Oak Trees

By carlycapps01

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Riley Culver was, to say the least, a sneaky hufflepuff. But she wore the yellow tie nonetheless, and therefo... More

Green Defense.
Greetings Again.
Dueling Again?
McGonagall's Office.
The Quiddich Arena
Dinner in the Great Hall.
Before the Game
A Chat, and Breakfast
Slytherin Vs Hufflepuff
Hospital Wing
Hufflepuff vs Gryffindor ; Pregame
Hufflepuff vs Gryffindor, Part 1
Hufflepuff vs Gryffindor, Part 2
White Bear

Locker Rooms

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By carlycapps01

"Next up!" Remus Lupin yelled from the little table he was sitting behind. "Broom."

Daniel Turrett, Slytherin seeker, stepped up to the table and all but threw his broom down on the green table cloth.

Daniel Turrett stood over 6 feet tall, seemingly made of pure muscle. He had black hair, beady black eyes and an angry angular face.

Remus inspected the broom, turned it over, and waved a the gold bar that Professor McGonagall had given him over it to check for jinxes.

A few feet away, behind a table with a yellow cloth, sat Sirius Black.

"Next!" He called. Jackson Watts stepped out of the way and up came Riley Culver. Sirius' face flashed pink as he looked at her. Her eyes, still hidden by her bangs, scanned him.

She gently placed her broom on the table. As he inspected it, she watched him.

He handed her back the broom with a stifled 'good luck' . She turned, only to get nearly knocked over with a brisk shoulder-check.

She looked up in time to see Jackson Watts being held back by Elroy and Charles as Daniel Turrett walked away.

"Not worth it, Watts." She muttered softly as she got her footing.

Remus and Sirius looked at eachother.

That's her? Remus mouthed with a surprised face, she's pretty!

I know! Sirius mouthed in response, never heard her talk before!

How can she see? Remus made a motion in front of his eyes, meaning to gesture about Riley's wild bangs as the Slytherin keeper, Marcus Trapp, stepped up with his broom.

Sirius shrugged and turned to Charles Reneer, who was putting his broom on the table.

"Riley doesn't like being muttered about," he leaned down and spoke in a whisper. A light blush flashed on Sirius' cheeks. "No harm done, but she feels out of place enough, so please don't do it anymore."

Sirius nodded, and got on with inspecting Charles' broom.

"Good luck!" Sirius said, more clearly than he could've to Riley.

Charles gave him a small smirk. "Don't distract her before the match, but she doesn't bite." Be said before he walked off.

It's not her I'm worried about, Sirius thought to himself as he looked over at Jackson Watts, who was guiding Riley away with a hand on her shoulders.

"Mr.Lupin, you will be manning the play-by-play." McGonagal said firmly. "Mr. Black, you will be with Madam Pomfrey."

The three boys looked to their left, seeing Madam Pomfrey setting up a medic cart at the side of the pitch.

"She's never done that before..." James said absently, then it struck him. "Why?"

"Never you mind!" She hissed. She shot a look, almost nervous, to the entryway in which the hufflepuffs would emerge. "Alright boys, to your stations."

"She thinks that culver girl is gonna get hurt..." James muttered to them as McGonagall walked away.

"Well... i mean..." Sirius shared a knowing look with Remus, who was speaking "You weren't in the locker room. She might be thinking right."

"With how mad her team captain got at the Slytherin seeker, madam Pomfrey might need to set up for more than one injury." Sirius said nervously.

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