Unexpected Love

By dreamerek

27.7K 2.5K 1K

This was not what Sanem had envisioned for her life. A young widow running her own publishing company..alone... More

Who Did I Just Kiss?
The Albatross Has Landed
Love and Friendship
Family Dynamics and Such Things
Muscles, Artwork and Reunions
Wingman Duties and Introductions
Gallery Openings and Revelations
Confessions and Surprises
Dreams and Family
Wildflowers and Realizations
Photo Shoots and Jealousy
Condolences and Promises
Decisions and Declarations
Perspectives and Yachts
Exes and Bandanas
Apologies and Candelight
Moonstones and Cookies
Kintsugi, Dates and Doubts
Trouble and Pain
Revelations and Bottles
Karaoke and Surprises
Wishes and Dreams Come True
Honeymooning and Baby Makes How Many?
Author's Note
Ready for Book 3?
Author's Note
Author's Note

Invitations and Dance Lessons

833 110 54
By dreamerek

Me? Gio, what's wrong? Sanem asked feeling uneasy.

Sanem, I just feel like I have to say something before it's too late, Gio said with a bit of urgency in his voice.

Too late for what? I don't understand..

Taking a deep breath in, Gio said slowly, Sanem, I, I don't like the way that Can is acting with you. I don't think he's good for you to be spending so much time with.

Can? How is he acting? Gio, I'm not following, Sanem said a bit frustrated.

Sanem, he is interested in you. It's not hard to imagine why he is. You're an amazing woman. But I don't trust him. I don't trust him at all! Have you seen his online photos and profile? He's got a different woman on his arm at all of these functions. He roams the world with no stability or commitment. He's..he's a like a wandering nomad! What could he possibly offer you, Sanem? Gio said calmly but with conviction.

Gio, I don't know what you think is going on between Can and I but I can assure you that we are just friends. And even if that were not the case, I am really uncomfortable talking to you about my private life in this way, Sanem said with a scowl.

I'm ruining this! She's never going to believe that I'm in love with her now because she's on the defense! Fix this, Gio, he said to himself feeling like he was losing control of the conversation.

Sanem, please, please calm down. Don't be angry with me. You have to believe me that I only have your best in mind. I know who you are. I know your kind heart. I don't want this worldly, muscle bound...guy...to come in and turn you around and then hurt you when he leaves, Gio said trying to sound calm but convincing.

Gio, I know that we are friends but we are also work colleagues. This is just inappropriate. You have made yourself clear and I'm not mad. I'm not. But I'm going to ask you to not bring this up again. Agreed? Sanem said sternly. I can take care of myself. I have been for the last 3 years. I don't need a man to come in and save me, understand?

Understood, Sanem. And I'm sorry. I'm so sorry that I upset you or offended you. I won't bring Can up again. I promise, Gio said sincerely.

Lunch ended abruptly as they were both very uncomfortable and ended up back at the office as quickly as possible, both going their separate way once back.


Can, I don't know if we mentioned it to you but we're having a formal event tomorrow night, Farah said when she joined him and her dad. We'd really love for you to be there since you're in town. It would mean a lot.

You did but when I heard formal, I tuned you out! Can said quickly.

Farah, answered with her puppy dog eyes, Please, Can??

Formal?? Oh man, Farah, you know I hate formal events. I can't breathe in a tux. I want to be there but just let me wear a nice suit. I promise I'll look presentable! Can begged.

Yes, okay, that's fine. I'm just glad you're actually here and coming to it. I'll just tell everyone you're my wild brother that lives in the jungle, Farah said jokingly.

Can I bring someone, Dad? Can asked.

You mean can you bring, Sanem? Aziz said with a playful smile. Yes, of course. I'd love to meet her.

Can left the office to call Sanem since it was such short notice. He thought about Gio and shrugged..all is fair in love and war.

Sanem hung up with Can after accepting his invitation and immediately called the girls. 

I'm going to need a team to help get me ready for this function, ladies! I haven't had to go to anything formal in a long time, she told them. Assuring her they would cancel everything to be there that night to help her, Sanem got back to work with a smile.

The conversation with Gio was tense and unnerving. They would have to work hard to return to their easy going relationship but she didn't want to lose him as a friend, nor a colleague so she prayed that this would work. They both avoided the other for the next few days.

She decided to wait until she was with the girls in person to tell them what happened at lunch with Gio. She didn't like being so stern with him but it was warranted. What upset her more, though, was the seeds of doubt he had planted in her mind about Can. She had a lot to think about.

Can had mentioned that there would be a DJ and dancing and she may have gotten a little too excited about the idea of that. It had been ages since she went dancing and definitely not since she lost Nicolas for sure. This could be fun, she thought!

Can sent a frantic text of his own to Mehmet, Farah and Tahir when he hung up with Sanem.

Ah, guys, I'm going to need some help. I told Sanem about the DJ at the Redmode function and she got really excited about dancing. I now have only 2 days to learn how to slow dance!!

Farah replied after finishing with a work call in her office, You'll need more than 2 days, my love! You're asking for a miracle.

Tahir chimed in on the group text, When was the last time you went dancing, Yaman??

A few minutes later Mehmet sent a dancing emoji and said..sorry, dude..that's not a mission that's possible..

Can rolled his eyes and replied back, I know how to dance to fast music!

No, you don't..typed Farah.

Can texted back, ok meet me at my house tonight. I need all of you. Don't bail on me!

The group agreed to meet at 7 so Can left the office to look for a nice suit to wear. He was planning to sweep Sanem Aydin off her feet if it was the last thing he did!

Later that night, the gang was all gathered, drinks were passed out and Farah told Can to stand up.

Show us what we're working with, Can, she said..knowing this was going to be comical. Mehmet whispered to her and Tahir, I didn't know Can could dance?

He can't, Farah whispered back..just watch!

Tahir put some hip hop style music on and watched Can start to bob his head to the beat.

Anytime you're ready, brother, Farah mocked.

I'm getting there! Just give me a minute, will ya? It's been awhile, Can snapped.

What are you doing with your hands, bro? yelled Mehmet.

Oh, he's just getting started, Farah laughed. Sit back and enjoy the show, my friends. You will now witness something you won't soon forget.

What the 3 friends saw unfold before them was nothing short of hysterical. Farah was right. They would not soon forget the sight of the mighty Can Yaman trying to dance.

Can bobbed his body up and down to the music, pointing his fingers like a gun, crossing them in front of his face for an added effect, pursing his lips and having a great time! Five minutes later when the song was finished, he smiled triumphantly and said..see! I told you. I got that part down. I just need help with the slow dancing!

Tahir, Farah, and Mehmet simultaneously shook their heads and said..No, absolutely not, Can. If you don't want Sanem to run screaming from the dance floor, we beg you..DO NOT DO THAT!

Tahir said, why do I feel like Will Smith in that movie Hitch?? Can, that was awful!

Two hours later and a lot of coaxing, the group finally made him agree to stick to just the slow dances, which Farah taught him. She would have to soak her feet when she got home from the pain of his big feet stepping on them but it was a labor of love.

Can went to bed satisfied that he could do this. He would take Sanem in his arms and show her how well he could dance. Sweeping her off her feet was still his goal! He just hoped to step on them a lot less than he had poor Farah's!


Celia and Corinna met Sanem at her house the night of the Redmode event in plenty of time to catch up and turn her into Cinderella.

So he basically bad-mouthed Can openly then? Celia asked while Corinna was busy straightening Sanem's hair. I can't believe it. What's gotten into Gio lately? Corinna said he put his arm around your shoulders the other day too..oh...oh...wait...was Can there when he did that?

Yes, Sanem said. It was the day of the photo shoot. It was so weird!

Corinna and Celia were putting the pieces together now. Putting down the straightening tool, they broke the news to their unsuspecting friend.

Sanem, dear, Corinna said...

Gio is in love with you.

Gasping and turning around to face them away from the mirror, Sanem said, NO! That's not possible! Celia??

Shaking her head yes, Celia said, I agree. It wasn't obvious until the pieces all came together. Gio has feelings for you, Sanem. He's jealous of Can.

He hasn't said anything remotely like that. And why would he? We've been friends for two years now! 

Sanem, one of your few faults is that you have no earthly idea how amazing you are. I keep telling you that. Why are you always so shocked to find out that a man finds you attractive and is interested in you? Corinna said with her hands on Sanem's shoulders.

Face it, girl. You have two GORGEOUS men interested in you right now. And from the looks of it, if you choose Gio over Can, there's a handsome photographer that will leave Positano completely heartbroken.

Sanem got really quiet which the girls knew meant to leave it alone. She had to process all of this and she was done talking. Going back to the make up bag and hair products, they continued talking about other subjects and letting Sanem ruminate.


Since the invitation was last minute, Sanem had a previous engagement that she had to attend first and so not to make Can late for his Dad's event, they agreed to meet at the venue but Can would bring her home.

Can was at the bar, nervously looking between the door and his phone. 

Son, she will be here, don't worry. She wouldn't say she'd come and then just not show up, Aziz assured him. I'm so looking forward to meeting her tonight.

Farah joined them bringing one of their biggest clients with her for Can to meet. Apparently he was a big fan of Can's work.

What a pleasure to meet you, Mr. McKinnon, Can said holding out his hand.

The pleasure is all mine, Can. I've been a fan for some years now. I even own several pieces of your work..

Mr. McKinnon was still talking, but everything stood still as Can looked over the man's shoulder and caught the eye of the most beautiful woman in the room as she stepped inside.

I'm so sorry, Mr. McKinnon. Will you excuse me, please? Can said as he walked towards Sanem, leaving him mid-sentence.

Sanem was looking around the venue until her attention was caught by the handsome man in the grey suit approaching her with a smile that could light up the city. She found herself smiling back easily.

Sanem! Hi! Wow. You are breathtaking. Sorry..welcome, I'm so glad you're here, Can said as he leaned into her ear.

She shuddered at the intimacy and looked back to Can's eyes and said softly, Thank you, Can, for inviting me. 

They knew they needed to move from the middle of the room but neither of them seemed to know how. As if bolted to the floor, they stood there lost in each other's eyes for what seemed like an eternity.

He could smell her exotic wildflower perfume and she swooned seeing him in his grey suit that looked as if it were made for his body. Every other man was in a tux but that's not the reason Can stood out. He was more gorgeous than any TV or movie star she'd ever seen before.

I've never seen such a handsome man. How is it even possible? Sanem thought.

And I've never seen a more beautiful woman in all my life as you, Can said with a smile watching Sanem blush every color, horrified that she had actually just said that out loud!

They both laughed nervously, not taking their eyes off of each other.

Farah and Aziz walked up to the couple, wondering if they hadn't, how long they would have just stood there. The DJ was about to start and they were standing in the middle of the dance floor.

Sanem, welcome! Farah said and reached for a hug. I'd like you to meet our Dad, Aziz.

The trance broken, Sanem reached for Aziz's hand to shake it and he brought her in for a hug instead.

My dear, you're like family, Sanem. Forgive me, I'm a hugger, Aziz said with a chuckle. 

Mr. Yaman, it's a pleasure to meet you. I think we may have met once when I was studying with Farah at your house back in high school but mostly I spent time with your wonderful wife. Please accept my sincerest condolences, Sanem said with a sad smile. She always made me feel at home when I was there.

Please, please call me Aziz. No need to be formal. And may I extend mine to you as well, Sanem. I'm so very sorry for your loss. 

Can, why don't you get Sanem a drink and show her where the refreshments are, Farah said, hoping to alleviate the heaviness.

Yes, please let's go to the bar and get you something, Sanem, Can answered.

Dad, we will catch up to you soon, he said with a smile.

Sanem smiled at Aziz and Farah as she followed Can, ordered a drink and looked around. It's a wonderful event. I've always loved this venue.  It reminds me of the opera house in Rome. And your dad is so sweet. I do remember him now, vaguely. It was nice of him to allow me to be here. It seems like a big night for their company .

It is and they're very happy you could join me. 

The DJ started playing some dance music just then and Farah caught Can's eye across the room and shot him a warning look that said..don't even think about it..

Can smiled and looked away.

Sanem and Can talked about their last few days since they were at her house and laughed about Can's dance lesson.

I'm sure you dance fine, Can. You don't scare me! Sanem teased.

Right at that moment, Can heard the DJ switch to a slow song, a song that he had loved for years. Extending his hand to Sanem, he said in that husky tone that made her shiver, 

Sanem, would you please dance with me?

Blushing, Sanem put her tiny hand in Can's large one and said, I'd love to, Can. This is one of my favorite songs ever.

Smiling, Can led her to the dance floor thinking to himself..

Of course, it is..

Taking Sanem into his arms, Can paused, taking in the moment. A moment that he had been waiting for years to experience. Closing his eyes, holding her around her waist as she lay her tiny hands on his muscular arms, he began to sway them gently. Getting lost in the music and the words, her beautiful almond shaped eyes, her intoxicating scent, her tempting full lips, he sighed and smiled.

Fade into you
Strange you never knew
Fade into you
I think it's strange you never knew

The lyrics to this song fit the way Can was feeling in this moment. He would make sure Sanem knew this time. There would be no doubt.

As Can slid his warm hand up her arm slowly, feeling her soft skin, Sanem shivered. She was feeling sensations she had long forgotten. Excitement, thrill, passion.

She was lost in those dark chocolate eyes that made her feel like there was no one else present. It was just Can and Sanem in the whole world at that moment, as they swayed to the haunting music. He pulled her a little closer around her waist and her hands slid up to his chest. 

Neither of them wanted to stop dancing when the song ended but reluctantly took a step apart. 

Sanem..Can whispered..

But someone came by to shake his hand and ask for a picture. Not wanting to be rude, he released her and took the picture, noticing that she had left. Going to look for her, Farah stopped him and told him she had excused herself to the ladies room.

Can had to hold himself back from telling her everything that was on his heart. As he held her in his arms, any doubt in his mind was soon dispelled. 

He was in love with this woman. 

Deeply. But he wanted to listen to what his Dad had told him and when she walked back to him, he just reached for her hand and held it, saying nothing.

Sanem was glad for the interruption from the fan because she was about to..about to, what, kiss him? No, no. She couldn't do that. She was still reeling from what the girls had said about not only Can but also Gio. She was confused and slightly dizzy from it all.

Sanem, is everything ok? Can asked seeing her pensive look.

Yes, yes I'm fine, thanks, Can. I'm just a little tired actually. I'm sorry. I think I may need to call it a night. I can get a taxi so you can stay with your family, Sanem answered.

Absolutely not, Sanem. Let's go tell them we're leaving, Can insisted.

Saying their goodbyes to Aziz and Farah, they headed for Can's Jeep. Helping her into the car, Can told her again how beautiful she looked.

Climbing into the driver's seat, he heard her say, Thank you, Can. I had a good time tonight. I'm sorry I had to cut our evening short.

Smiling, Can forced his eyes off of her and turned around to start the car, pulling off into the night.

What a lovely night. The stars are so bright in this part of town. Not so many buildings and bright lights. You can really see them, Sanem mused.

I'd love to invite you to my boat then, if you like to look at the stars. We could take it out and see them even better. How about tomorrow night? Can asked hoping she'd accept.

That sounds wonderful. I love the water, especially at night, Sanem answered.

Wonderful, he repeated, looking at her again with a big smile. I'll pick you up at 6 then. We can have dinner on the boat and then take her for a spin if we have time. But I still want to have you over to my hut. Another night, though. Pulling up to her house, Can got out and went around to help Sanem out of the car. His intention was to ask Sanem out as many times as she allowed.

Walking her up to her door, Can waited for her to put her keys in and turn back to him. 

Thank you again for tonight, Sanem, Can said slowly looking from her eyes to her lips and back again.

Thank you for not stepping on my feet, she said with a giggle. Can thought he could listen to that sound for the rest of his life. Tell Farah she did well..

Good night, Can. 

Good night, Sanem. 

Sweet dreams...


Author's note:

If you didn't do it already, go back and play the music video of "Fade Into You" while you read the part with them dancing..swoon! I had it on repeat as I wrote today! Such a beautiful haunting song.

I've been in this romance bubble all day writing this. I hope you feel it too!

And if you ever want to laugh out loud, Google Can Yaman dancing if you've never seen it before. I wanted to find a video to insert here in the dance lesson scene but none were quite right. The man is soooo many things and I'm madly in love with him..but dancing is not one of his strong suits. I couldn't help it. I had to include that here!

Hit that star and vote if you liked the chapter and remember to save it to your list for notifications. Muah!

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