End Of The Beginning

By EOTB_08

890 39 0

We always thought that nature have a way of balancing things. What if it's not true ? what if it was somethin... More

Chapter 1- The New World
Chapter 2- The Impact
Chapter 3- Uninvited Guests
Chapter 4- Uninvited Guest
Chapter 5- A Friend in need
Chapter 6- Search
Chapter 7- Truth, Lies & The Lost
Chapter 8- Contact
Chapter 9- No More Lies
Chapter 10- The Beginning
Chapter 11- Floor 7
Chapter 12- Holding On
Chapter 13- Doorways
Chapter 14 - Backup
Chapter 15 - Storytellers
Chapter 16- Fix
Chapter 17- Make A Deal
Chapter 18- Capture
Chapter 19 - AntFarm
Chapter 20- Escape Plan
Chapter 21 - Plan B
Chapter 22 - Hide
Chapter 23 - Plans & Preparations
Chapter 24 - Change Of Plans
Chapter 25 - MOS Protocol
Chapter 26 - Alternate
Chapter 28 - Into the Unknown
Chapter 29 - Vessel
Chapter 30 - Allen's Story
Chapter 31 - Archives
Chapter 32 - Blast From Past
Chapter 33 - Camouflage
Chapter 34 - Visitors
Chapter 35 - Strangers
Chapter 36 - Bait
Chapter 37 - Forgotten
Chapter 38 - Agendas

Chapter 27 - Trapped

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By EOTB_08

" NOVA initiate complete lock down. Nothing comes in or out " said Wayne

" Affirmative captain. " The ship was locked down by NOVA.

" Where the fuck are the drones ? " shouted Wayne

" There seems to be a problem, captain. They are not responding. They are all offline. " replied NOVA

" How many are still here ? " asked Wayne

" Six " NOVA replied

" Set up a perimeter around the ship using four. Shoot anyone who gets within 50 meters of the ship " ordered Wayne

" Ok Captain " said NOVA

" I won't let you do that " said Sara

" I don't give a fuck. What are you going to do about it ? Look here " Wayne raised the gun

" Doesn't matter, If I wanna kill you, I will. " she replied

" How ? Fuck me till I die ? Let's assume that you will kill me in some way. After that, what will you do ?You and Ray will be trapped here forever. " said Wayne

" I will find a way. Unlike you, I have people around me whom I trust. No one trusts you, not even your own AI " replied Sara

" Fuck you " he walked away from her.

" Can I disable the drones ? " she asked NOVA

" Im afraid you can't. I'm detecting hostile activity around the ship. When it come to the security, one captain's command is enough. " NOVA replied

" What if they are not hostile ? " asked Sara

" Only Captain Wayne can reverse the order because he has already declared them hostile. " NOVA replied

Leaving the room, Sara contacted Samuel and informed him about the drones

" Copy that.... Over " replied Samuel

" What's your plan ? He won't let you in... If you come closer than 50 meters you will get shot. And it will be dark soon.... What are you going to do ?... Over " asked Sara

" I told you to send all the drones.... " said Samuel

" I couldn't... Over " replied Sara

" Don't worry everything under control.... I will contact you soon .... " Samuel turned off the radio

Sara went to find Ray.

" How many people are there ? " asked Wayne

" Twelve " NOVA replied

" What's their plan ? They are upto something. " said Wayne

" I don't know captain. " replied NOVA

" Yeah !! isn't that obvious ? You don't know anything. You are just a fucking program, binary, ones and zeros, don't know anything, just doing your duty. My fucking loyal companion. " said Wayne

" I don't have a response to that " NOVA replied

" Tell me about the explosive " asked Wayne

" The device is mounted on the wall  " replied NOVA

" How do I disable it ? " asked Wayne

" Actually I have no idea  " NOVA replied

" You don't know or you don't want to tell ? I don't know if you are telling the truth anymore. I don't even trust you. " said Wayne

" This is very disappointing to hear, captain. As far as I know, I'm only doing what I've been instructed to do. " replied NOVA

" Whatever, just shut up. " said Wayne

While this time Sara found Ray. Few minutes later Samuel contacted her.

" Where is Wayne... Over " asked Samuel

" I don't know.... Why ?....Over " asked Sara

" Find him... And handover your radio ... Over " said Samuel

" Alright....." she turned off the radio. " Hey NOVA where is Wayne ? "

" He is still at the room 7, lower deck " NOVA replied

" Go back to the room we slept in last night; I'll be there in a minute " she told Ray and ran towards Wayne

Wayne walked towards the device " what kind of explosive is this ? "

" It's a hydrogen bomb on a timer, and it sends a signal to the outside . " said NOVA

" Can you block the signal ? " asked Wayne

" I could, but I would advise against it. We need more information. We don't know what will happen if we block the signal. " said NOVA

" Here, Sam wants to talk to you "

Wayne turned around and saw Sara. She gave the radio to him.

" What ?..." he asked Samuel

" I guess you are already trying to disarm the bomb... Let me help you. I'll explain how it works... "

" It's called AV5, they are very powerful...... It is possible for one of them to destroy your entire ship.." said Samuel

" Well it's a good plan. Just a teeny tiny problem. I'm not alone, if I die, 2 of your people will die too. Sara maybe ok with it but Ray... I don't think Sara will gamble her life. " said Wayne

" Yeah about that.. it's not really my plan. It's her's... " said Samuel

" Hello Wayne " it was a female voice. Wayne quickly recognised it

" Zy.." he took a deep breath

" Let me explain how they work.... They can only be deactivated with a key.....the timer is set for 24 hours. So if it's not deactivated by then, BOOM !!!.... You can disarm it, but if you move away from the key's signal strength, it will activate again.... And BOOM!!!.... It is attached to the ship by a magnet if you try to remove it the motion sensors will be activated and then.. . BOOM...!!!...." said Zy

" You know we have this pact....As a society, we trade and exchange goods with each other. This for that and that for this .... I'm the one who actually came up with it. So I have to respect it, right ?..... You took something from me, but you didn't give me anything in return...... So you clearly broke the rule..... If you break the rule you are out..... You can't be a part of our community.... If you are not a part of any community that means you are an outsider..... Do you know what we do to outsiders who steal from us ? We kill them ... "

" However, I make an exception for you... Give the command of your ship... I may let you live. " said Zy

" Yeah.... Sure " Wayne couldn't say anything else. He turned off the radio and gave it to Sara. And walked away in frustration.

She turned it after sometime " who am I talking to.... Over ? "

" I'm here... Over " said Samuel

" Are you alone ?... I need to talk to you about something... Over " said Sara

" I'm away, alone....Over " Samuel moved away from Zy

" What the fuck were you thinking ??.... You told Zy ? Zy !!!! Of all people..... " Sara was angry

" We didn't have a choice...... You told us he was using us...... She was our only option.... " replied Samuel

" You should have given me a little more time..... " said Sara

" And do what ?.... Time was running out... And we feared that you will kill him if he refuses to help us... Over " replied Samuel

" I don't wanna talk about it now. I want to talk to you in person " said Sara

" Is there a way to open the doors ?.... Over " asked Samuel

" Why don't you ask Zy...." she turned off the radio " Fuck.... Fuck.... Fuuucckkk "

" So how do we get in ? Any ideas ? " asked Zy

" Sara is working on it " Samuel replied

" Well, she better come up with one soon. She only got 24 hours. " replied Zy

" What if she couldn't ? " asked Samuel

" Well she dies. " replied Zy

" I don't care about him, but two of my people are trapped in there. " said Samuel

" There is nothing I can do about it. The only way to turn off the bomb is by using the key that I have. In order to deactivate the bomb, you must insert the key into them. I can't do that from here, can I ? " Zy sat on a car

" There is a kid inside. " said Samuel

" Its beyond my control. You should have considered it before proceeding. There are other things we need to worry about. It will be dark soon. We need to find a place to stay " said Zy

" In this area, there are no safe buildings or tunnels. " said Samuel

" Don't worry, my guys are already working on it. We will wait another 30 minutes. We will leave if he does not open the door and welcome us in. " said Zy

" Ok " said Samuel

Time passed as Wayne grew furious, he was sitting in the cockpit

" What now ? " he asked NOVA

" Captain, I can only suggest unlocking the ship as a solution. " said NOVA

" Even if you have other solutions, you wouldn't tell me, would you? You wanted this to happen. Maybe it was always the plan. I'm nothing more than a puppet."

" What if I take them out ?" asked Wayne

" The bomb will go off anyway. We are doomed unless we have the key. " said NOVA

" Do they have the key ? " asked Wayne

" I don't know. In fact, I have no idea what it is. It's impossible unless we know what we're looking for. " replied NOVA

" I didn't know she was involved " said Sara while she walked into the cockpit.

" Yeah sure, aren't you a Saint !! " Wayne didn't even looked at her

" You did this. With all your lies, and secrets. It shouldn't have happened if you told us the truth. " said Sara

" I only wanted to leave this fucking shit hole of a planet." said Wayne

" Go where ? Where will you go ? To your made up secret moon facility ? You said it yourself, you made this mess, that you are responsible for the death of millions. You destroyed our world. And you think you.." Sara got interrupted

" Your world... " said Wayne

" What ? My world ? It's your world too. " said Sara

" No. This is not my world. " Wayne replied

" What the fuck does that mean ? You are an alien ? Like them ? Even if you are, I will not be surprised. You are a monster just like them " said Sara

Wayne got up from his chair " You wanna know the truth ? Here it is, I don't care about you or anybody else. I don't care if you live or die. You wanna know why ?

Because this is not my earth. I'm in a different universe. "

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