Fangs and Fragility - Twiligh...

By CrimsonMoonlite

97 2 7

Forks, 2005: Beau Swan's life is a tangled web of complexities, haunted by his own demons and wrestling with... More

1. Bella
2. Beau
4. Beau

3. Bella and Beau

15 0 0
By CrimsonMoonlite

October 5th, 2005
6:08 PM

Forks, WA

   "Bash, eat now," Beau said as he returned to the stove to cook Calliope more bacon... things this morning were a bit chaotic. Yesterday morning was so cool, everyone was getting along, and Beau sang at the church... he was amazing. I didn't know what happened, but Beau went to his job at the grocery store and rode back home in Dad's patrol car.

   "Bella, Can you drive Calliope and Sebastian to school on your way to school... also take your brother because he is grounded and isn't going to be able to drive for 3 weeks since your brother decided to punch his boss in the face and get fired," Dad said and Beau mumbled something under his breath.

   "Sure Dad,"

   "Thanks, sweetie, Beau, the sausage is still frozen in the middle," Dad said and Beau stomped over grabbing his plate and throwing the sausage in the pan. Calliope and Sebastian were looking at Charlie and he decided to mimic the way Beau walks, they giggled and started doing it too because they thought it was funny.

   Things were quiet until Beau brought the littles to their plate and slammed them down in front of Charlie. "Beau!" Dad snapped as the plate knocked against the cup spilling it on the floor.

   "You have two good arms so next time heat your damn sausages while I am raising your kids," Beau snapped back.

   "That is unfair Beau,"

   "Yeah, I would say that too," He snapped back looking Dad directly in the eyes, the little ones looked like they did the same thing as me and looked down at the table, so we didn't make eye contact with either of them.

   "Beau, I know you are angry but getting fired from your job isn't the answer, we can't afford to lose any more money,"

   "I have two more jobs!" Beau started tearing up as he was so upset, this was odd since Charlie took a step back.

   "Son, Mr. Fenton could have pressed charges, you wouldn't survive in jail, and we wouldn't have the money for the court costs."

   "For the last fucking time Dad, he groped me, I was defending myself," Beau said through gritted teeth, "Why don't you believe me?" Beau started crying but his face only got madder. "You think I am making it up,"

   "Son... I am trying to process the information."

   "I am your son. you are going to believe that scumbag over me?"

   "Dan and I have been friends for so long, it's just something that he wouldn't do... he has a wife," Dad said and Beau scoffed.

   "Go through the security tape, the one over the freezers..." He said walking over to the table grabbing Callie's plate and dumping it on Sebastian's.

   "Where are you going?"

   "I am walking them to school," Beau said and the two stood up to follow him, I shot up to... I didn't know what I would say but it got their attention.

   "I can get a job..." It just came out. Beau's face didn't change but he looked at Dad who was processing it.

   "No, Baby girl, you don't need to get a -" Charlie said and Beau stormed out with the toddlers slamming the door behind him, it was loud enough to make Dad and I flinch and the shelf beside the door knocked off the wall.

   "Dad... seriously, I can get a job, I had one in Arizona,"

   "It's okay honey, Beau and I can figure it out," Dad put his hands on his hips and sighed, he looked like he was going to cry too. I walked over to him and hugged him, "Thank you, Bells." Dad said hugging me back.

   "Does that happen often?"

   "No... not that bad,"

   "You think Beau would make something up like that?" I asked.

   "He... he has lied in the past. I can tell when he is lying. He does that little scrunch of the nose like your mom does," Dad pulled away and gave me a soft smile before wiping his face.

   "I didn't see him doing that..." I spoke.

   "I... wasn't paying close attention, I was just too upset that we were called to his old job," He rubbed his face, "Get ready for school honey, I'll try and see if I can find a sitter for Adelaide and Genevieve,"

   "But it is your day off,"

   "Yeah, I'm just gonna go in and see what he was talking about with the cameras..."

7:29 AM

   I had been at the school for 30 minutes. the principal asked me to come early so my hall buddy would show me around campus. I didn't know 'hall buddies' was a thing, I just thought they would get Beau to show me around.

   "Bella, this is Jessica, Mike, Angela, Lauren, and Ben," Eric said with a smile on his face gesturing to the table, "Guys, this is Beau's sister, Bella,"

   "Oh yeah, we met yesterday," Mike smiled and nodded his head.

   "You don't look like Beau," Jessica observed and Lauren nodded.

   "Yeah, he is so fabulous... even though he is a goth," Lauren chimed in and I didn't know whether to smile and play along or call her out.

   "Hi, I am Angela," Angela said taking a break from holding Ben's hand to shake mine, I gave her a curt smile before Jessica started to tell me about the school and point out the cliques. I wasn't sure what clique she belonged to, and she didn't mention it either.

   I tried to keep my head low as everyone was curious about me, but then several people came in... There was something about their energy, I couldn't take my eyes away. They all looked disinterested in me, but when I realized I was staring I made eye contact with the one with Copper hair. I looked away and Jessica explained who they were... they sounded like small-town celebrities.

   "The one you were drooling over is Edward, don't even try with that one. He goes for no one," Jessica sounded a little bitter.

   "Bella, Where is Beau? Did you come here together?" Angela asked, "I tried texting him over the weekend, I hope he is okay," She asked... the next thing that came out of my mouth I swear... was supposed to make Mike a little jealous. I was trying to wingman for Beau...

   "Eh, don't worry. He is on the phone with his boyfriend, Jacob, before school starts," I didn't want them to know that Beau and Dad got in a massive fight... I knew it was wrong as soon as I said it.

   "What did you say?" Ben asked and I gulped, Jessica and Lauren leaned in fully focused on me.

   "I knew it," Jessica smiled.

   "Did you say, boyfriend?" Lauren chimed in, I gulped and that's when she whipped out her phone and started typing away.

   "Hey guys," Beau said walking up and I looked at him mortified, the table was quiet, and all looked at Beau with wide eyes. You could tell he had been crying, he was so made up this morning but now he wasn't wearing makeup at all. His long wavy hair was pulled up and he was wearing a hoodie with plaid pants. "What? You've seen me without my makeup on before," He shrugged. "I'm gonna go get a breakfast burrito before they are all gone..." He gave everyone a look before walking off.

   "Hey." I chased after him and everyone was looking at us, if Lauren were anything like the mean girls in Phoenix with whole town would have heard by now. "Can... you show me to my locker?"

   "Didn't Eric show you?" Beau asked and I shook my head, he rolled his eyes and nodded for me to follow. I knew where the locker was, I just needed to get him alone, there was an angelic laughing at the other side of the cafeteria.

   I looked over to see Edward Cullen laughing hard looking in our direction, Beau shot him a 'shove off' look. It was quiet as I followed him to the locker, each step was like a bomb going off in my stomach... if he didn't hate me before he was going to hate me now.

   "K," Beau said pointing at my locker, I felt like I was going to throw up.

   "Beau... er," I tried to start but his ice-blue eyes were so intense, I looked down at my feet. "Are you out?"

   "Oh, no... that would be social suicide, I am only out to Dad and the tribe," He said, and I covered my face, he got what I was hinting at. "Bella... what the fuck did you do..."

11:48 PM

Forks, WA

   I hate my sister... I am serious... I never want to see her again... who outs their brother like this? His excuse was so lame too, everyone was looking at me... laughing. Girls are stopping me in the hallway and telling me how 'fabulous' I am, guys are staring me down like they are about to maul me... It's not like I am afraid of that anyway. I can manage myself pretty well in a fight.

   I was in French class now and Bella was sitting beside me, I don't think she could curl into herself even more awkwardly... she was just trying to help but she fucked everything up. I looked over to Edward who kept looking at me... no, he was looking at Bella, and everyone else was looking at me.

   I gathered my things and got up as soon as the bell rang, "Mr. Swan, I haven't dismissed you yet," Mr. Blanchet said.

   "Je n'ai pas besoin d'être ici en ce moment (I don't need to be here right now)" I sighed pushing passed him out of the classroom, I was headed to the parking lot. I didn't know where I was going to go, Dad was off today, and I just didn't want to be here.

   I felt a hand on my waist before being pulled into a janitor's closet, every one of my friends knew not to scare me. I quickly grabbed the knife out of my waistline and held it up to the person's neck. "You're getting faster," Rosalie said intrigued more than scared. I rolled my eyes putting my knife back up when there was Rosalie there was Emmett.

   "Yeah... you would still be dead by now, but you're getting faster," Emmett said putting his hand on Rosalie's hand that was still on my waist.

   "Let. go. of. me... I am not in the mood. I won't hesitate to kill you."

   "Don't you miss us?" Emmett asked with a smirk leaning down to kiss me on the neck, I rolled my eyes and Rosalie called him off when I didn't react well.

   "Look, we didn't bring you for a hookup, I just wanted to thank you," Rosalie said, for the time I knew she didn't show thanks or apologize to people much. "You saved my brother from the wolves," She said, the wolves could technically have killed them since they didn't abide by the Cullen's 'vegetarian' ways. "I don't agree with Royal's ethics, but he is trying to get better, so thank you, I will ensure he and Archie don't get out of the house until they can be trusted."

   "Okay... you can let me go now," I said, and they both took their hands off of me, Alice came out of nowhere as I walked out of the closet and put her hand on my shoulder.

   "Are you okay, Beau?" She asked.

   "I am fine," I said quickly getting her hand off of me since she was clairvoyant, but the look in her eye told me that she saw something. "And tell Edward to stay away from my sister or I will be coming for him."

   "I think you had already come for him," Emmett smirked and I rolled my eyes, Alice was looking at me with a worried face... I didn't know if it was the past or the future, she saw but I didn't want to find out.

   "Beaufort... we all miss you. I think you know what happened to your step-mom isn't our fault..." Alice spoke up and I froze.

   "All vampires are scum... and they deserve hell. Thats exactly what I plan to give them as long as I am alive," I snapped and continued to storm away.
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