Anna's family

By Otar3000

1.6K 100 15

A new interesting chapter in Anna's life. Takes place after Frozen 2 and "The Passsage" More

Trust your heart
No matter what ever it takes
Family Lost Lineage
Guilt of heart
A mother's heart
I am with you
On the way
Arendelle, Welcome??
I want to know
Enter Olaf
Unmeltable Me
Busy Time
A hidden plot
A story teller
Play Night
Heated debate or Legislative Violence?
Secret Passage
A visit
Wolf Encounter
A stained memory
Trio of stages
Hell, Raid Aftermath
Make it out
Tough rock on wind
Promise to keep
Fiery Flames
Dangerous waters
Seeking the truth
Calm before storm
Something's Coming
Trouble's coming up
Chapter 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Cyclone 🌀
Memory Witch
Rain and Sea/Drops and Waves
Justified Worries
Nobles vs Pirates
Cold Shoulder
future concerns & dangers
Everyone has a burden
Out of cold
Dugaag meets Königin
Tarzel Gespräch
Hans the 13th/The Broken Bridge - Adultsupervision
hold on for your dreams & beyond!
is it a good time??
All in it's time - Happy 10 years
Olaf piratin tales
All is NOT well
Protect (not project) your tomorrow
voice of unheard or unrest?
memory of the brave
Beauty and Bravery
Mouse & Wolf
Heart is Pain
pain warp personality - CHROMASTORM CRISIS
Anna of Ark

Free Fall

13 1 0
By Otar3000

Coronian Dungeon

Last time Tarzan seen a prison cell was back at Staquait's Island, this time he sees another one except it's colder and a bit rotten.

There were numerous guards overlooking the place.

Pete - You need anything Lance?

Lance - Just came to see an old friend... to introduce him to our new friend here.

Pete looks at Tarzan and sighs.

Pete - Fine, but I don't think he'll achieve much.

Pete then motions them to follow through the hall.

Lance - Sorry if the place looks a bit unattended. We tend to be rather busy usually.

Catalina - Usual time then becomes most of the time...

Tarzan - That I do see. This is nothing new.

Namine - Weeel, actually we have a genie to visit. Is that new?

Tarzan looks confused as they walk.

A genie? He did read the word in some of Jane's books.

Namine - I know it may freak you out but-


A rude voice interrupted her came from a nearby jail cell.

There were three men inside, eyeing Namine.

Namine decided not to satisfy them with an answer.


They don't look like guys one would trust with safety.

They look angry and itching for a release.

"It's boring around here! Come here and I'll make your time!"

Lance - Ugh, Phil... don't you witch hunters have anything else to do?

He turn to Tarzan

Lance - Tarz... can I call you Tarz? In these kind of places, moral rule : Always follow the rules when it comes to safety.

Normally Tarzan hated the mere sight of cages, this will be a different case apparently.

"You stay outta this! I talk to ladies!"

Catalina - Well a lady tells you to shut up. Don't snarl and waste our time!

The second one Ben responded

"Just you wait when we get out, I'll get my hands on you all!"

Some of the guards present were either concerned or terrified at the remark, the prisoners did have sufficient numbers to outnumber the guards in case of a slip up.
They did had some relief when remembering that they have warriors like Red/Catalina on their side.

Other prisoners were joining in.

Dwayne - Heh why is it so noisy here?

Dale - Ah it appears we have company...

Pocket - Have you brought anything for us?

"Boys boys let us introduce ourselves properly...hello there~"

She eyed Tarzan

"I am Caine the pirate... Would you kindly let me out~ I can make it worth your while"

Tarzan wasn't new to seduction either, recalling him meeting Queen Laa. That, plus seeing she there was another man along with her inside, confirmed he should listen to her.

Tarzan - I already have a wife.

Caine - Hah, don't count me out yet. Otter here can prove I am very good at convincing people.

It was a shame Axel wasn't with her, a black shire would get her out in no time.

Lance - Oh boy, let's move along before it gets frisky here.

Phil - Don't tell us what to do black bastard! It's really you who should be in prison not us!

Then there was a sound of a loud kick echoing through the dungeon.

It came from two people, one was a foot kick from Catalina against Phil's bars, simultaneously a 2nd bars kicking sound came from neighbouring cell.
It attracted the guards who see it was done by a saporian separatist now an inmate, Maisie angered like Catalina is at the man's words.
Maisie - Listen here scum, don't get carried away or we will.

Pete motioned other guards not to interfere. She didn't do anything dangerous so it's okay. Not that he disagreed with her here.

Red Catalina growled at Phil who backed away.

Red looked at Maisie and then her cellmate Mayla who still had a painting of their old leader.

Catalina couldn't help but feel a little sad.

Maisie - What? We may be enemies but we are not crazy.

Catalina - You still going on about it. Why can't you just get over it?

Mayla - Cat, what would you do if you missed your home? If it's survival was at stake? Would you just get over it?

That question was relatable to all of them... the answer was the same.

Red - M-my home isn't going anywhere! I won't let it!

Maisie shakes her head "Well same here, see?"

Catalina - You know we may let you out if you just tell us where they are?...

Mayla - So that you'd treat them you did Hubert?

That made her and Lance flinch... Pete's eyes closed, Namine looked down while Tarzan looked on confused.

Apparently something happened to Andrew that turned the atmosphere dark.

His thoughts led to an image of a guillotine in his mind... Tarzan remembers how he was about to be beheaded in that french prison...

Maisie then worded it better...

Maisie - Look, it's not anything personal between us... but we won't be able to look our family in the eyes if we betray Saporia.

Catalina didn't say anything after that...

She gave them one last look before they began proceeding further.

Placing his hand on her shoulder, Lance tries comforting his daughter.

Living in Corona isn't always rainbow and sunshine.

They are all reminded of that with each year.

Tarzan didn't really know what happened, he looks at Namine who is eerily quiet now.

He then sees another vision in his mind, seeing a man being executed with his head falling off.

Tarzan held on his head , feeling like it'll explode.

Lance - Hey you okay? I know the mood's a bit down but...

Namine - No... no. He's seeing more images in his mind. You should learn coping with it step by step...

Pete - More magic? Let's hope that won't complicate things further.

Tarzan rubbed his temples before asking

Tarzan - Why is everyone here on guard or training for? Is something happening?

Pete - That's classified information...

Catalina - Captain Stache, you don't know yet but he's Queen's long lost relative...

Pete stopped in his tracks, looking back at her in surprise.

Then looking at Lance who nodded.

Pete - Yet another incident? The world is a dangerous place, no one knows what could happen...

Pete then checked Tarzan again, something was familiar about the man...
Pete - Fine... but know we can't let civilians know.
Corona... on that day they kidnapped the daughter of king and Queen.

Lance remembered that day, it wasn't just sad... Rapunzel was downright disheartened... what happened next just horrified everyone.

Pete - ... on that day they also looked for Shorty for some reason, and now we see why... He began morphing uncontrollably before he turned into...some kind of jewish or arabic peddler, alas the spell they cast on him seemingly only damaged his mind.

Tarzan crawls closer to him, looking at the paintings on the floor... they were all with different settings...

Pete - Don't your legs hurt when you go on fours like that?...

Tarzan - Not sure, I guess I got used to it from early years of movement not in a cage.

"Ah yes... yes cage... they wanted to lock me away... again...heheh but one trick didn't work the same twice after thousands of years... instead opened a portal, a gateway... destination unknown... a little child lost... no way home... SHE got angry... hideous she turned, her civilians terrified... call to end her they might... fear they do what explain they cannot..."

One of the guards hearing this mumbled "Taqá aep lex pro eo"

Others didnt hear apparently but Pete did and quickly motion him NOT to speak Saporian language here.

'Fear the unknown' Tarzan knew that last line all too well

Tarzan - Then you know you must help... your friends need you...

"frieeends... yeah friends... many friends I met long after my oldest masters Tamatoa left me in that cave..."

He picked the pictures listing them over one by one...

"Al and Jasmine... Hercules...Belle... Quasimodo... Snow White...Snuggly Duckling Ruffians... Friedborg, Rapunzel... you..."

He then looked at Lance who offered a small smile

"... But it all ends ... none can change it... not me... nor you"

He looks at Namine who looks distressed

Genie/Shorty/Peddler - ... but I say... I'm surprised... didn't think the jungle king arrived... this may sure affect the outcome... Record... record... must record... definitely gonna write this down...

Namine thinks 'It's true... he wasn't supposed to be here... so there is a loophole'
Genie - You are Tarzan right hehe...
Tarzan - Have we...met?
Genie - Hohoho for years, I seen visions about you.... heh when I read your book a year or 5 ago... I knew your legend would entice the world...
Tarzan - I am no legend...
Genie - Hohoho for your perhaps... such a simple story you have...and yet to many across world envy you... they admire you... they they'd love to have what you have...I would want what you have...
Tarzan could see something in his crazed eyes. He didn't seem insane, just mournful...

Genie/Shorty - ... You should go back... go back... here you only find the dark... the death... world's different now... Sora should know... yes he should know... Dandelions! Dandelions are scattered!... must record... Hm?! Who is that?!

He then looked around frantically at something

At that moment Tarzan also heard the scream


His head in pain, Tarzan fell on his knee.

Lance - wow you okay?

Red could sense something within his presence as she hissed.

Lance - Cata you too!?

Namine - Tarzan try to focus!

Namine puts her hand on his head, seeing if she can stabilise his mind.

Luckily , Tarzan then regained his calm after few minutes.

Genie - Oooh... oooh... you should go see her... heheh you should go see Rapunzel too... she knows... she'll know... and then you should hurry back...yes hurry back to north... yes must get this down...

There was a moment of silence as they checked if Red and Tarzan were okay before Pete said "As much as we question his sanity, perhaps he's right... her highness has better experience with this"

Lance sighs "I know... it's just Rapunzel is in really poor mood..."

Namine - ... Maybe a talk with a family can help her. It's worth a try...
Rapunzel's Chambers

Are there girls in the world like me?

That's what Rapunzel thought about once a long time ago.

That question persisted in her even after that.

And the answer may be different depending who you ask.

Right now it wasn't a person who answers, but a picture.

Painting and drawing was something that helped Rapunzel find her balance.

Not to mention the message each artwork might possess, it's just sometimes actions speak louder than words... and in this case you say more by a hand than by a tongue.

She inspects painting done by that newcomer Jane, wife of Tarzan... her cousin apparently had an adventurous life.

It's strange, she instantly felt... close to him. Reminds of her younger self...dreaming of the world, singing...

~If I was a princess of the kingdom, then a prince would search for me. He'll search every mile of the isle in his quest to set me free~

When she thought about it, she was very glad Eugene came upon her tower when he did... else she'd be forever trapped, unless she'd turn suicidal.

Still she shouldn't let her guard down, that happened too many times.

Regardless the painting makes her envious a bit.

Rapunzel - Well how is it going on the border?

Cassandra - Fitzherbert said 'border patrol is on alert. No one will find it easy to get in or out without our permission', he took Adam with him for some 'father son bonding time'.

Rapunzel giggled at that

"Good idea... And I'm glad to hear it, I don't want that incident repeating again.

The incident she meant transpired several months ago... There was an epidemic, rats were overflowing the city for some reason... it was hard to catch them all, much less expel them...

Then came a man calling himself Pied Piper, named due to his love of playing his Flute.

He managed to tame the wave of rats... and wanted some money in return.

However he didn't like the amount he was given. Wasn't enough apparently... so he committed the unthinkable.

He used his Flute sorcery to hypnotise children and tried leading them away, had they not act up in time who knows what he'd do to them.

Eugene even wondered if he himself deliberately brought those rats to Corona.

Cassandra - Raps, you didn't know that piper would do this.

Cassandra - Well he didn't fool you to be sure.

Cassandra couldn't say anything on that... Raps really wants to believe people sometimes.

But money hungry mercenaries like Pied Piper can abuse that trust, and he nearly dissapeared innocent kids... And he is still on the loose.

Still he is just one of their worries right now . After their leader Quaid died,Vardaros has been flooded with armed gangs , separatists , human traffickers...
And not just in Vardaros.
There's been an escalated crime in other kingdoms too like Fire Kingdom where streets go tribal and every man is for himself now. And if that wasn't enough, the new Ruler of Germany Wilhelm seeks a military buildup once it's all said and done...

Cassandra - Raps, unless you can reason with him... I don't think we'll be able to hold this for long.

Kaiser Wilhelm II was an ambitious person, seeking to advance the nation as an economic and military powerhouse of Europe... if not go further.

Rapunzel cared very much about where her country was heading and so she regularly visited new Kaiser.

Contrary to popular beliefs , he wasn't a malevolent individual with satanic tendencies... when interacting with him, she saw a broken man who wanted to prove himself before his family, more accurately his grandmother Queen Victoria.

His goals however do align with a rising sentiment of ultra nationalism from new generations... though some of his policies to help the displaced people from outside does at times get in the way.

Even her son found inspiration in Kaiser's vision of a greater Germany in charge of Europe, which put him at odds with her .

But neither he nor her know just how far this sentiment may take Germany...

Many rulers right now react on fear not on courage...

Kaiser is willing to prove himself , even if it means an attempt at Mittel Europa.

However there are problems he faces.

The growth of the working class made ruling Germany complicates for Kaiser. The upper classes fear the growth of the working classes and what it may bring to their status. After all Germany in Alliance with Japan and Italy fell far behind the other powers.

Rapunzel knew however that included her and her family status as well...

She knew there was a tough choice ahead of her...

Still she knew safety and stability was far more preferable so all she needs to do is keeping up blockade of Corona until socialist class gains enough momentum. She hopes she can negotiate with whoever comes next. And if not... they better be ready if they know what's good for them.

And once the word gets out of her true goals here, it'll gain traction and pressure on Kaiser.

At least that was the plan... until Arendelle invasion happened.

Kaiser used the incident to highlight the need of military might to protect the land. Her plan then backfired as masses were now siding with Wilhelm, giving her increasingly negative popularity...

Not to mention that Wilhelm ordered not to give Corona any more than a certain amount of resources , she was sure poverty was a way to force her submission. And it appears to be working. It only added fuel to the fire, to the already existing rift between Rapunzel's loyalists and Coronian citizens

"Saporian separatists seeking to leave... gangs , pirates, traffickers , partitionists rampant in world killing whomever they want... Some of these groups want the Republic similar to France, not knowing how bloody the radical revolution really was. Others like Water Kingdom want to keep independence with their autonomous regional governments. The most disturbing group are those seeking racial supremacy.

Rapunzel was incredibly naive believing only power of people could end this madness, underestimating the new growing sentiment.

Cassandra is more than capable of doing what is necessary, but there are times even she struggles to see which outcome may bring about the prosperity or problem to the wellbeing of the people.

Neither one of them have any real plan for what happens...

This unrest within Germany gives her some time but she doesn't know how much of it they have left... Something similar to 18th century French Revolution can happen, and that was one unchecked madness.

Rapunzel - I ... I don't know what to do Cass... I really don't know...

Rapunzel's voice was shaky and her eyes teary.

She fell on her knees as Cassandra went on hug her, trying to comfort her.

Rapunzel was always there for her no matter how bad of a person Cassandra may have been... it is her will to be there for her as well.

If this may be the end, then at least they'll go together.




Somewhere in the pitch black shadows, a non-friendly figure chuckled.

'My my no longer have a sunshine in you, Rapunzel¿~'
There are consequences to intentions.

You know guys, I no longer think that this fic may have a happy ending... it represents time of 1890s when good governments flourished in dark as one wise man put it. But that time has ended.

In our real life, we also have groups of individuals that find it hard to have common ground whether on left or right or in-between. Teaming up for some is a struggle for some... Still it's not a hopeless crusade.

Interesting Fact - "Singing to the Song of Life" is the closing theme for Tarzan Jane performed by Mandy Moore.

Are there girls in world like me ~ /LHvnel95Gno?si=Wed065XFia40IdcJ


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