The Last Elements:The Sword O...

By YeahImParzival

273 7 47

Millions of years ago there were thousands of elements created by the sun it's self in ancient Greece.There w... More

Chapter 1:Fireworks almost get me arrested
Chapter 2:I accidentally create a fire tornado
Chapter 3:I basically get kidnapped by elementals
Chapter 4:Midas gives me a tour of Azania
Chapter 5:I get choked by a sand lady
Chapter 6:We find my heritage in a wall
Chapter 8:I almost die to a water fountain
Chapter 9: We steal from Dwarfs
Chapter 10:McDonalds gives us a Thunder-wopper
Chapter 11:I meet the two brats behind this shit
Chapter 12:Ruby makes a bridge collapse
Chapter 13:We travel in a UPS delivery truck
Chapter 14:Sword Training and Uno (Alaric and Amelia's version)
Chapter 15:I take a morning run in the rain
Chapter 16:I cause a forest fire
Chapter 17:I burn to death

Chapter 7:Jewels Martinez

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By YeahImParzival

After Me,Kade,and Amelia went our separate ways, I made it back to the fire colony into my cabin without getting caught.Amelia's words still were in head from what happened "Come on Alaric your the heir of the sword, it's your destiny" but why wasn't I told this before? Well I'm too tired to think about shit like that right now and I have a big day tomorrow.I layed on my bunk quietly trying not to wake anybody up, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.While asleep a dream formed, I dreamed that I was at a nice cabin on one of the beaches in florida except It didn't feel like I was there this or it was a actual dream it felt more like memory but except this wasn't my memory.The Memory/Dream continued it was night on the beach two dudes in black uniforms got out of a big gray truck.
"The boss said the next target was here, I don't know why a child of all things is what they needed but fifty thousand dollars is fifty thousand dollars" one of the guys says.
"I wonder why they would pay us so much for a little child, damn the child must be special or something." The other one said.
"I agree but let's get this over with so we can get that money"
All of sudden my point of view changed, I was laying in a bedroom in a bed opening my eyes slowly except it wasn't me it was someone else, all of sudden me in the point of view of whoever this person is sits up from the bed I looked down and apparently was wearing Hello Kitty pajamas.I reached for the cup of water on my nightstand and I picked it up to take a sip but there was no water in there.I was disappointed because I felt really thirsty, so I opened my room door.
"Dang it's dark I better get a flashlight and I better be quiet because I don't want to wake dad up" I said, but it wasn't my voice it sounded like a five year old girl.
I walked over to the desk to find the flashlight and I turned the lamp on, I opened one of the drawers, it was full of stickers of dolphins and seashells and drawing of the ocean, it had markers and Shell bracelets everywhere, I spotted the flashlight, then looked up the desk apparently had a mirror I saw my reflection I was a hispanic girl who looked about five with light brown hair with also sparking sapphire blue eyes.I was getting ready go refill my glass of water, but then I heard a noise like a window breaking, I looked through my door and then walked in there too see what was going on.
"Hello? Who's there?" I called, nervously.
All of a sudden a dude in a black suit grabs my arm and pulls me, I started to scream.
"Let go of me!" I screamed.
They eventually handcuffed me to their wrist.
"Kid if you don't shut it we will beat you" one of them said.
They dragged me outside. I screamed out my fathers name and I heard a bang come from his room, he came outside with a sword in his hand, they had me to there truck.He started to run after them in anger and panic, but they eventually shot him, he fell to the ground in pain dropping his sword he was hurt badly but the bullet shot him in the leg so he would probably live.
"DAD!" I screamed out, with tears in my eyes.
They eventually unhandcuffed me and threw me into the back of the truck, I felt like I was having an anxiety attack.
"JEWELS!" I heard my dad cry out, as they drove off with me.
The memory faded, the name Jewels rang through my head, I looked down and realized I was myself again.
"Who are you?" I heard from behind.
I turned behind me and spotted a Hispanic girl who looked my age. She had light brown hair and sparkling sapphire eyes and I realized that the girl in memory was the same girl right here.
"I'm Alaric Whiteshadow-" I was cut off by my eyes fluttering open, with Joshua looking at me.
"You good dude? You been sleeping for a while its almost lunch time" He said.
"Lunch time? Why did you let me sleep so late" I asked
"Because we didn't notice, also you kept saying the name "Jewels" in your sleep, you ok?"
Jewels the name rang in my head like one of those dinner time bells in those movies.
"It's nothing, it was just a nightmare" I said.
"Ok whatever you say, but see you at lunch Alaric" He says, walking off.
I walked to the eating area for Lunch. Today we had Hamburgers and Hotdogs for lunch, I chose the Hamburgers because they were better.Am I biased because that's what my mom used to make me all the time? Yes, very.I realized the main difference between lunch and dinner here is that for lunch you can sit wherever you want but for dinner you have to sit with your colony.I spotted Kade and Amelia sitting at a table discussing things, when they spotted me Kade pointed at me with a grin Amelia looked at me with the exact opposite expression, she looked at me with frustration,annoyance,and little bit of worry.
"You doofus, where have you been?" Amelia asked me, walking up to me.
"Sleeping," I replied.
"Sleeping? You were sleeping!? Alaric It's Lunch Time!"
"So? I heard somewhere with great power comes great need to take a nap"
"You don't have great power," She replied.
"My White Fire?" I replied.
"You don't have great power you can control"
"Fair point"
After that little conversation I sat down with them and when begin to talk about how we were going to sneak out and what we needed to bring and not get caught, but I did catch Midas looking at us a couple times.
"So that's about all we need, Kade you bringing the food and water right?" Amelia asked.
"Yes I am got it packed already" Kade replied.
"Good, Alaric you ok? What's on your mind?" Amelia asks me, her beautiful orange eyes with concern.
I realized Amelia caught me thinking about my dream while they were talking.
"It's just-" I cut myself with a sigh.
I decided to tell them, I told them about my dream, the girl Jewels, how it made no sense but I felt connected to her, the way they looked at me after I could tell the way I must have told it was with anxiety.
"First the map, now this?" Kade says with surprise.
"Look Alaric it was just a dream it's ok" Amelia says, her hand slightly touching my thumb which looked she was about touch my hand but stopped herself.
"I know but- you're right, we probably should just focus on the sword" I say.
"So we agreed to meet up here tonight, right?"
"Yes" Me and Kade both reply.
While we kept discussing it, Kade and Amelia could tell I was still worried about my dream, they were both looking at me with concern.We eventually concluded our discussion and went to get ready for tonight.

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