Fragile Petals of Comfort

By taegivity

124 11 1

Yoongi having panic attacks after being interrogated by the police. His rival, Taehyung, shows up to his hous... More

Fragile Petals of Comfort

124 11 1
By taegivity

Yoongi sat in the cold, sterile room, the weight of the police interrogation pressing down on him. The harsh fluorescent lights illuminated the tension in the air, intensifying his anxiety. He felt trapped, his heart pounding in his chest as the detectives fired question after question at him.

Detective Park, a stern-looking officer, leaned forward across the table. "Mr. Min, we need you to cooperate fully with our investigation. We have reason to believe you may have vital information regarding the recent incident."

Yoongi's voice shook as he answered, his mind clouded with fear and confusion. "I've already told you everything I know. I had no involvement in any of it."

Detective Kim, a slightly more sympathetic figure, sighed and adjusted his glasses. "Mr. Min, we've received some credible information linking you to the scene. We need to understand your whereabouts and actions on the night in question."

Yoongi's hands trembled as he struggled to recall the events of that night. "I was at home, working on some music. I can show you my studio, the timestamps on my project files."

Detective Park's gaze hardened. "We've been informed that you left your residence during that time, Mr. Min. Can anyone vouch for your whereabouts?"

Yoongi's panic intensified, his breathing becoming rapid and shallow. "I... I don't have anyone who can confirm. I was alone."

Detective Kim leaned back in his chair, his expression softening slightly. "Look, Mr. Min, we understand that this is a stressful situation. But we need your full cooperation. If you have any information that can help us, now is the time to share it."

Yoongi's mind raced; his thoughts jumbled amidst his rising panic. Was there something he was missing, something that could clear his name? He struggled to piece together any potential leads, but his anxiety clouded his thinking.

As the interrogation continued, the questions grew more intense, and Yoongi's panic reached its peak. The room felt suffocating, and the walls seemed to close in around him. He could no longer focus on the detectives' words, his mind consumed by the rising tide of fear.

Finally, the interrogation ended, and Yoongi was allowed to leave. He stumbled out of the police station, his legs weak and his hands trembling. His breathing became shallow, and his vision blurred as the panic attack took hold.

Fighting against the overwhelming sense of dread, Yoongi managed to make his way home. He collapsed onto his couch, his body trembling uncontrollably. Tears welled up in his eyes as he struggled to catch his breath, the panic tightening its grip on his chest.

Just as the panic threatened to consume him entirely, a soft knock echoed through the room. Yoongi's heart skipped a beat, and he hesitated for a moment before mustering the strength to answer the door. He opened it to find Taehyung, his long-time rival and fellow musician, standing there with a bouquet of flowers in his hands.

"Hey, Yoongi," Taehyung said softly, concern etched on his face. "I heard what happened. Can I come in?"

Yoongi, still caught in the clutches of his panic, couldn't find the words to respond. He nodded weakly and stepped aside, allowing Taehyung to enter. The scent of the flowers filled the room, their vibrant colors contrasting with Yoongi's somber mood.

Taehyung placed the flowers on the coffee table and turned to face Yoongi, who was now sitting back on the couch, his hands trembling. "I know we're rivals, but right now, I'm just a friend who wants to be here for you," Taehyung said gently.

Yoongi finally found his voice, albeit shaky. "Thanks, Taehyung. I... I don't know what to do. I thought it would all be over after the interrogation, but the fear won't go away."

Taehyung knelt in front of Yoongi, offering him a comforting presence. "It's okay to feel scared, Yoongi. Panic attacks can be overwhelming, but remember, you're not alone. I'm here with you."

Yoongi's eyes welled up with tears, and he choked back a sob. "I'm supposed to be strong, Taehyung. I'm supposed to have it all together. But right now, I feel so small and helpless."

Taehyung reached out and took Yoongi's trembling hands in his own, offering a sense of grounding. "Strength doesn't mean being invincible, Yoongi. It means being able to acknowledge your weaknesses and allowing others to support you. You don't have to face this alone."

As Yoongi's tears flowed freely, Taehyung pulled him into a gentle embrace. Yoongi buried his face in Taehyung's shoulder, seeking solace and comfort. Taehyung held him tightly, his touch warm and reassuring.

They stayed like that for what felt like an eternity, the weight of Yoongi's fear slowly dissipating in the safety of Taehyung's arms. Taehyung's steady heartbeat provided a rhythm for Yoongi to focus on, grounding him in the present moment.

Eventually, Yoongi's sobs subsided, leaving him emotionally drained but more at ease. He pulled away slightly, his eyes red and puffy, but a faint smile tugging at his lips.

"Thank you, Taehyung," Yoongi whispered, his voice filled with gratitude. "I don't know what I would do without you."

Taehyung smiled back; his eyes filled with genuine care. "You never have to find out, Yoongi. I'll always be here for you, no matter what."

Feeling a renewed sense of strength, Yoongi wiped away his tears and took a deep breath. "I think I could use something to eat. I haven't had anything since the police station."

Taehyung's smile widened, and he nodded. "I anticipated that. I brought some food with me. How about I make you something while you rest?"

Yoongi's eyes softened, touched by Taehyung's thoughtfulness. "You really didn't have to, but... I would really appreciate it."

With a gentle pat on Yoongi's shoulder, Taehyung stood up and made his way to the kitchen. Yoongi followed him, his steps still unsteady but filled with newfound hope.

Taehyung hummed a soft melody as he opened the refrigerator, gathering ingredients for a simple yet comforting meal. Yoongi watched him move around the kitchen, his heart swelling with affection for his rival-turned-friend.

As Taehyung chopped vegetables and prepared a stir-fry, Yoongi couldn't help but be captivated by his grace and skill. Taehyung's presence alone brought a sense of calm to the room, a reminder that there was beauty and love even in the midst of uncertainty.

Once the meal was ready, Taehyung plated it with care and set it on the dining table. He gestured for Yoongi to take a seat, and they shared a quiet meal together, the taste of each bite offering nourishment for both body and soul.

As they ate, Yoongi felt a warmth seep into his being, a newfound strength replacing the fear that had consumed him earlier. Taehyung's unwavering support and the simple act of cooking for him had reminded Yoongi of the power of friendship and love.

In that moment, Yoongi knew that no matter how challenging the road ahead might be, he had someone by his side who would hold him up when he felt like falling. And with Taehyung's presence, Yoongi found the courage to face whatever obstacles lay ahead, knowing that together they could weather any storm.

As they continued talking and laughing, time passed unnoticed. Taehyung found himself engrossed in a story, his words flowing effortlessly. When he glanced over at Yoongi, he couldn't help but smile at the sight.

Yoongi had dozed off, curled up on the sofa, leaning to the side. Taehyung playfully shook his head, amused by Yoongi's adorable sleeping position. Leaning closer to Yoongi's ear, he whispered teasingly, "You really know how to make a grand entrance, don't you? Falling asleep in the middle of our conversation."

Carefully, Taehyung lifted Yoongi into his arms, cradling him gently. He carried him and then placed him back on the sofa, making sure to arrange him comfortably. Yoongi stirred slightly but remained fast asleep.

Noticing the chill in the room, Taehyung took off his long coat and draped it over Yoongi, ensuring he would stay warm. He tucked it around him, making sure to cover him completely.

As Taehyung stood there, gazing down at Yoongi, a soft smile formed on his lips. He leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss on Yoongi's forehead, his affection shining through. It was a silent gesture, a way of expressing his care without disturbing Yoongi's peaceful slumber.

With one last glance at Yoongi, Taehyung turned and quietly left the house, making his way back to his own home. He knew Yoongi would wake up and find his way to the bedroom eventually, but for now, Taehyung had taken care of him, ensuring his comfort and warmth.

As Taehyung walked through the quiet streets, he couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. Despite their rivalry, their shared moments had brought them closer, revealing a bond that went beyond competition. Taehyung knew that he would always be there for Yoongi, supporting him through both the highs and lows.

And as for Yoongi, he would awaken to the warmth of Taehyung's coat, a reminder of the that surrounded him. It was in these small acts of kindness that their connection grew stronger, fostering a sense of trust and camaraderie that would endure any test of time.

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