Love killer|Seungin✓

By FightingonMars

22.9K 963 773

Jeongin isn't interested in a serious relationship; even hurting others to make sure it stays that way. Until... More

special chapter💗


768 32 9
By FightingonMars

(Seungmin POV)

"See how stupid of an idea this was binnie, this place is just noisy and smells like alcohol and cheap perfume."I complained to my friend as we finally reached an empty booth, still unable to escape the blasting music all around us.

"Just chill the hell out, ok seungmin. Lighten up for an hour or two that's all I'm asking, enjoy you're boring ass life for two hours." He said. I glared at him with lowered lids, changbin only reacting with an awkward smile as he punched my shoulder.

"Calm down, just a joke Minnie." He laughed before leaning down and pulling two large bottles of alcohol from his bag next to him.

"I still can't believe they let you bring that in." I commented, annoyed I was probably going to have to join in with him in the consumption of the disgusting crap.

"Well y'know, always helps to have a family member working as a bouncer, you can practically do whatever you want." He said, smiling cheerfully as he popped open one of the bottles.

"Yeah, practically." I mumbled as I looked around for something more interesting to look at. Not taking long of course as I realize this is kind of the perfect place to people watch. A bunch of scantily clad morons making a fool of themselves. The girls looked pretty and happy while all the men looked gross and creepy. why did the sex im attracted to have to be so shitty, I can't even look at them without giving up on love, ugh.

"Any pretty guys?" Changbin asked he noticing the direction of my gaze, before he popped open the second bottle, placing it in front of me. I didn't care to look in his direction as I answered.

"No, not really." I said quietly as I continued scanning the colorful crowd. Hoping that changbin wouldn't encourage me to drink along with him.

Thankfully a good ten minutes went by and he said nothing, eventually becoming tipsy himself, probably not caring anymore, he got on his phone and began scrolling on an app I couldn't see. I guess he was entertained..

I looked back into the crowd again, cringing for a moment as I watched a guy in hearing distance from me, get rejected, the woman looking at him awkward and uncomfortable before quickly exiting the room entirely.

"Damn... that's gotta hurt." I said aloud as the guy looked around nervously, almost as if to see if anybody had seen the interaction go down. I looked away not very subtly looking at the ceiling and floor to avoid eye contact.
Then I looked back as the man disappeared back into mob of people. The walk
of shame lol

I looked towards the bar, realizing that they might have some pretzels back there or something. But just as I thought to get up something else caught my eye.

Or someone else.

I tilted my head around the booth seat, looking as far as I could towards the restroom entrance a couple of feet beside the bar counter. The purple and blue lights on the wall, beaming towards the floor, reflected in my glasses, annoyingly so. But I kept looking as I watched a tall brunette man guiding another young man into the restroom, tugging harshly at the back of his neck as he pushed the raven-haired boy inside without much struggle.

He definitely looked drunk.

I quickly stood up, telling binnie I was going to the bathroom before making my way in that direction. He probably didn't hear me but whatever.

I walked past a couple of drunk girls as they leaned in front of the door way, both of the two girls noticing me relatively soon and moving out of my way as I said
"excuse me ladies." Causing one of them to laugh before the other followed suit. I smiled but ignored them. As I walked into the bathroom, the only person seemingly in there, an older looking red haired gentleman, smoking in the corner. Just an old fashion cigarette.. weird..

I looked to my left than to my right before turning around and looking at the stalls, then lowering my head and glancing under the stalls, my heart beat spiking as I saw the two pairs of feet I was looking for. I walked up to the door taking a deep breath as I raised my fist, preparing to knock, only pausing for a moment cuz I heard a muffled gargling coming from the other side of the stall door.

"Hey, what the fuck-" I nearly shouted as my foot automatically raised and kicked open the door. My heart now dropping as a man at least twice my size looks down at me, his almost black eyes piercing into mine.

"Get the fuck o-out of here!" I demanded, unable to stop from stuttering as I tried my best to keep my composure. The man just scoffed and released his fistful of raven black hair from between his fingers, the boys head he was holding up falling onto the toilet seat, completely out of it. I cringed as his pretty but admittedly messing face harshly hit the rim. The tall creep walked past me and out of the bathroom, the heavy steel door swinging behind him.

I kneeled down to the boy, gently lifting up his face. My first thought was that he must be drunk and that's why the man was able to do this to him, but then I thought of something much worse. What if he had been drugged? What if he was given too large of a dose? What if he was minutes from dying?? Oh shit..

The frightening thought brought a deep frown to my face before the boys eyes began to flutter open, causing me to sigh out in relief. I lifted up his head a bit more, looking into his eyes to see if there was any signs of him being high. But his eyes were perfectly colored, a sweet chocolate brown, a little hazy but still full of life.

"Are you ok, do you know what that guy was doing?" I asked as he looked up at me drowsily.

"Woah..." He mumbled. I tilted my head, confused.

"Are you ok, do you feel sick, do you want to throw up?" I asked, as I pushed some of his bangs away from his eyes and tucking them behind in his ear.

"You're so hot.." he mumbled, looking almost surprised as he said it.

Yeah he's definitely drunk

"Um ok, you have any friends here? Who did you come with, I'll try to find them." I said as I reached my hand behind his back, soothing his shoulders with my palm. He nodded before falling into me, his chin on my shoulder.

"Min- minho."

"Minho? Ok sure, let's go find him."

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