Experiment Izuku

By anime_simper

566 10 4

deku gets experimented on. what happens when a pro finds him? what happens when three boys fall hard for him... More

Finding Izuku
Getting Izuku in UA
Past Seeing

The reaction.

53 1 0
By anime_simper

|Aizawa POV|

I was in pure terror at what this has revealed about Izuku Midoriya. That wasn't even everything he's gone through. I felt so bad for this kid. I promise myself I'm going to protect him for as long as I live. I'm thinking of adoption, I mean he doesn't have any family as they were experimented on as well but they all died. I only know of his mother as she was a dear friend of mine that had gone missing. Since we gotten him he hasn't cried at all. And I'm pretty sure one tear doesn't count but it may with him as I'm sure that's the most negative emotion he's shown. He's either been in awe or just no emotion at all. He has gotten the hang of some stuff, the thing he's struggling most with is showing emotions. I feel so bad for him he has to learn how to show emotion, and someone could hurt him. I won't allow it. If anyone ever hurts him they're going to be dead. By my hands and I'm sure Nezu wouldn't have an issue with it either. I'm sure all the heroes want to protect Izuku with their life.

|Bakugos POV|

I was just sitting there in complete and utter shock. No, not shock terror. He had to go through this, through all of this and I'm positive that wasn't even all of it. These fuckers. Imma kill each and every single one of them. I can feel my anger boiling. But then I felt a hand on me, I looked back ready to blow something up until I realized it was Kirishima. I act tough but I have the biggest soft spot for my lovers. I will never fucking admit it aloud though! So ha stupid fuckers, you can't know me like they do! Anyways I felt weird ever since I had gone through the- thing with Izu. I was super confused and mad at first but then he, you know, and I was so embarrassed, I think. I'm not the best with positive emotions I can know what I'm feeling and identify but I struggle with sharing how I feel. But my boyfriends understand me completely. I was still horrified at what he had to go through. I decided to give him a hug after class is over. It's a good thing we already had lunch cause no one will be hungry after that. I'm actually kinda happy they showed this to the whole class. And that they recorded it. Cause now everyone who judged him negatively and made fun of him will now understand why he looks like that. Especially our class. They judged him majorly except for my group. (Todoroki is apart of Bakugos group along with Sero, Denki, Mina, and Kirishima, and of course Bakugo). I looked at Izu and he was looking down showing no emotion.

|Todoroki POV|

I was to horrified to speak. His life is, or was worse than mine. I've never come across someone worse off than me in abuse before. He's also worse than me in the emotion area. I've become way better since I've dated Kirishima and Bakugo. They help me and I help them but now I really want to help Izu in the way I help my boyfriends. Does that mean I want to add him into our relationship? I don't know, I'll have to tall to them about that later. I at least cried during remembering everything, he didn't. He shed one tear. That's the most negative emotion I've seen from him. He's always been in awe or nothing. And when he's nothing he's very obedient, and not in the good way either. We caught him cleaning the whole dormitory. When we asked him why he said that's what he's supposed to do. And then got on his knees. I clearly remember him saying, "You can hit me now." I was so worried for him ever since. I looked towards the others in our group all of them seemed so down about him. Especially my boyfriends. I had to physically stop myself from running up and giving him a hug right then and there. I just tightened my grip on the desk, tearing my nails apart from how hard I was gripping it. I'm going to kill every last one of these horrible people.

|Kirishima POV|

I looked around the room and realized that everyone looked traumatized and scared. I look towards Kat and see he's clenching his jaw with tears prickling his eyes. I then look over towards Sho who has his fingers digging into his desk with a clenched jaw as well. I looked at his hands closer and realized he's bleeding. His blood is just steadily dripping from his hands. I quickly look back at Kat and see he has his hands clenched and is releasing small pops. I run over to him and shake him. He then looks up at me confused then looked at his hands and it showed they're bleeding and has burn marks. He looked back at me and I ran over to Sho and shake him. He also looks confused until we both look at his hands. One's slightly frosted over and the other is slightly burned. His fingertips are also bleeding. I turn and see Kat also standing right behind me so they can see that they are both bleeding. I see aizawa look at us and realized that they were bleeding. He started rushing over here to see how bad it was until he stopped. In fact everything stopped except for me, Kat and Sho. I look around and see Izu's black horns were back except they had a white glow to them this time. He then turned his wrist towards the left ever so slightly. We just sat there as we watched everyone go back to like 2 minutes ago. Then he pointed his hand at us and his hair floated upwards. He healed them again. And again I was in awe about how powerful he was and also reminded of all they did to him and got me mad again. Then he sat back on the chair horns still glowing white but black. His hair and eyes are back to normal and he opens his mouth. "Why do you guys hurt yourselves?" He asked and I couldn't control it anymore. I ran to him and gave him a big hug, along with Kat and Sho. Then Sho spoke up. "How did you- or why did you freeze them but not us?" He looked at us then him. We all looked at him waiting for the answer. "I- I don't know. You guys mean to me. I have weird things for you guys. I- I don't know what they are. And you just mean to me more everyday."

I looked at him confused but his cheeks were light red and it looked different as he normally never showed emotions. But then I started getting what he was trying to say. I quickly hugged him again while Sho and Kat looked at each other confused. Then I held him at an arms length away. "You mean a lot to us as well. But could you describe the thing you're feeling about us?" I watch his face turn a whole shade of red. I think Sho and Kat realized as their cheeks were light pink. "Ummm- my stomach gets all weird. Something happens to my brain where I can't think. I have weird things where I just want to be around you guys all the time. When I'm not with you, I think about you. I get all mushy when I get touched by you even a simple hug. And so yea- it's weird and I don't know what to do." All of our faces were bright red at his confession. I'm pretty sure we all liked him the same way. We then all hugged him and told him we felt the same way. He started crying and I was worried we might've hurt him. I think everyone else thought it too cause we all backed away. "Hey, hey, hey! What happened? Did we hurt you?" I asked him. "N-no, i-it's just n-no one has ever s-said that to me b-before!" We all went back and hugged him again. He didn't know how to hug us all at the same time so he just let us hug him. It was adorable, and I loved every second I was with him and I'm sure they felt the same way.

Hey guys! Sorry for taking forever in updates, but here's the beginning of a beautiful relationship. Let me know your opinion on it as no one is telling me what they think of it even though I'm asking for y'all's replies to see if I can get better at anything. Again sorry it's so short. Enjoy and drink water.

Words: 1500

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