The Moon and The Star Illumin...

By Lunar_Scarlet

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A Honkai: Star Rail specifically DanStell Fanfic Day 1 #Danstelleweek2023 on Twitter Summary: The Moon and Th... More

Extra Epilogue

The Moon and The Star

599 10 4
By Lunar_Scarlet


Hello, this is my first-ever fic for Honkai: Star Rail and DanStelle!
I write it for the DanStelle Week 2023 on Twitter~ Today's prompt is supposedly... wait, I'll let you guys guess it until you've finished reading actually haha XD
I hope I don't write them too OOC and I hope the story is easy to follow!
Might contain some spoilers (though not explicitly). The story takes place after Dan Heng Companion's story, I guess.
Well, not gonna take longer of your time, I hope you guys enjoy it~


"Once upon a time,"

The pink-haired girl blinked as she glimpsed at what her friend was reading.

"When the galaxy was first created, there was nothing, only darkness and emptiness."

She read again before her eyebrows furrowed and she decided to move away from her friend.

"What are you reading there, Stelle?" She asked with a raise of her eyebrow, looking at her stoic-looking friend with ashen hair as the said friend was focusing on the book in front of her.

"Hmm?" Stelle looked up from her book as she heard her name being called. "This?" She simply showed her friend the book's cover.

'The history of the universe' it read.

"Huh?" March blinked once again as she read the title. "I thought you were reading the romantic novel I lent you... But what is that?"

"I found it here on the archive from the fairy tale bookshelf over there." Stelle simply said, pointing to the bookshelf with 'Fairy Tale' written on top of the section, the place where she found the book that she was holding.

"Err... I think that is more of a history book than a fairy tale book." March then pointed to the cover. "Even it's said so here on the title."

"But it began with the classic 'Once upon a time' you can only find in fairy tale." Stelle argued with her stoic face.

March's eyebrows furrowed together before she turned to look at her other friend in the room.

"Dan Heng! Did you really sort that book into the fairy tale section instead of the history one?"

The raven-haired man who was focused on his book previously also turned to look at his chatty friend.

"Is there something wrong?" He simply asked, almost as emotionless as the ashen-haired girl.

March couldn't help but sigh. Wondering why both of her friends were like that, though, not complaining since she loved the two of them. Despite the lack of emotions and the coldness the two seemed, they were both actually very caring and lovable.

Proven when they indulged themselves with March's antics most of the time, including at present. The three friends who got closer after the last trailblazing experiences were currently enjoying their free time at the archives inside the express after March asked them to accompany her for the day. Obviously, the two namely Dan Heng who knew March for a long time, and even the new Trailblazer Stelle thought that she would be asking them to accompany her shopping in the town or something else, but definitely not this.

It was so unlike March to ask them to accompany her reading at the archive. Not that March was not much of a reader, she enjoyed reading, but all the two knew was that the only book she enjoyed was romance novels. They were not wrong, though, as currently, she was reading one of her romance novel collections, and apparently, she expected the two of them would join her in reading her favorite genre as well, especially Stelle.

March knew that there was no use in asking Dan Heng to read her recommended romance novel anymore as he had refused her many times and even went as far as to say that romance novels had no use to his knowledge. So she had given up on him.

But, then came a new Trailblazer namely Stelle. She was so delighted to know that she was at least interested in reading her recommendation of romance novels. So, she had lent her some of her novels, although sadly, it seemed like Stelle did not have any time to read all of them yet, thanks to all the busy times she was out trailblazing and helping others. Thus her suggestion now that they had free time after the long time they were trailblazing the two planets without a rest, she asked them to accompany her reading so Stelle would be able to read her romance novels.

She just wanted to know her opinions on it and, at the same time to rub salt into Dan Heng's comment about romance novels. That was why she also invited Dan Heng with them. But, alas, Stelle seemed to be distracted with another book that she found at the archive.

"Isn't that supposed to be a history book?" She repeated pointing to the book in Stelle's hand to ask Dan Heng as the one who was in charge of the archive and collecting the data bank. For sure, he would have known about that book and he would have put it into the history section instead.

Dan Heng turned to look at where she was pointing and saw that Stelle was blinking at him confusedly as she raised her book to show him.

"Oh, that." He simply said.

March raised an eyebrow at him. "Oh that, you say?"

"Calm down. I was just starting." Dan Heng sighed at her impatience.

"It's not really a history book and more like of a fairy tale so I put it in that section instead. So, Stelle is not wrong to say so as well."

"Really? Are you sure? It seriously looks like a history book to me. Even from the cover, it screamed like it's a history book." March tried again.

"I know you don't like reading other books except for your romance novels, but I can assure you that it's not a history book as you expected."

March squinted her eyes at him still could not believe him fully.

"You will know once you read it too." He simply said before turning back to his book.

March grumbled as she turned back to look at Stelle who shrugged at her and returned to her book as well.

"Are you sure you'd like to read that instead of reading the romance novels, Stelle?" She tried.

"Maybe after this. This book is actually pretty interesting too." She said without looking away from her book.

"Is that so? I can't see how that book would be interesting. Even the cover looks so dull to me." March inspected the book in Stelle's hand once again. As the title of the book said, the cover also reflected it and mostly colored in black with some small dots, making it seemly dirty, however, if one took a closer look at it, it was actually an image of galaxy. On the front side of the cover, there was a huge symbol in the shape of a full moon and a golden star. March could not help but shook her head disapprovingly.

"Maybe you can try reading it after me?" Stelle asked now turning to look at March who quickly moved away from her.

"Uh-uh, no thank you! I still have lots of my romance novels to read, so don't worry about me." She quickly refused, waving her hands in front of her.

"Is that so?" Stelle simply replied before returning to her book once again.

March pouted disappointedly as she noticed that Stelle would not join in her secret plan to pull Dan Heng to her romance novel lover club in her current state. So, she sighed out loud. Maybe next time, then.

"How about you also return to your book? I thought you asked us here to accompany you to read some books?" Dan Heng who heard her sigh asked, glancing slightly at the disappointed girl.

"Nah, I have finished reading my book... I was hoping to enjoy reading romance novels together with Stelle, but currently, she's distracted with another book." She pouted.

He just glanced at her without saying anything before suddenly a knock came to the archive.

"Come in." He said as he was the one who occupied the archive the most, so the others had also thought of the archive as his room.

The door slid open and revealed a red-haired navigator of the express. "Himeko-san." March was the first to greet her as she was the closest to the door.

"I know you three will be together." Himeko smiled as soon as she saw the three of the Astral Express members reading together in the archive.

"March asked us to accompany her reading." Dan Heng informed her before asking, "Is there something you need from us?"

"Oh? That's rare." Himeko gasped slightly sounding surprised as she looked at March who was scratching her head sheepishly. "Sorry to disturb you then. I was just wondering if you'd like to go to the town with me and Welt before we jump into the next planet."

Dan Heng thought for a second and saw that Stelle was so absorbed in her reading that she did not even realize, or perhaps did not even bother to join in their conversation.

March who was already bored of reading, despite being her idea, immediately stood up and raised her hand. "Yes! I'd like to go!"

"I will stay at the Express to look after it while the three of you are away then." Dan Heng said as the two girls turned to look at him. "I still have to finish recording our trailblazing at Luofu after all." He turned to look at the notebook on his desk.

Himeko nodded at him understandingly. Not only because of his work, but he might still have mixed feelings with his homeworld. So, she did not probe him more.

March, although a little bit disappointed about it also understood him pretty well, so she too, thankfully, did not ask more about it.

"I understand. Then we will try to get you some souvenirs instead." Himeko said smiling to Dan Heng who nodded his head.

"What about you, Stelle?" March turned to look at the ashen-haired girl who was still sitting down on the sole quilt in the room, immersed in her book.

"It seems like she won't be joining us either." Himeko was the one who decided as she saw the state the girl was in and could only chuckle softly.

"Aww, that's too bad." March pouted slightly.

"It can't be helped. Let's just go enjoy ourselves in the town. We can buy some stuff for Stelle and Dan Heng instead. What do you say, March?" Himeko asked smiling at the pink-haired girl whose face brightened at her suggestions.

"Good idea! I can't wait to go shopping! I'll go back to my room first to grab my bag then!" March quickly excused herself and made her way to the room next door.

Dan Heng just sighed at her active and hyper behavior while Himeko just chuckled at the young girl before turning to look at the raven-haired man in the room. "Well, please take care of the Express while we are away."

"Leave it to me." Dan Heng nodded his head understandingly.

"Also..." Himeko paused and Dan Heng blinked before he saw her glancing at Stelle who was still not aware of her presence in the room. "I'll leave her to you too."

Dan Heng was quiet at first before he finally opened his mouth, "Leave it to me." He repeated, earning a smile from Himeko before she left the archive room and let the door close automatically.

As soon as the door was closed, Dan Heng turned to look at the silent ashen-haired girl. He was unsure why, but he knew that Himeko seemed to think of Stelle as someone important since the first she met her. To the point that she wanted to bring her to the Astral Express with them. So, as part of the Astral Express, as the guard, it's Dan Heng's job to take care of the Astral Express and its members while the others are gone. That included this new trailblazer who had become one of his close companions as well.

However, after trailblazing with her and March in Jarilo-IV, the three of them had become so close that they would often enjoy their times together just like today. Then, after that, they had also been to his homeworld, where the Astral Express was currently, the Xianzhou Luofu. Dan Heng would have loved to go trailblazing with the two girls very much actually, but seeing the destination, he had to turn his urge away much to his dismay.

But, letting them go alone, even though with the ever-so-reliable Mr. Yang, he still worried about them. Especially after he realized that that guy had also been on the ship. He reluctantly decided to get off the Express to join them too.

On his way to join them, he noticed that there was something wrong with the ship because it was unlike how he remembered his homeworld was like. His worry only got worse as he could not contact any of them and he had to take the long way to meet them. He was especially most worried about this grey-haired trailblazer sitting on his bed currently, as he knew how reckless she was.

The fights he had been to with her proved how selfless and reckless she was as she would just jump in front of the enemies' attacks to protect the others, even though she had barely joined the crew for a while. The first was when she jumped to protect March when she just met them. The next one was when she was stabbed in her heart with the ice lance when fighting Cocolia for the sake of Belobog.

Seriously, could she not care more about herself at the least? He could not help but sigh as he remembered the past fights when looking at her. Thankfully, back at the Luofu, when Blade had come to them, and at the fight with Phantylia, he was there to protect her with his awoken power. However, she would still put herself in front of the team since she stubbornly told them that it was her role because she was blessed by the Aeon of Preservation.

His eyebrows furrowed as he was reminded about how hurt she got at the end of the fight. Unknown to him, he had not come to care for her only because she seemed precious to Himeko, or because she was part of the Astral Express, because she was one of his companions, or one of his close companions actually, but also because he had cared about her personally. Because somehow, somewhen and somewhere, she had become someone so important to him.

That was why, when he asked her to join him to meet Bailu, he got annoyed at Bailu's maid who disrespected her just because she was a short-life species, unlike him, the Vidyadhara, who was even thought of as the High Elder, despite he was also a criminal there. He had quickly corrected the maid of her mistake and specifically called Stelle his close companion and to treat her with the same respect she gave him, and of course, he enjoyed seeing how surprised Stelle was when he took her side but then glad to see her smile.

He thought that after he revealed his true form to the Astral Express crews, they would come to hate, or worse, fear him. But thankfully they did not as they had come to talk to him normally. All but one. When he approached her at the High Elder statue, Stelle had refused to talk to him for an unknown reason. So, he feared that she had come to dislike him. That was why he was so glad when she encouraged him when he was asked to help General Jing Yuan with the Scalegorge Waterscape issue, and willing to accompany him to meet Bailu. He was glad that she did not dislike nor hate him at all, that she still thought of him as her friend.

He did not realize that the corner of his lips had curved up slightly as he remembered the smile she gave him back then. He was about to continue reminiscing about his memories of her again before he was brought back to the present as he noticed a movement from the trailblazer in front of him.

He didn't realize it but she was staring back at him now. Moon met Stars. He blinked as he tried to understand what was going on. "What's wrong?" He asked instead.

Stelle just kept staring at him before she opened her mouth. "No, I was wondering why you kept staring at me... Then I saw you smiling."

Hearing that, Dan Heng could not help but turn his head away from her quickly as he brought his palm to his mouth, clearing his throat. He could feel his usual cold face suddenly turning warmer.

"Was there something funny in my face?" He heard her ask as he saw her tilting her head slightly from the corner of his eyes.

He was glad that she was somehow a slow-witted person sometimes. He was sure if it was someone else, they might have caught him. "No, nothing. I was only wondering if you like that book since you seem like you could only focus on the book." He said once he found his calm demeanor back. "Did you even realize that March has been away for some time now?"

"Oh, now that you mention it... Where did she go?" She asked, looking around the room and could not find their pink-haired girl.

Dan Heng could only sigh. "Figures." He simply said before he told her that Himeko had come to ask them if they would like to go explore the town for the last time before they warp jump into the next planet.

"I see. I was too into this book, I didn't realize."

"Was it such a good book?"

"Yeah, this is a good book."

"Do you like it?"

"Mhm." She nodded her head.

"I see." He simply said looking at the book.

"You've read this book before, you said?" Stelle asked earning his attention again.

"Yes." Dan Heng told her honestly, wondering what she was on about.

"Are you sure it's not part of the history book?" She tilted her head with a slightly raised eyebrow on her face.

"Do you think it's a history book after you read it?" He asked interested to hear her opinion.

"Hmm..." She thought for a while as she looked down at the finished book in her hand.

Dan Heng stood up from his seat and made his way to her. Stelle saw and moved slightly to give space to him before he sat down beside her on his bed, and asked her for the book, so she handed it to him.

As he opened the book, Stelle spoke again, "It's hard to say actually. It felt like a fairy tale, but it also felt like a legend that was written from history in the past. Then again, it also seemed like one of the romance novels that March has lent me."

"You think so?" He simply asked as he skimmed through the book that had finished reading once before.

"Actually, it might be better than the romance novel March lent me." She admitted.

Dan Heng chuckled slightly hearing that. "I think I'd like you to say that again in front of March later."

Stelle blinked before she shook her head. "I'm thinking of keeping this opinion a secret between us." She quickly told him.

Somehow, he liked the sound of that. A secret between them. As much as he would like to see the expression March would give them if she heard about her opinion, he could agree with her idea as well.

"Well, if you say so." He said smiling at her, slightly surprising her.

"You sure smile a lot today." She said as she watched him, unable to help but smile herself. It seemed like his smile was contagious. After all, it was rare to see his smile at all.

"Really? I don't think so." As he said that, the smile disappeared as his normal straight face returned, but Stelle just kept on smiling at him.

"I like your smile, though." That caught him aback. As he turned to look at her with wide eyes before he turned back to the book, with another heat coming to his face.

Stelle giggled softly at the sight in front of her. "And I like that current look on your face too."

Dan Heng could not help but grumble lowly under his breath. He just remembered that she was not totally a quiet person, but sometimes could also be a chaotic and teasing one. "Knock it off."

Stelle just continued chuckling for a while before he sighed. "So, what makes you think it's a history book?" He asked once again bringing the topic back to the book.

"Well... Isn't this story about the Moon and the Star?" She asked peering over his shoulder slightly to look at the open book on his hands.

Dan Heng raised an eyebrow at her question and probed her to continue, not minding her looking over his shoulder at all.

"I think it was talking about two people."

"Two people?" Dan Heng asked curiously turning to look at her, and only then he realized how close her face was actually to his, so he quickly moved his face away slightly after a moment of enjoying the close proximity between them. Though, he would never admit it.

"Yes. Isn't this book telling a story between the Moon and his companion, the Star?"

That was an interesting point of view, he thought. "Go on."

"So, the story started by telling how the universe was dark and empty at first, right?" She began retelling the story as she glanced at the book that was still open in Dan Heng's hands, but he was not looking at it and instead listening to Stelle's retelling the story instead.


Once upon a time, when the galaxy was first created, there was nothing, only darkness and emptiness. Then, there came the bright sun that shone brightly in the vast darkness of the sky. After the sun, it then bred another who shone brightly in the vast sky. The star. However, the star was dimly lit because the sun was too bright. She was barely able to be seen. The sun was able to stand alone in the vast sky, so, the star decided that she and the sun did not have to be together.

Thus, the star decided to just stay behind in the vast dark skies once again. The Star slowly felt lonely, being alone in the dark sky. It was then that she met the Moon. Although it was almost as big and bright as the sun, it was not too bright and the star felt like the Moon was somehow as lonely as her despite it being similar to the moon.

The Moon had also been staying in the vast dark sky alone for a long time. So, when the star came to the moon, she was welcomed as his companion. The two then stayed together in the dark skies, neither feeling lonely anymore. They spent years, eons together, slowly getting closer and unable to be separated.

However, one day, the Moon was demanded to shine even brighter. It was for the better of the residents of the night who relied on the Moon to be their guidance toward the darkness. The Moon thought that as long as he was with the Star, he would be able to do it, to do anything. The Star, as the loyal companion she was to the Moon, had supported him and encouraged him to do it for the people too.

So, the Moon did his best to shine as brightly as he could, to be stronger and reliable to his people. However, slowly, it turned into his shackle, that he could not escape. The people began to worship him and relied on him more. At the same time, people also began to seek for his power. The Star who was his loyal companion stayed by his side slowly unable to be seen. Slowly, her light dimmed. Although she was there, no one could see her anymore. All they could see was the big, bright moon that led their path in the darkness.

It was all his fault, the Moon blamed himself. But, the Star never felt so. She kept on being by his side despite no one being able to see her anymore. Perhaps, he could no longer see her anymore either. As he thought he had lost her, he met other companions, the other stars, the other planets who could stand with him equally without him overshadowing them. But, alas, just like how he lost his beloved star, he slowly lost his other companions too.

In the end, it was all him alone in the vast darkness once again.

Unable to take the pressure from the people anymore, he finally committed a serious, heinous, and grave sin that he no longer being worshipped by others and instead, being thrown away into the pitch darkness far from them, unable to see the light anymore.

Only after the moon died out and was reborn anew that he decided to once again step out of the darkness himself. Although, hiding his bright light behind the sun this time to not attract others who might want his light once again. He humbled himself this time in the hope that he could stand behind the sun, and the other planets without losing them again this time.

And he also hoped, to be able to meet the star... His one and only Star once again.


"Don't you think it sounds similar? And it also somehow... Sounds like a sad story." Stelle asked after she finished her retelling of the book she had just finished reading.

"Hmm..." Dan Heng could not help but just smile at her. "Perhaps so." He said as he closed the book without reading it fully as he had finished it a long time ago and had been reminded of the story from his close companion's mouth.

Stelle tilted her head looking at him. "You don't think so?"

"I'm more curious about why you think it's familiar. Have you heard a story like this before?"

"Now that you mention it..." She moved away from him and sat back on his bed, putting a finger to her chin as she thought of it carefully.

She could not recall ever hearing such stories before, but why did she find it familiar? It took her moments to think, but she could not seem to find the answer.

Dan Heng just watched her quietly and patiently before he let out a soft "Never mind."

She heard him speak and looked back up at him. "But you said perhaps so... So, did you also think this story is similar to something?" Stelle was the one to ask now as she was curious about his opinion too.

Dan Heng took a while before he opened his mouth. "Honestly?" He asked and earned a nod of her head so he just sighed. "Do you remember... About my past self?" He asked looking at her with his straight face.

Only then that Stelle get reminded about it. Of course! She could only think about it as a story about two people because she had been reading the Moon as Dan Heng's past self. It's similar to Dan Feng's story. At least a certain part of it. About how he lost his companions.

"Now I see it... The Moon reminded me of you, Dan Heng." She said out loud after she found the piece of the puzzle she was looking for.

That took Dan Heng aback though. "I'm... The Moon?" He asked out surprised.

Stelle nodded her head.

Dan Heng closed his mouth as he looked at her. He was not wrong when he said that Stelle was a slow-witted person sometimes. But at another time, she was pretty sharp too, just like right now. He closed his eyes as he let out a small smile.

"I see that's how you see it." He said as he opened his eyes once again and Stelle could see the crystal clear greyish blue eyes that shone brightly like the moon shining straight at her.

"Then, who do you think of as the Star?" He asked as he moved closer to her slowly.

Stelle furrowed her eyebrows slightly as she thought about it. "Are they perhaps, someone of your past self's companion?" She asked.

"A very close, and dear companion of mine." He corrected in a low voice, with a sad smile on his eyes, she saw.

Her furrows depended as she could not remember if Dan Feng had anyone like that. She knew about his past companions thanks to Dan Heng telling her about it after he opened himself up to her more after the incident with Bailu. But, she could not recall anyone similar to the Star in the story.

She then recalled someone supposedly close with Dan Feng back in the past. "Is it Blad-" She did not finish her guess as she saw the expression on Dan Heng's face stiffened. "Never mind." She quickly brushed it off.

Dan Heng nodded, silently applauding her to catch that quickly.

"I don't recall anyone like the Star from your story." She finally admitted.

"Well, it's not your fault. I never really talk about her either."

"Why is that?"

"Because I couldn't remember her."

Stelle blinked at his honesty. It was not his fault either because when a Vidyadhara was reincarnated, or reborn, they would lose their memories of past lives.

"I only remembered her existence thanks to this book as well..." He said and she looked at the book that was already placed down on his quilt. When did he put it down? She was not sure as she was busy thinking about his question previously. Only now that she realize how close his face was to hers.

It reminded her of how she first met him.

The first thing she saw when she first opened her eyes was him. It was blurry at first, but she thought his face was pretty close to hers. She wondered what he was about to do if she didn't open her eyes that time.

Now looking at it, it was really similar to how it was back then—the proximity of his face to hers.

Was it a continuation of that time? She wondered.

She wanted to know if it was. She saw how Dan Heng had reached his hand up to cup her cheek. She could feel the warmth emanating from his hand to her face, perhaps that was the cause of why she suddenly felt hot on her face.

"...And when I first saw your face..." He spoke up as he looked at her carefully.


"Dan Heng, she's not breathing." March 7th who was checking on the unconscious lady turned to look at him with worried look.

"Why don't you try giving her a CPR?"

"Wh-Wha-?! I-I don't know how to do it... How about you do it?" March stammered with a red flush tinting her cheeks.

He just sighed. "Fine then." So he moved his face closer to the unconscious, ashen-haired lady.

As his face got closer to her, somewhere deep within him, he somehow felt like he had seen her face somewhere before, but unable to remember it well.

Perhaps, if he could see her eyes, he might remember if he had seen her somewhere before or not.

He thought as he closed his eyes, and brought his face even closer to hers, trying to give her CPR, before he was disturbed by his companion.


He was disturbed at that time. But, today, now, they were the only two there. So, he brought his face closer to her, looking at the bright golden eyes of hers.

That eyes. Now looking at it closely and clearly. He could see it. He could feel it. He knew her. Although he might have forgotten her, he knew her.

"Dan... Heng...?" She called out as she saw the look on his face. Slowly, she could also see how his greyish-blue eyes glowed even brighter and bluer. Golden met Jades. Somehow, she was drowned in his beautiful crystal clear eyes like she was drowned in the vast blue sea, yet she did not mind it.

"Stelle..." He began and she could feel his breath very close to her mouth as he brought his face even closer to her. "You are..." Stelle could not help but hold her breath as she felt his lips brushed hers. Slowly her eyelids lowered, mimicking his own. "My Star." He finished with his lips pressing against hers.

It was her first time, so she was not sure if it was a kiss and how she was doing it, but the kiss he gave was very gentle, sweet, and warm as if she was someone he cared for very delicately. But, slowly she could feel his arms wrapped around her waist, pushing her closer to him as his other hand moved to behind her neck, tilting her head up to meet his gently. She complied as he deepened the kiss and she reciprocated it gladly.

Stelle moved her arms around Dan Heng's shoulders and wrapped them behind his neck, pulling him even closer to her if possible. So, this was the one she had been expecting from the first time she met him? It felt nice. He felt nice.

The once warm and gentle kiss slowly turned deeper and hotter. Neither of them would like to let go after they had tasted each other. Dan Heng slowly pushed her down to his bed as he licked her lips, asking for her permission, which she gladly allowed. As her back rested on his soft quilt, she parted her lips to allow his tongue to roam around inside her. As the two of their tongues danced together, she could not help but let out a soft moan right into his mouth.

Only then he realized what they had been doing and he quickly pulled away from her, leaving her panting hard for breath. They wondered how long they had been glued together as now both of them were trying to catch their breaths. Dan Heng could not help but cover his sinful mouth with the back of his palm while he looked down at the flushed Stelle who looked back up at him and was equally flushed.

"Dan Heng..." She called out with heavy breathing as she still tried to catch some air to breath.

"I-I'm sorry." He quickly apologized and sat up back on the bed, although, he could not help but admit that he did not regret doing it.

"I-It's ok... But, why are you in your Vidyadhara form...?" She asked instead as she sat back up beside him and looked at him carefully. Instead of his normally short, raven hair, his hair had grown longer past his waist and at the end of it, the color was turned into a teal gradient. His eyes were now pure jades as above his head grew horns of the same color as his eyes.

She then lowered her eyes as she caught something moving. "A... Tail...?" She asked, gasping slightly in surprise. Sure, she had seen his Vidyadhara form before, but she did not see any tail that she thought he did not have, unlike Bailu.

Dan Heng who was already shocked by him turning into his true form without him even realizing it had sheepishly wagged his tail away behind him so she could not see it. Had his instinct been awakened just from kissing her? Even his tail which rarely came out had appeared too. He could not believe it that he felt so embarrassed, he had turned his head away from her too.

Thanks to it though, Stelle could see the reddish flush at the end of his now pointed ears equally as red as his flushed cheeks. Stelle could not help but stare at him, as it was a rare sight for her. How adorable he looked right now. Not that she would say it out loud to not offend him.

But, there was just one thing she could not stop herself from. So, she stood up and moved closer to him. "Hey, Dan Heng..." She called, making him turn to look back at her slightly.

"Can I touch your tail?" She asked looking up at him with her normal face, but somehow he could also see something else behind it. Like a puppy asking to be petted. He found her adorable somehow.

But, that did not make him let her touch his tail right away. "No." He refused, and that made Stelle blink.


"Just no." He said and Stelle saw his tail moved away from her.

She pouted then. "Please?" She asked looking back at him again now with even more puppy eyes than before.

"N... No..." He repeated but began to waver.

"Pretty please...?" She tried again this time her eyes had begun to get teary as her brows lowered.

Dan Heng watched her for a while and could not help but find her too adorable for her own good. He groaned lowly and Stelle knew that she had won it.

"Only if you promise me not to show that kind of expression to others." He said suddenly, confusing her but she nodded her head absentmindedly.

"Also... That expression from before." He added turning his slightly flushed face away from her.

She tilted her head this time as she was not sure what he meant. He noticed it so he added, "When we kissed..." He muttered under his breath, but thankfully Stelle got it as he could see her face flushed slightly too.

"I understand..." She quickly replied.

Dan Heng sighed in relief and finally moved his tail to rest on top of Stelle's thighs. Immediately, Stelle's eyes brightened as she could feel the weight, as well as the warmth of his cold-looking tail on top of her legs. She moved her hands slowly as she began to stroke the scaly skin.

"Woah, I thought it would feel like cold water, but it's pretty warm." She admitted.

Dan Heng, though, just stayed silent as he let her continue whatever she was planning with his tail. So, Stelle moved her hand towards the furry part of his tail. "Mmh~ So soft~" She seemed to enjoy the feeling on her hand, Dan Heng noted as he watched her begin to pet his tail slowly and gently.

Slowly, he closed his eyes as he enjoyed the gentle touch Stelle was giving his tail, not realizing that the tip of his tail was wagging on its own. Stelle who was inspecting his tail noticed it, though, and could not help but giggle softly at the sight. "Do you enjoy it?"

Only on her question that he realized it. Dan Heng coughed once, clearing his throat. "Well, it's not bad." He told her with a pink tint on his cheeks and pointed ears. Stelle chuckled as she continued petting his tail.

He could not help but feel relaxed when he was around her. He wondered why. But, perhaps he knew the reason now. Smiling to himself, he moved his tail from her hands and wrapped it around her waist, bringing her closer to him, surprising her, yet she did not resist it.

She blinked as she looked at him, now she was seated on his lap. "Instead of my tail, wouldn't you like to look at me more?" Dan Heng asked and that surprised Stelle. Since when had he become so bold? She could not help but blink at his question.

"You do have a beautiful, handsome face." She admitted as she stared at him carefully. It was Dan Heng's turn to blink at her honesty but then smile at her.

"Thank you, you're beautiful and pretty too, Stelle." He said as he moved her closer to him with his tail before he dipped in to kiss her again, surprising her yet again but she was able to return his kiss as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Now, not only his tail, but his arms had also wrapped around her back, holding her close to him, not letting her go. The kiss was shorter this time as Dan Heng pulled his face away from hers.

"I love you, Stelle." He confessed suddenly, surprising Stelle who was not expecting it at all. His face was so serious that Stelle was left speechless.

"Dan Heng, I..." Stelle began but before she could finish it, he lowered his face down, resting his forehead on her shoulder.

"It's alright. I know how you feel about me." He said in a low voice. He was not expecting her to return his feelings. After all, they just knew each other, at least for her. But for him, it was like he had been waiting for her for all his life.

"It's fine if you still think of me as your friend." He looked back up at her again giving a small smile to her, but that smile somehow made her heart ache. She furrowed her eyebrows and shook her head.

"No, I don't think of you as my friend." She said, confusing Dan Heng and, at the same time worrying him as he thought that she had hated him after all. She could feel his tail begin to loosen around her as he heard her say that.

So, she quickly said, "Ah, apologies, phrasing. I meant to say that... I think of you as more than a friend." She explained as slowly her cheeks turned pinkish. Dan Heng just stared at her as he waited for her to continue.

"I think... I also... L-Like you..." She said embarrassedly and she did not even know that it was so hard to say that she had to hide her face away from him as she rested her head on his shoulder.

Dan Heng could only blink once, twice, thrice, before he chuckled, earning a look from Stelle without her moving her head from his shoulder. "I see." He simply said as he looked down at her.

"I see." He repeated. "That's good then. At least you don't hate me." He said embracing her gently, yet tightly.

"Why would I even hate you?" She asked turning to look at him confusedly.

"When you didn't say anything to me when I revealed my true form to you back then..." He began as he reminded her. "You did not talk to me at all so I thought you hated me."

Stelle's mouth formed an O form before she explained, "I was just left speechless honestly. At that time, when I saw your true form, this form," She paused as she looked at him carefully. "It seemed like something came past through my mind. An image... a Mirage?" She was not sure.

But Dan Heng who finally knew the reason had somehow understood what she meant. "Did you feel like you've seen me somewhere?" He asked making sure and earning a nod from her head.

"Wasn't it just from the statue you saw?" He tested her.

She pondered for a while before she shook her head this time. "You do look similar to the statue of course, and I felt like that statue was similar to me too. But I couldn't find out where I'd seen it. However, when I saw you at that time, it seemed like an answer came to me."

"And.." She paused, "I felt like I've missed you for a long time."

Dan Heng's eyes widened slightly listening to her.

"Of course, I knew we were separated when we first came to the Xianzhou Luofu, but it just felt like I haven't seen you even longer than that." She honestly told him as she looked at him carefully now, as if trying to ingrain him into his memory forever. Her arms wrapped around him tightly as she did not want to lose him again.

"Stelle..." Dan Heng called out softly as he cupped her cheek again and she could not help but lean into his warm touch. "You really are... My one and only Star." He smiled at her, and it was a smile she had never seen before yet she had somehow missed it. The smile he would give only for her.

"Dan Heng..." She called out his name as she slowly closed her eyes as Dan Heng moved his face closer to hers. "I think... I've also found... My Moon..." She finished softly as their lips met once again as the Moon had finally met the Star, his Star, and her Moon yet again.

Although the two might not have remembered each other fully yet. However, their hearts knew. Who they had been waiting for. Who they had been looking for. Their one and only.

The lonely Moon.

The lonely Star.

In the vast dark sky, the two travel together, forever and ever. No longer as lonely and feeling alone anymore.

Finally, The Moon met the Star.

The End



Thanks for reading my first-ever fanfic for Honkai: Star Rail especially for DanStelle!
I hope you enjoyed it!
Now, a pop quiz, I wonder if you guys can tell what prompt is this supposed to tell? ;D
Feel free to comment below! Some Hearts are also appreciated!
Thanks so much once again everyone! <3

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