
By omnivertgirl

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Disclaimer Naruto belongs to Masashi Kishimoto. More



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By omnivertgirl

The buildings were all different sizes, some were small, some were big, others were extremely tall and terrifying, like the one almost on the far distance behind the hokage tower. Which she could see not because she had activated her byakugan, but because of the natural ability to see a bit farther than most because of being born as a Hyūga.

Her lilac eyes swept over with childish curiosity at everything around her. She was unable to keep the excitement bubbling in her heart but she managed to only show a pleased smile on face. Although if one could look in her eyes, they would see the clear gleam of happiness that she was trying hard to hide, to keep the image of the Hyūga clan. Although it was very hard, It was the first time Hinata was out in the open and seeing Konohagakure so she was bound to be excited.

Hinata was very happy and excited at everything she both saw and heard. It was all completely different from the large Hyūga compound which was plain and always quiet in comparison to the village which was bright and bustling. There was so much noise from those in restaurants, children playing around and running about and shinobi appearing and disappearing on the roofs and edges of the village.

It was all different from everything the young heiress was used to and it was quite amazing because she knew nothing. It made the experience more wonderful as she tugged impulsively on her mother's clothing, a rare occurrence for the usual obedient and quiet heiress, but Hinata couldn't help it as she looked at a swing in the distance, her eyes widened, full of curiosity, making Hitomi break into a soft smile.

Hitomi encouraged Hinata to go, who didn't think twice and went to the swing as she sat on it. She pushed her legs back and forth and giggled in happiness while Hitomi only watched with a smile on her face.

It would be nice if Hinata had a bit of a childhood, Hitomi knew more than anyone that it would be taken away as a member of the Hyūga family even more so as the heiress of the Hyūga clan.

Hinata completely unaware of her mother's thoughts swung back and forth, giggling and laughing with a completely blissful expression on her face. As the four year old knew very well that this would always be rare occurrences for someone like her, born into a prestigious clan as the Hyūga clan, so Hinata relished on this temporary moments of absolute freedom.

She slowed down with those thoughts and looked at the bright blue sky with a peaceful smile on her face. She held her small hand to the sky and looked at it, she liked the sky, she liked the clouds, she wanted to touch them, they were so peaceful, always floating, seeming so f-

The young Hyūga's train of thoughts were disturbed as she heard a small shuffle. She looked to the side where the sound was coming from and her body instinctively became tense.

She waited for a moment and then the cause of the shuffle appeared making her sigh softly in relief. The four year old Hyūga observed the boy who had vibrant blonde hair, tan skin, and quite beautiful sparkly blue eyes that were so,


That was the same word that her mother used to describe what her uncle felt when her aunt suddenly disappeared/died and Hinata caught him gazing at a training ground seemingly there but not there. Her mother had said disappeared but her father had told her the simple truth in that. Her aunt had died and Hinata knew that meant she was gone and never coming back, it was what she understood but even so, she didn't understand how and why death was death because of her mother's intense protection, which of course her father was slowly unravelling.

Mainly because he couldn't have a daughter who would become an heiress but be unaware of the cruelty and the basic cycle of life which was birth to death. In his eyes she was old enough to know this and as clan heiress of the Hyūga clan she should always be ahead of others.

Hinata looked at the boy with blue eyes which were lonely and she couldn't help but feel sad. She may not know death, but she knew what lonely was. She had been lonely a lot but at that time she did not know that the look in her eyes had been loneliness.

Hinata would usually feel lonely when she was back in her big room looking at the mirror after being stared at by her relatives and answering questions in a textbook manner rather than with her own thoughts. She would also feel lonely whenever she sat in her room and tried to memorize everything her father told her to because of who she was.The feeling of being lonely would make her chest so painful and in those moments when overcrowded by everyone, Hinata was begging in her head for someone to just see her and talk to her, for someone to understand.

Understand what?

She didn't know, but Hinata knew that being lonely hurt and when she saw that similar look that she usually had, on her uncle's face, Hinata wanted to know what that feeling was.

Then her mother told her, it was loneliness. And the boy infront of her was so so lonely. She could see it in his eyes and it made her heart sad that someone felt what she felt and it was clearly worse. She didn't want anyone to feel that painful feeling, it was horrible.

"Do, do you want to play with me?" She asked softly as her lilac eyes looked at him with a gentle expression that Naruto was awestruck at this obviously pretty, important, definitely rich girl who looked at him not as others looked at him. But rather looked at him a bit like the old man did but less sad and more of the truth, he didn't know how to put it and instead nodded his head.

Hinata let him sit on the swing as she started to push him on the swing while he held on and they both started to laugh.

Naruto felt so happy while they continued to push each other taking turns as Hitomi watched in the distance.

Her eye had grown startled then relaxed though the way the boy looked, it made her heart ache so terribly, she couldn't even believe this was the hero that was supposed to be showered with love.

Hitomi's hands almost clenched but she maintained her dignified appearance and watched them play together happily with a smile on her face. It turned into frown as a figure appeared then her expression turned neutral immediately.

"Mikoto-san" she greeted calmly and looked at the two figures Mikoto was walking with, she immediately smiled.

"Hello Itachi, and this must be Sasuke, nice to meet you" she said while her lilac eyes held a softness in them that made Itachi's ears tint with red while Sasuke wowed at her eyes with a star struck look, "pleasure Hyūga-sama" itachi said calmly and Hitomi merely smiled at him, this one and the Shisui boy were the only Uchiha she liked much like how Hinata and Hizashi were the only Hyūga she liked, she loved Hiashi, her husband but she didn't like him as a Hyūga.

"Why don't you go play with Hinata and Naruto" Mikoto immediately tensed at the mention of the blonde and Hitomi noticed as she looked at the Uchiha Matriarch who was about to refuse. However Sasuke had already dragged itachi which was impossible rather itachi had willingly let himself be dragged observing that the two matriarchs were tense and they were clearly not friends like before, the ten year old was not chunin and called the youngest protege, second to the Yondaime for nothing.

Itachi and Sasuke walked to the two and introduced themselves while Hinata's eyes tinted in recognition and she couldn't help but the small frown internally. However she decided to ignore it for a moment as they started playing while Sasuke and Naruto began to bicker and Hinata wanted to stop them but held herself back though itachi didn't and gave them both frowns making Hinata sigh.

She felt a tug in her heart as she looked at Naruto, Itachi and Sasuke feeling an odd sensation in her chest as she couldn't help the increase of her heartbeat. She looked away from them as something in her spiked as she looked at the far distance. Her heart rumbled while her something thundered and she swore she felt a vibration in her entire body.

Her lilac eyes met cold blue glowing ones and she trembled and took a step back. They were gone.

"Hyūga-san?" Itachi questioned and she smiled though there was unease and fear in the four year old's eyes, she couldn't have imagined thst right? She met itachi's onyx eyes and she took another step back as her eyes saw a dark red in his eyes. It was getting darker and pulling her in a dark hole.

Hinata blinked.

She shook her head and looked at itachi again and the red gone. She fumbled with her fingers for a moment while she pinched her elbow, then someone stood beside itachi while Naruto and Sasuke's bickers ran in the background with Itachi's question voice feeling like a blur.

Her lilac eyes swept over him to see a man with powdered blue hair and glowing blue eyes staring at her. "Who are you?" Itachi questioned and the man looked at him for a moment his expression neutral then he immediately faced her with blue eyes glowing.

Then he was gone.

Hinata saw that Sasuke and Naruto were still bickering, their moms were calmly watching them but itachi. He had spoke? So he had seen right? She wasn't crazy?

"...did you see the man?" Hinata breathed out and Itachi looked at her blankly, eyes full of confusion. "What are you talking about Hyūga-sama?" He asked and Hinata felt heart shatter as her eyes flooded with fear? Had she imagined that? Or had the man been real? She didn't notice that when itachi spoke, his right pointing finger had twitched.

Hitomi looked at Mikoto unable to keep her disappointment at bay. However she didn't say anything but Mikoto did. "I would advise you not to make decisions for my children again" Mikoto said.

Hitomi merely looked at her with a neutral expression.

Mikoto as Kushina's best friend and teammate was disappointing because she couldn't lend a hand to the child of her dear friend because of her husband, her clan and her fear.

It was half understandable since making her children play with Naruto was dangerous and showing attention to him probably was against Fugaku who didn't want to do anything with the boy and the clan. Obviously the clan was just an issue itself but to not lend a helping hand even in the shadows, Hitomi Hyūga couldn't fathom. Though she hadn't want to judge, she couldn't help it maybe she could do something in the shadows.

They both kept quiet and watched the children, although their minds were far from them


Itachi closed his eyes, he was aware there was someone, he just couldn't sense that person and that was proof enough that they were way out of his league.

He took out a paper and wrote something on it and as if on queue a vortex appeared and a boy who looked no older than seven appeared with it. He had long brunette hair that reminded itachi of his ancestor Madara Uchiha and had cold, detached onyx eyes that guaranteed it in his mind. This boy was an Uchiha, he could see it and he could feel it and he must not underestimate him.

The boy spoke one brief sentence and Itachi carefully digested it unable to shake off the power and presence of the boy that was non other like he had felt before, that was unlike even of that man on that one mission who claimed he was Madara Uchiha.

Although Itachi figured one thing as he and the unknown Uchiha spoke.


He would not remember any of this in the morning.


Hitomi squeezed her husband's shoulders who let his wife do as he please pretending to be unbothered, when he was incredibly pleased while Hitomi just smiled good naturedly, what a prideful man she married.

"How was you and Hinata's day?" he asked while making sure not to lean too much on her stomach. She was with child after all. Hitomi hummed at that, "it was pleasant, Hinata played on the swing and I got dango" she said without a trace of being dishonest as it was truth.


Indra watched the blonde silently while he felt the familiar tremor of chakra igniting a pleased gleam in his eyes.




Hinata Hyūga clutched on her covers as sweat rolled down her forehead while small hisses escaped her mouth. Her chest ached in agony while the screams echoed in her ear and all she saw was destruction. All she could see was death and destruction.

The terror.

The terror was everywhere and the next day when Hinata looked at herself in the mirror, she realized she wasn't alone, she would soon find out, her body was not hers alone.


"Are you sure?"

Hitomi asked gently while leaning on Hiashi as she was still a bit tired since she ran very fast the day before. She looked at her daughter who's eyes were clear while she didn't even blink making Hitomi clench while a question boarded on her mind.

Who was this?

The girl looked at the three as a sweet and harmless smile crossed her features. "Don't worry" she said swiftly while she walked away from them.

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