My Possessive Boss

By TheCatNoirOfTheNight

191K 5K 3.1K

Adrien Agreste, the famous model in all over the world, and youngest billionaire at the age of 23 that the wo... More

Hot Blond
New Job
Interesting Dinner
Be Mine
Invited Friend
Sexy Party
Under the rain
Maritime Trip
I'm Yours
Crazy Man
Adrien Agreste
The Elites
Multi Million Affair
Enemies With Benefits
Personal Designer
The Deal
Everywhere You Go
Business Trip
Down Payment
Rio De Janeiro
Wedding Dress
Ruined Dress
Parent's Talent
Pool Party
Sexy Game
Rainbow Dress
New Car
New Boyfriend
Black & White
Fancy Ways
Possessive Much
Sky Lanterns
Luka is Out
Dominant Woman
Hickies & Gloss
Reason to Cry
Date By Her Way
For My Own
Merry Christmas
Their Plan
Known To The World
The Picture
Unplanned Events
Break Up
Bounced Check
No Promises
Cruise Wedding
My Possessive Boss

The Last Goodbye

1.9K 84 47
By TheCatNoirOfTheNight

POV Adrien:

It's one day before Marinette's wedding. I already signed for a month vacation for her and gave her the paper through Zoe

I was in my office; I don't want to work but I need to finish the last things I have here. I was holding a cup of liquor, looking through the windows to the Eiffel tower...... where was my first date with Marinette

Nathalie: Mr. Agreste, it has been a long minute that I'm calling you

I turned around and looked at my company's lawyer. I didn't say anything, I just had a seat as she gave me the papers

Nathalie: the contract you asked for it, Mr. Agreste. Once Nathaniel sign, then he will be the legal COO of this company

Adrien: ok you can leave

I got the contract and I went to Nathaniel's office. He was on phone, talking with one of our clients

I had a seat on the couch, waiting for him to finish the call, and once he hangs up, he walked to the couch and sit beside me

Nathaniel: your face is pale just like a woman going into labor

Adrien: sign here

Without looking at him, I handed him the contract. He spent two minutes reading then he slammed the papers on the table

Nathaniel: what the fuck is that? why should I be the COO meanwhile you are here? I know that they assign the COO in case the CEO isn't here but here you are, alive beside me

Without saying a single word, I just left his office, I even ignored his call. I went to my private designing room, to check the latest details for Marinette's wedding dress till my friends barged into the place

Nathaniel: here is he, trust me he will give me one day a heart attack

I turned around as I found Nino, Alya, Zoe, Nathaniel and Kim walking toward me

Adrien: I made this wedding dress for the only woman I loved, by myself, do you believe that?

Zoe: why you accepted to do that Adrien? this is so fucking insane

Adrien: because I can't refuse anything for her

Alya: if I was you, I would tell her everything, Adrien why are you doing this to yourself.

Nino: you... loving a girl isn't you Adrien, so why don't you get your girl?

Nathaniel: as we know, you are so possessive so when it's about the moment you had to show off all your possessiveness, you don't?

Adrien: I did everything I can, I wanted her to be mine, I wanted her to love me. I hate him so much but I wanted to be Luka just this time, I have nothing else to do if she made her choice

Kim: the fuck, you give up?

Adrien: I give up, and tomorrow, you will have Nath as a new COO, I'm leaving France forever

Everyone: WHATTT!!!?

Zoe: what about this shit?

Adrien: I'm going to be the CEO of New York's headquarter and I will move there. This way, Mari will keep working here and she won't have problems with her new husband. I can't stay in a country where I have memories with Marinette everywhere

Alya: bullshit, this is really bullshits

The brunette walked toward me and grabbed me from my collar, shaking me, but I was looking away then she let off her grip

Alya: Adrien think about it and ....

Adrien: I thought about it, and I'm leaving on Marinette's wedding day. the dress is done. please don't say anything for her. I'm happy this way. I'm leaving

POV Marinette:

It was my wedding day. I was in the bathtub, staring at the bracelet with our initial and crying.

I can't believe that yesterday, when our parents left to check the wedding preparation, Lila, Kagami and Chloe visited me and Luka invited them cheerfully to the living room

I already had known from Adrien's vocal that Lila and Luka have an affair so to see both together disgust me. they are childish, they just visit me to congratulation me for the wedding so I just left them all and went to my room

All what I think about is Adrien, I just wish his arms around me now and tell me that everything will be fine. My thoughts were interrupted by Alya who walked in with my wedding dress

Alya: Marinette, are you really sure of that? what about blondie? Tell him you love him

Marinette: please Alya, enough pain for me. let's finish with this

Alya didn't say any word, she spent an hour getting me ready and once done, I went to look into the mirror I look so beautiful in this wedding dress made by the love of my life

#Marinette's Dress

The car drives us to the church, and only my parents were with me, we were standing in front of the door

I asked my parents to leave me for some time out to breath and gather my tears again. I was also waiting maybe I'll see Adrien. at least I will see him always at work

They nodded and they went to talk with other people, I'm glad my father forgot about me for some seconds but my mom know about my pain, she even tried to tell my father to leave me but he didn't listen to her and I spent almost every night, laying my head on her lap and crying

I placed my hand on my little baby bump of two months, I'm glad that the dress isn't showing anything

Adrien: you are so beautiful in this wedding dress.

I turned around as I found a car that just stopped in front of me and Adrien in his suit left the car

#Adrien's Suit

Marinette: A-Adrien. y-you are handsome as always

I was holding myself from crying, Adrien was the only reason of my happiness and I can't believe that I'm doing all this shit for my father to not go to jail. He didn't care of me sacrificing my own happiness for him

Adrien: I'm really pathetic to create by myself your wedding dress

Marinette: A-Adrien, you are here for my wedding?

Adrien: no, I'm just here to tell you that I give up Marinette, I give up on you.... I always get any girl I want and any girl would kill herself just for me, but it was different with you, and I know that the first time I saw you, I had known that you are different from other girls. I give up trying to win your heart Marinette. I know I have been so possessive toward you; I crossed my lines and my limits, I didn't respect your privacy and because of me, you feel guilty for cheating on Luka, don't worry, I won't bother you anymore, I won't ruin your wedding with him. I won't be in your way anymore and in your relationship with Luka. I promise you.

Marinette: w-why are you saying that? w-why?

Adrien: I'm leaving. Staying here will just hurt me, so I'm moving to New York and work in that headquarter, I'll live there from now on and then you won't see me anymore at work and your soon to be husband will be fine with that, I know how much you love fashion and designing. A new COO will be available and take my place

Marinette: you a-are wrong, there are things who counts for me more than designing, more than this own world Adrien

Adrien: I'm sorry, I have no place in France anymore. I will confess something, that day when Luka left, I was responsible for that, I called the owner of the music house that Luka work in, and asked him to get him away of you because I wanted you for me only. I'm sorry for that. I was selfish

Marinette: I don't c-care about that .... I'm begging you Adrien, d-don't leave

I said as I grabbed his arm tightly and rested my head on his shoulder but Adrien just caressed my cheek

Adrien: I can't see you and Luka on the aisle, vowing love for each other meanwhile my heart is burning inside my chest to see you with another man. It would be me and not him on that aisle, it's hard for me. I admit it, I wanted you for myself, but now,  you are far from my reach. I won't ruin your happiness, I had to understand that long time ago. You can keep living in my mansion, it's yours now, same as my cars. Bye Marinette, I had the best moments of my life with you

He takes away my hand and kissed it then he went to his car. He opened the door and before he heads inside, he looked back at me

Adrien: you aren't a thing or a toy like you always tell me, I was possessive toward you because I felt that whoever get close to you, touch you, kiss you, think about you or any other shit, is like taking away a part of my heart. I never see you as a thing, or just for sex. I never thought that I would fall in love with any girl...... But I fell for you badly. I love you Marinette

I widen my eyes and lift my head when he said that he loves me. I lift my eyes to look at him, to his smile that I love

Adrien: I have to go, I'm sorry Marinette...... I wouldn't have minded being stuck here a little longer with the woman I love

I just looked down to hide my tears. Adrien's smile faded and he starts to get into his car

Adrien: be happy forever. This is the last goodbye .... Princess

It was the last thing he said. We were looking to each other, but I felt a knot in my throat when I saw Adrien's tears falling non stop while staring at me, I can't bear the pain to see Adrien crying. I want to cry a lot, but those tears have fallen when I saw Adrien's car leaving

Tom: it's time Marinette what are you doing here? you know you should marry him

I wiped my tears with my shaking fingers and I turned around to look at my father.

He walked me inside the church, and on the aisle was that bastard child I hate. I looked at my father while walking me to my fucking soon to be husband, he was so happy so I whispered

Marinette: what about my happiness? What about my smile?

Tom: you will love him

Marinette: I didn't love him for the past five years. My heart belongs to someone else

Tom: you will marry him; do you want to see your father in the jail? Think about me? you have to save me, I worked hard to make you the woman you are right now

That's all what he said before landing my hand on that jerk's hand. I was on the aisle, looking down and the priest was talking meanwhile I was thinking of Adrien, the love of my life and about our kitten

I looked at the guests and I found rose, Nathaniel, Zoe, Alya and Nino. They were all sad just like me

By this wedding, not only me who will be lonely but also my little kitten... mine and Adrien's kitten. Tha monster Luka may ask me to abort the baby, and I can't accept that because the baby is the only thing remaining from Adrien for me

My father doesn't care about my happiness, he doesn't care about my tears, not even about knowing that I have someone I love and also after knowing that Luka slapped me in the restaurant in Italy so why should I care about his own fate? Why I should bury my dreams? Why should I make him happy over my own happiness and why should I care?

Priest: Marinette Dupain Cheng, will you take Luka couffaine as your husband?

I lift my head to look at Luka though my veil, he had a mischievous smirk. I closed my eyes and opened them again and I saw Adrien in Luka's place, I saw Adrien's tears .... After promising him that with me, he will never cry again

Marinette: yep, I'll make you smile love, always and forever. I don't want to see you cry again

Adrien: The only reason to cry is for someone that means the world to me. I only cried for my parents, and no one else, and hopefully, it won't happen again. I don't want to shed any tears again

Marinette: this will never happen since I'm by your side kitty cat

(chapter is "reason to cry")

I removed the veil from my hair and throw it behind. Everyone was looking at me clueless except my friends behind as they winked

Now after knowing that Adrien loves me the way I love him, everythinf should change.... right?

Priest: do you accept to take Luka couffaine as your husband?

Marinette: over my dead body, I'll never take this fucking bastard and son of bitch as a husband. the only husband I accept is Adrien Agreste who I dumbed just for the good of my selfish father but after all, nothing worth my happiness, not you, not even my father. bye bitch

I throw the bouquet on his face then I pulled up my wedding dress and I run to leave, but I heard Nathaniel's voice calling me so I turned around as I found him and my friends standing up and looking at me

Nathaniel: Marinette ......... don't show your face in the office again without our fucking boss

I chuckled and I left but Luka was following me so my friends stand just in front of him to keep him a bit busy till I left



I didn't find any car, but I found only a scooter in front of the church with keys. I grabbed my dress and ride the scooter but just before I leave, Alya followed me and gave me her VIP gold card

Alya: use this to pass in the airport, I know you don't have yours now. Good luck

I hugged her fast and then I left just before my friends and Luka left the church

Nathaniel: the scooter supermercy, I tollllld you Dupain Cheng that you will follow the love of your life even on a scooter

I heard Nath yelling from behind, I was driving and laughing but in the same time praying that I reach the airport just before Adrien leave with his private jet

I finally arrived to the airport and once I show them the golden VIP card, they allowed me to get in. it wasn't really busy in his private airport but it was hard to find him so I stopped a random employee

Marinette: where is Adrien's private jet?

Man: Mr. Agreste's jet is going to fly right now, it's in that way

Marinette: noooo

I drive as fast as I could to his jet, and I finally was able to see it, but .... I was late ......

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