Demons Saving Animals meets T...

By Lord_Tabby

27 0 0

After the ship blew up, the High Evolutionary secretly escaped to Earth to experiment on more animals, Rocket... More

Escaping the Ship
Tipping the Heroes.
The Rescue

The War

4 0 0
By Lord_Tabby

Lord Tabby used her pitchfork to pry open the doors to the laboratory, allowing her and Rocket to slip into the place "We gotta be careful, are you sure that giant fork will work?" Rocket asked as he loaded multiple weapons that were on him "Oh wait until I unleash the full demonic power in this thing" Lord Tabby said as orange electricity snaked up the base of the weapon.

Rocket and Lord Tabby then charged into the laboratory with their weapons in hand, alerting everyone in the building at once.
An Orgocorp guard quickly ran up to the High Evolutionary's office. "Sir! 89P13 is here!! He broke into the building! There's also some sort of robotic creature here too that is looking to kill you!" The Orgocorp guard warned.
"WHAT!! HOW DID 89P13 EVEN GET HERE?? SHOW ME THEM!!" The High Evolutionary demanded, the Orgocorp guard then pulled up a screen showing surveillance of Rocket and Lord Tabby looking around "That creature" he began to calm down as he pointed at Lord Tabby "It looks extraordinary, I want to observe it" "But sir it wants to-" "SILENCE" The High Evolutionary grabbed the screen watching the computer demon as her and Rocket fought of guards.
"Incredible, it seems immune to their weapons" He began as he continued watching.

Lord Tabby and Rocket then got cornered by the guards "Okay whatever that giant fork can do, do it now" Rocket begged, Lord Tabby sent the pitchfork slowly into the air and began to transform it "This pitchfork isn't only a pitchfork, I programmed it to be like a multi-tool" Lord Tabby explained as the weapon began to shape shift and glow.
A Tommy Gun then dropped down into Lord Tabby's hands, she quickly loaded it and began gunning down every single guard in a matter of seconds "HOLY SHIT THAT'S AWESOME!!" Rocket smiled as he watched Lord Tabby defeat all the guards.
After all the guards were dead she then tracked down the High Evolutionary's location in the building, a yellow line then ran all the way from where she was standing to where the High Evolutionary was, she began running to where he was at.

"Sir that thing killed all of the guards!!" The now last remaining Orgocorp guard screamed, "I wanna see how it fights the Hell Spawn" the High Evolutionary chuckled confident that they could defeat Lord Tabby.

Lord Tabby then returned her pitchfork back to normal and began prying open the next door, Rocket looked at her back noticing her backpack, which looked like a giant soup can with a cartoon devil on it "What's with the backpack?" Rocket asked "Ah right I forgot you haven't visited Earth much so you wouldn't know Bendy and the Ink Machine, how about I introduce you to it and a few other video games after this" Lord Tabby chuckled as she playfully punched Rocket's shoulder with her tail.
"You know I like you, you should be a guardian of the galaxy" Rocket chuckled. "As fun as it sounds, I have to stay here, someone needs to be able to guard this planet 24/7" Lord Tabby said.
"What do you work alone?" "Not exactly, I have a team, but some missions I need to do myself" there was a pause in the conversation. "Well who's your team?"
"Well there's my girlfriend Leya, she's pretty, and very cute, we've been dating for over five years. Then there's Narrow, my best friend, I almost dated her first before I met Leya. Then my other pal Stacy, she runs a rescue of her own called Bairds Nest Exotic Farm Sanctuary"

"Well your team sounds interesting" Rocket wrapped up the conversation as Lord Tabby got the doors open revealing multiple armed Hell spawns "Now how are you going to fight these Hell-" Rocket was cut off when Lord Tabby transformed her pitchfork into an enchanted diamond sword and charged into battle "Okay then" Rocket got out his guns and started shooting the Hell spawns that charged at him.
Lord Tabby then split her weapon in half transforming it into two skinny axes to slaughter more Hell spawns "You're having a lot of fun with this aren't you?" Rocket asked "Hell yeah, wanna see something really badass?" Lord Tabby then took off her backpack, opened it, and pulled out what appeared to be a cartoon Bendy cardboard cutout.

"How are you gonna kill with cardboard?" Rocket asked
"Watch" Lord Tabby flipped the cutout on its back revealing four raises up holes in the middle of it, she grabbed the cutout by those holes with her mechanical claw arm as if she attached it to herself.
As more Hell spawn charged at her, her clawed hand began spinning really fast, she threw her arm Forward as she was spinning her hand turning the Bendy cardboard cutout into a blade decapitating multiple Hell spawns at once.
Rocket watched in disbelief as Lord Tabby made the impossible possible.

Once they killed all the Hell spawn, Lord Tabby began working on the final door which led to the High Evolutionary.
The door surprisingly opened on its own revealing the High Evolutionary fully armed with weapons "Hello there, 89P13, and.. whatever you are" he smiled, Rocket and Lord Tabby walked in both on guard, "We're here to free your prisoners" Rocket said.

"I'm no longer interested in you 89P13" "I told you my name is Roc-" "I'm interested in your friend" The High Evolutionary looked and walked towards Lord Tabby "Such an extraordinary creature... You're like a robot.. but at the same time.. you're not, like you were born that way. Your face, it's a screen, but yet it shows emotion" The High Evolutionary snapped his fingers summoning a floating plater with snacks, he grabbed a cookie and gave it to Lord Tabby
"What is this some kind of peace offering?" Lord Tabby scoffed as she sniffed the cookie making sure it wasn't tainted before eating it. The High Evolutionary seeming astonished "It can eat too. But how? Your face, it seems like just glass. So tell me, what are you exactly? What is your species?" He questioned.

"Lord Tabby, the computer demon" She answered strictly "The computer demon" The High Evolutionary repeated "Where does the computer demon species originate? Are you a type of Hell spawn? That would explain how you were able to annihilate all of the Hell spawns out there"
"Demon royalty actually is what I'd identify as according to the hierarchy of Hell. My power is much higher in the ranks than most demons, let alone it's known that I'm more powerful than Lucifer himself, which brings me to my main point"
Lord Tabby grabbed the High Evolutionary's chest restraining him, "While your interest in me is rather flattering, it doesn't make up for everything you did... You tortured the lives of many innocent beings, Rocket.. Lylla.. Teefs... Floor... Once innocent animals that could have been free" Lord Tabby began growling and glowing.

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