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By Onmykneesforwoman

88.3K 6.4K 747

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1.9K 147 20
By Onmykneesforwoman

                  Think you can handle it cupcake?


t the sounds of light chatter and rustling right outside the windows of zaenya's room, the woman flattered her eyes open as they blinked rapidly searching her surroundings before her vision came back and noticed that she was in her room rather than some random place she'd end up in whenever she drank

groaning lightly at the forming ache in her head, zaenya sat up slowly rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she tried recalling the events that took place the night before—and with the memories flooding back piece by piece, a tiny smile creeped up her lips remembering how shit faced she made sam since the man had never drunk anything in his whole life

the sights of him dancing on tables downing each cup zaenya and the others gave him, the cheers he got when a crowd of woman danced with him, zaenya laughing and cheering alongside at her new companions expense before she decided that was enough for him and the two drunkenly managed to stumbled their way back to the red keep with sam somehow falling into the flower patch and zaenya trying to help him up but got pulled into the patch aswell as the two broke out laughing

"fuckin' idiot" chuckled zaenya softly finding anew friendship in the man even if he was to stupid for his own good

another memory flashed by, that certain moment came back to zaenya making her smile die down slowly—the flash of brunette came to her mind where those brown eyes stared to her with concern, with anger then it stared at her with an emotion she couldn't tell what it was. when her sweet scent invaded her nose upon zaenya hugging he–


i hugged her

the thought popped in her head and zaenya sat up straight blinking owlishly, what went through her thought process when she did that!

you were fuckin' drunk you fool

her conscious reminded her almost sarcastically making zaeny groan burying her face in her palms, she was pretty sure alicent didn't want the womans near her anymore since she crossed boundaries and embraced the brunette without asking if it was okay with her


zaenya is respectful when it comes to touching women, especially since she knew how alicent was when it came to physical touch unexpectedly without the brunette initiating it first

"just wonderful" grumbled zaenya throwing the covers from her body and getting from her bed

just then a knock sounded on her door before it opening quickly revealing a roughed up sam with his armor barely on his body "what the fuck sam?!" zaenya looked to him bewildered at his sudden presence

the man panted "i ..almost ...died!" said the man between heavy breathes

zaenya deadpanned brushing past him to the bathhouse "and you came to me why?" she questioned washing her face to wake her up more and wanting to rid of her hangover

sam gaped "you're suppose to help me in times like this!" exclaimed the man slumping down on the chair

the woman rolled her eyes "what happened?" she finally asked

the man sighed dramatically "on my way here to start my duties as your guard" he emphasized purposely causing the woman to send a glare his way "her grace and her very scary guard stopped me, she then proceeded to threaten my position if i went off and got drunk with the kings niece failing to do my duty to protect you" he quickly explained still recalling the scary look on her face when she spoke to him so calmly but the threat was clear

zaenya furrowed her brows "scary guard? you mean that crissy lad?" that particular sentence caught her ears not knowing he was back after the last encounter he and zaenya had, she assumed he resigned from his position since he didn't seem fit for it in zaenyas eyes

sam frowned "is that all you caught from that?"

the tall woman rolled her eyes once more "t'was your own fault for sleeping outside my door when i told you clearly that you're off duty" she shrugged not caring if alicent threatened him, i mean did zaenya think she was in any wrong for what she said? no, no she wasn't there for the brunette was innocent in zaenyas mind and sam was in the wrong

"i was making sure you actually made it to your room?! then i ....accidentally fell asleep" he defended himself, very poorly might i add

zaenya just looked to him blankly "so you disturbed me for this when i could've been doing something actually worth my time?"

sam's jaw dropped "i thought we were friends!"

the tall woman ushered him up and led him to her door "and you're getting on my nerves so off you go" she shooed him away and shut the door before he could get a word out

zaenya had spent the entire day searching for alicent in hopes to apologize for what she did the night prior, she had given it alot of thought of firstly how to apologize since she never has in her whole life so she doesn't quite understand the need to now—it just became a norm to her ever since she had been around the brunette

now that zaenya thought of it ...she's changed alot of herself ever since her time with alicent, things shes never known of nor thought of doing, it's as if alicent had zaenya in the palm of her hands and the tall woman would hang off every word she said

is it weird?

yes it is

yet does zaenya plan to stop

no she doesn't

but the tall woman couldn't help but get this brewing feeling whenever she thought of alicent, she always thought it was the desire she wish to act on with the brunette, but it turned out to be something else she could not recognize

it was more than just desire for zaenya, which was a first

yet it seems to be a different story with alicent

she had opted to stay in her courters the entire day wishing to not see zaenya has she battled her internal thoughts, the fight of her father's words clashing heavily with her own thoughts of zaenya—and it all felt overwhelming for alicent

the brunette was certain of one thing though, her clouded attraction towards zaenya was coated with desire as she urged herself to explore more of this attraction, wanting to see where it'll lead her

yet the faithful side of her forbid her to lean onto the latter side knowing what was at stake and the thought of her father being disappointed and angry at alicent haunted the woman greatly, afterall he had said before that he gave her this life so she is to follow his every order given

stop it alicent, he need not to know of everything

but it is wrong not to obe–

act on what you want, not what he needs

alicent breathed out closing her eyes for short moment before they flattered open moving towards the night sky, she contemplated

do what she wants? or do what he says?

the choice weighed before her and the ticking went down, what to choose ...what to choose

"this is so wrong" muttered alicent to herself as she stood from her bed slipping on her nightgown, brown curls hanging loosely over her back and her brown gaze turned to the door. she stood in her spot for a moment thinking of ever possible way this could backfire on her but she already decided

"oh great heavens forgive me"

making her way to the door, her hand reached out and gripped the handle tightly taking a small moment to calm her breathing before she finally opened the door

but to her great surprise—the very woman who made it impossible to rid from her thoughts, stood there with her fist raised ready to knock on the door

eyes of two meet brown, both filled with a similar glint as it passed their eyes like a twinkling shooting star and in that very moment when their gazes locked as one, the air between the shifted making it hard for them to break their eyes from another

weird was this feeling, this ...sensation whenever they were near

alicent felt her heart skip a beat before she blinked rapidly knocking herself from whatever pull that was and returned to the present "...zaenya"

the call of her name brought zaenya back to where she was as glazed over look quickly vanished, the tall woman cleared her throat slightly as she remembered why she was here in the first place "...hi" was all she could muster up front her mushed up brain

the brunette stared at her for what seemed like eternity "i was ju- ..just coming to see you" she fiddled in her place as the nervousness washed over her

zaenyas brows shot up lightly at that "oh? i ..uhm ..was looking for you to uhm ...apologize for what happened the night before–it was wrong of me to act as such especially intoxicated without asking your verbal consent knowing how you are about things like that and i was really stupid for doing that and i am really sorry if i made you uncomfortable in any wa–"

the womans ramble was cut off when a pair of soft lips collided with hers

zaenyas eyes widened upon the brunettes lips planted on hers and she was pretty sure her heart ripped from her chest and ran away

alicent couldn't take it anymore, everything zaenya did, everything she says drove her insane and every fibre in  her body acted without thinking, so she just kissed zaenya

oh great heavens ..she's kissing zaenya!

the brunette was quick to pull away as her own eyes widened at what she just did "dear gods what did i do!" alicent was quick to panic "why did i do that" she now began to pace

zaenya, who was still recovering from what the fuck just happened blinked slowly seeing if this wasn't some sort of dream but fortunate for her it wasn't as she now turned her eyes to the pacing and panicking brunette "alicent" she called out stepping fully into the room and closing the door behind her

"i–you–zaenya" alicent stumbled over her words

the tall woman watched her carefully "alicent ..it's okay"

at the gentle reassurance alicent paused in her stead turning her eyes to zaenya, lips frowning slightly and arms falling to her sides in defeat "i..." she paused taking in zaenyas statue, she seemed so calm compared to her panicking state

zaenya neared alicent whom had just stood in her place gazing at her with her doe eyes, their bodies mere seconds from merging as one as the air around them thickened with high end tension, chest raising up and down as one looked to the other with hints of struggled hesitant doubts, hints of hidden sadness, even hints of admiration—whilst the other looked to one with hints of concern, hints of care, hints of calmness

a hand reached out to lightly grasp the smaller hand of the latter as their hands grazed another before they fully engulfed another, alicent felt all panic wash away at her touch, at her stare and she let zaenya move closer to her inch by inch. zaenya searched for any resistance within alicent and found none taking that as a sign to move her unoccupied hand towards the side of the womans neck gently tugging her closer letting their lips brush against each other

alicent let out a staggered breath as she closed her eyes "i want to do it again ...please" she had found her words wanting to feel zaenyas lips on hers again

and zaenya did just so, leaning her head down pressing their lips together once more but this time without any shock within neither of them, zaenya wrapped her arm around alicents waist bringing her closer whilst her other hand cupped the side of the brunettes cheek, she tilted her head taking the lead on deepening their kiss

alicents had thrown all doubts and consequences from her head upon feeling the cloudy lips of zaenya on hers as hers, her hands at each side of the womans face 

slow was it at first before their locked desires broke free and revealed themselves as their kiss shifted to one holding heat, lips moving in sync almost feverishly with zaenya tightening her grip on alicent eluding a small gasp from the brunette—the tall woman took that moment to part the womans lips with her tongue and slipped in the brunettes mouth letting their tongues meet in one

alicent felt her knees grow weak grasping onto zaenya for dear life as their kiss turned messy, lustfill with their hands now touching each other everywhere they could wanting to feel each other. the hand that was on alicents cheek was now at the back of the brunettes neck bringing her face closer

their kiss prolonged until lack of air became a problem and alicent was the first to pull away with a heaved pant and her face flushed "zaenya" the sound of the womans name falling from the brunettes lips in such a needy tone did things to zaenya, small hands now touching the womans torso as it was clear what alicent yearned for

tugging alicent back to her lips, she kissed her "think you can handle it cupcake?" the teasing tone evident as zaenya spoke in between their kiss before breaking apart keeping their faces close

alicent stared up to her with glistening eyes and her peach lips now swollen, slowly she nodded


A/N: fuck it we ball

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