The strong girl - hotd fan fic

By Avalilsbfss

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Y/N The daughter of Ser Harwin strong and his wife the lady Annebeth When lady Annebeth passed delivering th... More

chapter 1- the birth of the strong girl
chapter 3- old council
chapter 4 - long travels.
chapter 5- the red keep
chapter 6- the royal hunt
chapter 7- new babe
chapter 8- the dragon pit
chapter 9 - for his bastards.
chapter 10- lady Leana
chapter 11- she was mine to claim!
chapter 12 - breaking point
chapter 13 - suiters
chapter 14- to kingslanding then
chapter 15 - drunken
Chapter 16 - street of silk
Chapter 17 - the garden
Chapter 18- the trial
chapter 19- family dinner.
Chapter 21- the knocking paradox
Chapter 22 - tounements
Chapter 23- realisation.
Chapter 24- sucsetion
Chapter 25 - the royal wedding.
Chapter 26 - wedding feast.
Chapter 27 - viserys the peacefull.
Chapter 28 - im not suited
Chapter 29 - new king.
Chapter 30 - sickly
Chapter 31 - lead the man that rules
chapter 32- a baby!!!
Chapter 33 - lady lorena
Chapter 34 - argument
Chapter 35 - baylon
Chapter 36 - blood and cheese
Chapter 37 - burn the cunt
chapter 38 - injured king
Chapter 39- confession
Chapter 40 - panic
chapter 41- this is the end.
my books

chapter 2- last resort

2.6K 49 1
By Avalilsbfss

From the moment you were born, you captivated the hearts of everyone in Harenhall. Even as a mere few months old, you had already won over the entire castle. Your father, a protective shield against the creepy men who roamed the halls, ensured that they never had the audacity to ask for your hand in marriage. Those who dared were swiftly exiled, banished from ever stepping foot in your presence.


Your father was in a state of utter despair. He couldn't bear the thought of stepping foot into the room that he and his wife used to share. Even being in Harenhall filled him with dread. However, his daughter was the only one who could prevent him from leaping off the balcony, allowing him to find peace at last.

he called you his little light, meaning she was the light in his life, you were his rock, his life.


Harwin dispatched messages via ravens to Rhaenyra, his father, and Queen Alicent, informing them of the passing of his beloved wife and the arrival of his newborn child.

Harwin rarely ventured outside his chambers, except when he sought your company. The weight of guilt and grief had grown unbearable, prompting him to send a raven to his father, the king's right hand..

Dear Father,

I wanted to express my gratitude for your kind words of sympathy regarding the loss of Lady Annabeth, as well as your heartfelt congratulations on the birth of my daughter, Lady Y/N. However, I find myself overwhelmed by grief, and I fear that it is becoming too much for me to bear. It pains me to think that my daughter will grow up in the presence of such sorrow.

Therefore, I humbly request that you speak to the king on my behalf. As his trusted hand and loyal servant, your words will carry weight, and I implore you to ask him to allow me to resign from the city watch and join the esteemed ranks of the gold or white cloaks. Additionally, I kindly ask for his permission to grant my daughter permanent residence at the red keep.

In the event that the king denies my request, I am prepared to take further measures to secure a bright future for my daughter. I am willing to offer her hand in betrothal to Prince Jaceryes, Prince Aegon, or Prince Aemond, regardless of the challenges that may arise. I am determined to remain a loyal servant to the crown, no matter the cost.

Father, I beseech you to consider my plea. I cannot bear the thought of my daughter growing up as an orphan at such a tender age.

With sincerest regards,
Your devoted son, Ser Harwin Strong..

. After Harwin penned that letter and dispatched it via raven to King's Landing, he was consumed with guilt. He knew offering his daughter's hand at such a tender age was a sacrifice, but it was a desperate measure for the sake of his family. It was a gamble he couldn't afford not to make.


2 weeks later

As he made his way towards your nursery, he could hear the hushed murmurs of those who caught sight of him in the corridors. Not a single person bothered to inquire about his purpose or extend their sympathies or solace; they simply whispered amongst themselves...

As he gently pushed open the door to your nursery, a nurturing wet nurse was cradling you in her arms, soothingly rocking you back and forth in an attempt to pacify your restless cries.

The wet nurse, clearly overwhelmed, expressed, "I'm sorry, Ser Harwin, she's been crying nonstop and nothing seems to soothe her."

"aww my little light, what's wrong hmm?" he cooed taking you in his arms rocking you side to side.

you looked at him and pulled on his beard giggling as you did so.

"oww Y/N that hurt" he spoke detangling your fingers from his beard.

"Shall we check out who's training today?" he asked, lifting you up as he made his way towards the training area. There were some knights sparring and a couple of young boys practicing with wooden swords

" ahh Ser Harwin, and miss lady strong, how are you doing this fine afternoon" spoke one of the knights walking over to Harwin.

"very well thank you ser danel, how are you young ones doing?" he spoke gesturing to the young boys hitting straw men.

"some are good some are bad" the old night spoke holding his sord.

" do you wish to train ser Harwin? has been a while since you have graced us with your  presence" spoke the knight cockily.

"alright then" spoke Harwin passing you to the serving girl a little pissed of about the cockiness of the knight.

it was an easy battle for a grieving and pissed of Harwin, he showed no mercy to the poor knight.

he only stopped when news that a raven had arrived for him from his father in kings landing.

he opened the raven and sat on a bench near by taking in the information.

My beloved son,

I have presented your proposal to the king, and he has graciously agreed to welcome you back into the gold cloaks. Additionally, he has offered you and my granddaughter a residence in the red keep, on the condition that you agree to betroth Lady Y/N to Prince Aegon. The prince is only three years older than her and is already well-loved.

The queen, Princess Rhaenyra, King Viserys, and Queen Alicent are all excited to meet Lady Y/N, just as I am.

Warm regards,
Hand of the King

it was time to go home

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