Impossible ➡️ Derek Hale | 1

By JayyVon699

47.2K 1.1K 92

New Chapter once or twice a week. Ellie had been living in Beacon Hills her entire life, graduating school at... More

Forest Adventures
A Sign of Life
Death's Bullet
A Wolf's Soul
Vision Beyond
Unexpected Run In
Pack Discoveries
Once More
* United *
Thy Collar Around
Cousin Miguel
The Show Is Just Beginning
The Beginning of The End
Recorded Revelations
Achievement Unlocked
Break Out
The End of the Beginning
The End Is Nigh
* Affection *
Coming To an End
Another Life


1K 22 2
By JayyVon699

Peter was absolutely livid, holding back his own snarl as Derek raged. Peter had only just managed to keep Derek calm enough to get out of the hospital before he wolfed out.

Peter wanted nothing more to share Derek's reaction. But he held back. He needed to keep his head straight.

When Derek threw his head back, he let out a loud howl of anguish that shook Peter to his core. No doubt Scott heard that loud and clear.

"Derek." He growled, trying to get his nephew's attention.


The power behind his voice as his eyes flared crimson had an instant reaction.

The birds around them took flight from the trees, singing their protest and freight.

Peter's eyes drift across the small clearing Derek had created in his anger... In his fear and grief.

Small trees had been completely uprooted. Torn from the ground violently and whipped clear across clearing, leaving a scar in the grass.

Larger trees had chunks taken out of them from claws that needed to gouge something... Anything.

As his gaze came to rest upon his nephew, he bit the urge to snort.

In any other circumstance, he would find the sight in front of him amusing.

Derek had been forced to his knees, clawed fingers pawing at the ground by his thighs.

A snarl covered his wolfed-out face, and his eyes were glaring at the ground in front of him as he heaved for air.

"Believe me when I say, I want to go after Ellie just as much as you do right now. But we have no clue where Kate has taken her." Peter reasoned carefully, face softening as Derek glanced up at him. His eyes wide and fearful. The anger melted away as the situation fully settled in.

"We need to gather the others. It's time we had a chat with Chris Argent. If anyone can find where Kate had taken Ellie, it would be him."

Peter closed his eyes. "We have to tell Stiles and Noah."


Allison fiddled with her phone as she came into the living room.

"Hey, dad? What's going on with Aunt Kate? She's been texting me all day and she's being really... Weird..." She trailed off as she looked up. Her body froze as she gazed around at the people gathered around in her family's living room.

Her mother had a nasty look on her face, as if she had just smelled the foulest thing ever.

She recognized a few of the people. Two, she did not

"Oh." Her eyes locked onto Stiles, who had stepped forward.

"Where is my sister?"

Allison frowned. "What?"

"Stiles." A deep voice rang through the room. The man who had been holding the arm of a dark and brooding man released said arm and stepped forward.

Stiles bit his lip, looked down and stepped back beside his father. The Sheriff didn't look too happy either. None of them did.

The man smiled and it stunned Allison. He was pretty gorgeous, with short light brown hair and blue eyes. Tall too.

"Hello Allison. Please," He gestured towards where her father was sitting on the couch alone, a thick folder clenched tightly between his fingers as he continued to shift through the contents, face pale and grim. "Have a seat. You should hear this as well."

Her father let out a heavy sigh and set the folder on his lap as Allison sat cautiously beside him.

"What did Kate say in her text?" He asked her softly.

Allison looked between her father and the blue-eyed man in curiosity before sighing. She opened her phone screen and messed around for a moment before she handed her phone over to her father.

She nervously played with her fingers as her father scrolled through her messages.

His eyes narrowed and his lips turned down. His expression became colder and colder as he read on. His eyes shot over to his wife.

Her arms were crossed over her chest as she stood as far from their guests as possible.

"You encouraged and gave Kate permission to tell her? We agreed to wait until she turned eighteen." Chris ground out before tossing Allison's phone to the man standing opposite of the coffee table from her.

Allison was impressed how easily he caught her phone.

"They are monsters, and you weren't thinking of the good of this family." Her mother growled. "Kate just wants to protect us."

Her father stood up and gestured towards the group. "They are people, not monsters! You and Kate are just as twisted in your thinking as my father is! It's why I won't let Allison meet him! He'll twist her thinking just as he has you and Kate!"

He strode towards his wife, and she cowered back against the wall but kept her disgusted expression defiantly.

"If you know where Kate took Peter's daughter, you better tell us now, Victoria. Kate has signed her own death; written in the blood of her innocent victims. For Allison's sake, don't sign yours as well." His voice spat poison. Allison has never seen her father so angry before.

"Oh, please. I made sure she wouldn't tell me for this exact reason. The only person she will trust is your father and Allison right now." Her mouth snapped shut and her eyes widened. She realized too late her mistake.

Allison gasped as her father reached out and snatched her mother's phone from her front pocket before tossing it over his shoulder.

"Sheriff... I think Victoria needs to be locked up in her study. She is not to leave until after Kate is caught. Be careful. She will try anything, including the window. We can't have her notifying Kate."

The Sheriff took one glance at Peter, who was trying very hard right now not to crush Allison's phone in his hands.

"Go. Do as he says." He raised his blue eyes to Allison who swallowed thickly at the intensity of his gaze. "We have much to tell Allison here. We're going to need her help to get Ellie back safe."

Allison watched as her father took her mother by her arm and led her over to Sheriff Stilinski.

"You and Kate broke the code. I will be informing the council. They will decide your punishment." He said as he passed her over to the Sheriff.

"Your father will be most displeased, Chris." Her mother hissed.

Chris locked eyes with her and grinned. "That man has never been my father. What kind of father trains his kids from the moment they can comprehend words how to kill?"

"I am your wife!" She screeched as the Sheriff took hold of her arm.

"We married because my father and your family made a deal. We stayed together for Allison. I won't let you or Kate bring Allison down to your level."

Allison watched with wide eyes as her father told the Sheriff where her mother's study was.

Her father's shoulders sagged as he came and sat back down next to her.

"We have much to discuss, Allison. It's time for you to know... To learn as I once have, if you so choose."

Allison's mind was reeling. She was beyond confused and wanted answers. She let her eyes roam around the room once more before turning to nod at her father. She needed to know.


Derek needed to get out. He needed to do something, anything. He couldn't just keep still and lay around.

He pushed off the wall and stepped closer, locking eyes with Peter as he passed.

Peter's head cooked to the side in question.

"I think we should let Kate 'capture' me. I will feel a lot better knowing Ellie is indeed safe. It'll make you guys finding her easier as well. I can howl as soon as I am able."

Peter closed his eyes and sighed. He hated how right that sounded.

"Kate might call Allison and have her see the truth in person if she had Derek. He'll be the proof she wants Allison to see." Chris added in. "It's a dumb idea, but Kate will never guess Derek would get captured on purpose. She thinks wolves are too stupid."

Peter clenched his fists. "The second, and I mean, the second you can, you howl. I will not lose my family again, Derek. Never again."

Derek stood still, body rigid in shock. His heart warmed. He was still unused to having none who cared about him, to having a pack of his own.

His eyes locked onto his uncle's, and he gave a nod.

Peter stepped closer, placed a gentle hand upon Derek's shoulder and squeezed.

"So, what's your plan?"

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