💙Tensura Humor💙

By JoyKiyoko

4.3K 107 38

in this "book"(Shorter than a cell)I will make a collection of Tensura humor and memes Sorry but it's the fir... More

Hello guys!
Rimuru best waifu be like:
The names
The apparence.
the anime:
The sleeping pill's
Side eye.
Tutorial:How to reincarn.
Good Trade offer
Here some matching pfp!<3
Zodiac sign:
Tutorial n2:
Idk how to name this chap
Is this a sin?
Rimuru unesistent memory:
Man's of culture:
¤R1muru Do0d1s¤
✦500+ special✦short story pt1
✦600+ special✦ short story pt2
Singularity point.
Tensura Zodiacs pt2!
This fandom is degenerating -
Go check my new book, please!
Rimuru the PokeTrainer
Q&A, ask!

★2K+ special★ short story pt3!

44 2 0
By JoyKiyoko

{Astral Pov:}

'Ugh! Finally!'

As you can't see, our dear Astral finally finded an inn who wasnt costantly being watched by Rimuru.

It was a little house made of light wood with no more than 15 rooms and kitchen.

It looked very quiet, since it was very far from the capital and it was not a location where many travelers stopped by, exactly what Astral was searching for.

She cautiously entered by the front door and looked around. There was a small table with some papers on it and a old lady that was scribbling something on them. After 5 minutes, when she finally realized someone was there, she rushed to Astral and welcomed her with a warm smile.

"Hello young lady! Do you want a room for the night?" She asked with a raspy but cheerful voice.

"Oh yes, please. I'll be staying here for 1 week, how much do I owe you?" Astral asked in her usual deep but low voice, that compared to the lady's was nearly a whisper.

"10 silver coins, if not, 3 golden coins."

'I-ISNT IT TOO MUCH- Oh right, it must be for the view. Can't deny it's really pretty'

"Mhmh, here." Astral handed the lady 10 silver coins, and in return she received the keys of her room.

'room 6?'

After walking a bit in the allway the lady pointed at, she came across a huge door with a pink 'Six' on it.

She entered the door, the sunlight that filtered from the window hit her.

It was a classic room. White bed, a big closet, white curtains, a desk and a wodden chair.

'Well, I guess that for now its settled.'

Astral instantly plopped on the bed and closed her eyes.

Not a minute later, she was already asleep.

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