'Us Against the World'

By BlueDillPickle

68 0 4

just a bunch of one shots ig More

Shadows of Obsession
Eclipsed Hearts
Our Apocalyptic Love
Thunder, Picnic, Kiss and a Confession
Shades of Adversity and Affection
Love Behind the Curtains
Unlikely Partners

Shadows Unite: The Birth of Enduring Bonds

3 0 0
By BlueDillPickle

In the eerie halls of Nevermore Academy, Wednesday Addams was engrossed in her dark poetry when she noticed a newcomer. Enid Sinclair, dressed in vintage attire, was browsing through ancient spell books in the library.

Wednesday, intrigued, approached her with a smirk. "Looking for a particular incantation?"

Enid looked up, surprised but not intimidated. "Just exploring the mysteries of the arcane. Care to join me?"

Wednesday's lips curled into a rare smile. "I don't mind a bit of mystery."

And so, their peculiar friendship began.

Enid sat across from Wednesday in the hidden nooks of Nevermore, surrounded by dusty tomes and flickering candlelight.

Enid grinned mischievously. "Ever had a run-in with a banshee?"

Wednesday arched an eyebrow. "Several. They make for excellent company during late-night strolls."

Enid laughed, a sound that echoed through the hidden corners. "I knew you were my kind of strange."

As the weeks passed, they found themselves in Jericho's cemetery, concocting mysterious potions in the laboratory, and attending unconventional gatherings.

Wednesday, with her stoic demeanour, teased, "You enjoy playing with fire, Enid?"

Enid, pouring an ethereal liquid into a bubbling cauldron, smirked. "Fire and I have an understanding. It's the only way to create something truly magical."

Their connection deepened, they embraced their peculiarities with open arms.

Wednesday, gazing at the moonlit sky, mused, "Most people fear the darkness. We find comfort in it."

Enid, beside her, nodded. "The night holds secrets, and we're the keepers."

One evening, beneath the canopy of gnarled trees, they found themselves at a town gathering.

Wednesday observed the oddities around them. "This is almost mundane compared to our usual escapades."

Enid smirked. "True, but sometimes, a touch of the ordinary can be extraordinary."

As the moon hung low in Jericho's sky, Wednesday and Enid discovered a profound connection in the most unconventional of places. In the dim light of Ravenwood, they celebrated the magic of their peculiar companionship, exchanging not just words but shared glances that spoke of understanding and acceptance.


Days turned into weeks, and Wednesday and Enid's peculiar companionship deepened. The guarded library became their sanctuary, a place where the scent of ancient books and flickering candlelight set the stage for their unconventional conversations.

Enid, her fingers tracing the pages of a weathered grimoire, looked up at Wednesday. "You ever wonder why we're drawn to the darker side of things?"

Wednesday, with a thoughtful expression, replied, "Perhaps because it's in the shadows that we find our true selves. The rest of the world may shy away, but we embrace it."

Enid smiled appreciatively. "Embrace the shadows. I like that."

Their afternoons were filled with explorations—be it the cemetery, the laboratory, or the hidden corners of Jericho. They found a shared joy in unravelling the mysteries that others dared not approach.

Enid, concocting a potion that shimmered in the dim light, looked at Wednesday. "What's your favourite potion?"

Wednesday considered for a moment. "A concoction of moonlight, a dash of graveyard dust, and the essence of a raven's call. It brings a sense of serenity to the chaos."

Enid nodded in agreement. "I must try that. Chaos with a touch of serenity sounds enchanting."

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the orange landscape, Wednesday and Enid found themselves at a peculiar gathering in the heart of the town. Creatures of the night mingled with eccentric townsfolk, and the air buzzed with an otherworldly energy.

Wednesday observed the peculiar scene. "This is a different kind of peculiar."

Enid chuckled. "Indeed, a delightful mix of the bizarre and the mundane. It's like a carnival for the supernatural."

As they strolled through the eclectic crowd, Enid's eyes sparkled with mischief. "Care for a dance, Wednesday?"

Wednesday, usually reserved, raised an eyebrow but then accepted with a nod. They swayed to the haunting melody, their movements synchronized as if they had danced together in a previous existence.

In the quiet moments beneath the moonlit sky, their conversations delved into deeper realms.

Wednesday, her voice almost a whisper, confessed, "I've always felt like an outsider."

Enid, understanding, replied, "Outsiders see things others miss. It's our gift, our curse."

Wednesday's lips curled into a small smile. "A curse that becomes a gift in the right company."

One night, under the ancient oak tree in their towns courtyard, they shared stories of their past. Enid spoke of her nomadic upbringing, moving from one peculiar town to another. Wednesday, in turn, revealed the eccentricities of life within the Addams mansion.

Enid, tracing patterns in the grass, said, "It's strange how our paths led us here, isn't it?"

Wednesday, her gaze fixed on the stars, replied, "Perhaps it's fate or just a delightful twist of the supernatural. Either way, I'm glad our paths crossed."

In the evolving tapestry of their friendship, Wednesday and Enid found solace in the peculiarities that bound them together. They became inseparable, a duo of darkness in a world that often feared what it couldn't understand.

As the moon waned and waxed, their bond strengthened, transcending the boundaries of conventional relationships. In the heart of the little Podunk town , Wednesday Addams and Enid Sinclair discovered that love, in its purest form, emerged from the acceptance of one another's peculiarities. They became kindred spirits, navigating the shadows hand in hand, creating their own extraordinary story in the dark corners of Nevermore Academy.


Once upon a time, in a secluded corner of the forest, lived a family of werewolves. Among them was Enid, a young girl whose spirit radiated warmth and joy, even in the shadows of the moonlit night.

From her earliest days, Enid's laughter echoed through the dense woods, a melody that seemed to defy the eerie nature of her family. Her parents, creatures of the night with fur as dark as the midnight sky, couldn't fathom the boundless happiness that the young girl carried within her. Despite her effervescent demeanour, her mother's gaze remained cold and indifferent, casting a deathly chill even on the sunniest days.

As she grew, so did the awareness of her peculiar condition. On the night of the full moon, when her family transformed into fearsome werewolves, Enid found herself unable to undergo the metamorphosis. In the midst of their primal howls, her family regarded her with a mixture of confusion and disdain.

One fateful full moon, with the silver orb hanging ominously in the sky, her family made a heart-wrenching decision. In the dimly lit werewolf den, her father, a large and imposing figure, spoke solemnly, "We can no longer have a daughter who cannot embrace the true nature of our kind."

Under the watchful, cold gaze of her mother, Enid, at the tender age of eight, was led to the edge of the dense woods. Clad in a simple nightdress, tears welled in her eyes, but her spirit refused to surrender. The moonlight guided her into the unknown, her family disappearing into the shadows, leaving her alone to face the wilderness.

In the early days, she was armed with only her innocence, navigated the challenges of the forest. She forged alliances with woodland creatures, learned the secrets of survival, and discovered an inner strength she never knew existed. The moon became her silent companion, witnessing the trials that moulded her into a resilient young woman.

Yet, as time passed and she matured, the bitterness of abandonment seeped into her heart. The forest that had once embraced her became her only confidant. The radiant joy that defined her childhood transformed into a quiet resolve, and her laughter was replaced by the haunting silence of the night.

Her transformation didn't end there. As adolescence wrapped its tendrils around her, she discovered a newfound fascination with the mystical. Nights, once feared, became her sanctuary. She delved into the ancient art of potion-making, concocting elixirs that mirrored the complexity of her emotions. Her once bright eyes, now shrouded in mystery, gleamed with a fascination for the obscure.

The villagers, who had long forgotten the legend of the cheerful girl abandoned in the woods, spoke of Enid with hushed tones. Her presence became a legend—a tale of a girl who, left to the mercy of the night, embraced its secrets with an unsettling passion.

Enid, now a teenager with a penchant for potions and a love for the nocturnal world, wandered the forest like a phantom. Her heart, once open and trusting, had grown guarded and enigmatic. Yet, in the depths of her gaze, there lingered a vulnerability—a reminder of the happy child who had been cast aside.

And so, in the heart of the mysterious woods, Enid, once the embodiment of joy, found solace in the shadows, her transformation echoing the complexities of the moonlit night.

Ok im done, i'm hung over and i have a headache and ive gotten my braces in so fuck me. This story is 1784 words not including the authors note and sorry for not being more active I haven't really had much motivation and if u have any ideas PLEASE TELL ME THEM I'VE RAN DRY

On that note, thanks for reading (:

(the text is deciding to not go bold so u will have to deal with it ;) x)

Oh and I'm finishing it here as I need to take a break I'm not gonna write all fancy like this I'm gonna tone it down a notch but this is the end as I'm working on a completely new story. It's called "The Echoes of Time" and I'll give you a quick summary-

In a quaint, forgotten town nestled between towering mountains, a young historian, Maya, unearths an ancient, mysterious artifact during an excavation. This artifact possesses the ability to transport individuals through time when activated by a unique sequence of musical notes.

Maya, intrigued by its power, accidentally triggers the artifact and finds herself thrust into different periods of history with each musical note sequence she plays. She encounters diverse cultures, witnesses pivotal moments, and learns valuable lessons from the past.

As she navigates these temporal leaps, Maya discovers a hidden connection between her present and these historical eras, realizing that the artifact's purpose is not just to transport but to impart crucial wisdom for the future. Along the way, she grapples with the ethical implications of altering history and the responsibility that comes with wielding such a powerful device.

Ultimately, Maya must decipher the artifact's true purpose, solve its mysteries, and choose whether to preserve the timeline or make a significant sacrifice to alter the course of history for the better.

The story delves into themes of identity, the consequences of actions, and the timeless resonance of history on shaping our future.

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