Pokemon: Grey Roads

By kaecilia

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"Everyone assumes that there are two roads: black and white. But there's always the third option... the grey... More



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By kaecilia

"But know this Hilbert, Atlas and I aren't backing down easily..."

Hilbert's eyes flared up like a small flame suddenly sparking brightly. A sudden spark of anticipation and excitement, the thrill running through their veins. Both of them were ready to have their Pokemon battle.

"Oshawott and I won't back down easily either, Kairi." Hilbert grinned as Oshawott raised his shell from his stomach with a prideful look on its face. "Osha, oshawott!" Oshawott furrowed its brows, grinning ready to battle and win this for his trainer!

Atlas stood in front of Kairi, snarling and showing off her sharp serrated teeth at Oshawott. Size wise, Atlas wins this fight. However size didn't mean anything. What mattered was how you handled the battle, how you controlled the field. You have to be the puppeteer of the field because if one of your strings becomes loose.

You may not have control of that field anymore.

"Suppose I'll be the judge then..." Cheren sighed, pushing his glasses up. He knew that Hilbert always loved battling others. He was battle-spirited and loud, but calm and collected. Those were traits that may have contradicted each other, but Hilbert was an enigma even for Cheren. "On the left we have Hilbert with Oshawott, while on the right we have Kairi with Atlas. Which one will win this battle?" Cheren announced, gesturing to the fighters on the stage.

Hilbert gripped the brim of his hat tightly, lowering it as Oshawott's foot took a small step back preparing to tackle on towards Atlas if their trainer commanded them to. Meanwhile, Atlas opened her mouth to show off her large teeth and attempted to look intimidating as she lowered her claws and Kairi slid her foot to the left, twisting her heel deep into the dirt.

"We'll be using the normal format. Whoever's Pokemon faints first is the winner," Cheren said as he eyed the two fired up trainers. He wondered who would win... Hilbert or Kairi? Hilbert had a slight advantage since he had knowledge of battling thanks to his younger days, but Kairi... Well, he doesn't know much about Kairi but he knows he shouldn't underestimate the girl.

Seeing that huge Gible, she probably holds a large amount of raw power just by its gigantic size. "Are our contestants ready?"



"Then let us not waste anymore time... begin!"

"Alright Oshawott, let's start off with a Tackle!" Hilbert commanded his Oshawott as the otter Pokemon dashed towards Atlas with all of his might. "Atlas, let's show Oshawott a tackle of your own!" Atlas nodded and rushed towards Oshawott with a tackle of her own, rushing towards Oshawott with her own body. Then they clashed with each other, however due to Atlas' huge size Oshawott was sent flying back towards Hilbert. "Oshawott, are you ok?" Hilbert stared down at Oshawott, who gave him a firm nod. "Osha, osha!" Oshawott quickly got back to his feet, getting in front of Hilbert once more.

I was correct... The sheer size of Atlas is enough to knock over my Oshawott. I should be more careful... Hilbert thought. "Alright Atlas, let's shoot out a Dragon Rage at Oshawott!" Hilbert's thoughts were interrupted by Kairi's command as Atlas opened her mouth, firing a powerful blue blast towards Oshawott who awaited for Hilbert's command. "Giibblleee!"

"Oshawott, quick, dodge the attack!" Hilbert cried out as Oshawott quickly dodged the attack by swiftly jumping to the left, barely scraping by the Dragon Rage.

"Not on my watch, Atlas use Sand Attack on Oshawott quickly!" Kairi instructed Atlas who swiped her tail against the sand that got in Oshawott's eyes. "Oshaaa! Oshawott, wott!" Oshawott cried, trying to brush the sand away from its eyes. "Oshawott, no! Calm down and concentrate!" Hilbert exclaimed as Oshawott waved its arms in the air.

"Alright Atlas, use Dragon Rage once more!" Kairi directed as Atlas shot out another blue blast towards Oshawott. Hilbert's eyes widened watching the blast coming towards Oshawott. "Gibblee!" "Oshawott, move to your right!" Hilbert commanded. "Osha? Osha!?" Oshawott cried out, attempting to figure out which way that Hilbert wanted him to go.

Unfortunately, Oshawott got hit by the Dragon Rage. The otter Pokemon rolled on the battlefield, letting out a weak cry. "Osha..." Oshawott mumbled, slowly getting up. "Don't give Oshawott a chance to get up Atlas, quick tackle head on towards Oshawott!"

"No you don't! Oshawott, use your tail against the battlefield and obscure Atlas' vision!" Hilbert said as Oshawott shook his head, his vision blurry but better than before. "Oshaaa!" Oshawott did as told, swiping his tail against the sand and successfully getting Atlas' vision obscured. "Gib?! Giblee!"

Thanks for the tactic Kairi! Hilbert grinned.

"Oh no, Atlas!" Kairi cried out as Atlas shook her head back and forth trying to get the sand off of her eyes. "Gibbllee...!" Atlas cried as she continued to shake her head. "Alright Oshawott, here's our chance!"

"Oshaaawott!" Oshawott cried out as he blasts out a forceful shot of water towards Atlas. "Ah... you learned Water Gun, Oshawott!" Hilbert's eyes sparkled seeing Oshawott already learning a new move. Alright, all of that battling must've given Oshawott enough experience to learn Water Gun!

"Giibbllee!" Atlas cried out and brushed the sand away successfully, glaring daggers at Oshawott who stared back at Atlas with anticipation. They both wanted to win this battle for their trainers. "Use Water Gun, Oshawott!"

"Deflect it with Dragon Rage!"



A forceful blast of water shoots out of Oshawott's mouth while Atlas bursts a blast of powerful blue flames towards the water, soon the two impact into each other disbursing smoke in the air. Kairi and Hilbert shielded themselves, attempting to prevent from inhaling too much of the smoke. "Atlas, use this smoke to your advantage and charge towards Oshawott!"

This is a gamble, but I should use this as my advantage before Hilbert does.

"Oshawott, be on the lookout for Atlas!" Hilbert called out as Oshawott looked around within the smoke anxiously and carefully. They both had to be patient within the storm of dark clouds surrounding them. Either one of them could mess up right here and now. If Atlas doesn't successfully find Oshawott, then Oshawott would have the advantage. However if Atlas does find Oshawott, then Atlas has the upperhand.

The smoke slowly disappears in the air making both of the trainer's visibly see the scene in front of them. Atlas preparing to attack Oshawott at close range! Shoot, if Atlas lands a tackle on me, Oshawott is done!

"Alright Atlas, let's get to Oshawott with Tackle!"

There wouldn't be any time to use any other tactic or dodge. Atlas was just too close at this point, Hilbert knew that he had to be offensive in order for Oshawott to defend himself against Atlas. "Oshawott, tackle back at Atlas!"

Kairi knew that Hilbert would have no choice but to attack back at Atlas. The Gible was too close to the small otter and the giant Gible would be difficult to pass by even if Oshawott was nimble.

"Ha! Then I'll show you my special attack," Kairi chuckled before opening her hand out towards Hilbert. "Atlas," Kairi started before snapping her fingers. "Use Iron Head!" Kairi shouted, pointing at Oshawott.

Hilbert's eyes widened seeing the head of Atlas' form into steel, shining brightly from the sunlight. "Iron Head?! I was not expecting that... well it's too late to go back now... Go charge ahead, Oshawott!" Hilbert shouted, punching the air with a grin on his face. This was fun.

Too much fun.

The trainer's sweat falls down from their brow, quenching the dirt of the battlefield as Atlas and Oshawott charge each other head on. Tackle and Iron Head, which one would win?



Two Pokemon let out their battle cries as they headbutt against each other, more dust flowing underneath them sending out another smokescreen that obscured the trainer's visions. Slowly the dust clouds withdrew and revealed Oshawott fainted on the ground while Atlas stood high and proud with her head up. Despite all of those scratches from Oshawott's brutal attacks, she won the battle.

"Oshawott!" Hilbert called out to his partner, running over to the injured Oshawott and kneeled beside him. He gently holds Oshawott in his arms giving a soft smile, gently stroking Oshawott by the head. "You did good, Oshawott..." He whispered softly as Oshawott gave him a small smile. His eyes gazed at a few other scratches on Oshawott's body. Where did he get those...? Ah right...! It must've been Atlas' ability: Rough Skin.

Meanwhile, Kairi ran up to Atlas with a grin on her face. "Good job, Atlas! You did awesome out there." Kairi praised Atlas as the Gible charged at Kairi, tackling the girl down easily. Augh, she's heavy...! Kairi thought, but she would never say that in front of Atlas. Never, ever! In all honesty, she just doesn't wanna see Atlas be worried about herself.

Kairi laughed and stroked Atlas by the head. "Okay girl, you can get off now! You're actually crushing me–" Kairi said through a strained voice as Atlas let out a confused cry before finally getting off of her trainer. She brushed dust off of her clothes and approached Hilbert, holding her hand out. Hilbert picked his head up as a smile crept on his facial features, holding his hand out and gripped onto her hand giving her a firm shake.

"You did great, Hilbert. Can't believe you used my own tactic against me." Kairi chuckled, shrugging her shoulders lightly as Hilbert simply stifled his own laugh. "Hey, your tactic worked... who wouldn't use it? Anyway, you were awesome out there too." Hilbert shoots the praise back at Kairi who only rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly.

Trip sighed, getting up from his seat and clapped his hands. "That's great, lovely even." He said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. He wouldn't even have been able to win that anyway. Atlas was a Dragon/Ground type and Oshawott has nothing against Atlas and to add the cherry on top, she had the ability Rough Skin and most of the starters have physical moves at the start.

What a pain.

Hilbert and Kairi stared at Trip who was walking away from them, putting his hands behind his neck. "But even I can admit, the battle was interesting to watch nonetheless," Trip spoke up and glanced back at the bluenette who jumped up from seeing his eyes gaze at the girl. "If we do meet up again during our adventure..." His voice trailed off before looking up towards his path. "We better fight. I'll show you my strength."

Kairi stood there for a moment as if she was in thought. "Oh yeah, me too!" Bianca cheered, raising her hand. Meanwhile Cheren sighed softly as he sprayed a potion on Oshawott's wounds. "I'd want to battle you too if we do meet again... your battle sparked something in me," he spoke, his gaze softening before continuing. "I won't take no for an answer."

Alrighty then... Kairi thought before Hilda wrapped an arm around Kairi's shoulder with a grin. "Me too, Kairi! I saw how you defeated Hilbert, you and Atlas are super strong! Of course Hilbert and Oshawott had awesome coordination too."

Kairi blinked, trying to register all of their comments and requests. In short, it clicked.

They were all basically dubbing themselves as rivals to her.

This was something for sure... 5 rivals to keep up with? Makes sense, they all somehow met up in the lobby but already? Rivals already...? Kairi shook her head before smiling. Oh well, at least she has friends, right? "Sure, if I meet any of you guys again... we'll definitely shoot out a battle!" Kairi gave a thumbs up with a grin on her face.

Was this a mistake?

... Oh well, there can't be any regrets now Kairi!

"Awesome! I'm assuming we're all going to Striaton City for your gym badges?" Bianca asked with a small smile on her face awaiting for their answers. "Mhm!" Kairi nodded, giving a thumbs up. Everyone else around them gave a firm nod or an energetic answer.

"Hey, I have a great idea guys!" The blonde girl perked up, raising her index finger and everyone turned towards Bianca with curiosity as Kairi sprayed a potion on Atlas. "We should all go to Route 1 together! That'll mean that we'll be going on our adventure together!" It was a nice suggestion Kairi would admit. She wouldn't mind... and it wouldn't hurt right?

Trip scoffed quietly and crossed his arms, walking away from the four. "You can go without me, while it is a nice gesture. I want to get stronger." He said and waved his hand goodbye at the group. "I'll meet you all soon at the gym, if you do make it that far anyway." Were his last words as his figure slowly disappeared from sight.

"... Jeez... joykill." Hilda mumbled, crossing her arms as she watched Trip walk away from the group. Kairi watched the dirty blonde boy leave from their sight. He seemed rude at first and in a rush about something... but what? Guess I won't know right now, huh. Kairi thought as she rubbed her chin in thought.

The group stood there for a moment before Kairi broke the silence with awkward laughter and ran off to the direction where Route 1 was. "We should get going, yeah?" Bianca called out to the four with her cheerful smile on her face. Everyone else nodded as they followed behind the blonde towards Route 1.

It was the beginning of their adventures in Unova together.


When you think about it, it's scary... the world out there is dangerous and wild.


Scary when you are going out into the world all on your own without someone out there to guide you. This moment is the moment you soon realize this is your first step to become someone different because...


All boys and girls leave home eventually.

"Let's go!"

And their first steps to their adventures unfold. Entering passing through the gates of Nuvema Town, the breeze gently brushing against their skin and hair, the grass dancing along with the wind while Pokemon scattered about within the wild. It was the smell of new beginnings.

Bianca, Cheren, Hilda, Hilbert, and Kairi (plus Trip in spirit) were beginning their journey. All together towards Route 1 from the town rightfully having the slogan of... The start of something big. "We all have our own goals, right?" Hilda asked with a big smile on her face, leaning forward beside Kairi who glanced down at Hilda with a sheepish laugh. "And our own roads to start off with... eventually..." Kairi looked at the other four who glanced at her with brimming curiosity. "We'll meet each other soon within that road, right?"

"Ohhh, of course!" Bianca grinned and pumped her fist in the air.

"Yep! I'm going my way to the Pokemon League and becoming the champion!" Hilbert proudly announced, his eyes looking up towards the sky.

"I'm leaning towards that as well, I want to become strong." Cheren hummed, pushing his glasses up.

"For me, I'm not so sure..." Hilda sighed, putting her hands behind her head before eyeing at the cerulean girl. "What about you Kairi?"

The girl only smiled and turned towards the road she wanted to walk on for her first trip. "Well... I guess I want to experience everything. I know there are other places than Unova," Kairi explained as she took a step towards Route 1. "Everyone says that you have one chance in life... and I want to make everything count,"

The group looked at Kairi before nodding. "Oh wait!" Bianca called out to Kairi who abruptly stopped along with her abnormally large Gible. Kairi quickly turned on her heel and faced towards Bianca, jogging in place as puzzlement contorted her facial features. "Huh? What is it?" Kairi questioned the girl who ran up to her with a familiar item around her wrist.

"We have to keep each other in contact!" Bianca grinned as she glanced back at the three who blanked for a moment before gasping lightly, walking up to Kairi and surrounding her. "Huh...?" Kairi was baffled hearing them. "On our Xtransceivers...?" She raised her wrist up, revealing her blue framed Xtransceiver hugging her wrist. "Yes, yes! I'll put my contact in and everyone else can too!"

"Right, right..." Kairi nodded as each one of them handed out their own contact to her. Finally, it seemed like it was time for them to leave each other for their own roads to walk on. "Oh, by the way, Kairi..." Cheren spoke up as he glanced at Kairi who looked back at the boy with confusion. What did he want to say? "If you're also planning to do the league with us and do the gym battles... I'd suggest you go to Striaton City, which is past Accumula Town." He advised before humming softly. Straiton City... suppose she might as well, it might be fun being able to battle with the elites and other powerful trainers!

Kairi nodded and looked at the group before waving her hand in the air towards them as Atlas followed suit in her actions. "I'll keep that in mind, Cheren," She nodded before preparing to leave once again. "See you later! I hope we meet up again guys," Kairi grinned as everyone else shouted their own goodbyes to her as she walked forward along the roads of Route 1.

To Accumula Town! 


A/N: Not gonna lie, the fight in this chapter is slightly lackluster, but there will be more fleshed out and interesting battles coming soon within the chapters as they go by! I hope you're enjoying Pokemon: Grey Roads so far!

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