Buxom Episode 🐶 All × Yunho...

Bởi ichinisan1-3

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bottom!Yunho / Yunho centric ©2021, ichinisan1-3 Xem Thêm



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Bởi ichinisan1-3

Amidst the hushed ambiance of their living room, Mingi's parents dropped a bombshell – an arranged marriage with Jung Yunho. Shocked and confused, Mingi struggled to comprehend this unfamiliar name and the unexpected proposal.

With uncertainty lingering, Mingi's friends stepped in, offering support and encouraging him to give this arranged marriage a chance. As Mingi grappled with doubts, he agreed to try, albeit cautiously.

The introduction with Yunho brought a surprising revelation – Yunho looked like alpha but he was an omega. This unexpected turn set the stage for a unique journey in their arranged marriage.

Navigating the challenges of their arranged union, Mingi faced doubts and pressure from his executive role. His friends, however, urged him to embrace the opportunity for growth and love. Yunho, determined to support Mingi, became a source of comfort during tough times.

As their relationship unfolded, Yunho's thoughtful gestures, shared interests, and meaningful experiences gradually broke down Mingi's initial resistance. From playing the piano to venturing into the forest, they forged a connection that defied Mingi's initial skepticism.

The turning point came during Yunho's heat cycle, where Mingi's care and understanding showcased the depth of their bond. The climax reached when, under the moonlit sky, they shared a dance, a kiss, and an exchange of pheromones that sealed their love.

In this unexpected love story, Mingi and Yunho discovered that sometimes, arranged marriages could lead to genuine, profound connections. Their journey, guided by friendship, understanding, and love, proved that even the most unconventional unions could blossom into something extraordinary.


Seated in the living room with faces filled with concern, Song Mingi's parents knew that the time had come to discuss something crucial.

Mingi, who was initially standing at the entrance, approached them with a puzzled and slightly anxious look, as if sensing that something unusual was about to be discussed. Nevertheless, he decided to listen first as he took a seat on the sofa, facing his parents.

"Since you were little, we've arranged a match for you. His name is Jung Yunho, five years younger than you and still a student. He's a successful bachelor." Sooyoung, Mingi's mother, tried to explain the situation gently. She felt the need to provide an understanding to her only son, who was now twenty-five years old and successful in managing his father's company.

However, the name Yunho meant nothing to Mingi, leaving him quite surprised by this revelation. "Jung Yunho? Who is that? I've never even heard his name before," his face expressing confusion.

"Well, now you've heard it clearly," replied Sooyoung.

"We know this might surprise you, but we trust the Jung family. Yunho's parents are very close friends of ours, and we have great confidence in them." Jisoo, Mingi's father, tried to provide reasons behind this decision, though he understood that this could be a shocking experience for his son.

"But eomma, appa, this is not fair. I don't even know who he is. How can I accept this arranged marriage?" Mingi tried to voice his anxious feelings and disagreement.

"We understand your feelings, dear. But Yunho is a good young man. His family has an excellent reputation, and we believe he will be a perfect match for you." Sooyoung tried to reassure her son about this decision and emphasized their good intentions.

Nevertheless, Mingi still felt uncertain and unprepared. It was too sudden. "I can't accept this. I need to know someone before deciding on marriage. I'm also not ready to commit and take on such a significant responsibility," he expressed with profound doubt.

"We want the best for you. And we believe that with time, both of you can get to know each other and grow together. This is an opportunity we've carefully considered." Jisoo tried to explain their good intentions behind this decision and gave his son time to think it over.

Feeling burdened by the newfound information, Mingi needed time to contemplate everything more deeply. "I need time. I can't make a decision now." After saying that, he left his perplexed parents behind.

This marked the beginning of a challenging journey in his life.


"I know this is difficult for you, but you have to understand that Yunho is a good man. He's intelligent and caring. See? What more could you ask for? Don't dismiss him outright."

Currently having lunch with his friends at the office, who were trying to offer advice and support, Mingi faced uncertainty and confusion. And don't ask how Mingi's friends got to know Yunho; perhaps they had their own separate social circles to which Mingi wasn't invited.

Mingi's face reflected uncertainty and confusion. "Oh yeah? But I'm not ready, Wooyoung." He responded with evident hesitation in his tone.

"Often, love can grow over time. Who knows, maybe you'll find something you like about Yunho." San tried to provide Mingi with a more optimistic view of his situation.

"I feel like this is all being forced on me."

"We just want to see you happy, Mingi. Don't let this opportunity slip away. Try to give Yunho a chance too." Yeosang tried to persuade him.

Wooyoung added his voice with confidence, "I understand this is not what you expected, but sometimes, happiness comes from unexpected opportunities. Yunho is not just anyone. He's someone we know as a genuinely good person. I'm sure there's something special about him that can make you feel comfortable."

Yet Mingi remained full of doubt. "But Young, I've never even met him. How can I feel comfortable with someone I don't know well?"

"Life is full of uncertainties, and we, as your friends, want to see you happy. Maybe this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Remember, love is not just about sudden feelings but also about building a relationship." San tried to provide Mingi with deeper insights into love and relationships.

"But San, what if we're not compatible? I don't want to end up in an unhappy relationship." Mingi continued to express his fears.

"We don't want to force you, Mingi, but sometimes we have to step out of our comfort zone to find something valuable. This arranged marriage may feel strange at first, but it's a chance to grow together, get to know Yunho, and maybe, who knows, find something more in your relationship. Don't let fear and doubt hold you back." Yeosang concluded his advice with hopeful words.

Mingi still felt scared and uncertain, but his friends had given him a different perspective on his situation. He knew he had to think everything through more deeply before making a significant decision.


After hearing advice from his friends, Mingi felt slightly relieved, although he remained uncertain about his arranged marriage. He took a deep breath, exhaling slowly. "Okay, eomma, appa. I'll give it a try, even though I still feel unsure."

Jisoo and Sooyoung smiled with emotion upon hearing Mingi's decision. "Thank you, son. You truly are a filial child," Jisoo proudly remarked.

The expressions of happiness and pride on Mingi's parents' faces eased his mind a bit. Despite lingering doubts, he felt that he didn't want to disappoint his father and mother. However, he also wanted to ensure that his parents understood his feelings. "But please understand that I need time to get to know Yunho better and understand my own feelings."

"Of course, son. We'll give you time. We only want the best for you." Sooyoung responded understandingly to her son's request.

His father and mother embraced him with love, reminding Mingi that they were always there to support him in every step of his life.

Mingi's decision to give this arranged marriage a chance brought a touch of happiness to his family, and they were grateful for their son's commitment to trying.


On a tense evening, Jisoo and Sooyoung decided to inform Mingi about Yunho and his parents' visit. Both families gathered the courage to introduce these two young men, even though confusion surrounded the situation.

But Jisoo could smile happily. "We want to introduce you to Yunho. He came with his parents."

When Mingi saw Yunho for the first time, he couldn't hide his surprise. Yunho was a fellow alpha with a tall and robust build like his own. He pondered, wondering how this arranged marriage could involve two alphas?

He... he's tall and big like me. How is this possible?

“Why am I arranged with another alpha? This doesn't make sense!” With clear doubt on his face, Mingi began to protest to his father and mother.

"We wouldn't arrange you with another alpha," Sooyoung tried to explain the situation gently and remained calm, understanding her son's uncertainty.

And then Yunho, who was previously silent, decided to speak briefly, "I am an omega."

Yunho's revelation shook Mingi. He felt like a teenager shocked by big news. It seemed like this was the first time in his life meeting a big-built omega like Yunho. He didn't even know that an omega like Yunho existed.

"I want to say something," Yunho expressed cautiously. All eyes were on him, anticipating what he would say, "I know initially we might feel trapped in this arranged marriage, but as time goes by, I believe we have a chance to make it work."

Mingi pondered for a moment, lamenting the skepticism that haunted him. However, he felt the need to give this encounter a chance. "Well, let’s see."

In the uncertainty that enveloped them, Yunho and Mingi embarked on a journey of introduction and the probability of a relationship that could become something more than just an arranged marriage.

And thus, it was decided that they would live together under one roof.


Sitting across from each other in a quiet room, Yunho cast a gaze full of concern as Mingi opened his laptop to attend to work matters.

"How was your workday?" Yunho tried to break the silence with a gentle question.

Mingi took a deep breath before answering, attempting to sum up everything happening in his life, "Just usual. Just an overflowing workload."

The alpha remained indifferent, but Yunho still tried to engage in conversation, "What keeps you busy? Maybe I can help or just listen if you want to talk." He warmly offered support.

Mingi wasn't sure why Yunho cared so much, but he still responded, "It's okay. I just have a lot on my mind lately."

"I'm here for you. Whenever you want to talk or just listen to music together, I'm here." With a caring gaze, Yunho reinforced his commitment to always be there for Mingi. He was even willing to share the burdens of the alpha.

Flatly, Mingi expressed his feelings, "Sometimes, it's incredibly challenging being a company executive. Everyone places high expectations on me, and the pressure is so heavy," he said with a tired expression.

Listening attentively, Yunho understood the immense pressure Mingi might be feeling. "I can understand, Mingi. The burden that comes with such a position must be enormous."

"I also feel lonely at times. Everyone always expects something from me, and I miss moments of relaxation without worries." Mingi continued, revealing the doubts he had kept to himself.

Yunho listened carefully as Mingi expressed feelings that had been hidden for a while. He wanted to ensure the alpha felt heard and understood.

"You're not alone anymore. I won't get tired of reminding you that I'm here for you, and we can get through it all together."


On another challenging day for Mingi, as usual, Yunho wanted to add a small touch to uplift the alpha's spirits.

In the serene atmosphere of the dining room, Yunho spoke gently, "I know this is another tough day for you. So, I have something for you." He smiled warmly. Carefully, he unveiled a cloche, revealing Mingi's favorite dish beautifully arranged on the dining table.

Mingi was slightly surprised by Yunho's gesture and attention. "What's this? I didn't ask for it. You don't have to do all this."

But Yunho just smiled and looked at Mingi with warm eyes. "This is for you. I just want to make your day a little better." This simple gesture conveyed his feelings to the alpha, showing that he cared and wanted to make his alpha feel better during tough times.

So, Mingi thought, maybe it's not so bad after all.


Yunho aimed to bring himself closer to Mingi by understanding the alpha's interests and hobbies.

With a genuinely interested smile, he asked, "I want to know, is there something you enjoy? Maybe we can do it together."

Mingi pondered for a moment before responding nonchalantly, "I like playing the piano, but it's been a long time since I've done it."

Yunho's eyes lit up upon hearing Mingi's answer. "The piano? That's amazing! Why don't we try playing it together?"

Before long, they found themselves in front of the piano in the corner of the living room. Despite Mingi's nonchalant demeanor, he felt intrigued by the idea of playing the piano with his omega. "Alright, let's give it a try."

Yunho smiled once again and prepared to play the first piece.

The two began playing the piano together, filling the room with the beautiful harmony of their music.


Yunho wanted to create special memories with Mingi, and he had an idea for spending quality time together.

"How about we spend quality time in the forest? Like camping. We can do something different. I want to see you hunting," Yunho enthusiastically invited Mingi.

"Hmm, hunting? It's been a while since I've done that. Alright."

The next day, they set off to the forest, bringing the necessary equipment. Mingi, as an alpha, had strong hunting skills, while Yunho prepared tools for cooking the alpha's catch. They had set up a tent in front of a campfire beforehand.

After half an hour, Mingi arrived carrying a heavy load on his back, which didn't seem too heavy for him. "Look at this. My catch." He brought a deer that he had caught with his bare hands and placed it in front of Yunho, who was still busy preparing to cook.

Impressed, Yunho couldn't hide his admiration. "Impressive, Mingi! You're indeed skilled in hunting."

Mingi might still be a bit indifferent, but seeing Yunho appreciate his hunting skills made him feel valued. Together, they would cook and enjoy dinner with their own catch under the night sky in the forest.

As the sun began to set, they sat in front of the campfire lit by Mingi, enjoying the results of their hunt. Feeling close to nature and each other.

Yunho flashed a warm smile, as warm as the campfire in front of him. "This is an amazing experience. I'm glad to spend time like this with you."

"Hmm... yeah, me too."

The time spent together in the forest helped strengthen the emotional bond between them. Yunho and Mingi began to feel the closeness growing, even though Mingi still wasn't entirely invested. It's okay; at least there was some progress. Slowly eroding Mingi's doubts about the success of this arranged marriage. After all, everything takes time. Yunho had fought very hard; how could it not succeed?

They continued to enjoy the night in the great outdoors when Yunho suddenly revealed something urgent, "Mingi, I... I'm suddenly in heat." He bit his lip, his breath becoming erratic. His face flushed, his body feeling hot, even though it was already night.

Mingi felt panicked seeing Yunho in an unusual condition. He knew Yunho didn't have suppressants, and this situation forced the alpha to act. "We need to get inside." Because Yunho's sweet pheromones, which only emerged during heat, were increasingly affecting Mingi's senses, weakening his defenses.

Mingi guided Yunho into the tent, where it was quieter and more protected.

Both of them knew what needed to be done to help Yunho cope with his unbearable heat cycle.


Mingi gently took Yunho's hand, guiding him to the edge of the beautiful garden they visited together.

Under the sparkling moonlight, they danced slowly, without music, only listening to the rhythm of each other's heartbeats.

Set against the backdrop of stars in the dark sky, they faced each other with eyes filled with intimacy. They could feel each other's heartbeats quickening. Without words, Mingi slowly reached for Yunho's face and kissed him tenderly.

The touch was an expression of pure affection, as if both were immersed in their own world. Their lips met in genuine intimacy, and Mingi felt Yunho's heartbeat getting faster. It was a moment where the alpha responded to the long-expressed feelings of love through every action and touch.

After the kiss, Mingi held Yunho tightly, feeling the warmth of his body. They remained silent in happiness, with no need for words to express what was in their hearts.

Both, deeply in love, were familiar with each other's pheromones. As they felt close, the scent of their combined pheromones filled the air, bringing profound intimacy and happiness.

Mingi, as an alpha, emitted the scent of oceanic dominance; a sea-inspired aroma symbolizing dominance, with a touch of the gentle and calming waves, creating a safe environment for Yunho. He hugged Yunho tightly, letting his pheromones permeate and provide comfort to his beloved omega.

Meanwhile, Yunho responded by emitting the scent of gentle lavender embrace; a soft and soothing aroma reflecting affection and deep feelings for Mingi. In doing so, he tried to offer comfort to his mate, the alpha.

This was a moment where Mingi genuinely reciprocated Yunho's feelings of love, and under the moonlight, they felt an unparalleled happiness and closeness. It marked the beginning of a new chapter in their relationship, full of love and deep affection.

So, it turns out, what their friends said about the success of their arranged marriage was true.

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