
By talesbysana

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By talesbysana


The next day, I'm peacefully drinking my afternoon tea with Candice, enjoying the combination of floral scented steam dancing around the edges of the cup, and the details adding up to one another as I continue my plan to send notice of the attacks to my troops back at home. As if knowing where to hit, the rebels were insightful enough to pass through the poorest region of farmland stretching out for miles, before the next military standpoint is in reach. All I need is for our men to stand by at the edge of the land borders, to at the very least, hold the enemy back from invading the farm lands until all habitants are brought to the safe zones, near our Felidae Capital.

"Are you alright? Pandora." I snap out of my whirlwind of thoughts, and look up from the wavering surface of my filled porcelain cup, up to the two ladies looking at me with concerned-filled eyes.

"I am, I'm just worried that's all." I admit, secretly finding myself to enjoy having people around me that feel such trivial emotions like concern, and understanding.

"Don't." Candice says before putting her tea cup down, the freshness of mint contrasting with the strong mix of flowers.

"The Royal Council will find a solution, have faith."

Oh, Candice, if only it were that easy.

"I know." I carefully bring the cup to my lips, taking a small sip of the slightly bitter yet sweet beverage.

"I know."

Right on cue, as if the Heavens have heard my thoughts of evading the place, a guard announces his presence with a knock on the door.

"Your Grace, the King requests your presence in the Throne Room."

"See, I told you. They'll find a way."

"Good luck!" Eleanor and Candice both nod harmoniously, as if wanting to console me with that simple gesture, and funny enough, I find myself calming down a little bit.

"By the way," I turn Candice, whispering quietly before leaving. "What's the relationship between the King and the 1st in commander?"

Her relaxed stance completed vanishes, and when I reach for her cup, that's about to spill with the trembling of her hands, she smiles with a hint of nervousness.

"They have...a special relationship I would say it's a bit...peculiar?" She frown while speaking slowly, thoughtfully. Before waving me off one last time when I step out of the room.

Walking silently down the hall, distant whispers become louder as we near the Throne Room, until I catch sight of the twelve monarchs forming the Royal Council, apart from the King and his commanders. So, he wasn't lying, It seems the bastard was right when he told me that I left some injuries during my visit. Although we're supposed to heal faster than humans, I know from experiences that my fists tend to be more damaging than others. Totally disregarding their glares, I patiently wait for the large golden doors to open, and meekly walk into the hall, but not before throwing one last smirk at one of the Ministers, who still has an evident bump on his nose from where I punched him. I neither show my surprise when the King and his commanders, who look more like guard dogs standing on both sides of his throne, look down at me from their pedestal. Adonis and Sir Arie, standing on the left side, backs straight, at safe distance from one another. While the bastard is leaning with his elbow on the throne, his stance more relaxed than I've ever seen a subject in the presence of his King.

I knew it! Lovers.

"You called for me, Your Highness." I state, not hiding the annoyance at being interrupted during my time of passiveness within the confines of my chambers.

"We'll send a division to your borders," he announces, probably waiting for some sort of elated reaction from me, continuing his speech when I give him none. "Together with Sir Aries, and Sir Pisces, you'll be accompanied by part of our 1STdivision to restore the security around your borders."

"Really?" I hide the immense wave of relief washing over me, not wanting to give them that satisfaction. There's no way he's doing this out of pure goodwill. "What do you ask in return?"

Instead of being the one to answer me, his companion is the one to answer my question.

"You'll lend us access to your Clan's documents. Although we could get in without your help, your presence will make to a lot easier to bypass your parents without raising too much ruckus."

I don't wait another heartbeat to tun against all my father's teaching about the importance of keeping the location of the Secret Room hidden from the outside world and answer strictly: "Understood," before giving them the chance to back off from their offer. "When will we depart?"

"In two days time, make sure to be ready by then."

I bow my head slightly, and walk away wordlessly, only to be lightly held back by a strong dust of mana.

"I wanted to apologise once more, my intention were of no wrong. I will not make the same mistake again." I turn back to him, confining his gaze with one of my own. One that holds promise and understanding.

"Don't worry, I trust you to take my words into account as well." The delightful venom in my intentions dripping off every word spoken.

"Are you sure you're prepared, Pandora?" Candice plays nervously with her fingers, and I watch through the mirror of the vanity as she looks down at her toes hesitantly. Taking a cord to tie the long dutch braid my hair is held back with, I stand up and turn to her. The light steps of my silk eloped feet rendering her surprised when I suddenly stand in front of her. Something is obviously weighing heavy on her mind, she has been this way ever since this morning when she came in with Eleanor to help me get dressed for today's quest.

"What is it?" My voice the same soothed pitch I always maintain with her, even more so after our conversation in the greenhouse. It seems that I cannot help but see her from a different light, and at the same time feel repulsive shame for my judgemental behaviour. I guess, one could say I was blinded by my own melancholy to see another's pain.

"How does a woman become part of the army?" Her down turned eyes look up at me, and I recognise the spark in them all too well.

"You go through the training, then after an evaluation from a higher-up you'll be assigned to a division." Normally, she'll have to spend an average of six months on the training grounds before starting to consider taking part in any evaluation, which will be a guaranteed pass if they have the bare minimum of skills in combat - but that's if she were a man. There's a reason they're so little women in our forces, and it has nothing to do with agility. Back at home, I've seen many take down men twice their size, yet they were still rejected from the army. Even less stay for longer than approximately five years, since most of them fall pregnant and are forced by their families to become a mother confined within the boundaries of her home.

"Are you qualified to evaluate trainees?"

Oh! I see where this is going, I smile to myself. I thought my conversation with her only opened old wounds, but it seems she has done much healing on her own.

"Yes, I can. Candice, do you want to become a warrior?" Her blush tells me all I need to know, but I still wait for her to hesitantly nod, a strand of sun kissed hair getting loose from her messy bun while doing so.

"Let's make a deal then."I propose, while holding the stranded locks between my fingers and twirling it softly. "I, and the others, will be gone for approximately two to three days. That means that you have some time to yourself, with no lover or friend to tell you in which direction you should think. Son when I come back, I want your definite answer. 'Yes' or 'No'. Know what path you want to follow, because if you say 'no', we will forget this conversation ever took place. But, if you decide that becoming a soldier of the army is what you want, then," I continue, pausing a second to tuck the strand behind her ear, "I will help you. You'll have to adjust your every day life, from the hours you wake up to the diet you consume. Your body will ache, you will sweat, and fall many times. And each time you'll fall, I'll help you stand back up. Those around you may oppose, and even leave you. No matter what, you'll have to keep your head held high and move forward. Do you think your prepared for a life like that?"

"Yes." Her drive reflecting in years of frustrating isolation, being told what person she's supposed to be in order for any potential groom to want her.

"Even if it means walking on a path different from the one Sir Aries has in mind?"

She stays silent then, and it's that short pause in her nodding that tells me that she needs more time to think this through. I know that if I would've let him out of this, she would've immediately agreed enthusiastically. Howbeit, it would be too cruel to give her hopes and aspirations, only to crush them by hiding the other side of the coin. There's no way Sir Aries is going to agree, nor stand still on her decision. Especially if his dead lover chose the same path and met Arch Angel Messiah at the end of her road. Little does he know, that all of our roads end with an inevitable death, hers simply came early on.

Although, I'm not sure that's a valid argument to make in a situation like this.

But, that doesn't make his controlling behaviour any more right.

"Think it over, and give me your answer when I come back." I reassure her with an embrace, before leaving for the Throne Room where the rest is waiting. We're supposed to leave in half an hour, yet everybody, including the two dozen soldiers assigned to us, is there already chattering within their social groups. 

All of them dressed in tight black metal armours that reflect the light of the high chandeliers in a blinding shine, makes me almost feel underdressed for the occasion with my usual black leather shorts and top.

"You're going catch a cold, dressed like that, Precious." I sigh deeply, a gesture I've been doing an awfully often of times, and turn slightly to look at the only smiling face in a group of solemn expressions. Of course, no one else but him would be as insensitive to smile in a situation like this. He may say that about me, but giving him a all-over, he's not dressed much more warmly than I am.

 A simple ebony shirt tightly envelop his torso, arms and neck. Equally as dark trousers, andbcombat boots. The only weapons he has on him, are two long dragon daggers crossed over his back with thick straps.

"I could say the same thing about you, is this all you're bringing?" I ask pointing at them.

"Oh, no! How could I?" He dramatically says while searching for something in the back pocket of his pants. "I also have this!" He's announces proudly before pulling out two leather gloves. Black, of course. And puts them on, leaving his fingerstips to the nude.

"Are you sure that's enough to protect yourself with?" I ignore his attempt to be humorous. All jokes aside, I strongly doubt even someone as...him would be able to grapple Silver Root so well.

"Why, worried I might get hurt?" The taunting in his voice still playful when he walk closer, and although he's wearing his Concealing Spell, I manage to recognise the slits of his pupils through his humane round ones.

"I'll let you blow on my wounds, don't worry." And, at this point, I don't even bother to hide my cringe, making him burst out another round of laughter and attract much unwanted attention towards us.

"Ciaran." We both turn to Sir Aries, who stands a bit further up with a couple of his soldiers. I don't miss the careful glance he throws my way before looking back to the bastard, and waving him over.

"I'll see you later then, Precious." He taunts with an almost animalistic purr, before walking off, as leisurely as always.

"Please excuse his behaviour." turn to look at the King approaching me, stopping right as our elbows are about to touch.

What is it with these people and personal space that they don't understand?

"Truthfully, I have no idea why he's so enchanted by you that he continues to pester you like this. But, I must ask of you, don't misinterpret his intentions."

He warns me quietly, worry evident in his eyes, making mine go wide when I remember Candice's words. "Oh, please don't worry! I promise you, I won't misinterpret anything, nor will I ever stand in both your ways!" The last thing I need is have you think of me as a love rival.

I add a small smile to put more meaning to my words, yet his frown makes my expression falter.

"My apologies, but," he starts getting closer as his voice lowers to a whisper, making sure no one around us hears, "what do you mean by 'not getting in our way?'"

"I mean, getting in the way of your relationship," I whisper 'relationship' so softly I barely hear myself say it. The sight of us conversing so closely to each other drawing attentions from those around us. Their occasional glances growing to obvious stares.

"Who's relationship exactly, Your Grace?"

"Well," I point with my index to his chest, not taking the risk of being heard. "And." My fingers turns its angle to point, as unnoticeably as I can manage, to Sir Ciaran, who's too busy talking with Sir Aries to notice, or care, for the two set of eyes set on him. Then, when I see the King's still confused face, I awkwardly put both my indexes up and tap them against one another a couple of times.

I witness his face freezing for a long second, before it slowly turns pale as his eyes widen.

"Wait, wait! You think that I'm engaged in a romantic relationship with Ciaran?" He says a bit too loudly, that the man in question turns to us, my eyes frantically avoiding his, not wanting him to see the blush on my cheeks from being caught. So, I turn my back to him, ignoring the itch from his stare.

"Aren't you?" I shush the King back into whispering.

"Please believe me when I say that something like that would never ever, ever, happen."

"Really?" Then, what did Candice mean when she said that?

"Does it look like that," he insists, "like we're... lovers?" The last word, I never heard being said with that much repulsion before.

"I mean, I thought there might be something going on. Looking at how close you two are, compared to the others."

"Trust me when I say that he's the last person on this Realm with whom I would ever dare to even imagine something like that to be true," the way he says it somehow bugging me, as if he's not worthy of something like that happening, "It's absolutely impossible!"

"What is so 'absolutely impossible'?"

The voice coming from behind us makes us both jump, and I hate to admit that I didn't hear him approach at all. The unsettling smile on his face only widening hen he sees our frightened expressions.

"Well, now I really want to know. What got you, King, so flustered you look like you got caught stealing from your mother. And what it is you were discussing so secretively that got Precious blushing so brightly."

My accomplice and I share a look, both of us seeming to understand what kind of mess this could become if we admit to discussing the 1st in command's love affairs. Darting for all corners of the room, my eyes search for a distraction, anyone that could help me get out of this awkward situation, and it takes everything in me not to show the immense relief in my face when I spot Esmée walking in. As elegant as when I first met her in this exact room.

"Esmée, I didn't know you were coming," I calmly call her, the King next to me relaxing and swiftly walking off when the 1St in command turns to my saviour, but I don't wait another moment to run right past him to her. Surprised by the genuine relief I feel when reaching her, even though I only meant to use her as get-away from a plausible death.

"They needed one of the Mages to join you, I applied before anybody else could." I didn't mean for it to happen, but it's so spontaneous that I can't hide it. I smile. Truly. Genuinely. Widely. For the first time since...I don't remember the last time I smiled like this, that I try to hide my face in embarrassment, only for her to push my face back upwards with he slender fingers. The strange warmth of familiarity between us makes both of our pupils dilate.

"You should smile more," she says warmly, "You glow in an almost ethereal way when you do."

"Luckily for you," I joke, although I mean every word spoken, "You don't need to smile to look ethereal."

Laughing in trumps, she throws her imaginary long hair behind her shoulder.

"Of course I don't," she puffs her chest out, "We, Mages have an undying charm that could bring all men to their knees." Forgetting the presence of the same soldiers who I hear whisper behind my back the moment I turn around every corner, I chuckle before looking at her again. Taking in all the details I've never taken the time to notice before. The slight asymmetry in her lips, the tip of her hair that's a lighter shade of auburn compared to the rest, to the high cheekbones making her neutral expression much more defined.

"Men and women," I say, right as Sir Aries announces our departure, "You would bring both bring men and women to their knees is you wanted to."

Like last time, two Mages stand at both sides of the wall we'll travel through in a minute. Opening a portal twice the size of the one back then. Esmée and I, followed by Adonis and Sir Ciaran are the first ones to go. Followed by Sir Aries and his devision, with Eliza and Damien standing up front as High Warriors. Hating the sensation of passing through space, I close my eyes before stepping into the familiar dark emptiness. A reassuring squeeze of hand makes me open them again to admire the lush forest of spring.

Although, the moment I do, as if a click went off somewhere, a group of armed men jump from out of the trees surrounding the field we're standing in the middle of. We chose to transport here because of how hidden it is, right behind the tree line of the Cat-Eye territory, far enough to camouflage our presence.

And, somehow, they managed to locate us.

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