The Divine Temptation (Forbid...

Par CameoLovers

374 9 1

In the quaint town of Pinevale, where tradition and religion hold a firm grip, 24-year-old Evangeline returns... Plus

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Trigger warning (Please Read)
2. Sticky Lemonade (Edited)
3. Rosy plump lips (Edited)
4. Are you a Virgin? (Edited)
5. The First Lady of the United States (Edited)
6. Creamy Nose (Edited)
7. Make a Wish

1. Burn for my sins (Edited)

47 2 0
Par CameoLovers

'Take delight in the lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.'

Pslam 37:4


"As I retire from my pastoral duties, I continue to carry with me the memories of our shared joys, sorrows, and moments of spiritual growth. I am grateful for the privilege of being a part of this community, and I trust that God has wonderful plans in store for each of us," Father Richard clears his throat before continuing.

"With a heart full of joy and in the Lord, I look forward to passing on the duties to my son, Gabriel. While he can't be with us until later, I am confident that under his leadership, this community will continue to grow and flourish. Let us move forward with faith, knowing that the same God who has led us thus far will continue to guide our steps. May his grace abound our lives. And may the love we have shared be a testament to the enduring power of faith and community."

An echo of amens sounds from different directions of the church. I roll my eyes as I attempt to cool myself off with a paper fan. It is the hottest day of the year, and instead of basking in the sun, drinking a Long Island Iced tea, I'm being forced to melt into the church's pew chair while Father Richard drones on about his love for the man upstairs.
I shift in my seat, feeling the back of my dress slightly peel off my sticky skin. I lost touch with my faith years ago, something that makes me stick out like a sore thumb here in the overtly religious town of Pinevale. Which is why during the entirety of the service, not only do I feel the various eyes of prophets and kings boring their stained glass eyes into my burning skin but also the wandering eyes of Pinevale's judgmental residents. All looking at me as if they've seen Jesus rise from the grave himself.

It's been four years since I left, and not on good terms, so for them to see me back here is probably a shock to their conservative systems because anyone that left Pinevale never tended to come back. I'm taken out of my daze by my grandmother hitting my arm with her own fan. "Sit up straight, Evangeline," she scolds. I straighten my spine, not realising that I've developed a slouch, but I guess that's what happens when I'm bored to death. "Before we leave and enjoy the refreshments that have been kindly set up for my departure," he smiles, letting out a small chuckle. "I would like to end with one of my favourite hymns, so if we could all rise," he raises his arms in gesture.

Everyone starts to stand, while I stay planted in my seat, but not for long when she changes her tactic and hits me over the head with her fan, gesturing me up. I groan as I rise; my bones aching from the two hours spent sitting down. "You know, I don't think God would take too kindly to you hitting one of his children in his house," I say. Her mouth tightens, not responding to my remark as she joins in with the singing.

What a privilege to carry

Everything to God in prayer

Oh what peace we often forfeit

Oh what needless pain we bear

All because we do not carry

Everything to God in prayer

What a friend we have in Jesus

What a friend we have in Him

For He knows us and

He holds us in His hands

And His grace is never failing

And His love without an end

What a friend we have in Jesus

What a friend we have in Him

While not a believer, I quickly thank God for having Father Richard pick a short hymn. The shorter the lyrics, the faster we're out of here. Or so I thought, as with good comes bad. Rather than filing out with the other people once the service reaches its end, Gram's decides to walk over to Father Richard to give blessings for his retirement. I roll my eyes; it's not like she's not seeing him later and outside.

"Father Richard," she calls out, waving her fan to catch his attention.

"Ah, Lillian, it's nice to have you back," he says with open arms, his alb dragging on the floor as he takes a step toward us, clearly too big for him.

Gram's took a break from Sunday service, as she flew over to Connecticut for her sister's funeral. It was the very reason I had come back to Pinevale. While I never met Mary, Gram's wasn't doing well after her death, so I decided that before I get my big girl corporate job in New York, I would come back and spend some time with her, even when this town never welcomed me. But I loved my Gram's dearly, and now with the passing of Mary, we were each other's only family members.

"Yes, it's good to be back. What a wonderful service," he brings his hands up and rests them over his chest as he nods his head.

"Thank you, Lillian, I wouldn't have been able to make it special if it wasn't for all of you supporting me to the very end," he continues. I gag internally at his comment. Why was everyone in this town so 'wholesome'?

"Oh, stop it, it was all you," she smiles, as she now playfully hits him with the fan. If this woman continued at the rate she was going, she'd be hit with a misdemeanour before we left the damn church.

"And if it isn't Miss Evangeline, oh how you've grown into such a beautiful young woman, It's nice to see you've come back to help your grandmother," he states, with the same toothy smile. His extra round face made it so that every time he smiled, his cheeks rose high enough to close his eyes, which means I hope he doesn't see my third, eye roll of the morning.

"It's what God would have wanted," my grandmother darts her eyes toward me, narrowing in on me as she catches on to my sarcastic comments. "Yes, you're right; I'm sure your time here will be fruitful and full of blessings." My face twists. Fruitful? Was he serious? Gram's catches on to my disdain and attempts to change the subject. "Yes, well, she's been a great help so far; she's just looking for a job to get her hands stuck into during her temporary visit, don't want her spending all day indoors," she says. "Ah, yes, I assume there aren't many job postings around," he clears his throat, giving him a brief moment to think. "You know my son is starting tomorrow, and I was going to help him out, but now that I think about it. It might be best if I loosen my reins a bit, let him explore on his own. Maybe Evangeline here can help out; she's aware of the town more than he is and some of the older people. We also have some funding left over for this quarter, that we can use to cover a basic minimum wage. How does that sound?" He suggests, glancing between Gram's and I.

"Father Richard, that would be great," She agrees, before I could interject. If Gabriel was anything like his father, he would be the last person I would want to be around.

"Perfect, well, Gabriel will be coming down soon, and will be at the farewell barbecue, so I can introduce you two together then," I force out a smile, not responding.

"Well, we both look forward to it; we won't keep you long; see you in the square, Father Richard." She waves and places her hand on my waist as she guides us out of the church. "Thank you, Evangeline, for not putting up a fight," she says, with a small smile. I wrap my free arm around her and give her a small squeeze as we walk towards the town square. If life with my grandmother taught me anything, it was that everything she does, she means well.

"Anyway, Gabriel's not too far off your own age, and he's a very handsome boy, so it might be good for you."

"Gram's," I practically shout in shock, taken aback by her remark.

"What?" She says, trying to look innocent. "Just because I'm old now doesn't mean I can't appreciate a good-looking man."

"Yes, but it's not exactly like I can date the man; he's a priest, don't they abstain from sex?" I reply.

"Oh, don't be stupid; that's 18th-century thinking. How do you think Gabriel was made?" She pipes back. Well, I mean, she has a point; I chuckle while giving her another squeeze. I love this woman.

It's not long until we arrive at the square. All roads leading to the square are closed off as various tables fill the streets. Each table is adorned with various finger foods, cakes, and desserts and drinks. Non-alcoholic, of course. Colourful bunting in summer shades are strung from various lampposts, which match the helium-filled balloons that are scattered around. The town's kids run around, either playing tag or catching bubbles, while the adults gossip among themselves, as their older offspring manage the tables. As Gram's and I walk in, I can feel the eyes and hear the hushed tones on my arrival. Gram's squeezes my waist. "Ignore them, petal, they're just jealous of your good looks." I smile as I bow my head and kiss her cheek. I decide to let her walk around and mingle by herself, and I'll be ready for when she wants to leave. Gram's loves a good celebration, and I didn't want to make her day any more awkward by the distaste of others if I were to walk around with her. It's no surprise I'm not welcome back; it was the entire reason I had left, to save me from the torture.

For a town so wrapped up in its religious entitlement, it really held onto the darkest of sinners and secrets. I wrap my arms around myself as I walk around the square aimlessly, looking up into the sky and taking in the sun's rays. Weirdly enough, it was a lot cooler outside; I chuckle to myself; you were burning up for stepping on consecrated land. My subconscious pipes up. "Any chance of being let in on the joke?" I lower my head from the sun and look in the direction of the voice as I stop in place.

Standing in front of me was a young man, probably late twenties to early thirties; standing to be around 6' 2. I focus my eyes on him, with tousled almost black hair and light tan skin, which paired gracefully with an overall strong jawline and facial structure; he was of striking beauty. His sparkling hazel eyes was complimented perfectly with his dark green loose-fitting short-sleeved button-up shirt, which he wore tucked into a pair of loose suit-like trousers. Not only a beauty but stylish; I'll give him that.

He stands with his hands in his pockets, with an awkward smile on his face. "Uh, hi, I'm Gabriel, I don't believe we've met before," he speaks, and with striking beauty comes with a voice as smooth as an angel. Deep, and powerful. He puts an open palm hand out for a handshake. "Evangeline," I unwrap my arms and put my own out to meet his, as we shake hands for a brief moment. Gabriel. His name rings a bell as I register that he's Father Richard's son. Well, call me sister because I would get on my knees for this man. I guess Gram's was right; he was, in fact, insanely handsome and good-looking.

"Well, this is awkward," he says, his smile slightly falters as he looks down at his feet. As I realise that I've not replied to his question, and have only been staring at him. "Oh yeah, the joke wasn't even funny. I was just thinking about how it was hotter during the service than it is out here, and that the reason was because I was slowly burning for my sins" I splutter out. I slowly start to cringe internally, as his smile now completely drops. Way to go, Evangeline!

"Oh-uh, I think it probably had more to do with the lack of air conditioning than any sins; I haven't heard of anyone burning up in a church since Claire Bermont came in with the stomach flu," he recovers us from the awkwardness. I let out a laugh, as he smiles. The new priest is not only good-looking but also funny. We both start walking, him by my side. "So, have you recently moved around here?" he asks.

"Not really, more like moved back, but only temporarily. I'm here for my grandmother; she lost her sister a couple of weeks back, so I'm keeping her company for a bit," I say, as we fall into a comfortable pace.

"Ah, Ms. Walters, she's a really lovely lady; she makes the most delicious lemon muffins." I smile at his compliment.

"Shh, I let you into a little secret, but you have to promise not to tell anyone, but it's my recipe, and most if not all the times it's been made, I've been the one to do it" He dramatically gasps, and I laugh.

"Your secret and hers are safe with me; I won't tell a soul," he brings his hand to his mouth and pretends to zip it. We continue our walk around in a comfortable silence, as we both admire the festivities; we finish our first lap around when we arrive back to the most populated part.

"So what is it th-" Gabriel's question is cut off by a voice, I hoped to never have to endure again.


"Oh hi, Gabriel!" She practically shrieks, her voice like nails on a chalkboard. "Oh, so I see you've met the town's whore," she mumbles under her breath, loud enough for only me to hear, as she scowls in my direction. Welcome back, Evangeline...


The first chapter of my brand new book is here! 

I hope you find yourself interested, so far I've written 24 chapters of this story that are ready to be posted gradually while I work through the book. 

Look forward to sharing this story. 

Goodbye my lovelies!

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