My Neighbor, Jay (18+)

By AliWrites98

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*Story Excerpt* My back is pressed against the wall, his face just mere inches from mine while his hands are... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26

Part 10

395 3 0
By AliWrites98

"I wasn't too sure before but... I'll admit, this date pushed me in that direction" I reply

He smiles

"Phew" he says, playfully wiping his forehead

"I thought I was going to be stuck with just fucking your brains out all the time" he says sarcastically

I shove him playfully

"Funny that you assumed that was my second choice. I could've decided to revert back to purely platonic neighbors"

"Oh please... You can't resist this" he says jokingly, running his hands down his body

"Keep it up and I'll change my mind" I joke back

He pouts playfully

"I'll just keep making unnecessary noise to annoy you at home"


"I'll just report you to the landlord"

"Jokes on you, there's nothing in the lease about noise or 'quiet hours'." he says

"There isn't?!" I exclaim, shocked

As far as I know, every apartment complex/building has a rule about noise...

"You're telling me you didn't read the lease before signing it?" he chuckles

"I read... Most of it..." I reply

I mean, I did. I skimmed it and focused on the parts I felt were important... Cost, eviction notices, etc.

"Good lord woman... Maybe I don't wanna date you, who knows what you've signed in agreement to without knowing. You could be married" he jokes

"Very funny, smart-ass"

He laughs again

We joke back and forth for a while longer, engage in some more conversation and eventually decide to head home. It's 7:15pm and he knows I go to bed early. How cute.

After we arrive back to the building, he offers for me to come inside and I agree, I'm having a good time and I certainly wouldn't mind extending it. It's not like I have far to go once I'm ready for bed.

"Before I forget, I think it's about time we exchange numbers, if that's alright with you" he says as we sit on his couch

"Oh yeah... I don't see the harm in that. We already know where each other lives" I chuckle

We put our numbers in each other's phones and he texts me immediately, despite me being right next to him

"On a date with a jaw-dropping woman. I hope she kisses me"

I giggle like a kid on Christmas

Come on, that's so fucking cute.

"She might" I reply

He smiles and puts his phone down, drawing his attention back to my physical presence and I do the same

We pick up conversation, getting to know each other. Some surface level things, some deeper.

His favorite color to wear is black but his favorite color otherwise is emerald green. Notably a different favorite color than most people I know. His favorite food is pasta, any kind, which explains the dinner choice tonight.

I tell him that my favorite color is burgundy, to wear or otherwise and my favorite food is anything involving potatoes. Mashed, Baked, Hash Browns, Roasted, anything. Potatoes are a beautifully versatile food.

He's only got 2 friends in his life, both of which he doesn't see much but speaks with on the phone often and considers his family. Of course he knows about my friends and family... Chloe. She's it. She's all I need though, it's never lonely, boring or dull having her in my life.

The reason he hates his mom and doesn't speak to her is pretty common, unfortunately... She's an alcoholic and has been for 30 years. She never wanted a child but Jay's dad insisted on her keeping the baby and hoped it would help her get sober and get her life in order. She managed to stay sober during her pregnancy but needless to say, it didn't stay that way. She had Jay and the stress of having a child just pushed her back to alcohol. Jay's dad was his sole caregiver for his entire life and they moved away from his mom when Jay was 13, which is the last time he spoke to her.

He knew the story about my parents being awful and me moving in with Chloe a month after we met, etc. but I elaborated in explaining that my parents weren't addicts, thankfully, they just never wanted a child. I'm not even sure why they decided to keep me, honestly. They never explained that to me, they just constantly reminded me that I was a mistake and a burden.

I'm glad I got to experience a loving family with Chloe's at least for a short period of time. I consider myself very lucky to have her and to have had her parents. They played a huge roll in my healing from the trauma my parents embarked on me.

Neither of us are curious about how our estranged parents are doing. You'd think we would be but they made their choice to act how they did and if they want to contact us, they can. We choose to live our lives without the burden of their negativity.

After switching the topic back to a lighter one for a while, it's 8:30pm and I'm officially yawning.

"You get your rest, Ev. Thank you again for tonight, it really was the most fun I've had in a long time" he says, walking me to his front door

"Thank you, Jay. I had a lot of fun too. You really went out of your way to do special and meaningful things and I appreciate that a lot" I reply, standing in front of him

We smile at each other blissfully before embracing one another in a hug. His body heat warms me instantly and the smell of his cologne hits me. I've never noticed it before... It's such a subtle scent and it seems he only uses the smallest amount so you'd really only notice if you were this close to him and paying attention. It smells so good.

Kind of intoxicating.

As we pull away, I gently wrap my hand on the back of his neck and pull him in for a kiss. As soon as our lips lock, a subtle groan escapes him.

I did say I might... He earned it.

I can tell he didn't expect it but he definitely appreciates it. This kiss is more gentle than our first one but still just a little aggressive as we both know we want more. I'm choosing not to take it further tonight, no matter how desperately I want him again. I want him to yearn for me even more and I think it'll be worth it.

I deepen the kiss just for a second before I pull away and hear him catch his breath and try to hide his sigh of slight disappointment. I smile at him again.

"Fuck" he mumbles quietly

"You'll get more soon, don't worry" I assure him

He leans toward my ear and whispers

"I can't wait..."


Slight shivers trail down my body which I mask as I head back inside my apartment. The only thing giving me enough self control not to go give my body up to him is the fact that I'm exhausted and I know I wouldn't be up to work tomorrow if I did...

When I arrive inside, I stop to smell the beautiful flowers he gave me. It makes me feel warm and happy.

Changing into pajamas and undeniably aroused, I decide to play risky and send Jay a photo before bed

Just one... Me laying in bed, the camera hovering above me in my underwear, my arm covering my breasts

"Goodnight" I send with it

I plug my phone in and nuzzle into bed and as soon as I hear the vibration indicating Jay replied, I check

"Dangerous game you're playing here, Princess..." he replies

I giggle to myself and put my phone back down, drifting to sleep with the thoughts of Jay running through my mind. For once, they're happy thoughts. Dirty ones, really.

-The Next Day, 2pm-

I'm on break at work, sitting at my desk as I text Jay. He texted me this morning to wish me good luck at work and sent another text a couple hours later to tell me I'm cute.

Such a cheeseball. I love it.

As I'm about to text him and ask him how he's doing, he beats me to the punch...

Except he's not asking how I'm doing. He sent a photo.

In nothing but his skin-tight boxers, he's sitting down with his hand gripping his rock-hard bulge and of course his abs are beautifully visible as well

"The things I'd love to be doing to you right now..." he sends with the photo

Damn... Karma's a bitch.

I wiggle in my chair a little, feeling restless all of a sudden. It's notably shocking how wet he makes me so quickly. Thank God I have a private desk and nobody can see me or my phone.

"And what's that?" I reply teasingly

I'm not sure starting this is a great idea, especially at work but I can't help myself... I wanna eat him up.

"Uh-uh... You don't get what you want that easily..." he replies


"Come ooonn... Please?" I beg

"I'll tell you this much... Those pretty little holes of yours would be put to good use" he replies

Aaand now I'm dying. Fuck. The way he talks about using me makes me a weak, soaking mess. The thoughts of what I want him to do to me are dirtier than I ever imagined.

"What's the matter? Desperate? Wet? Soaked, even?" he texts

I notice I haven't responded for a moment. My thoughts have been running wild.

"Nope, just working" I lie

I like messing with him

"I bet you are. Show me you're not wet.." he replies


"Show me. Go to the bathroom and take a picture of your underwear and prove to me that you're not as much of a needy little mess as I think you are"

Oh god damn it. Not only is that so fucking hot but I know I'm screwed now. It can't be that bad, right?

I get into a stall in the bathroom and pull down my pants and underwear, revealing a very obvious wet spot

Yep... It's bad.

I debate attempting to dry it off before I take a picture just to "prove him wrong" even though he was definitely right... But I decide not to. I'd like just as much to show him what he does to me...

I take the photo and send it with no text, it really doesn't need one.

"I can't wait to have that on my face and cock..." he replies

Good... God... Fucking... Damn it...

"Get back to work, Princess. I know you need to. I'll see you tonight." he says before I can respond

"Yes Sir. See you tonight" I reply

I wasn't intending on giving in so quickly but who cares... We've already had sex once and I don't care enough to tease him more. He's desperate enough and so am I.

"Hm... 'Sir'... You found my weakness, Ev." he says

Oh boy. Not sure how that will play out.

Getting Re-focused into work proves a bit difficult but eventually I get there. I take my job seriously so I'm fairly good at prioritizing it. Although I'd be lying if I said thoughts of Jay didn't distract me a few times...


I've been home for about half an hour, I texted Jay but got no response yet. I'm guessing he's either not home or maybe working, since he said he doesn't do much on a daily basis, this might be a rare time where he's busy.

I showered and changed into comfier clothes as I sit on my couch and try to think of what to eat for dinner. The thoughts are interrupted when Jay texts me.

"Come over, dress nice" he says

Dress nice? Huh. Is it another date?

Unsure of exactly what he means by "Nice", I go by my standards and put on a dress. It's black and form fitting. The sleeves are thick spaghetti straps, the neckline reveals a bit of cleavage, and the length stops about halfway down my thighs. It's definitely not a very modest dress, but it's classy and I think it may drive Jay wild.

Just in case, I decide to put on some lingerie. One of the new pieces I got with the gift card he gave me, a while ago. It's all black; a lacy bra with a very small g-string and a garter with stockings. My dress comes down just far enough that you can't tell they're stockings, they look like full length panty-hose. If all goes well, I'll drive him even crazier after the dress is off.

I pop on my black stilettos, grab my purse and phone and head over.

Not but a second after I knock, I'm greeted with Jay, wearing a white button down with the top 3 buttons undone, revealing just the top of his pecs and chest along with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. I don't know what it is about those subtle things guys do when they wear button down shirts but oh man... It's so attractive.

His pants are dark gray slacks and he's actually not wearing shoes, I just assume he hasn't put them on yet.

"Afternoon, Ev" he says, inviting me in

It doesn't take long for me to notice his dining table is set with food on it. Candles are lit, there's rose petals on the floor and I finally hear a faint slow tune playing from his TV, which also has a fake fireplace video playing on it. How adorable.

"Jay... Stop... This is so cute. 2 nights in a row?" I ask, stepping closer to the table

"Only the best for someone like you" he says, wrapping his arms around me from behind

I wasn't even cold but the feeling of his warm body wrapped around mine suddenly feels so comforting as if I was just freezing.

Damn. What am I going to do with him...

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