dove ━━ meet my ocs

By mockingsjay

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"i thought it was a bird but it was just a paper bag." ❪ a book for my ocs because i love them... More

━━harley harper.
━━zion adams.
━━clea satine.
━━quinn carter.

━━malakai davis.

202 3 0
By mockingsjay

layout inspired by gojoslove.
fandom: five nights at freddy's / book: scapegoat
trigger warnings: mentions of abuse, mentions of self harm, mentions of suicide, mentions of ptsd/intermittent explosive disorder/depression, mentions of parental death, mentions of religious trauma


legal name: malakai davis
birth name: malakai davis
name analysis:
━━malakai ☆ hebrew / angel messenger
━━davis ☆ british / beloved
━━kai ☆ by abby & mike / used friendly, instead of name
━━mal ☆ by mike / used to annoy or tease him
species: human
age: twenty-five
gender identity: male
pronouns: he/him
sexuality: gay
religion: deist (used to be a practicing christian)
date of birth: 3rd april 1975
place of birth: n/a
date of death: n/a
place of death: n/a
ethnicity: african-american
nationality: american
accent: american
languages known: american-english
social class: lower working
schooling: catholic school
previous occupation(s):
━━barista ☆ malakai worked as a barista at his local coffee shop until he got into a fight with a rude customer and was subsequently fired.
current occupation(s):
━━security guard ☆ he shares this job with his friend, mike, and slacks off, usually sleeping on the job.
criminal record:
━━assault / age 17 ☆ a boy at his school was homophobic to him and malakai got so angry that he beat the boy up. he was sentenced to a fine, which was paid by his grandad.
━━verbal assault / age 25 ☆ malakai was out one night and got into an argument with someone. a cop drove by and saw this, breaking it up. the cop turned out to be vanessa shelly, and she let malaki off with a warning, as well as giving him her phone number and resulting in a friendship.
first appearance: five nights at freddy's
first line: n/a
last appearance: five nights at freddy's
last line: n/a


face claim: jordan fisher
voice claim: jordan fisher
alternative face claim(s): n/a
hair colour: black
hair texture: curly
hair length: short
common hairstyles: unstyled
eye colour: brown
height: 5'7/172cm
glasses/contacts: none
piercings: nostril hoop & both earlobes
scars: small cuts on his right wrist from self-harm
other: wears colourful eyeliner & wears silver rings
━━thorns on right forearm ☆ this is simply a bunch of thorns crawling up his forearm, stopping at his elbow.
━━left wrist ☆ this is a tattoo that says 'STILL ALIVE' in black capitals. this represents his battle with an unstable mental health and has a very fitting placement considering his other wrist is covered in self harm scars. it's in plain view for him to see and to remind himself that he's still alive and should learn to like it.
━━DNR on chest ☆ malakai has a 'DO NOT RESUSCITATE' tattoo on his chest. he's not trying to leave the world anymore but if the option is presented to him, he doesn't want that taken away from him by being revived.
outfit gallery:

character colour: dark green
scent: coffee & paint
prized possession(s):
━━cross necklace ☆ he used to wear this necklace constantly when he was a practicing christian. now, he keeps it in his bedside table. sometimes he ponders it but usually, he avoids looking at it.
dominant hand: left
appearances: five nights at freddy's


━━being abused ☆ he was abused as a kid and now fears experiencing it again, leading him to be distrustful of others and he doesn't like opening up to people.
mental conditions:
━━c-ptsd ☆ undiagnosed. this is a result of his abusive childhood. this manifests in self-harming behaviours, nightmares, shame & guilt, as well as a low self esteem.
━━intermittent explosive disorder ☆ undiagnosed. this is a result of his c-ptsd. he gets angry over the littlest things and quite practically explodes, shouting and cursing and starting fights. he often throws things and punches walls.
━━depression ☆ undiagnosed. this is a result of his abusive childhood and religious trauma. this manifests in self-harming behaviours, suicide ideation, pessimism, low self esteem and finding no pleasure in life.
positive traits: caring & humorous & loyal & educated & creative
negative traits: aggressive & angry & defensive & disrespectful & pessimistic
first impression: annoying
typical mood: angry
primary virtue:
━━humorous ☆ malakai has a dry, sarcastic sense of humour. not many people find it funny but he does, and he's more than happy laughing at his own jokes.
primary vice:
━━angry ☆ his IED causes him to lash out often. there's a good chance that if someone has met malakai that they have also had his anger directed at them.
independent / dependent: independent
introverted / extroverted: extroverted
dominant smarts: streetsmart
optimistic / pessimistic: pessimistic
soft spots: little kids & baby animals
goals: to get diagnosed with IED so he can get meds for it
━━poetry ☆ malakai often writes (bad) poetry to process his emotions as suggested by his therapist.
━━zine making ☆ malakai started this as a teenager, when he was most active in his local punk community, and sometimes still makes them, but usually just puts them up on his wall.
━━painting ☆ this is another coping mechanism his therapist suggested to process his emotions. he usually paints about his anger, usually painting a life-like still of a mess he's made after an angry outburst. he doesn't hang the paintings up, he simply leaves them in his art on the floor or the easel.
distinct talent: painting
biggest weakness: his temper
likes: painting & reading & writing poetry
dislikes: bigots & bullies & cops & patronisers & religion
habits: fiddling with his rings & running his hand over his scars & staring at his 'STILL ALIVE' tattoo
pet peeves: patronisers & bigots
an event that would break them: being abused again
favourite season: autumn
favourite animal: caterpillar
favourite movie: the lost boys
favourite book genre: political thriller
favourite music genre: punk rock
booksmart: 7/10
combat: 7/10
comedy: 6/10
confidence: 8/10
collaboration: 5/10
emotional control: 0/10
flirting: 5/10
kindness: 7/10
leadership: 5/10
loyalty: 10/10
lust: 6/10
manipulation: 2/10
responsibility: 5/10
sarcasm: 8/10
selfishness: 6/10
streetsmart: 9/10
drinking habits: sometimes, if he's had a bad day
smoking habits: often, multiple times a day
addictions: smoking & self-harm (mostly recovered)
moral alignment: true neutral
personality type: enfp
zodiac sign: aries
okokok / lalala: okokok
temperament: choleric
deadly sin: wrath
animal representative: dog (rabid, loyal, protective)
soldier / poet / king: soldier (righteousness, strength, violence)
tropes: underdog & hot-head & religious guilt & broken anti-hero
similar characters: n/a


━━mother ☆ unnamed, dead. died in a plane crash when malakai was four.
━━father ☆ unnamed, dead. died in a plane crash when malakai was four.
━━grandfather ☆ unnamed, dead. died when malakai was twenty-one.
sibling(s): n/a
family relationships:
━━mother ☆ 5/10. she did what she was supposes to and was generally a good parent but malakai doesn't remember her since he was so young when she died. it's not often he gets sad and misses her but when it does happen, he's inconsolable.
━━father ☆ 5/10. he did what he was supposes to and was generally a good parent but malakai doesn't remember him since he was so young when he died. it's not often he gets sad and misses him but when it does happen, he's inconsolable.
━━grandfather ☆ 0/10. after his parents' death, malakai was looked after by his grandad. his grandad was heavily religious and forced malakai to be christian. his grandfather shamed him everything he did and was both racist and homophobic, which led to a lot of shame and guilt in malakai. his grandad verbally abused him, leading to low self esteem and because he was shamed for any anger, it led to his intermittent explosive disorder. malakai was often forced to pray for forgiveness or 'repent' though he'd never done anything wrong.
pet(s): n/a
mentor(s): n/a
friend(s): mike & abby & vanessa
frenemies: n/a
enemies: william afton
love interest(s):
━━mike schmidt ☆ grumpy x less grumpy & broken hearts mend together & annoyances to lovers / kiss with a fist by florence + machine


character playlist:
━━alien blues by vundabar ☆ my teeth are yellow. hello world, would you like me a little better if they were white like yours? i need to purge my urges, shame. i need an alibi to justify, somebody to blame.
━━oh ana by mother mother ☆ i'll be god today. hold my head under the bath and breathe away. slit my wrists and watch that blood evaporate. being this godly can't be good for ana's safety.
━━yung and writhing by rew ☆ i'm just a little tired of my life. talk to me, tell me i am fine. suddenly it's late, i realize what i've done, staring at my hands.
━━take me to church by hozier ☆ take me to church, i'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies, i'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife.
━━i deserve to bleed by sushi soucy ☆ i want to be torn apart excruciatingly. i punish my body 'cause it's not good enough for me. the scary thoughts are spreading like a weed, the thoughts that say that i deserve to bleed.
━━self harm ☆ malakai started self harming at eleven and recovered at twenty-three when he started therapy, however he sometimes lapses.
━━punk ☆ malakai is a huge punk. he may not look the part but he's very vocal about his beliefs.
━━friends ☆ malakai had a small close-knit group of friends at catholic school. they introduced him to punk culture and kept him alive throughout his teen years. he's no longer in contact with them.
━━religious guilt ☆ malakai has a lot of religious guilt, resulting in low self-esteem, anxiety over the results of his actions and constantly feeling guilty. he's worked hard to get rid of this and he copes with it well, though.
━━suicide ☆ malakai has attempted suicide a few times as a teenager but now has a passive look on life: he'll cross a road without looking but won't actively try to end his life.
━━happy ☆ malakai can seem like a generally happy and okay person around people who don't know him as he puts on a front, making jokes and chatting excessively. it's all an attempt from him to enjoy his life but it rarely works.
━━deist ☆ this means he believes that there is a god who created the world & humans but chooses not to influence events or intervene with the world nor humans.

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