Pokemon: Grey Roads

By kaecilia

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"Everyone assumes that there are two roads: black and white. But there's always the third option... the grey... More



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By kaecilia

It all started within the Unova region, close by the seashore where water Pokemon happily resided. I never forgot the day where it all happened, but going back to the beginning should be the right direction to show what happened during those times.

It was around when I was 5 or 6, or maybe even a bit younger or a little older. Either way what I knew was that I was really young, with an innocent and pure mind like the sunshine above the blank canvas of a sky.

And from that blank canvas drew upon the world of Pokemon, where creatures of all shapes and sizes co-existed with humans. Where everyone could become friends. Whether it'd be battling, showing their beauty, etc. There were multiple usages of Pokemon. Good and bad. Even I knew that by heart by watching all of those news on the TV.

But to be honest as a kid, I didn't care about that at the time. I'd see people commanding their well trained Pokemon, shouting out attacks as their Pokemon obeyed them and relied on each other to figure something out. To find a solution towards their victory. I found that awe inspiring. I mean, who wouldn't as a kid?

Imagine, a Charizard's flamethrower clashing against a Blastoise's Hydro Pump. Steaming pumping off from their attacks, realistically in that situation the Blastoise should've won or at least that's what you thought. That this Charizard could even rival against its own weakness. And then, smoke bursts throughout the battlefield, creating a smokescreen and soon being cleared by Charizard's large, strong wings creating powerful gusts of winds to clear away the dust.

Both trainers have sweat dripping from their brow, anxiously anticipating each other's moves. What would happen next? You would never know because you'd have to be one step ahead of your opponent.

Or in Pokemon contests, where a Milotic's mere appearance bursts with power and elegance. Its tail fins sway back and forth as its scales shine brilliantly, shining against the lighting of the spotlight. Its tail fins flashing a white light, creating Iron Tail and creating sparkles for the audience to awe at and clap at its mere brilliance.

They're both amazing. Battling, contests... they're all amazing. They're all unique in their own way, it amazed me so much that I wanted to try all of them. But how could I? A young child like me didn't have a Pokemon.

Until that day within Unova, Undella Town where the Wingulls and Pelippers let out cries. Krabbies skittering around the shorelines of the beach, Frillishes floating inside of the depths of the water, other fish-like Pokemon swimming in those deep waters. There laid out in front of me, through that window from my little starry blue eyes, a Gible running with bruises and scratches. I wondered why there was a Gible around here...?

You'd never find a Gible, especially a wild one, within Undella Town where mostly water Pokemon inhabit this area. There I saw a flock of Taillows angrily chasing at the Gible. My eyes widened at the sight seeing this Gible being chased by Taillows. Where did this Gible come from? Why were the Taillows angry at it? What did this Gible do...? My heart was pounding, shaking as I clenching the hems of my little polka dotted baby blue dress as I dreadfully watched the Gible drop. It then quickly tried to get itself back up, but the Taillow was already swooping in towards the Gible. I was scared.

I wanted to help that Gible. I did, I really did. But what could little me do? I wasn't even 10, I was just a mere child who couldn't do anything. If I'd get hurt in the process, but it wouldn't make it better for the Gible who would continuously be hurt.

At that moment, I slammed the door open and ran out towards the Gible and grabbed onto it, shielding it from the Taillows. It hurt. It hurt a lot as they pecked at me angrily and shouted at me. But even if it hurt, it probably wouldn't have hurt more than what Gible would've endured. The Gible looked confused, but didn't move an inch. I was sniffling and letting out tears stream down my cheeks.

I didn't know what got over me too, Gible. For some reason a rush of adrenaline rushed through my veins and my heart shouted at me, commanding me: "Protect that Gible!" How cliche was that?

So at that moment, I shouted: "Mom! Mom!" I tried calling out to her and my mother came, running down the stairs as she slammed the door open. My mother was more braver than I or maybe it was her motherly instincts that came in to help us.

"Milotic, use Ice Beam on the flock of Taillow!" My mother commanded her Milotic, who came out of a PokeBall. I watched the beautiful sea serpent-like Pokemon blast out a beam of frigid ice towards the Taillow, almost getting a direct hit at one of the Taillows. I knew it was just a fluke to get the Taillows to run away. But I knew these Taillow wouldn't stop until they got what they wanted.

They were bullies! I didn't like that.

The Taillows turned towards Milotic, preparing to use Peck towards her. "Safeguard, Milotic!" My mother shouted as a round, sphere veil deflected against the attacks. Milotic was holding onto the Safeguard as much as it could. I knew that Milotic would win, she was a strong Pokemon!

"Get inside!" My mother exclaimed as she scooped me up in her arms. "Kangaskhan, help Milotic out!" Mother shouted as Kangskhan came out of her PokeBall, preparing to fight the flock of Taillows with Milotic. Mom placed me down on the couch before glancing at the window. "I need to help out Kangaskhan and Milotic, you stay here and protect this Gible," she instructed me in a firm tone as she ran out of the house to deal with the angry Taillow flock outside.

I looked down at the Gible as it looked back at me with its mouth agape, confused. I could hear Milotic and Kangaskhan's battle cries outside as they dealt with the Taillows, and they're stubborn and gutsy Pokemon for their size from what I remember from a book I read.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw my father's Chansey come out of the door, letting out a panic cry as my father ran out. "What happened?!" He asked me and ran up to injured me. "I saw this Gible run by and get chased by a flock of Taillow... so I-I ran out and tried to protect it, then I called out for mom... she's outside right now dealing with the Taillows..." I explained through sobs and tears choking me.

I hear the door open behind me seeing my mom with Milotic and Kangaskhan, wiping her hands together triumphantly. "I showed those bird brats to not deal with a mother's wrath!" My mom triumphantly shouted as Kangaskhan and Milotic let out a small victory cry before quickly turning towards me with a worried expression.

Mother was quickly running towards me with a worried expression as my dad and his Chansey were patching both me and the Gible. "So... what happened again?" Mom asked dad as he glanced up at mom. "She found this Gible being attacked and tried to use herself as a shield to protect it." He briefly answered her.

"So that's what happened..." My mom mumbled to herself as her eyes gazed at me. I flinched, expecting her to scold me. "You were reckless! Do you know what would've happened if you didn't call out for us?" And I stood correct, however... "Yet, you knew the consequences either way. Didn't you?" She questioned, letting out a sigh before continuing. "You wanted to help this Gible out, despite knowing you'd get hurt in the end. Knowing little you, you're a stubborn one like those Taillow."

"So I'm not mad, but don't put yourself in dangerous situations like that ever again!" My mother scolded once more before I laughed sheepishly. At least... I got off of the hook this time? "Honey look..." My father whispered as mom and I looked at the direction of where dad was. "This Gible is oddly... bigger than most Gibles," he mumbled as he observed the Gible carefully.

I looked at the Gible in wonder with my mouth agape in confusion. "It is?" I wondered how big this Gible is. "How normally large is a Gible...?" I added on the curiosity as my mom nodded to my question. Dad rubbed his chin in thought as he looked at the Gible who looked at them with pure confusion in its expression. "This Gible is roughly... 4'7" ft?! That's a large Gible!" He exclaimed as the Gible tilted its head in confusion. "She's definitely an abnormally large Gible too..."

She? "She?" I looked at Gible with curiosity, wondering what the difference with this Gible was. "Yes, this Gible is a she," mom said as she pointed at the Gible's fin. "You can tell the difference of a Gible's gender based on their fins. If their fin has a small scratch-like mark it's a male,"

"And this Gible doesn't have that so it's a female?" I answered as I looked at Gible in wonder. "Mhm! Oh you're smart my cutie pootie!" Mom cooed, hugging me as I let out a whine. "What do we do now...?" I question as I stare at the Gible.

"We take care of the Gible until she's fully recovered," Dad instructed. Oh, we're sheltering this Gible and taking care of her until she's recovered? That means I'll get to learn about this Gible for a few weeks! How amazing is that? I get out of my mother's grasp and crawl towards Gible, who took a step back and tilted her head. I grinned and held my hand out towards the Gible.

"Hi Gible! It's nice to meet you, I'm Kairi!"

"Giibbb! Giibblle!"

And so started between me and Gible... let me tell you, it did not go well at first.

Gible would always bite my arms! It hurt, I always scolded Gible at that but soon later I got used to it.

"Oowww! Stop biting my aarmmm! It hurts! Moomm, Gible won't let goooo!"

Then there was the time where Gible threw sand at my eyes when I got too close to it.

"Augghh! My eyes burn! How dare you Gible!"

Of course, we can't forget the part where she thought that my toys were a great source of food.

"Wah?! My toys! Gible, you ate them didn't you!"

I swear, I could hear Gible chuckling in the background whenever I would yell at her.

Then I tried to pet her... Her scales felt like sandpaper.

"Huh?! This isn't what the book said what Gible scales feel like!"

But slowly and surely, the Gible showed its true colors. Let me tell you, she was an energetic Gible. She would always play with me for some reason, but I didn't mind. I felt like we were growing closer and closer together with each other.

One day, I remember being outside playing with Gible along the shorelines. Where the waves crashed gently against the sand, the Wingulls and Pelippers calling, the Krabbies skittering about and the fish Pokemon swimming about.

Suddenly, I got grabbed into the water by two children who were playfully laughing. "Got you!" They shouted before their expression dropped to curiosity, pointing at themselves. "Hey, wanna play with us?" Of course, I responded with joy. I always loved playing in the water!

Gible kept calling out to me, I didn't know why. These children wanted to play! But I was suddenly deep in the water. The children fading away into two Frillishes; pink and blue with glowing red eyes staring right at me. My eyes widened, attempting to let out a scream however the water drowned out my cries as I accidentally swallowed a mouthful of water, choking violently. My lungs hurt. It hurt so much.

I felt like I was going to fall asleep then and there... I could hear Gible calling out for me as my eyes closed slowly. I felt tired all of the sudden.

Then, I saw a flash of light within my slumber.

"Do you wish to live?"

... Huh?

"Do you wish to live?" It repeated in my head.

Yes, I did want to live. I haven't had my adventure yet!

"Then open your eyes." The voice commanded as my eyes suddenly shot open.

Suddenly, I see Gible dragging me away from the waters as it starts striking at the Frillish angrily with a blast of breath that scared away the Frillish. I started coughing out the water as Gible walked up to me worriedly, holding onto me for dear life. I looked down at Gible and quickly embraced her, wailing loudly.

"Waaahhh!" I wailed and wailed until my mom came out, trying to comfort me and wonder what happened.

I hated that experience so much that I dared not to go to the ocean waters again.

Then the day hit when Gible needed to leave. I was really sad to be honest. And Gible was a wild Pokemon, so it was only fair that it needed to be out in the wild. I really wanted to have that Gible. I mean, who wouldn't if that Gible was your first friend that you played with almost every day of the week?

"Okay Kairi, say bye to Gible now." Mom said as I waved bye at Gible. I really tried to hold back my tears, but I couldn't. I really couldn't because I started crying once again. "Waahh! I don't want you to leave Gible!" I whined and started to wipe my tears as Gible stared back at me with widened eyes.

Or at least that's what I thought. It was blurry for me to notice from all of those tears. My mom was comforting me the best she could. I could only stand there and watch Gible take a few steps away from the two of us, but suddenly the Gible turned around and ran up to me, tackling me down with her heavy weight.

"H-huh?!" I cried out, falling down against the sand as Gible happily gnawed at my head, careful to not accidentally hurt me. "G-Gible, you wanna stay with me?" I questioned as I slowly took Gible off of my head as I stared at the Pokemon with tears streaming down my eyes still, sniffling. I must've been a mess.

"Gib! Gible!" Gible nodded happily as she rubbed her face against my wet cheeks happily. "Waaahh! Giibbllleee!" I cried and hugged Gible tightly which led Gible to flail her little arms trying to hug me back. I appreciated that at least.

"Looks like that's your first Pokemon, Kairi!" Mom exclaimed with a small smile on her face as she kneeled down in front of Gible and I, wiping away my tears. "Are you going to give her a nickname?"

"A... nickname?" I sniffled, pulling Gible away from me and lifted her up in the air as Gible let out more happy cries, flailing her arms in the air like a baby.

"Yes, a name that you want to call your Pokemon." Mom told me as I stared at Gible.

"I wanna... name her Atlas!" I said as Gible let out a content cry. "Atlas seems to like the name too, mom!" I cheered.

"Atlas, hmm... That's a wonderful name. Did you know Atlas is also someone that is full of strength and endurance?" Mom said as I turned to her. Young me probably named her Atlas because it sounded cool. "Really?" I asked in awe as I placed Gible down, who looked down at me with those big eyes. "Mhm... and I'm sure when Atlas fully grows, she'll be strong and have great endurance too!"

"Woooww... you're going to be so awesome, Atlas!" I cheered as Atlas jumped up happily.

That's how I became friends with my first partner Pokemon, Atlas.

But you might be wondering... hey, what about you? Where's the adventure?

Hey, I was only starting.

The real adventure starts soon.


A/N: Getting this out of the way: this will be a series of fanfictions starting from a specific order in regions. This will be the first book of Kairi's adventure in Unova! There will be characters based on manga, anime, and games. Some will have traits or teams similar to their anime, some may have their manga teams or they may be from the games.

This was simply made out of pure fun with some additions with my friends own ideas and characters that may be implanted in here. Everything that is within Kairi's lore is made up entirely from RPs that my friends and I have done or again, ideas that were made from them or I entirely. With that out of the way, I hope you enjoy Pokemon: Grey Roads!

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