Dear Reader [1]

By KillerFrost298

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To a house, not a home, all alone 'cause nobody's there Where I pace in my pen and My friends found friends w... More

Cordelia Cesel
ACT I Dear Reader
00 - Prologue/ A Girl Washed Up By A Lake
01 - A Kid Blows Up A Toilet
03 - I Remind A Horse About Child Protection
04 - I Reunite With My Mother...Sort Of?
05 - This Time We Blow Up A Train
06 - I Break My Promise
07 - I Question My Sanity
08 - Note to Self; Take Away Percy's Sword
09 - I Come Face To Face With Love
10 - Another Note; Never Let Percy In The Driver's Seat
11-I Finally Make It To The Underworld; Seventy Years Later
12-My Grudges Against Shoes Prevail
13-My Baby Brother Picks A Fight With The God Of War
14-Father-Daughter Talks

02 - Capture The Dumbass

120 3 0
By KillerFrost298

'Whatever you do Sea Pup, we got your back...It's your choice'

Corey watched as campers swarmed the fields, picking out shields, weapons and going over battle strategy. Some things never change and Capture the Flag was one of them. Corey played with her necklace, her back frozen as she did. She was like that for a moment, frozen in place. She could feel everything around her, the wind blowing on her cheeks, the feeling of the grass on her ankles, even her hair moving on her neck.

'Be brave young is almost time' a gentle feminine voice whispered in one ear and out the other.

Percy had tapped her shoulder, breaking Corey out of her trance. "You okay Seashell?" He asked her, looking out at the view. Corey shook her head, taking a moment to clear her mind. "I'm fine Pup, just enjoying the calm before the storm" Corey smiled at him. Percy seemed uneasy, looking straight down at Annabeth. She was with a group of swords people, going over attack formations and defenses.

"She has it out for me" Percy kicked a rock. Corey laughed a little before giving him a nudge in the arm. "It's not funny, you heard her last night. She's stalking me, probably to make a fool of me during this" Percy assumed, crossing his arms. "You big baby" Corey mused with a silly smile. "What do you know about Athena?" Corey asked him, sitting down on the grass.

Percy copied her, "She's the goddess of wisdom. The one who cursed Medusa". Corey clicked her tongue, "Athena always has a plan. From the moment she sprung from Zeus' forehead. Athena is always a hundred steps ahead and her children are the same" Corey explained to Percy. "How'd you know so much?" Percy asked her, looking at Corey. That's when he saw it, that sadness in her eyes. Just like his mom.

Corey looked down at her right hand, a small silver ring glowed in the afternoon sun. Two gems sat next to each other, one was grey the other was a soft blue. "My cousin was a daughter of Athena. Min Jung, she was a firecracker. The girl knew what I was going to do three weeks before I did it" Corey didn't smile, she only looked out at the campers and Annabeth, fighting back the tears that were trying to escape her.

Percy felt awkward, he didn't know how to comfort anyone let alone a girl he's known for a day. But he felt obliged to, like there was this invisible force connecting them. "I...sorry I don't know what to say" Percy blurted out. Corey looked at him, seeing his confused face, a small smile gracing her lips. "You don't need to say anything Pup, just trust me when I say this, Annabeth has a plan and you apart of it, so follow her lead" Corey told him, ruffling his hair.

Percy clicked his tongue, "Will you be there?" He asked Corey as she stood up. "I plan on it" Corey told him.


Corey never felt so grounded as she did when she placed on her armor marked in blue. Her helmet under her arm as she grabbed a shield from the armory. Her short hair was held back with a hair tie from an Aphrodite camper. She walked towards her company when she felt someone grab her arm. She looked around, but no one was there. She relaxed her body, closing her eyes as she let the breeze pass her. Without missing a beat, Corey's hand grabbed the fabric and pulled it up.


Corey opened her eyes to see a furious Annabeth Chase. "That's mine" She stated bluntly, crossing her arms. Corey looked at the magical item, "What's this supposed to be?" She asked Annabeth who snatched the hat from Corey's fingers. "It's a hat" Annabeth rolled her eyes, stuffing in between the straps of her armour.

Corey looked at Annabeth concerned, "That's way too small to be a hat" She judged the dark blue hat. Annabeth huffed at Corey, grabbing her wrist "Just follow me" She pulled Corey to the front lines near Percy and Luke.

Luke smiled at Corey, "Nice of you to join us" He spoke formally towards her. Corey gave him a nod. "Where's your weapon?" Luke asked her, seeing only a shield in Corey's hands. "Can't a girl keep an ace up her sleeve?" Corey raised her eyebrow at him.

The sound of a conch shell took everyone's attention, turning their heads to Chiron who stood on a small cliff with his ceremonial white shawl. "'s time" His voice boomed across the field. Campers looked with mixed emotions, fear, excitement, anger even some with a hint of vengeance.

"The game begins. The first team to retrieve the opposing flag and return it across the river shall be the victor" Chiron explained the very simple aim of the game. "As always, there will be no maiming and no killing" Chiron eyes everyone as if he was standing in front of them eyeing them individually. Chills went down Corey's spine as his gaze landed on her for a split second.

"I trust these rules will be respected. Any magical items you may possess, are permitted as well. Every camper who is not injured has to play. Prisoners may be disarmed but may not be bound or gagged" Chiron finished explaining the rules. Corey gripped her shield as she looked down at Percy who was a bag of nerves disguised by sarcasm.

"Maybe I won't even need a sword" Percy mused. "Let the games begin" Chiron smiled, blowing the conch shell once more. Campers let out loud and ferocious battle cries, weapons hitting off the shields, stomping of feet and weapons to the ground. Percy gulped as he met the short glare from Clarisse. "I'm gonna need a sword" He retracted his previous statement. Corey shook her head. Annabeth turned to Luke, Corey and Percy, determination in her eyes. "All right. We have 20 minutes before the second conch and game-on" She reminded everyone. She looked at Luke, "You know what you're doing?" She asked him, though her tone doubted he would give a different answer. "Yes, ma'am" Luke nodded curtly, ready to command his soldiers.

"Hey" Annabeth smiled at Luke, stopping him in his tracks. "Today feel like a winning kind of day to you?" She asked him. "I'll see you on the other side. Company! Move out!" Luke ordered, the blue team as he pointed in the direction he desired. Percy went to follow him, only to be held back by Annabeth. Percy furrowed his eyebrows at Annabeth, "Not you, sunshine. You're with me" Annabeth grabbed his wrist, looking up at Corey. "You too".


Corey walked behind Percy and Annabeth in silence. Their leader didn't tell them their part in her plan to win, why she chose them (although that seemed super obvious regarding last night) or even her plan in general.

They were walking up a trail, Corey thankful she had strapped her shield to her back. She was watching Percy before he tripped over a rock. Corey was quick to help him up. "Percy! You okay?" She asked him, holding his face in her hands for a moment. He gave her a nod but his face was cold as he turned to Annabeth, away from Corey's hold. "I'm fine, thanks. But I appreciate you, you know, standing there silently" He spat in Annabeth's direction, but the girl kept walking like nothing has happened.

"Listen, I-- I get it. Okay" Percy sighed, following Annabeth. "Y-- You're better at this than me, but I need this to go well today" He continued, looking back at Corey for a moment. Corey was looking at the trees, she didn't want to intrude on the conversation Percy was trying (and failing) to stir up a conversation with Annabeth. He gave her a look that desperately screamed, 'Hello! Wanna help me here?'

Corey shrugged at him, "It's your kleos" She told him before looking around the forest again. Percy only closed his eyes and clenched his fist for a moment, "I can't really get into it, but I need my father to see it go well. So, if you're gonna expect me to know how to do something I don't know how to do...and I end up falling flat on my face. I-- I can't really have that right now" He rambled on, stopping in his tracks.

Annabeth turned around finally, looking at Percy as if he was a stone wall. She reached out to fix the straps of his armour, noticing he didn't tie it correctly. She patted it down before stepping back, leaving Percy confused as usual. "You still don't get where you fit into all this, do you?" She asked Percy and looked back at Corey. She pointed at herself, "Me too?" Corey gasped softly at herself.

They walked a bit more before the second conch shell was blown and they stopped at a cliffside. Annabeth smirked, "Game on" She put on her hat disappearing from their sight. Percy's eyes widened, "Wait, what?" he asked, turning to Corey and pointed to where Annabeth vanished. Corey gave him a tight lipped smile, "Yeah, she does that too".

Annabeth reappeared with her hat in hand. "Gift from my mom" She waved the hat softly. She gave them both a smile, "Don't worry, you'll do great" once more Annabeth vanished. "Do great? Do what great?" Percy question she looked around and by the ground near them, she walked away this time. "What do we do now?" He asked her.

"We wait"

That didn't last long, not with two ADHD demi-gods. " your saying that when words move and float when I read is called..." "Dyslexia. And when you can't sit still or concentrate that's called ADHD" Percy explained to Corey as his head bobbed left to right. Corey was leaning against a tree near him, her leg bouncing to a tune in her head.

"Where was all this when I was your age? I can't even count the names people would use for me. What's it like? Now in the mortal world?" She asked him. Percy seemed to furrow his eyebrows, "What if we compare? You tell me something you grew up around and I'll compare it" Percy tried to cover that he remembered nothing about the Great Depression in school.

Corey shrugged, "Okay, what's working like? I barely managed to get a job after the stock market crash" She remembered. Percy thought for a moment, "Well..."

It was like that for about an hour, the pair comparing the world they grew up in to their childhoods. Soon enough they were both restless, Corey whistling a tune and Percy doing a weird dance. "What are you doing Pup?" Corey asked him, walking over to where Percy was dancing.

"The floss" Percy responded, still moving his arms and hips. "I'm sorry what? What kinda dance is that?" Corey scoffed at him. Percy shook his head, "Come here, I'll show you what to do" Percy offered. Corey shook her head much to Percy's pleas. "Please, just try it. For me?" Percy pulled out his very own puppy dog eyes. Corey rolled her eyes dramatically. "Fine" She hissed at him playfully.


After learning the Floss and finding an iguana near them, Corey and Percy were at their wits end. Corey watched the lake from afar, remembering her times at camp. She felt the beads on her necklace, Chiron had kept them in storage. Her first bead was a tri-colour of blue, grey and black with three interlocking gold rings.

She turned to Percy only to see his spot near her empty. "Percy?" She called out, grabbing her shield as she stood up. She looked around before hearing a very familiar whistle. Corey mentally felt a brick hit her face. "Percy Jackson! Are you...relieving yourself in a forest!?" Corey scolded him as he came back. "What? A man has needs?" He told her with no guilt.

"You're twelve! So when a wood nymph sticks poison ivy into your bed, do not go crying to me" Corey scolded him, hitting him on the upside of the head. "Wait, really?" He asked her before fear set in.

"Uh, Corey" He whispered, looking behind her shoulder. Corey turned around, seeing the five campers from last night and Clarisse had a wicked smile on her face as she place her spear on a rock. Corey gripped her shield as her face turned cold.

"Flag's that way. It's not here" Percy pointed in the direction Annabeth left in a few hours ago. "We know" Clarisse answered, a little too calm for Percy and Corey's nerves. "Yeah, glory's fine. Revenge is more fun" Clarisse gave them a devious smirk as she slammed her spear to the rock. It's tip lit up as a crackling sound. Corey looked around, the older two campers eyeing her specifically. Percy scrambled for his shield and sword as Clarissa walked over to him slowly. Corey had her back to him, eyes her two opponents. "No maiming. It's like the one rule" Percy mentioned, hoping Clarisse might have an appreciation for the rules. Clarisse shrugged, "Yeah, I guess I'll lose dessert privileges for a while" She mused while admiring her spear in its glory. She looked back at Percy, her eyes blazed in revenge.

"I'll live"

The moment Clarisse swung for Percy, all hell broke loose. Corey moved away from the fight as her two opponents watched her like eagles. "So, I'm Corey" She smiled before camper number one slashed their sword at her. She blocked with her shield, feeling her blood pumping. "Oh so that's how it is? Fine, just remember kids, I've got twelve years of fighting experience on you all" Corey smirked with a glint in her eyes that made the pair slightly queasy, not that they'd ever admit it.

Corey swung her shield at them both with as much force as possible. As they lunged back, she bent down and swiped one of them off their feet. She then dropped the shield on their knees, the weight stopping them long enough for her to take their fallen sword.

Swing. Block. Move. Repeat.

Corey fell back when she heard Percy fall after being tripped by another Ares kid. "Percy!" She shouted, scrambling to stand as she fought her way to him. She swung her sword, ready to attack when she saw many of the Red team hide away. She looked around quickly, seeing they were near the place she washed up a few days prior. Clarisse had her spear pointed at Percy.

Corey felt a slash on her shoulder, turning to her attacker. She hissed at them before running towards them, striking from above. She was able to scare the person who slashed her away, unsure who but Corey didn't care. She pointed her sword to the second person, who held their hands up.

Corey lowered her sword, pretending to lunge at them. They ran away just as quickly, dropping their shield. Corey turned to see Percy struggling against Clarisse. She was about to run to his aid when she felt an invisible force stop her.

"Fuck off Annabeth" She growled, ripping her arm away from the invisible girl's grip. "No, we both saw what happened last night...just let this run it's course...please" Corey was taken back by the plea of the girl. She had met a lot of Athena's children, she lived with one and hearing one say please was rare especially if you'd only met them.

Corey sucked it up, gripping the sword in her hand. She watched as Percy somehow grabbed Clarisse's spear. She felt her stomach stab her as she stood still, Percy's grunts adding to her guilt.


Clarisse's scream took Corey out of her daze, her mouth agape at the spear in two halves. Even Percy was shocked, fearing what Clarisse would do. But before she could react physically, the conch shell blow throughout the beach. The blue team came marching from the other end with the Red flag.

Corey ran to Percy, falling to his side. "Are you okay?" Corey asked, her fingers ghosting over the cut on his cheek. Percy was still stuck in the moment, looking right through Corey. "'s over?" He asked her, reality settling in. Corey nodded with a soft smile, "Yeah it's over. We won" She told him. Percy noticed a nasty cut on her shoulder, "Corey...your bleeding" He gasped.

"Not bad, hero" Annabeth took of her hat, walking towards Corey and Percy. Percy looked at her as if she'd slapped him herself. "Were you here the whole time?" He asked her. "Yes" Annabeth was emotionless. "You were here the whole time and you didn't help me?" Percy questioned her again, he didn't mention Corey since he had a striking suspicion she could handle herself.

"Yes" Annabeth responded, stopping in front of them. "Why?" He asked her, only to be met with her hand. Annabeth helped him up, Corey doing the same as she wiped the sand off her clothes. Annabeth and Corey shared a look, Corey nodding as walking away slightly.

"Listen...Percy" Annabeth took a deep breath, "I'm sorry". Before Percy knew it he was shoved into the water by Annabeth, splashing both her and Corey. Corey sucked her teeth as she feel the water his her wounds. She looked down at her feet, holding her hands.

"Please...if not for me than...for him" She whispered softly, knowing that Annabeth was eyeing her from the side of her eye. "What is wrong with you?" Percy shouted, catching everyone's attention. Corey looked up and felt her whole body was hit by a brick wall.

Everyone watched as the water healed Percy's cuts, "I don't understand" Percy looked at the lack of blood on his arms and then looked up. Floating above his head, glowing in a sea blue aura was a trident.

"Your dad's calling" Annabeth smirked. Everyone gasped in mixes of shock, horror and amazement. Corey looked through the crowds for Chiron, yet her eyes landed on Luke and an unsettling feeling set in her bones. Luke's expression changed from the excited to dark and cold, as if someone had sucked the life out of him.

"You have been claimed by Poseidon, Earthshaker, Stormbringer. Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon" Chiron announced to camp. But the only person Percy could look at was Corey. She mouthed one thing to him.

'I'm sorry'


Percy walked into the Big House, still in a daze of confusion from what happen during Capture the Flag. His father is Poseidon and he is a child who shouldn't exist. He was hoping that Chiron could shed some light on this situation. But when he walked further he was surprised.

Mr D seemed to be annoyed at Corey who was crying and holding back her sobs. "Whatever, you wanna stay with the kid, be my guest. But it will be your doom" Mr D spoke before Percy took another step forward causing the wood to creak and gaining everyone's attention. "Percy" Corey smiled, wiping her tears and motioning with her hand for him to joining them.

"You are just in time" She sniffled while her arm wrapped around his shoulder and gave him a small hug from her side. Chiron cleared his throat, "As a forbidden child of the Sea God, you are singular amongst demigods. And your father's only hope to prevent the outbreak of war" Chiron began to explain to them.

"For months now, Zeus and Poseidon have been locked in a dispute over the master bolt. The symbol of Zeus's authority, and it has been stolen" Chiron revealed, watching as Corey gasped in shock, "Someone was stupid enough to steal the master bolt?" She questioned. "Who stole it?" Percy asked.

"You did" Mr D pointed at Percy. "What?" both demigods looked at Mr D angrily. "Zeus is looking for a thief, sees a forbidden child claimed by his jealous brother...It doesn't look good for you, kid" Mr D stated the obvious without a care. "I didn't do anything!" Percy defended himself. "Of course, you didn't" Chiron seemed to mediate between the god and the half-bloods. "But your father needs your help. An ultimatum has been given to him by Zeus that if he doesn't return the bolt by the summer solstice in one week...there will be war" Chiron expanded on the gravity of the situation upon the twelve and seventeen year old.

"That is your quest. You must leave immediately" Chiron added. Corey held her hands up, "Woah, Chiron let him breathe for a minute at least" Corey weighed in, already seeing the weight of the world on Percy's shoulders being placed on him. She knew that feeling all too well, it was like Atlas crushing you down.

"Leave? Leave for where?" Percy asked, all this information confusing him. "Zeus is king on Olympus and Poseidon has always resented it, but... there is a third brother who has always deeply resented them both. "It's Hades" Percy spoke as the his name ran shivers down Corey's spine.

Chiron nodded, "Yes. The bolt is with Hades. In the Underworld. I know it sounds daunting. But you won't be alone, a quest is always undertaken by three" Chiron explained the basic rules of questing. "Great. Good luck finding those guys, 'cause it ain't gonna be me" Percy shrugged, no way was he helping his deadbeat god of a father.

Mr D was in slight shock mixed with severe annoyance. "Poseidon has claimed you.

This is his will" Chiron reminded him. "Poseidon has ignored me my entire life!" Percy argued back, not caring if he ended up fighting with a god. "You are his son!" Mr D shouted at Percy.

"I am Sally Jackson's son!"

Corey looked at Percy, feeling a wave of grief hit her over a woman she has never met. Over a mother who sacrificed her life for her child, her only son. "Who's Sally Jackson?" Mr D asked, having no sense of compassion for Percy's mother. Percy was seething at this, "She's the one who cared enough to call herself my mother. She's the one who got herself killed, so that I could be safe here!" He shouted with all his heart, trying not to cry over his mother. "The fate of the world hangs in the balance. You will accept this quest!" Mr D shouted at Percy with fury, commanding him to take the quest given to him. "I won't!" Percy shouted back.

"Hey, everybody. You–"

Corey had never been so relieved and terrified to have someone interrupt a moment like this. Seeing Grover was like a breath of fresh air. Mr D, not surprising anyone, didn't care about the satyr's presence. "Grover, now is not the time" Chiron spoke shortly, though Corey had a feeling there was something more behind it. Grover being the ever respectful satyr as kind with his choice of words, "I'm sorry, sir. But I have news" Grover looked at Percy.

"Grover..." Chiron tried to warn him but Grover ripped it off like a band-aid, "Sally Jackson is alive". Percy looked at Grover, taken back by his statement. "It looked like she died, but it only looked that way" Grover tried to explain, but even he didn't understand it completely. "Grover" Mr D seethed as he looked at Grover with darkness in his eyes.

Grover gulped at his tone but carried on. "Your mother was Hades. Which means she's with him now, in the Underworld. That's where they want you to go too, isn't it?" Grover assumed. Percy looked at both Chiron and Mr D confirming Grover's suspicion. "If you can find her there...I think you can bring her back" Grover told Percy, hoping that maybe this would convince him to take this quest.

Percy looked at everyone, debating what his answer would be. "Whatever you do Sea Pup, we got your back...It's your choice" Corey told him softly, but she knew that his decision was made and hopefully for the right reason.

"When do we leave?"

Titles for chapter three and four are now updated on Act I

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