my head nervously with crossed arms on my chest.
“I don’t want to hear anything.” He says and drags me to Louis.
I avoid his look at keep standing like a little girl who didn’t get what she wanted.
“Now… we will practice more on falling and then we will do another exercise.” Says Mr. Garcia and I sigh nervously.
I turn my back to Louis and look over my shoulder to see if he is prepared to catch me. Probably he is.

>>>>Louis< <<<
I keep looking at Mr. Garcia who is telling something when suddenly with corner of my eye I saw Navishaa already falling. I quickly caught her in my arms Geez… is she crazy? I wasn’t even prepared. Good that I caught her.
I sigh in a relief but don’t release her.
“You can already release me.” She says nervously but with a bit shivering voice.
I put my chin on her shoulder.
“I won’t till you listen to me.” I whispered and felt how she winces. I smiled. My heart is beating like mental inside my chest but it’s so good to feel her. I have never felt such feeling before… and I was right when I called her a drug… and she’s a very powerful drug.

>>>>Navishaa< <<<
“I was in your room yesterday because Xavier asked me to bring one paper.” I heared his whisper in my voice and wince again… Oh my God… what kind of feeling is this? It seems that I will fly to the sky any minute now….
Why he? Why he has to raise in me feelings like this?
I take a deep breathe nervously.
“And when I saw you sleeping on the sofa…” he says and shuts up suddenly and I frown. He finally lifts me up and I stand normally. I look at him nervously and blushed like hell and notice that he’s the same. Now I feel so uncomfortable. I nervously stroke my arm.
“I’m going to the toilet.” I said and quickly got to the stadium…

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