Forgotten Love~MarcoxReader~S...

By dead_account_regret

42.5K 1.5K 482

(This story has been discontinued due to the fact I no longer have any interest writing this book. I'm no lon... More

~The Hit.~
~Where are you?~
~Ludo's Succuss~
~Starting again.~
~The truth.~
#We need to Talk.#
#I'm so sorry! :(#
~Drop by..~
~Glooming night.~
~Troubling Experience~
~Like a Guardian~
~Begining love~


2.6K 107 17
By dead_account_regret

-Y/N's Pov-

I kicked every where trying to wiggle free.
"Let me go you ungrateful-"
I shut my mouth when I saw Star and Marco standing paralyzed. I stopped struggling when I mine and Marco's eyes met. As if he could read my mind, I mentally said,
"If this is good-bye, then I just want to tell you that I love you."
He hand fear in his eyes and my eyes started to water, I managed to make a smile telling him that it's okay.
"Say good-bye to your precious Y/N FOOLS!"
With that, I was thrown in a chair which quickly tied me down. A lever was pulled and then I felt as if I was being stabbed over and over again. I bit my lips trying not to scream. Then I heard a faint voice say.
"Pull it up to level 11."
I closed my eyes. This is gonna hurt. I felt as if they were sucking the life out of me. But then I started to feel the pain num, I began to see myself meeting Marco and Star for the first time. Then followed by Star accidentally covering me in flowers and surving. I smiled at these thoughts but soon enough I couldn't remember them. I saw Marco and I at his house with his blushing problem that day. Then came the prom, my first kiss, unknowing that it was Marco under that mask. Then when he came to my house to comfort me that ended him kissing me on the lips, then becoming girlfriend and boyfriend. I saw when I got hurt and Marco helped bandage my ankle. Then when Lars push Marco into the locker and I gave Lars a knuckle sandwich in return. Caring for Marco when he was hurt, then monsters... All these memories flashed by and I forgot them. One by one they vanished from my memories. I fell lim hanging from the chair they put me in. Then I heard someone say,
"Give her the strength now."
I felt as if I was getting all my energy back. It flowed through my body, but then I fainted.

-Marco's Pov-

I ran towards Y/N as fast as I could, followed by Star. I picked her up with my arms and stood up. I kissed her on her cheek and Star whispered,
"Run. I got this."
She gave me dimensional scissors and I nodded a thanks and Started to run. I heard a faint voice say,
"Nuclear Butterfly...."
Then I heard an explosion. I stopped and opened the portal. I turned around to see Star racing towards me. I let her go first then I jumped into the portal with Y/N on my arms.

-few minutes later-

I lay Y/N on my bed. I looked at her arms. There was a long yellow lightning bolt printed on both of her arms.
My eyes widen and I stepped a bit away from Y/N.
"Why are Y/N's arms like this?"
Star stepped forwards to examine Y/N's arms. Then I noticed that Y/N had small lightning bolts on her cheeks, like Star but Star had hearts. Soon enough Star noticed it too.
"Marco I think that-"
Star was cut off when we heard Y/N starting to wake up. Star and I looked at her as she waked up.

-Y/N's Pov-

I opened my eyes. I didn't know where I was or who I am. I sat up and rubbed my head.
"Erh... Where am I?"
I felt something hug me.
"Y/N! Your alive!"
In my instinct, I pushed it away quickly and some how, I felt and saw a bit of lightning spark out of my palm. I looked at my hands. Then I made a fist and looked up. I saw that I threw a boy with a red sweater very far from where I was. He rubbed his head and looked up at me surprised. I then saw a blond girl with a short dress looking at me surprised as well.
"W-Who are you?! Where am I?! Who am I?!"
I questioned them. The boy got up and held his arm that I probably damaged.
"You mean... You don't remember us?"
He had pain in his eyes. My harsh gaze softened a little. Then I got back on track.
"I asked you a question!"
I was confused, worried, that I just didn't know what to do. I looked down at my palms. They both held an electric ball. I looked up at the boy, he had fear in his eyes. The the blond girl spoke.
"Y/N... It's okay we won't hurt you."
She said softly.
"I-Is that my name? How can I trust you not to hurt me?!"
I narrowed my eyes and the electric balls grew bigger, my hair started to float up. The blond girl stepped back a bit but then she showed me a picture of all of us together. I looked different here though. My hair went back down and the lightning balls disappeared. I stepped off the bed and walked over to the blond girl. She handed me the picture and added,
"I am Star and he is Marco."
I looked at the picture carefully. I can trust them. I can trust them.

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