By Dream_Catcher064

3K 133 17

With all the smiles you brought me, I never thought that you could cause me so many tears More

Mysterious Man
whirlwind of emotions
Unexpected direction
Gratitude and Apprehension
Serendipitous Connections
Promises and Kisses
Unspoken Words
Eyes don't lie

Closed the distance

181 11 1
By Dream_Catcher064

Porsche was getting ready to go with Porchay for his school day

He put on a white shirt and black pant and came down to hall were porchay was ready with guitar in his hand

Porsche: let's go chay

Porchay: ok hia

They get in the car and started to drive

finally they reached the school and porchay was gone with his friends for the final rehearsal

Porsche was standing in front of his car thinking about his school life

For him school days were the most beautiful part of his life

His dad always comes to pick him up from school and they go out for ice cream together

Now he misses his father a lot

While Porsche was deep in his father's memory

he suddenly heard an announcement that the program was about to start so he rushed to the auditorium

He sat on a seat were he can watch porchay performance clearly

Suddenly someone sat next to porsche but he didn't noticed untill he speaks


Porsche :Kinn what are you doing here
Porsche asked in amusement

kinn: i called Tawan so he told me today is porchay's program

Kinn said while he adjusted his seat

Porsche: and where is Tawan?

Kinn:He didn't come he said that he is not interested in music and stuff

Porsche already know the answer why his brother and mother didn't come to see porchay's  program It's always like this

Porsche: Then why are you here?

Kinn: I wanted to know how well he can sing plus i don't want you to be alone

Porsche felt butterfly in his stomach

suddenly they hear the announcement

"The next contestant Porchay Pitchaya Kittisawasd"

They looked at the stage porchay entered with his guitar sat on the chair and adjusted his mike and began to sing

🎶"All this time I sink, drowning like a stone
Tryna close my eyes, shut my ears on this throne
Losing my way home, then you came along
Everywhere we are, felt like where I belong
Lost in your eyes there was no place I could hide
Take me inside and let me live in your mind
No pain tonight, this place is reserved for only you and I"🎶

Everybody were lost in how beautifully porchay was singing but there porsche when he hear the lyrics of the song can't think about anything other than whats happening in his life right now

porache was at the edge of crying

Suddenly porsche felt as if someone was gently stroking his hands

Yes its was kinn

They looked deep into eachothers eyes

Porsche wants to ask a lot of questions but nothing came out from his mouth

Porchay continued to sing

🎶"Cause I wanna stay on your side
Even if the world come crashing down tonight, we'll be fine
Hold me close and we'll just leave it all behind
Why don't you stay"🎶

Porsche feels like this is what he wanted to ask kinn even though he know its wrong and it will make the situation worse

Kinn was still holding his hand while listening to porchay's song

As the song came to an end

the audience erupted into applause, showering Porchay with praise. Porsche clapped along, trying to hide the sadness inside him

He glanced at Kinn, who was still holding his hand gently

After the performance

Porchay made his way off the stage, a smile plastered on his face

Porsche quickly stood up and made his way towards him, wanting to congratulate his brother

Porsche: chay, that was amazing!

Porsche exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine admiration.

Porchay turned to face his brother, his eyes shining with happiness

Porchay: Thanks, Hia I'm glad you enjoyed it

Porsche couldn't help but notice the genuine love and affection Porchay had for him.

It was moments like these that made him appreciate the bond they shared,

despite the challenges they faced within their family

Then porchay noticed Kinn who was standing next to porsche

Porchay: ohh phi kinn why are you here?

Kinn: i wanted to see how good you sing by the way porchay you nailed it

Porchay: thank you phi kinn i'm glad that you enjoyed it

Porsche: then let's go chay

Porsche said in a hurry not wanting to spent more time with kinn

Porchay: hia can you wait for me i want to meet my friends

Porsche was about to say something before kinn spoke

Kinn: then we will wait outside

Porchay: thank you phi I'll be right back

Said porchay left the room

Porsche went out and kinn followed him

Kinn followed Porsche's brisk steps, finally catching up to him near his car

Kinn: Porsche, we need to talk

Kinn said, his voice laced with urgency

Porsche turned to face him, his eyes clouded with sadness

Porsche: What is it, Kinn? What do you want to talk about?

Kinn took a deep breath, attempting to calm the storm brewing within him

Kinn: Look, Porsche...

he began, his words measured and gentle

"there's something important that we can't ignore"

Porsche: No, there's nothing I want to discuss with you

Porsche interjected, his tone sharp

Kinn's voice softened as he pleaded

Kinn: What did I do to you, Porsche?

Anger and sadness mingled on Porsche's face as he retorted

Porsche: You know exactly what you did. And you know how it will affect me

Kinn's voice cracked, layered with remorse

Kinn: Porsche... I

Cutting him off, Porsche unleashed his emotions

Porsche: Enough, Kinn! Maybe it's my fault for harboring these feelings for you, even though I knew you were my brother's boyfriend

Kinn's eyes searched Porsche's, brimming with understanding and remorse

A profound silence settled between them

Porsche: It's okay, Kinn

Porsche finally said, his voice filled with unexpected compassion

Porsche: It's not your fault. Perhaps we can find our way back to how things were before

Porsche wiped away his tears

a flicker of hope rekindling in his eyes

Porsche: So let's talk about something else...

Before Porsche could utter another word

Kinn, overwhelmed with emotions he could no longer suppress

closed the distance between them and kissed him

The world around them faded

replaced by the intensity of their shared passion

As they broke apart, their eyes interlocked and for a brief moment

all their worries vanished

Breaking away from the embrace, Kinn and Porsche stared at each other

their minds filled with a lots of emotions

Porsche's voice trembled as he spoke, his words laced with uncertainty

Porsche: This is wrong, Kinn. We can't do this

Kinn nodded, his heart heavy with the weight of their forbidden desires

Kinn: I know, Porsche. I understand the consequences

Porsche's eyes glistened with unshed tears as he struggled to find the right words

Kinn: I don't know what to call this,But please, try to understand

With a renewed sense of urgency

Kinn leaned in and kissed Porsche once more

their lips melding together in a desperate attempt to hold onto the fleeting moments of happiness they found in each other's arms


Thank you for reading my story
I hope you enjoyed it💚💛

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