Christmas Adventures

By Cosmic66

106 3 2

It's time to celebrate Christmas! And what better what to do so with crazy adventures between different Unive... More

Author's Note
Kazoki & The Crew Crazy's Christmas
It's Joy Time!
Merry Christmas

Operation: Saving Christmas!

23 0 0
By Cosmic66

Kero Island

On an Island in the middle of the sea, we find eight familar faces who were about to depart. But before that, they wanted to make a dinner with those they have meet all the way here.

Sokuto: "And so, while there was good and bad moment between us, it was a really pleasure to have shared those moment with you guys. Thanks you."

Sitting on a table made of wood, Okami, Sora, Tokora, Komei, Fumari, Nocaro, and Yumero clapped after Sokuto ended his speech.

Sora: "Great speech, buddy! I don't think even a King could do better then this."

Okami nodded in agreement.

Okami: "True...but i wish that we weren't the only one to listen to it."

They all look over and saw that they were the only one at the table. Except for a green monkey who seem drunk.

Monkey: "That was the tesb...the estb...the was amazing words!"

(A/N: Yes, the Animals can talk in this Universe...not all of them, though.)

The Monkey then fall over. Sokuto sighed as he rub his head.

Sokuto: "Well, at least, there was one person that came."

Tokora: "I don't understand, Ciela never pass the chance to go to an Party. Why didn't she come?"

Fumari: "To be fair, it's not easy to everyone to say goodbye."

Sokuto: "It's still kinda offensive...oh well, what is done is done. It's time for us to go."

They started a campfire, with each othem getting ready to leave.

Tokora: "Attention! The ride for Atral City is about to board!"

They lift up the Hot Air Balloon before making it flying as they enter inside. They suddenly smiled as they were leaving the Island.

Nocaro: "It's taken a while, but we're finaly leaving the Island. I can't wait to eat a good Log of Christmas."

Komei: "Same! Along with a lot of Chocolates!"

Yumero: "I want to have a dog with soft fur. Goodbye Island! Hello freedom!"


Yumero: "OW!"

She was hit on the head by a stone. They look back at the Island and flinched upond seeing many things being throw at them.

Okami: "What's happening!?"

Fumari: "Someone is trying to kill us!"

Then, an arrow of fire it the Ballon, making them all panick. They suddenly find themself crashing into the Island.

Sokuto: "It can't be!"

They landed back on the Island. As they wondered what's happening, people wearing Mask appear in front of them wiht weapons, shocking them.

Tokora: "Canibal!?"

The first person, who seem to be the leader, take of their mask, showing a girl of their age with light blue hair and red eyes. She has a scared expresion on her face.

???: "Canibal!? Where!?"

Nocaro came out the air ballon and blinked upond see the girl.

Nocaro: "Ciela!?"

Ciela, upond reconising them, sighed.

Ciela: "Oh. It's just you..."

She turned toward a blue hair boy with dark skin.

Ciela: "Tsuyochi, i'll though they were already gone."

Ciela then turned toward a cute girl with long purple hair and red eyes.

Ciela: "Kyou! Stop playing with this Tam-tam!"

The girl blushed in embarrasement.

Kyou: "Sorry."

Ciela: "False alarm, everyone! It was just a joke!"

Sokuto: "A joke!? Just what kind of sick joke is that!!?"

Tsuyochi scratched the back of his head.

Tsuyochi: "Sorry, we actually mistook you guys with the Marauding Red Night Goblin."

The eight Friends blinked at this.

Fumari: "The Marauding Red...what?"

Ciela sighed and snapped her finger.

Ciela: "Tsuyochi..."

Tsuyochi lifted her face with a flashlight.

Ciela: "Every Year, on the 24 of Christmast, he's start with a red glow. Then the air fills with the goblin's horrible, mocking laughter. Then it pelts us with hundreds of black rocks!"

???: "Red Night Goblin!"

Ciela put a annoyed face upond hearing this before they look up and see a girl on a tower pointing at something with fear on her face.

Girl: "The Red Night Goblin's coming!"

Ciela: "Okay, i get it. It's picking on me day. Very funny."

Then, a strange deep laught was hear in the sky. Sokuto and Tsuyochi turn around confuse with Kyou looking scared. Ciela, still believing it's a prank, turn around.

Ciela: "You can stop now, Kyou. I know it's you."

Sora: "It's not her! Look up!"

Ciela look at the sky and became scared when it started to rain black rocks.

Ciela: "AHH! Everyone take cover!"

Everyone hide in a safe spot to avoid the black rocks. They do their best to avoid the rocks that were falling. However, some of them managed to hit half of them. Tokora noticed a Canon to her right. She put a determinated face and rushed toward the Canon while avoiding the rocks. On there, she aimed at the red glow in the sky.

Tokora: "You're going to down! Red Night Marauding Goblin!"

She fired the Canon and it hit straight on the glow. Upond seeing this, many of them cheered...before they screamed as they avoided the red glow that came crashing in the Forest. They look at the glow warily.

Ciela: "Everyone, toward the glow!"

Everyone headed toward where the glow has fallen. However, Sokuto and his Friends noticed several strange things. Komei spot something on the ground. His face light up when reconise it and pick it up.

Komei: "Candy canes!"

The red hair girl pick another item and looked confuse.

Yumero: "Present?"

Sora licked a rock and spat out.

Sora: "Ew! Those rock taste like coal!"

Sokuto: "Hang out a minute. Tokora, i think you just shot down..."

The eight Friends pushed the leaves out of the way, showing the famous Red Night Marauding Goblin...who was actually a man with white hair, beard, and mustache, dressed in red clotchings. Sokuto and his Friends were shocked upond see him.

Sokuto/Okami/Sora/Tokora/Komei/Fumari/Nocaro/Yumero: "Santa!!"

Sokuto & Okami: Christmas Adventure

Sokuto and the others walked toward Santa who was being lifted by Ciela.

Ciela: "Speak! Who send you and why!? Answer me or i'll make you talk!"

Yumero: "Ciela! Stop!"

Ciela glance at her confused.

Yumero: "Can't you see that it's Santa that you're holding!?

Nocaro: "No wonder that he always send you coal every years."

Ciela: "...Who's Santa?"

That got her some confuse look.

Tokora: "Wait, you know what Christmas is, but you don't know who is Santa?"

Ciela: "What does Christmas have to do with this?"

Fumari: "Everything!"

Ciela let go fo Santa, who fall to the ground. Tokora don't waste any second to help him up.

Tokora: "Santa! Is that really you!? I can't believe that i'm talking to Santa!"

Santa: "Hold on...i have a question."

Everyone look at the man with patience.

Santa: "...Who is Santa?"

Everyone was now shocked or confused.

Sokuto: "What? If you're not Santa, then who are you?"

Santa: "I am...i...i don't remember."

Santa take off his hat, showing a bruise. The Eight Friends flinched at this while Ciela point at him excited.

Ciela: "Hey, look! He has a second hat!"

Okami walk up to Santa and inspected the bruise.

Okami: "He must probably have a amnesia after falling from the sky."

Tokora flinched at this.

Tokora: "Oh no. What i've done? I've ruined Christmas for everyone in the World!...unless."

She look at the others with a plan in mind.

Tokora: "Team model!"

They all aproched Tokora and leaned together.

Tokora: "This could work out great for everybody!"

Sora: "Santa's head wound?"

Tokora: "No, not his head wound. Here the plan: We find the Sleigh, help Santa deliver the Toys, then on the way Home, he drop us off outside of the Island. Everyone win! What do you think of this Plan?"

They all looked at each others in though before they look back at Tokora.

Sokuto: "I don't know...i don't want to risk it to backfire on us."

Sora: "Oh, come on! Name at least one Plan that has gone wro-"

Sokuto: "Christgiving."

Okami: "..."

Sora: "..."

Tokora: "..."

Komei: "..."

Fumari: "..."

Nocaro: "..."

Yumero: "..."

Sora: "...Okay, fair point."

Okami: "Even so, we should probably try. We can't let everyone's losing their Christmas Present because of our mistake."

Nocaro: "What are you talking about? Tokora is the only to shoot Santa!"

Tokora: "...No need to rub the Knive, Nocaro."

Sokuto: "Okay, fine. But we need to find the Reindeer and the Sleigh first."

Yumero: "Understand! Four of us will search for the Sleigh will the others goes to retrive the Reindeer."

Fumari: "Let's do this."


It's has taken a while, but Komei, Fumari, Nocaro, and Yumero has found the Sleigh. Then, Sokuto, Okami, Sora, and Tokora arrived with two Reindeer hold by the brown hair boy, much to their confusion.

Komei: "Where are the others Reindeers?"

Sokuto: "They're missing."

Fumari: "Missing?"

Okami: "When we've found them, they were eating fruits from a Tree. However, as we aproched them, they suddenly run away. We were only able to caught two of them."

Nocaro: "...Well, that make things more complicated."

Yumero: "No matter, we have start up the sleigh and-"

She was cut off by running sound. Looking over, they saw Sora's arms who were now empty. The Reindeers has escaped and run away.

Fumari: "...Really?"

Sokuto: "Okay! That's it!"

The black hair boy run in the Forest. They hear the sound of fighting and hitting before Sokuto came back with eight Monkeys and throw them to the ground.

Sokuto: "Those Monkeys will remplace the Reindeers!"

Tokora: "...Hum, Sokuto. The Monkeys can't fly. The Reindeers can because they're magical."

Sokuto walk toward the sleigh.

Sokuto: "That's what you believe."

He open a part of the sleigh, which showed golden dust. Sokuto take the dust and put it on the Monkey...which started to flying, much to everyone's shock. Especially the Monkey.

Sokuto: "The only magical things about the Reindeers is the dust they use to flying."

The others were stunned by this. However, they also became hopeful that they could deliver the Present now.

Sokuto: "Now we have to bring Santa with us."


Sora and the others has found Santa...who was dancing with Ciela and the others.

Sora: "What the?!"

They look at each others in confusion at this. Nocaro crack his knuckles.

Nocaro: "All right, Santa, time to go, buddy!"

They try to bring Santa with them, only for the man in red to refuse.

Santa: "I don't want to go! I just want to shake my booty!"

Santa spin around Nocaro, Sora, Yumero, and Tokora before we all seem them doing a conga line with everyone else.

Tokora: "Santa buddy! Gotta stop dancing now!

Yumero: "Santa!"

Santa push them back with his rear making them stumble. He look back at them with a enjoyed expression.

Santa: "I'll not leaving anytime soon!"


Sokuto and the others sat on the Sleigh annoyed. Sora and the others has told them that Santa don't want to come.

Komei: "What are we going to do now?"

Tokora: "Look, it's not going to be Christmas Eve for much longer, so either we go without Santa or the World go without Christmas!"

Sokuto: "So as usuall, we have to clean up your mess."

They put Christmas hats on their head.

Sokuto: "Monkeys! You know what to do!"

The Monkeys look at them confused. Sokuto sighed.

Sokuto: "Do it and we'll give you banana."

The Monkeys's face light up before they flew in the air, thanks to the magical dust and head toward the nearest House.


Okami: "We're about to arrive to our first destination!"

The Eight of them see a House in the distance.

Nocaro: "Okay! Let's try to make a safe landing."

The sleigh slowly  came down toward the House...and nearly crashed into the side. They managed to land safely and they came out the sleigh.

Okami: "That's what you call a safe landing?"

Nocaro: "Any landing you can walk away from is a safe landing!"

They decide to forget about it and turn toward the House, in which Sora was on the roof.

Sokuto: "This is so stupid. Can't we just use the front door?"

Tokora: "Come on! How hard can it be? Sora! You're up!"

Sora nervously glance between Tokora and the chimney.

Sora: "But i'm claustrophobic!"

Tokora: "Yeah! Now you could be Santphobic! Now dab, fool! Dab, dab, dab!"

Sora look at the chimney and try to enter it...only to slip and fall end first in.

Sora: "Guys? I'M STUCK!!"

The others gasped while Okami take a Present and try to open the door.

Okami: "Hang out, Sora! We're coming!"

Sokuto run toward the chimney side.

Sokuto: "Sora! I'm here!"

Sora: "I'm burning!"

Sokuto: "You're not burning!"

Tokora: "For the love of-Move aside!"

Tokora take the Present out of Okami's hands and kicked the door which open it. They now see Sora's head who was stuck in the chimney.

Sora: "...Thanks you."

The girls and the boy jumped upond hearing the alarm. Panicking, they get Sora out the chimney with a bit of trouble before they leave the House, until Okami remember something important.

Okami: "Tokora! You still have the Present!"

Tokora: "Ah!"

She throw the Present into the window, breaking it in the process. Okami and Tokora flinched before they hear sound coming toward them.

Fumari: "Let's get out of here!"

They all jumped on the sleigh and leave as fast as possible.


The Eight Friends landed harsly on the roof of a House, making them fall out of the sleigh. They all groaned from the floor.

Sokuto: "Way to go, Tokora."

Tokora: "Me!? But it's Sora who started to freak out!"

Everyone get up and dusted themself off.

Yumero: "Calm down, everyone. We don't have much House left. There is no reason to freak out."

Nocaro: "Oh yeah?!"

Everyone was looking ahead of them and see a City filled with hundred of House.

Nocaro: "Can we freak out now?!"

Later again

During all the Night, Sokuto, Okami, Sora, Tokora, Komei, Fumari, Nocaro, and Yumero travel around the World to give everyone their Presents. However, it was not easy as they though. From being hurt being catctus from freezing into the North and hit by Lightning. 

Now, they were taking a break on a Island.

The Eight of them came out the sleigh and were panting. 

Tokora: "We did it! Every single Present delivered and accounted for!"

She walk toward the sleigh.

Tokora: "Goodbye, empty bag! Hello-New Bag!?"

Tokora find another bag filled with Presents, much to her dismay.

Tokora: "No! There's still a few left in this one!"

Nocaro: "No."

The green hair boy get up from the ground and snatch the bag out of her hands.

Nocaro: "No, no more! I can't take it! I'll throw it in the river. It will be like we never saw them."

Sokuto: "Give me that!"

The black hair boy grab the bag and look inside it. He was surprise by what he find.

Sokuto: "Wait. They're for us!"

Okami: "What? Really?"

They all take the Present inside the bag and were surprise.

Nocaro: "No way! It's the Log of Christmas!"

Komei: "It's a Log with a lot of Chocolate!"

Sora take a hat made of leaf.

Sora: "It's the hat i've asked for! It's suit me so well!"

Yumero carry a brown dog in her hands.

Yumero: "A Dog with soft fur."

She stroke it and the Dog barked happily.

Okami lifted a Sword made of Crystal. She smile at this.

Okami: "The best Sword i've ever seeing."

Fumari held a golden cape in her hands before putting it around her head.

Fumari: "Now, i'll look like a Emperess."

Tokora put two red gloves on her hands. She clenched her fist and her glove bright up, making her smile.

Tokora: "Gloves that shine through the dark."

They all turned toward Sokuto."

Sora: "What about you, Sokuto? What do you have?"

Sokuto look at his hand in which there was bright item that shined on his palm.

Sokuto: "A mini little Star...but how does he know about them?"

Sora: "That's why Santa is Santa! The big man got some talent!"

They all looked at each others.

Sokuto: "We can't leave him back there dancing on the Island with that bumb on his head. We go to go back and help him!"

Fumari goes to the sleigh and pull out magical spark.

Fumari: "The good news is that there is enough of those to go back to Kero Island."

Komei: "And the bad news?"

Fumari: "There's only enough to get us to Kero Island."

That shock them. That was for only one way trip. Which mean that they have to choose between goes back to the Island or leaving it.


A sleigh was flying toward Kero Island. On it was Sokuto and the others who were going back to where they were leaving.

Sokuto: "Maybe another time."

He look at Yumero who was making the Dog flying.

Sokuto: "Yumero! Full speed ahead!"

Yumero nodded before she directed the sleigh toward the ground. As they get closer to the Island, they could see Ciela with Santa and the others.

Komei: "We're here! We're almost arrive!"

They suddenly start to fall down, much to their shock.

Sora: "What's happening?!"

They see that one of the Monkey has fallen asleep.

Nocaro: "They're sleeping!? At a time like this!?"

Fumari: "We should have seeing this coming! We've being traveling around the World all the Night! Now their tiredness has catch up to them!"

One by one, the Monkeys started to fall asleep, until there was one left. Sora gain a determinate look.

Sora: "Hey! Buddy!"

The Monkey look at him with his eyes ready to close.

Sora: "Don't give up now! Think about the most precious things!"

The Monkey do as he was told and think about...a giant banana. His face suddenly gain a happy expression before he suddenly regain his balance and flew toward Santa and the others.

Ciela look up and her eyes widened.

Ciela: "Everyone! Take cover!"

They all get out the way of the sleigh that was heading toward them at fast speed.

Komei: "Brace for impact!"

They suddenly charge toward Santa who didn't have the time to dodge it and-


-receive it head on. Sokuto and the others flying out the sleigh, making them fall to the ground. They get up and see Santa under the sleigh, making them stunned...then, they noticed that his feets were moving.

Okami: "He's alive! Let's help him!"

They lifted the sleigh and get it away from Santa who sit up and rubbed his head.

Santa: "Whe...where i am?"

His eyes widened as he take off his hands, showing that the bruise on his head was gone.

Santa: "The childrens! The Presents!"

Sokuto: "He got his memories back!"

They all cheered while Santa look through the sleigh and don't find any Present, making him shocked.

Santa: "It's horrible! The Present are gone!"

Sokuto: "Calme down."

Santa look behind him and see Sokuto walking toward him.

Sokuto: "We've delivered all the Present while you were here. The childrens must probably open them as we speak."

Santa blinked shocked.

Santa: " really deliver them across the World?"

Okami: "It's the last we can do for you."

Santa: "You even managed to find the Lichtenstein?"

The Eight Friends blinked.

Sora: "The what?"

Santa became nervous before he goes to his sleigh and find another bag filled with Presents.

Santa: "Oh, chestnuts! Those childrens will be up any minute now!

Sora: "But there's no sparkly stuff left in the tank!"

Santa: "I'll use the reserve then!"

They blinked as Santa restart the sleigh.

Fumari: "He has reserve?"

Sokuto: "Hey, Santa! Maybe you could-"

The sleigh start up before he could finish and float in the air.

Santa: "Thanks again!"

He flew away, leaving behind the others.

Santa: "Hey, Ciela!" 

Ciela look up from her hiding spot.

Santa: "You're officialy off the naughty list!"

Ciela's eyes widened before she became annoyed.

Ciela: "What!? He can't take me off the naughty list! I'M the naughty list!...what's a naughty list?"

Tsuyoshi shrugged.

Santa: "Merry Christmas!"

Santa flew on his sleigh until he could no longer be seeing. Sokuto and the others couldn't believe that they were back to the Island while Santa leave them.

Okami: "You know what? We must not let ourself be upset by it. We're going to pass the best Christmas of all the time here!"


Everyone was making a Christmas Tree with what they could find, which is fruits and legume. Ciela was hiding behind a giant Melon with a coconut in her hands. She smirk.

Ciela: "With this, i'm sure that i will go back on the Naughty List...COCONUTS BATTLE!!"

She throw the coconut to a girl that was send flying and lend on Sokuto's feet. The boy in question was eating a banana before he put the skin on his feet, like they were Skates. 

Sokuto: "Okay, let's give them a try."

He goes on his feet and Skates around the Tree while passing Sora who has difficult.

Sora: "I can't stop! I can't stop it!" 

Tokora grab his hands and play with him. With their Friends around them doing the same before they stop.

Nocaro: "Well, we may not goes Home for Christmas, but we got Snow!"

Sokuto: "Hum, i wouldn't do that if i were you."

Nocaro open his eyes and see that the snow was actually fur of monkey, making him horryfing.

Nocaro: "EW! It's not Snow! It's not Snow!"

He spat out making everyone laugh.

Tokora: "See everyone? This is what Christmas mean. It's not what you get, it's what you give."

Ciela: "I'll give you a rest!"


Tokora: "OW!"

She fall over after being hit by a coconut on the head. Ciela laughed as she, Tsuyoshi, and Kyou stand behind her.

Ciela: "I'm the most naughty on the World! Kyou! You're next!"

Kyou: "NOOO!!"

She run away, followed by Ciela and Tsuyoshi who laughed. The rest gather themself around Tokora.

Okami: "Tokora, are you okay?"

The black hair girl rub her head and look at her Friends who noticed that she has a wound on her head.

Tokora: "Who's Tokora?"

They groaned. It's happening again. Kyou appear in front of the Readers.

Kyou: "Merry Christmas!"

She was hit by a coconut.

To Be Continued

This was inspired from Madagascar...and it was really complicated to make. Hope that it's to your liking regardless.

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