Blue - A JDronica fanfic

By emmygoldbloom

7K 190 139

This fic is what would have happened if Veronica didn't get away during the events of "Blue" in Heathers the... More

Chapter 1: Blue
Chapter 2: Please Don't Leave Me Alone
Chapter 3: Our Love Is God
Chapter 4: Damaged, Really Damaged
Chapter 5: I Worship You
Chapter 6: Come Join Heather in Hell
Chapter 7: Yo, Girl, Keep It Together
Chapter 8: Dead Girl Walking
Chapter 10: You Changed My Heart
Chapter 11: Veronica?
Author Note
Author Note Pt 2
Chapter 12: Freak, Slut, Loser, Shortbus

Chapter 9: They Made You Blind, Messed Up Your Mind

274 12 28
By emmygoldbloom

TW: Please read with care, this chapter contains sewerslide, medical talk, child loss and de@th, as always stay safe my loveliesv💕💕

Veronica's mom walked in, calling "Veronica" throughout the house, going upstairs to Veronica's room to check if she was back. Upon walking in, she saw her hanging, dropping to her knees and screaming hysterically at the sight of her daughter hanging there lifeless, her head fallen to the side, her hair covering most of her face, the part of her face you could see though was a deathly grey.

"What, what's happened??" Mr Sawyer came running into the room upon hearing her screaming, having no idea what had happened previously, just coming in from work "oh my god"

"C-call 911, get her down!" His wife told him frantically

"Call 911 first or?"

"No you idiot, get her down! Now!" She ordered him

He got her down, undoing the noose and laying her down on her bed

"P-put her on the floor, she needs CPR, I can save her"

"Honey, look at her" he looked at his wife "she's gone"

"No" She shook her head "no she's not, she's not giving up that easily. Now put her on the damn floor so I can save our daughter!"

He picked Veronica back up and laid her on the floor as his wife told him to do, before walking over to Veronica's telephone and dialling 911 "yes, ambulance please"

Mrs Sawyer crawled to her daughter, leaning over her and checking her pulse and if she was breathing "no, no you are not leaving like this, you're not babygirl" She spoke to her as she did chest compressions as Veronica wasn't breathing nor was her heart beating "I'm so so sorry, I should have kept you safe, I failed you but I won't again, you just need to get through this okay"

Mr Sawyer couldn't watch his daughter or wife like that so once he was done talking to the 911 operator he went downstairs, making an excuse he was going to wait downstairs to open the door for the ambulance.

"Where and you going??" She called to him

"Waiting for the paramedics to come so I can let them in" he called back upstairs to her, going to the kitchen and getting a beer out the fridge, drinking it

Mrs Sawyer continued giving Veronica CPR but there was no sign of life left in her






She counted the chest compressions before giving Veronica two rescue breaths, trying to get oxygen back into her lungs.






She counted and gave her another 2 rescue breaths

"Come on"

"Come on, Ronnie, wake up"

"Please, just wake up"

She spoke as she continued chest compressions.

She started to tire but fortunately her husband came upstairs with the paramedics as she did. She stood up, giving the paramedics space to do their job, noticing on one of their uniforms "T. CHANDLER" was printed on it, she thought nothing of it, seeing it nothing more than a coincidence her daughters dead best friend shared the same surname as a paramedic. She brushed it off, glaring at her husband with the beer in his hand.

"How long has she been like this?" Nigel, one of the paramedics asked as he got out what they needed to revive her whilst the other paramedic, Tom, resumed chest compressions and rescue breaths as soon as Mrs Sawyer stopped.

"I-I don't know, she ran out so I went out looking for her but I couldn't find her so I came home thinking maybe she'd have made her way home and then I came upstairs and found her like this" She rambled a bit, devastated to see her daughter laying there on the floor like that and terrified she'd never see her daughters beautiful brown eyes look at her again.

Veronica looked around her surroundings, she was in a dark space, looking around, no walls, no doors, no ceiling, just pitch black darkness as far as the eye could see. She saw a tiny glowing light in the darkness, barely the size of a pin prick, she walked closer to the light and it got larger the closer to it she got, growing and growing as she walked until she was in a completely different space than before, lightness and ethereal colours of pastel purples and pinks and blues danced in the sky.

She looked at Heather Chandler, Chandlers back to her, not aware Veronica was even there until she spoke up "uh where am I?"

"Veronica??" Heather turned around, looking at Veronica with a mixture of shock and concern "what the hell are you doing he..?" She stopped herself, grabbing Veronica by the arm and pulling her closer to her, seeing what brought her here, the bruising and raw wound from hanging herself around her neck "You didnt....God for someone with a supposedly high IQ you can be so stupid sometimes Veronica! It's not your time yet, you shouldn't be here, you need to go back"

"I'm not going back, Heather, I told you before I did it don't say a word, that meant after it as well"

Heather looked at her "actually you told me don't start, and I'm sorry, do you know me at all?? I don't listen to what others tell me to do, I tell others what to do!" She said before pushing Veronica hard in the chest, knocking her over "go back!"

"I've got a pulse!" Tom declared to his colleague "its weak, but its there" he told him, grabbing the defibrillator as the other paramedic got some medical scissors out his bag and cut her t-shirt through the middle, ripping it open quickly.

Tom put defibrillators on her chest and attempted to shock her heart back into regular rhythm, the shock going through Veronica's body and jolting her, making her back arch and straighten again as her body met the floor once more with a heavy thud.

Mrs Sawyer turned away, hiding her face in her husbands shoulder, not wanting to watch.

"Anything?" Tom asked Nigel, holding the defibrillators back from her body.

He checked her pulse and shook his head gravely "I think we should call it, she's fading quickly, we're losing her, she's been down at least 10 minutes, come on Tom"

Mrs Sawyer cried into her husbands shoulder as she heard what the paramedic said "no"

He looked at her parents and back at his colleague "No, enough kids have been lost to suicide this year!" He snapped at him, pushing his hand aside from Veronica's wrist, checking her pulse himself, it was thready and he was right, she was in fact fading, and fast, but it was still there, just about "I'm not about to let another one be added to the list. As long as she still has a pulse we keep going" he went to put them back on her chest...

....but Nigel placed his hand on top of Tom's, preventing him from defibbing her "I know you think we can save her but she's been down for a while now, even if we do get her back what kind of life does that leave her with, huh??" He tried to reason with him.

"Look around, look at her parents, I'm pretty sure they'd do anything to keep her alive so so are we, now do your damn job and help me" he said, Heather Chandler's paternal uncle, not knowing the teenager before him he was trying to save was actually who killed her.

Heather Chandler appeared but of course no one could see her, the only one who actually was able to see her was in limbo between the living and the dead. She bent down next to Tom and placed her hand on her uncles hand "I'm here" She said softly "I miss you, Uncle Tommy" She told him, only a few people ever got to see Heather's soft side, he was one of them, he was more of a father to her than her real father ever was, always thinking he could substitute love with money.

Nigel pulled his hand away, feeling a strange chill up his arm, making Heather smirk as he let him do it, Heather blissfully unaware of the consequences, flunking science, always getting Veronica to forge her report card for her.

"Charging to 360" he held them on her chest "clear" he said as another shock went through her body, jolting her and delivering another heavy thud as she hit the floor again, the noise making Mrs Sawyer feel sick to her stomach.

He pulled them away and watched his colleague check her pulse again "Anything?" He questioned again

Both Tom and Heather looked at Nigel with anticipation

He nodded

"Thank you" Heather smiled and faded away once more.

"Good, let's get her intubated and get her to hospital.

They tried to intubate her but were unable to as not just the outside of her throat was swollen but the inside from her attempt, making her airways too narrow to be able to properly supply her oxygen.

"Can you step out of the room a moment please?" They asked her parents

"Why?? You said you were taking her to hospital" Mrs Sawyer looked at the paramedics anxiously. She was always so demure, able to be stoic and hide her emotions, but she couldn't right now, not with this.

"She needs a trachy so she can breathe and it's not nice to watch the procedure done" Tom told them

"Come on" Mr Sawyer looked at his wife, swigging the last of his beer and putting it on the dresser, putting his arm around her back and leading her out.

The paramedics gave her an emergency tracheostomy and connected her to oxygen and life support and rushed her to the hospital in a blue light ambulance, Mrs Sawyer riding there with her.

Mrs Sawyer waited in the ICU room they had put Veronica in, sitting in the chair as close to Veronica's bed as possible but it was a little difficult with all the machines and monitors around her, beeping and hissing and wheezing noises coming from them. She waited for the doctor to come back and tell her Veronica's prognosis.

The doctor came in "Mrs Sawyer, the prognosis isn't good I'm afraid"

"What do you mean?"

She sighed "as you're aware she stopped breathing for an unknown amount of time, and for at least 10 minutes her heart was also not beating..."

"W-what are you getting at?"

"There's no easy way to say this, Mrs Sawyer but your daughter should have died" she paused, seeing the fury in her face at what she had just said "hear me out, what im trying to tell you is she was legally dead for at least 10 minutes and this means, and what her scans have confirmed, her brain was starved of oxygen for at least 10 minutes, which is a long time and we can't know the extent of the damage until if she wakes up"

"If?? What do you mean, if? She's going to wake up isn't she?? Look, she's breathing right now!"

"I'm so sorry for any confusion, Mrs Sawyer, the machines around her are what's keeping her alive at the moment, they're breathing for her and giving her life support, if she came off of them she wouldn't survive, I'm sorry but you might want to think about preparing yourselves for the worst, it's unlikely she'll wake up again"

Mr Sawyer went through his daughters room, taking anything he even suspected she could use to hurt herself, not knowing the full extent of what was happening. Upon going through her stuff he saw her diary entry with the suicide note written, mentioning JD.

He went to Veronica's blue landline phone, seeing JD in her call log, and called JD.

Author Note: Hi guys, sorryyy I know its been ages since I last updated, life just decided to become impossible for a while haha

Can't believe the year is almost finished, honestly thank God for that, that's all I can say, hope you're all doing okay my lovely readers and happy holidays! 😊

Don't forget to vote and comment, it really helps me out, I kinda feel like I don't need to keep saying that in the A/N, you guys are always so good at it, thank you for all your love and support, and patience with this story 💙💙💙

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