Dusk til Dawn | n.mikaelson (...

By kmstories1001

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*BOOK ONE OF THE 'TIL SERIES* In which Briana Forbes is full of life, but didn't know what it felt like to tr... More

I: The Last Dance
II: Klaus
III: The Last Day
IV: The Sun Also Rises
V: As I Lay Dying
VI: The Birthday
VII: The Hybrid
VIII: The End of the Affair
IX: Disturbing Behvaior
X: The Reckoning
XI: Smells Like Teen Spirit
XII: Ghost World
XIII: Ordinary People
XIV: Homecoming
XVI: Our Town
XVII: The Ties That Bind
XVIII: Bringing Out the Dead
XIX: Dangerous Liaisons
XX: All My Children
XXI: The Murder of One
XXII: Heart of Darkness
XXIII: Do Not Go Gentle
XXIV: Before Sunset
XXV: The Departed
XXVI: Growing Pains
XXVII: The Rager
XXVIII: The Five
XXVIX: The Killer
XXX: We All Go a Little Mad Sometimes
XXXI: My Brother's Keeper
XXXII: We'll Always Have Bourbon Street
XXXIII: O Come, All Ye Faithful
XXXIV: After School Special
XXXV: Catch Me If You Can
XXXVI: A View to a Kill
XXXVII: Into the Wild
XXXVIII: Down the Rabbit Hole
XXXVIX: Stand By Me
XL: Bring It On
XLI: American Gothic
XLII: The Originals

XV: The New Deal

4K 103 13
By kmstories1001

Klaus stared back at Briana. His eyes wide with worry, with fear, with shock. 

Briana nervously covered her face, feeling her new fangs emerge. She was shaking with the fear of what she had done and what she had become. 

"Whats happening to me?" She questioned, her voice shaking. 

"No." Klaus shook his head in disbelief. Klaus grabbed her shoulders looking her up and down as her painful groans subsided. 

"Klaus what's happening to me?" Her body was now trembling in fear. She repeated the question over and over nonstop. 

"Sweetheart I need you to calm down." He spoke. His voice softened to try and calm her nerves. His hands still on her shoulders. Examining her for any other injuries. 

At the sound of his voice soothing her, she let out a deep breath and regained her composure. Tears started welling her eyes in realization. 

"What's happening to me?" She spoke again just barely above a whisper. Her eyes pleading for an answer. For the pain to go away. 

Klaus let out a nervous sigh knowing what he was about to say would strip her of the life, the innocence, she's only ever known. 

"You activated your werewolf curse." He spoke. Briana couldn't move. It was like she was paralyzed in shock. 

"Wh-what?" She stuttered as the tears began to fall. She looked around the room for something to grab on to steady herself. Her breathing increased to the point she was hyperventilating. 

Klaus couldn't stand to see her that way. He quickly wrapped her into his arms and she instantly fell into his embraced. 

The two stood there in the hug for what felt like hours. Neither one of them able to speak, but Klaus pressing comforting kisses to the top of her head while she tried to get her breathing back to a normal pace. 

She closed her eyes as her head rested upon his chest. Taking in the warmth of the body and the scent of the cologne. It relaxed her. 

After regaining control she pulled her head away from his chest in realization, their arms still embraced, "the guy in the woods" were all the words Briana could muster. 

He looked down at her confused. She avoided his gaze as she continued to put the pieces together, "the guy in the woods. I killed him." She spoke as her voice broke on the last part of her sentence. 

"Oh my god I killed him. I'm a monster." The tears started to fall once again. 

"Briana, sweetheart hey listen to me." Klaus spoke softly as he cupped her head in his hands. 

"Tell me what happened." Briana looked up at him with tear filled eyes. 

The pair walked over to the stairs of the Lockwood foyer so she could sit. 

"I needed some air so I walked away from the party and this guy who I have never seen before came over and attacked me. He was holding me by the throat, I could feel the air leaving my lungs. He was using enough strength to hold me down but not enough to kill me. It was just enough where I was in fight or flight." Briana avoided eye contact with Klaus as she recalled the mortifying details of the events that took place earlier tonight. 

Klaus had his hand on the back of her head, playing with her hair soothingly as she spoke. The small gesture was keeping Briana calm more than she had realized. He gave her a confusing look as she spoke. 

"He just kept saying 'he told me I can't stop' over and over again it was almost like-" 

"He was compelled." Klaus finished the brunette's thought. She looked up and him realizing that is exactly what happened. 

Klaus, now stewing with anger, looked over to his father's burnt corpse. Briana followed his gaze as the hybrid let out of a huff of anger. 

"You think he did this to me? He compelled that guy to make me kill him?" Briana questioned in disbelief. 

Klaus looked at her with sorrow filled eyes. The apologetic look he gave her confirmed Briana's theory. 

"This is my fault." Klaus spoke. Briana shook her head. 

"No it's not. It's not anyones." She spoke as she reached up to grab his face. 

"Don't get me wrong I'm scared as hell and I am heartbroken that your father made me take that man's life.. but we can't change any of this." Briana choked on her words as she recalled the fact that she was responsible for an innocent person's death. 

She shot Klaus an innocent, and not at all convincing, grin to which he returned. He grabbed her hand that rested on his cheek and brought the back of it to his lips. 

"I never thanked you for saving me." She spoke as he rubbed her knuckles with his thumb. 

"Yeah well, you've saved me enough time's I figured the least I could do was return the favor." Briana joked with a smile causing Klaus to quietly chuckle.

She was trying her best to act like everything was fine. Like she was completely normal and everything will be okay. But on the inside, she was terrified. Terrified of what she had done, what she is and what she could do.

The two left the Lockwood mansion hand in hand as Klaus walked Briana home. The entire time he pestered her with questions about what she was feeling and if she was okay which to all she lied and said everything was fine. 

He was hesitant to leave her, but deep down he knew she needed to be alone to have time to process this. He gave her a kiss on the forehead goodnight and left. 

Briana spent the night a puddle of tears. Her silent sobs filled her dark bedroom. She didn't ask for any of this. She didn't want it. And now she would never be the same. 


Needless to say Briana didn't sleep that night. She tried but she tossed and turned. Every time she closed her eyes she saw the face of the man's life she took. The look in his eyes haunted her. 

As soon as the smallest crack of the sun, Briana didn't know what to do with herself so she decided to go for a run. Briana was never one who liked running or exercising at all for that matter, but she needed an escape. A way to clear her head. 

And so she ran. She didn't even realize how far or long she had been running when she returned back to her house to see Caroline up and ready for the day. 

"There you are!! I've been looking all over for you! We're you.. running?" Caroline spoke at the presence of her sister. She furrowed her brow at her sister's odd behavior. 

"Yeah just uhm something new I thought I would try out." Briana spoke as she walked into the kitchen where Caroline was seated. 

Briana gulped. She knew she couldn't keep this from Caroline. Plus she was dying to tell someone. 

"Is mom around?" Briana questioned as she poured herself a cup of coffee. 

"No she left already. Why??" Caroline drawled out suspiciously. 

"I-uh well alright whatever I'll just rip off the bandaid. I'm a werewolf." Briana spoke quickly as she made her way over the refirdgerator  avoiding her sister's gaze. 

"Do we have any milk?" Briana asked innocently trying to lighten the weight of the confession she just made. 

"I'm sorry." Caroline giggled. "That sounded like you said you are a werewolf." She continued to nervously laugh thinking there is no way Briana could be serious. 

Briana closed the refrigerator and slowly turned towards her sister with a serious and scared look on her face. 

"Oh my god you aren't kidding." Caroline realized and Briana shook her head slowly. 

"Briana!! What the hell did you do?!" Caroline shrieked referring to how Briana discovered this information. 

Briana's eyes started to water as she turned her back towards her sister. 

"Please. Don-Don't remind me." Briana spoke quietly. 

Caroline got up from where she was seated and made her way over to her older sister wrapping her in a hug. 

Briana let out a sigh of relief. 

"Are you okay?" Caroline questioned sincerely as they pulled apart. 

"Yes." Briana lied earning her a stern look from Caroline. "Okay fine no. I mean I don't know. It's not like I can change it." The brunette admitted, receiving a sympathetic look from her sister. 

"You don't think I'm a monster?" Briana questioned in all seriousness earning a lighthearted laugh from her sister.

"Are you kidding? Look who you're asking." Caroline laughed. 

"I'm serious Care. You may be a vampire but you're not a monster. You're good." Briana sighed

Caroling grabbed on to her sister's shoulders acting as if she was trying to shake some sense into her. 

"And so are you. Being supernatural doesn't change who you are. It just heightens it. And you, my wild, crazy.." Briana shot her sister and look with a soft smile, "hilarious, beautiful big sister are good." 

Briana smiled and for the first time since everything happened, it was sincere as she pulled Caroline into a hug. 

Briana spent the rest of the morning filling Caroline in on every gory detail of what happened last night from seeing Klaus, to activating her curse, to Damon's idiotic plan failing (shocker) and laughing at Caroline's perfectly witty commentary. 

Briana had realized that Caroline was right, being supernatural doesn't automatically make you a monster. Briana was still Briana and at the end of the day if the only person she had by her side was Caroline, she could live with that. 


After the 18th time Briana's phone had lit up with a new text from Klaus within the last hour, she figured she should probably respond. She had been avoiding his endless pestering asking if she was okay since everything happened last night and now almost 24 hours later she finally felt like she truly was. 

While 95% of the texts from Klaus were him checking in on her, she did find the one where he was asking if Briana had seen Stefan rather interesting. She rolled her eyes, Klaus promised Stefan his freedom for saving him, he better not go back on that she thought. 

His last text was to inform Briana that he was going to the grill and begging her to join him. She sighed, she would have to face her new reality at some point. Try as she might, she couldn't hide in her house forever. Plus,  she desperately needed a drink. 

Briana scanned the room as she entered the grill and found the original hybrid sitting alone in the corner, away from the crowd. His smile immediately widened when he saw her walking towards him. 

"You came." Klaus acknowledged, smile brightly at the brunette who took the seat next to him. 

"Well I figured I could use a drink.. or twenty." Briana half joked as she turned to face him. She bit her lip to try and hide the smile that was plastered across her face. 

She had ordered a drink from the bartender. Bourbon. After spending enough time with Damon she had actually began to like it. 

"Oh! And maybe just leave the bottle." Briana smiled innocently towards the bartender causing a stifled laugh to escape Klaus lips. 

"Well I'll take that as testament as to how you are doing." Klaus looked towards the bottle that rested on the bar top before shooting her a playful smirk. 

She rolled her eyes playfully at his remark. 

"I will have you know that thanks to my incredible sister and now this bottle bourbon I am feeling much better about my uh predicament?" Briana slightly questioned causing Klaus to chuckle at her playful innocence. 

"Don't get me wrong I'm still terrified and still trying to wrap my head around what I am but Caroline made me realize that I'm still me. I just have to hang on to that." Briana's tone shifted to more serious as she looked down at the glass in her hand to avoid Klaus' gaze. 

She cleared her throat and looked up to see him looking at her, worry and admiration in his eyes. What Briana was going through isn't easy, but she was handling way better than he imagined. 

Noticing the worry in his eyes, Briana reassured him, "Hey, I'm serious. I'm okay. I'm just still processing but I am going to be fine. I mean how could I not be? I have you by my side." Her hand playing the hair on the back gape of his neck.

He let out a sigh of relief followed by a soft smile, "That you do." He brought her hand to her lips kissing her knuckles softly. 

"Okay anywa-" Briana started but notice Klaus reaching for the half full bottle of bourbon in front of her. 

She quickly slapped his hand away before he could reach it earning her a confused look, shocked by her behavior. 

"Get your own that one's mine." She said in all seriousness referencing to the bottle. He look at her and then back at the bottle, his look nonverbally asking if she was serious. 

She was. 

"You know something tells me you would be able to drink New Orleans dry." Klaus said happily as he leaned back into his chair. 

"You know for once you are probably right. I'll have to go one day to test that theory." Briana said cheerfully as she brought the glass to her lips. 

Klaus looked at her. His eyes, his smile, his heart all full of admiration for the brunette. 

"One day." He spoke, his voice coated with playful seriousness. He tried to hide his smile with his now, new full glass.

"Well anyways before I was so rudely interrupted, what's going on with Stefan? I got your text but I haven't seen him since last night." Briana shrugged. 

Klaus smile disappeared, his demeanor changing to an uncomfortable seriousness. 

"Well I was afraid you would say that. If you'll excuse me." Klaus huffed as he rose from his seat, as he turned to walk towards the crowd she noticed he was approaching Damon. 

Briana tried to grab Klaus lightly by the arm to stop him but it was no use. She hurried after him. 

"Don't mind me." Klaus spoke, startling Damon and Elena. Briana rolled her eyes at the smug smile Klaus was giving the pair. 

"You're gonna do this in the grill? In front of everyone? That's a little beneath you don't you think?" Damon questioned strongly. Briana not yet in his sight. 

"I don't know what you mean I just came down to my local pub to have a drink." Klaus stepped closer to Damon causing Briana to make her presence known. 

"Oh I'm sorry sweetheart, we just came for a drink." Klaus said proudly, emphasizing the 'we,' throwing his arm over Briana's shoulder. She shifted uncomfortably. 

Briana gulped as she made eye contact with Damon. She hadn't seen or spoken to him since last night. He had found her, he had cleaned up her mess, but he didn't know she had triggered her curse. 

Damon looked at his best friend with slight worry in his eye. She could tell that he wanted to know if she was okay. She sent back a slightly nod and soft smile. He knew she was thanking him, sending a sad smile back. 

Briana knew she needed to tell Damon everything that happened when she left, but now definitely wasn't the time. She also felt the need to thank him for everything he done for her last night, despite her going against his plan. 

Briana knew that deep down Damon was mad at her for going against him. She was sure he was furious. But in that slight moment, the only thing that mattered to him was that she was okay. Everything else could be hashed out later. 

"Surprised you stuck around town long enough for happy hour. I'm sure this one had something to do with it. She always has to get involved." Damon sneered stepping towards Briana. 

Klaus stiffened. He protectively stepped in front of Briana causing Damon to stand down. 

Briana couldn't help herself to bite her lip to hid the smirk that was forming on her lips in response to Klaus' actions. 

"Well you see my sister appears to be missing. Need to sort that out." Klaus spoke nonchalantly. Briana shifted crossing her arms over her chest. 

The information about Rebekah disappearing came as a shocker to her. She narrowed her eyes on Elena knowing Damon's plan most likely had something to do with this. 

Elena avoided Briana's stare, practically confirming Briana's theory. 

"You know the truth is I've grown to rathe like your little town. Think I might fancy a home here." Klaus stepped closer to Damon, he winked in Briana's direction as he finished his thought. She let her smile shine through. 

"I'm sure you're wondering how would this affect you and truth be told it won't in the slightest as long as everyone behaves themselves and I get what I want. You lot can go on living your little lives however you chose." Klaus spoke as he circled Damon and Elena. 

Briana stood leaned up against a post her arms crossed watching his little threats. She cleared her throat to get his attention. 

He looked at her and sighed in annoyance knowing what she was looking for. 

"You have my word." Klaus grunted in Damon and Elena's direction, looking for approval from Briana for his actions. 

Briana may have her differences with Damon and Elena about Klaus, but that didn't mean she wouldn't do whatever it takes to keep the save. 

"What more could you possibly want?" Elena spoke, her voice shaking with fear. 

Klaus approached her, "Well for starters, you can tell me where I might find Stefan." 

Damon intervened, "Stefan skipped town the second he saved your ass." 

"What?" Briana questioned, making her way towards the group. 

Damon looked at her with confusion, "I guess your accomplice forgot to fill you in on his plans." He replied snakily. Briana rolled her eyes. They definitely needed to have a conversation. 

"Well that is a problem. You see, your brother stole from me. I need him found so I can take back what's mine." Klaus threatened lowly. 

"Well that sounds like a Klaus and Stefan problem to me." Elena spoke innocently. 

Briana could see the anger in Klaus' eyes at her remark. He stepped towards her, but Briana grabbed his arm lightly signaling this isn't worth it. Or at least this isn't the place. 

In the same instance, Damon stepped protectively in front of Elena the way Klaus had done just a few moments ago. 

Klaus looked towards Briana, her hand still on his bicep, a pleading look in her eyes. He stepped back towards her.

"Well this is me broadening the scope." Klaus sneered towards Elena, completely ignoring Damon standing in front of her. 


After their run in with Damon and Elena, Klaus finally took the time to fill Briana in on Stefan's antics. Briana couldn't believe Stefan. The first day with his freedom and he really thought it would be a good idea to steal Klaus' coffins? Does he have any common sense? 

Briana decided it would probably best to let Klaus handle this on his own. She was already on outs with the entire group for scheming with Stefan last night, she would probably just make efforts worse. Plus, Klaus was practically demanding she go home and rest after the night she had. 

Briana thought it was cute how worried and protective Klaus was with her, but she would be damned if she was going to sit home and wallow in self pity. Granted, she did desperately need a nap so she complied.

After finally getting a few hours of sleep and feeling better, Briana was bored. She sighed knowing exactly what she needed to do and with that she set out for the Salvatore house. 

Briana didn't bother knocking when she arrived and instead just made her way into the foyer. 

"I guess its about time we tal-" Briana walked into the room taking off her jacket, but she stopped in her tracks, and thought, when she looked up to see Damon talking with Klaus. 

"What is this? Super villian happy hour?" Briana questioned looking between the two men. 

"What are you doing here?" Her eyes fixated on Klaus. 

He stepped towards her, "I could ask you the same thing. I thought you were supposed to be at home. Resting." Klaus said sternly, his voice concerned.

"I told you I'm fine." Briana persisted trying to ease Klaus' mind. 

Damon rolled his eyes sipping his drink, he scoffed slightly disgusted by their interaction, "Your boy toy here just stopped by to fill me on Stefan stealing his family, followed by some light threatening." 

Briana shot Klaus a shocked and appalled look. To which he devilishly smirked. She groaned and rolled her eyes.

"What did you do?" Briana crossed her arms, her brow furrowed angrily at Klaus.

"I was just trying to persuade Damon to help in my cause but since he is refusing, I am being forced to take matter into my own hands." Klaus spoke as he pulled his phone from his pocket. 

Damon shot Briana a questioning look to which she shook her head unknowingly. Both watched the hybrid curiously. 

"There he is. So that thing I told you to do, why don't you go ahead and get on with it." Klaus smirked causing Briana and Damon to shift uncomfortably at his tone. 

Klaus looked at Damon with a threatening look and an evil grin. 

"Well I think my work here is done for the day. Damon, you know where to find me when you come to your senses." Klaus spoke as he set down his glass. 

As he made his way to the door he stopped next to Briana, "be careful" he spoke just above a whisper, seriousness in his voice. Briana nodded slightly. 

He gave her a soft smile as he placed a soft kiss to the side of her head before exiting the house.

"Well wasn't that just adorable." Damon spoke sarcastically as he poured himself another drink. 

Briana rolled her eyes walking towards him, "we need to talk about.. well everything." 

He didn't turn to face her, instead he held out a full drink for her as a welcoming signal. 

The two sat in silence for a moment while both of them decided what to say. They were mad at one another, but also grateful just to know the other is alive. 

Their relationship had always been complicated. Damon was never one to get close to people, but he had let Briana in. 

"Thank you for uhm well uh.." Briana couldn't find the words as tears filled in her eyes recalling the events of last night. 

"Are you okay?" Damon questioned seriously, his eyes fixated on his drink. 

Briana could feel the tears coming, "Honestly. No.." She trailed as her voice cracked, "I mean yes but also like not at all." 

He looked up at her with worry in her eyes seeing the state of her. 

"So uhm after everything happened with Stefan, something happened and I-I" She was fully crying now. 

Damon came over to sit next to her. 

"So you know how I'm adopted right well last night after that guy uhm died.." Briana could feel her heart breaking, "things started happening to me and uhm well I'-I'm a werewolf." She had composed herself slightly. 

Her eyes looking down at her fiddling hands. She didn't want to know how Damon was reacting the news. 

"Wow that's the first time I said it out loud." Briana breathed, it was almost a sense of relief. 

Damon didn't know what to say. Their friendship was never one that was built on heartfelt moments, not to say they didn't care about one another. 

"So you're saying I should behave myself since you can actually kill me now?" Damon responded with a soft chuckle. 

Briana looked up at him to see the soft smile on his face. A smile cracked upon hers as she let out a tearful laugh. 

His response was perfect. It was perfectly Damon. Sarcastic and joking but underlying tones of seriousness. In that moment, Briana knew whatever happened with them last night, Damon would always be there for her. 

"I hadn't even thought of that. Maybe there is some perks to this." Briana quipped as she brought her glass to her lips causing him to playfully shove her with his shoulder as the two comfortingly laughed. 

"Stefan needs to be careful you know. Klaus will stop at nothing to get his family back." Briana's tone turned more serious, "I should've never dragged him into this I just didn't know what else to do." She unknowingly confessed 

Damon sensed the stress in her voice when it came to his plan. 

"You really have no idea where he is?" Damon questioned. 

"No. You?" She responded. 

"Nope." The both let out of a breath. 

"Damon" Briana started, he turned towards her. 

"I know, me too." He spoke calmly as soft smiles formed. 

The unspoken apologies filled the air. Briana let out a sigh of relief.

 The drama was far from over, especially with Stefan crusade against Klaus, but it was nice to know, that at least for now, her and Damon are on the same team. 

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