Little Skipper (Temporarily O...

By Frog_hollow23

22.8K 809 87

Audrey is found by a lawyer who was simply trying to find her absent client but instead finds a helpless baby... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12

Chapter 11

1.3K 64 9
By Frog_hollow23

Liz’s POV

I may or may not have gone slightly over the speed limit on my way home to meet with the officers, who should be there by now. Of all my luck of course I get stuck behind a long red light. Getting impatient as I sit at the light, I notice a small family walking across the street. 

Their little girl is happily skipping across the street while waving her arms around in what seems like an exciting story, her mother who's pushing a stroller that holds a small little boy in it, is smiling and nodding along to her daughter's hyper joyful talk. 

My slight bubbling anger and adrenaline vanishes in the blink of an eye watching their interaction. It makes me mourn the life we could have had with Kai. He would be so happy to get a big sister like Audrey. I can just hear their contagious laughter and all the mayhem they would cause. 

Jumping as I hear a horn being honked behind me I realise I zoned out a bit and the light is now green. Driving the rest of the way home, I pull into the driveway when an Officer steps in front of the car holding his hands up for me to stop. I quickly turn the car off, taking the keys out and grabbing my belongings before stepping out.

 “Ma’am you can’t be here this is an-” I wave my hand as I interrupt him. “I’m sorry but I live here, If you want my ID you can certainly look at it but I would like to speak to the head officer  on site” He seems slightly shocked at my behaviour, I normally wouldn’t be so hash but the adrenaline is pumping back through my body now that I’m here in person and finally processing the situation more. 

He nods and rushes off to a police van parked on the street in front of my house. I took a moment to breathe as I walked up the rest of the driveway too the front door. The second I step in, I immediately feel uneasy. Knowing there was a stranger so easily walking through your home feels like they have looked straight into your personal life in all aspects. 

I jump when I feel a hand gently tap my shoulder. I whip around to see the Officer in charge. Clearing his throat, he looks down at his notepad. “Sorry Mrs. Porter. My colleague didn’t mean to offend, it's his first day out in the field.” pinching the bridge of my nose I nod in annoyance. “I understand. I apologise for being so rash, I’m sure you can understand the feeling” Nodding along he starts flipping through his notes.

He gestures for me to follow him through the house as he starts talking. “It seems like this guy broke the lock on the window in the kitchen. We didn’t see anything stolen but I advise you to do your own walkthrough and let us know if anything seems missing or out of place” I nod trying to focus on this all.

I didn’t even realise I was biting the skin around my nail until the officer asked if I needed first aid. “What?” finally snapped from my foggy brain. “Your finger is bleeding… I understand this is not the ideal situation but I must say you got pretty lucky, no valuables seemed to be gone” I furrow my brows at the comment. Yes, sure. 

We got lucky in a sense I get it, but someone so easily got in my home, walked through my space and dared to enter a baby's room. Sure they didn’t take anything but what was the reason behind breaking in then? What if this guy wants to harm us or something crazy and sinister.

The thought makes my stomach drop. The familiar feeling of bile is rising higher and higher up my chest, tingling sensations travel up my body and right as I feel everything in my throat I dart to the bathroom closest to me. 

Catching my breath I stand and wash my hands, splashing some cold water on my face. Looking up at myself in the mirror I realise we are in Audrey’s room. “Mrs. Porter, are you alright?” the officer, who I haven’t gotten the chance to learn his name. He sounds slightly panicked as he rushes towards me, offering a small face towel that I thankfully accept. 

“My thoughts are getting the best of me. This whole situation seems so off.” He nods as he clears his throat. “Why are we in my daughters room..” My question is laced with slight worry and fear. “We have reason to believe the person who broke in was here for your daughter.” I feel my face pale at his words as I try and prevent more of my stomach churning, threatening to come up again. 

“Just watching the security footage and evaluating the house, we found some questionable things. It all points to your daughter being the main motive”

My eyes just about bulge out of my skull. “Questionable things? What fucking things did you find” My worry and fear is turning to pure anger and the overwhelming need to protect Audrey even more now. “I think it would be best if we sat with your wife especially sitting down” He seems uncomfortable yet sad at the same time.

 “Officer..” I look up at him as he fills me in on his name. “Officer Finch” Nodding a thank you, I continue. “I need to know everything now before I lose my fucking mind. My wife is at the hospital looking after our little girl who just had surgery. She doesn’t need to hear whatever is so bad, and not to mention, if it is that bad, why make a horrified mother wait any longer.” 

He looks shocked but understanding. He looks down at his notes again before gesturing for me to follow him. We walk down the hall into my room before he gestures for me to sit on my bed.

Contemplating it for a moment, I reluctantly sit. With my arms crossed and my foot bouncing with a million emotions I wait until what feels like slow motion, something I never thought I would hear come out of his mouth, is said.

Teagans POV

I'm jolted from my light sleep by sounds of the heart monitor beeping like crazy. I'm at Audrey's side in a blink of the eye as I rush to examine her. 

She's shaking a bit and thrashing every now and then, looks to me like a nightmare. “Shh baby it's okay I’m here, you are safe I promise” I gently and softly reassure her over and over as I brush the hair out of her face making sure to keep one of my hands resting on her chest to calm her.

 After a few moments her breathing slows and she seems to calm. She feels sweaty and I can see her diaper is sagging with the weight. “My poor baby” I whisper as I lean down to kiss her forehead lightly. Rolling her so she lays flat on her back causes her to stir and whine a bit. Keeping a hand on her chest seems to be giving her comfort.

 Making quick and quiet work at removing her pj bottoms I start getting what I need to change her diaper hoping she stays asleep.

Trying to grab the diaper bag that's just kicked a bit too far under the bed while trying to keep a hand on her chest is proving to be harder than I thought. “Almost- got.. IT!” I quickly jolted up covering my mouth to silence my excitement. 

I realise too late that my hand is no longer against Audrey's chest, on top of me being loud, she begins to whine more and turn in her sleep. I stand silently, frozen in place as I pray that she stays asleep.

My prayers were not answered.

Audrey begins becoming restless for a moment before she shoots upright out of breath and looks absolutely frightened. She quickly scans the room, jumping slightly when she notices me standing here. 

“Sorry Hun, I didn't mean to wake you, I just wanted to prevent a rash” I look down and nod towards her now exposed diaper. She follows my gaze, her breath hitching when we both watch a small pool of urine start to leak from the sides onto the sheets beneath her.

“Oh baby, it's okay. I'm sorry, I should have changed you earlier. It's my fault it leaked, you had a nightmare so I'm not surprised it got used this much.”

 I try to keep my voice calm and nonchalant as I set the diaper bag at the foot of the bed before taking out the supplies I will need. When I face Audrey again with some wipes and a new diaper in hand she is frozen and pale. 

Rushing to put the supplies down I reach out towards her shoulder but she flinches back just before I can. My arm held mid arm for a moment as I tried to think of what to do next.

Standing straight, I keep a slight distance between us. “Audrey, it's okay, accidents happen. This really is my fault, I fell asleep when I should have been checking on you and making sure this didn't happen.” I'm searching her face and body gauge for any gauge of her current emotions or thoughts but I see nothing but a petrified little girl. 

Audrey slowly scoots to get to the edge of the opposite side of the bed before sliding off of it, stumbling as she reaches the floor she is quick to catch her footing. “Audrey? Would you want to clean yourself up or have some help?” I feel lost and saddened by her current state. She just stands there looking at the ground. I try to take a step towards her but she quickly flinches. Stopping, I take a step away keeping my hands in clear sight. 

Before I could do anything else she sprinted out the door. Running after her, I lost sight of her after she ran through the nurses station. “Fuck” I quickly pull my phone out to call Liz but she doesn't answer. “ For fucks sake” I mutter. My heart feels like it's beating in my head and I start to feel light headed as I rush through the halls calling for Audrey.

 I felt so out of body before crashing into something. “Teagan? Is everything alright, you don't look too good” I recognize that voice. Nodding I try to focus my eyes to confirm it's dr. Keith. “Audrey” is all I could say before I feel like I'm falling. Jolting, I woke up. I hate having dreams where I fall, they feel terrible. 

“Have some water it will help” sitting upright I look to see I'm in Dr. Keith's office. “No no no I need to find her she's not okay” I panic trying to stand but stumbling back to the couch I was laying on earlier. “Teagan, we have the hospital on lock down and have many people looking for her, top to bottom I promise” I feel like this isn't real. I should be home with my wife enjoying our peaceful life with our baby. 

“Can you tell me what happened?” Dr. Keith is now squatting in front of me, with her hands resting on my knees waiting for an answer. “We took a nap when I woke up to her heart monitor going off. I- I panicked but realised her heart rate was up because of a nightmare. She eventually woke up but got scared to see me which made her… have an accident which leaked. She froze after that and when I tried to help she kept flinching before she ran and.. and- I-” I choke on my words as I begin sobbing. 

My heart is aching and there is such a pit in my stomach and a lump in my throat. The feeling of guilt, dread and fear is pumping through my body. I just lost another child. Yes she isn't a child biologically but she certainly looks like one and has been acting as one most of our time together, it's a little hard to think of her as any different. 

I feel a hand begin to rub my shoulder as I hold my face in my hands. It's like everything I felt when I lost Kai is happening all over again. I never thought I'd feel this way and I don't wish it upon anyone.

 I know rationally Audrey is alive and well but my damaged brain is making me feel like I just lost my baby for a second time all too soon. “I've contacted Elizabeth and left a few voicemails.

 We can only hope she responds or comes soon enough” Dr. Keith informs as she continues her attempts to comfort me. “what did they do to that poor girl Lauren” I feel empty and cold.

 I look at her yearning for an answer but she just quietly shakes her head. “I don't know Teagan. Rowen and his team are trying to find everything they can about her and her past, it takes time. If one of these days Audrey is willing to open up to you about it, it would be so helpful. But that's all we can wish for, for now” I try and give what I attempt is a nod but I'm not sure if I actually gave one or not. I feel so numb. 

Slowly standing this time with the help of Lauren. “I want to go look for her, she's too small and fragile right now.” Lauren sighs but helps me gain my footing out to the hallway. “Do you have any ideas on where she might be?” Shaking my head I look down the hall towards the nursing station that is now full of people rushing around looking for my girl. “I don't know. She's scared out of her mind. Whatever was in her nightmare is still fresh in her head and she can't see reality. You need to let people know to be calm.” Turning to face Lauren I give her a stern look as she nods. I start wandering the halls on our floor before taking the elevator to the next and doing the same thing. Nothing. Back to the elevator I go to the next floor. 


Sitting in a waiting room chair I try to think where I would hide if I was small and frightened enough. Going back to the elevator I think of one last place. 

The basement. 

The basement is by no means dark and dingy, I mean it's a hospital. It definitely isn't the nicest place especially for someone in Audrey's condition. We have our morgue down here along with most of our spare equipment, mostly just spare beds. It’s not dark but it's certainly dimly lit.

 I take my time walking through the maze of our hospital basement trying to look under each bed and into each storage room. “Audrey? It's Teagan. I wanted to be sure you're okay” I called out into the space around me. But I got no reply.

Walking now near the furthest portion of the basement that staff rarely come to because it's honestly full of outdated equipment and some of the nurses swear it's haunted down here.

 I roll my eyes at the thought that causes me to stifle a laugh. I guess I wasn't looking at my path because I just stepped on something cold, soggy and squishy. “Ew, what the fuck. Please don't be a dead rodent” I whisper and mutter to myself as I use my phone light to light up the area around me.

 Using the light I inspect what looks to be Audrey's diaper. “Audrey? Baby? Where sweetheart?” I hear something slide across something before clattering to the floor causing a loud noise that made me jump.

 “Ry Ry are you okay? Can you come out so I can see that you're okay baby girl? You had me so worried” I am being slow with my movements as I walk around trying to see where she is hiding.

As I crouch to look underneath an old hospital bed my watch alerts me that Audrey is slipping. “Fuck” the watch is flashing blue meaning she's slipping anywhere between 12 months to 3 years. “Ry Ry come on baby, mama is worried” I can feel the fear and panic rising again.

 I'm not looking and rushing around a bit faster to try and find her before she slips. Right as I pass an old Iron lung I hear the faintest exhausted sob. “” She sounds so so tired. “Mama's right here baby girl” I rush down onto my hands and knees, shining my light I see Audrey curled with her knees to her chest in the corner. 

She has dried tears on her cheek and she's sitting in a puddle of her own urine in nothing but her pj shirt. “Oh my girl. What happened love bug” I coo softly, being careful with how I manoeuvre the equipment around her to get her out. The second a pathway is cleared she looks to be around 2. 

I rushed faster than I thought I ever could to scoop her up into my arms. I don't even care that I'm getting covered in dust, cobwebs and pee. I hold her Impossibly close to my chest with my face on the top of her head just taking her in. She's safe. She's in my arms. She's alive. And she's here.


I'm terribly sorry for not updating sooner, I just got new work and am trying to do some assignments for school on-top of it all.

I'll definitely try to get another chapter out soon!

If you find any spelling mistakes or any holes in the story line please let me know so I can correct them!

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